
Desimoni, Cornelio. Giovanni Verrazano scopritore di regioni nell' America settentrionale; studio con note ed una appendice. 68 pp. 8°. Bruxelles, 1879. (Extrait du Congrès des américanistes de 1879)

Desimoni, C. Giovanni Verrazzano scopritore di regioni nell' America settentrionale, studio di Cornelio Desimoni di Genova con note ed una appendice.

[In Congrès international des américanistes. Compte rendu de la se session, Bruxelles, 1879. 8°. Bruxelles, C. Muquardt, 1879. v. 1, pp. 391-458] Desimoni, C. Intorno al Fiorentino Giovanni Verrazzano, scopritore in nome della Francia di regioni nell' America settentrionale; studio secondo, per il socio Cornelio Desimoni.

[In Società ligure di storia patria. Genoa. Atti Genova, 1881. v. 15, p. [105]-178, [353]-378. map]

A criticism of H. C. Murphy's Voyage of Verrazzano, N. Y., 1875. First presented to the Congrès internat. des américanistes, 2d sess., Luxemburg, 1877, and printed in the Compte rendu of the 3d sess., Brussels, 1879, t. 1, p. 391–458, a short extract in french having previously appeared in the Compte rendu of the 2d session. As here published in the Atti, it contains one additional chapter, and a 2d and 3d appendix [I due documenti riguardanti i Verrazzano, che il Signor Harrisse trasse dall' Archivo del Parliamento de Rouen-Sulla nomenclatura di Maggiolo, Verrazzano, Ulpius e Gastaldo] The third appendix is accompanied by the map of the visconte Maggiolo (1527) reproduced from the original in the Ambrosiana, Milano.-A shorter criticism of Murphy's conclusions as summarized by Harrisse, in Rev. crit., 1876, n. s., t. 1, p. 17-22, had been pub. by Desimoni in Archivio storico ital., Firenze, 1877, 3. ser., t. 26, p. 48-68; Il viaggio di Giovanni Verrazzano. 1524. Desimoni, C. Il viaggio di Giovanni Verrazzano all' America settentrionale nel 1524.


[In Archivio storico italiano . . . 3. serie. 8°. Firenze, 1877. v. 26, p. [48]–68. Review of H. C. Murphy's Voyage of Verrazzano, N. Y., 1875, as summarized by Harrisse in Rev. crit., 1876, n. s., t. 1, p. 17-22. Having received a copy of Murphy's work while his article was in press, Desimoni followed with a fuller review, in Congrès internat. des Américanistes, Compte rendu de la 3. sess. 1879, t. 1, p. 391-458; also, with additions, in Atti della Società ligure di storia patria, Genova, 1881 under title: Intorno al Fiorentino Giovanni Verrazzano, studio secondo [con tre appendici], and separate, Genova, 1881. Dexter, George. Cortereal, Verrazano, Gomez, Thevet.

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[In Winsor, Justin. Narrative and critical history of America. 8°. Boston, J. R. Osgood & co. 1885. v. 4, pp. 1-32]

Gaffarel, Paul Louis Jacques. Le corsaire Jean Fleury. 26 pp. 4°. Rouen, E. Cagniard (L. Gy, successeur) 1902.

"Extrait du Bulletin de la Société normande de géographie."

The author distinguishes between the pirate Jean Fleury, or Florin, and the Florentine navigator Giovanni Verrazzano, considered by some writers to be one and the same person.

Geleich, Eugen. Ortsbestimmung durch Verrazzano.

[In Petermanns mitteilungen. 1894. 4°. Gotha, J. Perthes, 1894. v.40, pt.5, pp. 115-117]

Gravier, Gabriel. Les voyages de Giovanni Verrazano sur les côtes d'Amérique avec des marins normands, pour le compte du roi de France en 1524-1528. 32 pp. 8°. Rouen, E. Cagniard (L. Gy, succr) 1898.

"Extrait du Bulletin de la Société normande de géographie (4o cahier de 1898)" Green, George Washington. The life and voyages of Verrazzano . . . 21 pp. 8°. Cambridge [Mass.] Folsom, Wells, & Thurston, 1837.

Verrazzano, Gerolamo da-Continued.

Published anonymously; author's name in ms. on t.-p.

21. of ms. inserted at end.

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in the year

. . 3 p. l.,

Reprinted from the North American review, 1837, v. 45, p. 293-311.
Hakluyt, Richard. Divers voyages touching the discovery of America and the
islands adjacent. Collected and published by Richard Hakluyt
1582. Ed., with notes and an introduction, by John Winter Jones
cxi, 171, 6 p. 3 fold. facsmi. (incl. 2 maps) London, for the Hakluyt society,
1850. (Added t.-p.: Works issued by the Hakluyt society [v. 7])
Reprint of original edition, including t.-p.

Harrisse, Henry. La cartographie Verrazanienne. 12 pp. 8°. Paris, institut
géographique de Paris; C. Delagrave, 1896. [His Opuscules, v. 2, no. 6]

"Extrait de la Revue de géographie."

Harrisse, Henry. La cartographie Verrazanienne.

[In Revue de géographie. Novembre, 1896. 8°. Paris, C. Delagrave, 1896. v. 39, pp. 324-333]

Harrisse, H. Un nouveau globe Verrazanien. cover-title, 3 pp. 8°. Paris, Institut géographique de Paris; C. Delagrave, 1895. [His Opuscules, v. 1, no. 11] "Extrait de la Revue de géographie."

"Signale une petite sphère en cuivre doré de om.44 de circonférence très finement gravée. Elle porte la date de 1530 et la signature Robertus de Bailly. Le dessin n'en est d'ailleurs pas original. Nous croyons savoir que cette sphère a été acquise par M. Rosenthal, de Munich."

Hugues, Luigi. Di un nuovo documento attinente a Giovanni da Verrazzano.
14 pp. 8°. Casale, Cassone, 1895.

Reviewed by Sophus Ruge in Petermanns mitteilungen. 1897.
graphischer literaturbericht für 1897. p. 80, title 268.

Hugues, L. Giovanni Verrazzano, notizie sommarie.

v. 43. Geo

[In Italy. Raccolta di documenti e studi. Pubblicati dalla R. commissione
colombiana pel quarto centenario dalla scoperta dell'America. fol. Roma, auspice
il ministero della pubblica istruzione, 1893. pt. 5, v. 2, pp. 219–251]
Hugues, L. Il navigatore italiano Giovanni da Verrazzano e il corsaro francese
Giovanni Florin. 19 pp. 8°. Casale Monf. tip. Tarditi, 1900.

Lechner, Karl. Ueber die entdeckungsreise des Giovanni Verrazano.

[In Globus. 1890. 4°. Braunschweig, 1890. v. 57, no. 8, pp. 114-116; no 9, pp. 139-142; no. 10, pp. 153–156]

Major, Richard Henry. Verrazzano.

[In Geographical (The) magazine. Edited by C. R. Markham. 1876. 8°. London, Trübner & co. 1876. v. 3, pp. 186-188]

Reprinted from the Pall Mall gazette for may 26, 1876.

Map of the world containing the discovery of Verrazzano, drawn by Hieronimus de Verazzano.

[In Historical (The) magazine. Oct. 1866. sm. 4°. Morrisania, N. Y., H. B. Dawson, 1866. v. 10, pp. 299-300]

From the Appendix to a pamphlet printed at Paris, in 1852, entitled Les papes géographes et la cartographie du Vatican, par m. R. Thomassy.

Murphy, Henry Cruse. The voyage of Verrazzano: a chapter in the early history of maritime discovery in America. viii, 198, 4 pp. illus., fold. maps, chart. 8°. New York [Albany, J. Munsell] 1875-[76]

The supplement "copies, taken from the archives of the parliament of Rouen, of two powers of attorney made by Verrazzano," 4 pp., was not issued until 1876 and is said to be found in only a few copies. "The Verrazzano letter according to the original version. Translated by dr. J. G. Cogswell, from a copy of the ms. in the Magliabechian library in Florence and printed in the

Collections of the New York historical society. Second series, vol. 1, p. 41-51: p. 170-186.

New light on Verazzano's voyage of 1524. [anon.] [In Royal geographical society. Journal. April, 1910. v. 35, pp. 428-436] Pelli, Giuseppe Bencivenni. Elogio di Giovanni da Verrazzano fiorentino, scopritore della Nuova Francia nel secolo XVI. xi pp. 8°. [Firenze, G. Allegrini & comp. 1769] Signed: G. P.

Pennesi, Giuseppe. Pietro Martire d'Anghiera e le sue relazioni sulle scoperte oceaniche. Amerigo Vespucci, Giovanni Verrazzano, Juan Bautista Genovese, notizie sommarie, per Luigi Hugues. Giovanni Caboto, note critiche, per Vincenzo Bellemo. Leone Pancaldo, sussidi documentari, per Prospero Peragallo. 306 pp. 11. fol. Roma, ministero della pubblica istruzione, 1894.

[Italy. Commissione colombiana. Raccolta di documenti e studi. pte. 5, v. 2] Ed. of 560 copies.

Printed by Forzani e c., Rome.

Peragallo, Prospero. Ancora sulla distinta personalitá di Giovanni da Verrazzano, navigatore, e di Giovanni Florin, corsaro.

[In Società geografica italiana. Bollettino. Gennaio, 1900. 8°. Roma, presso la società geografica italiana, 1900. Serie 4, v. 1, pp. 402–409]

Peragallo, P. Intorno alla supposta identità di Giovanni Verrazzano. col. corsaro francese Giovanni Florin.

[In Società geografica italiana. Memorie. 8°. Roma, presso la società, 1897. v.7, pt. 1, pp. 165–190]

Peragallo, P. Les voyages de Giovanni Verrazano sur les côtes d'Amérique, par m. Gabriel Gravier. Traduit de l'italien par le lieut. colonel [O.] Tulle.

[In Société normande de géographie. Bulletin. 1899. 4°. Rouen, E. Cagniard, 1899. v. 21, pp. 97-102]

From Bulletin de la Société italienne de géographie. (Cahier de mai 1899) Smith, Buckingham. An inquiry into the authenticity of documents concerning a discovery in North America claimed to have been made by Verrazzano. Read before the New-York historical society, october 4th, 1864. 31 pp. front. (fold. map) 8°. New-York, J. F. Trow, 1864.

Verrazzano, Giovanni da. Al christianissimo re di Francia Francesco Primo, relatione di Giouanni da Verrazzano Fiorentino della terra per lui scoperta . . . scritta in Dieppa . MDXXIIII.

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[In Ramusio, G. B. Navigationi et viaggi. Venetia, 1550-74. v. 3 (1556) l. 420-422]

Verrazzano, Giovanni da. Lettera di Giovanni da Verrazzano navigatore fiorentino a Francesco I, re di Francia, sulla scoperta di nuove terre nelle costa settentrionale d'America con altra di Fernando Carli sullo stesso argomento. Documenti storico del secolo XVI tratti da un codice Magliabechiano preceduti da un discorso di Giuseppe Arcangeli letto alla Società Colombaria nell' adunanza del 24 agosto 1851. [In Archivio Italiano. Firenze, 1853. Appendice, t. 9, p. [17]-55] Verrazzano, Giovanni da. The relation of Iohn de Verrazzano a Florentine, of the land by him discovered in the name of His Maiestie. Written in Diepe the eight of july, 1524.

[In Hakluyt, Richard. Collection of voyages. London, 1809-12. v. 3 (1810) p. 357-364]

Reprint from the 2d ed. of the Principal navigations, 1598–1600.

Verrazzano, Giovanni da. Scheeps-togt van Johan de Verrazano, Florentyner, na Florida; uytgesonden van Francoys de I, koning van Vrankrijk, om vreemde landen te ontdekken, in het jaar 1524. 1 p. l., [10] pp. illus. Leyden, P. vander Aa [1710?]

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Verrazzano, Gerolamo da Continued.

[In Aa, Pieter van der. De aanmerkenswaardigste en alomberoemde zee- en land-
reizen. Leyden [1727?] [v. 7, no. 4]

Winship, George Parker, editor. Sailors narratives of voyages along the New
England coast, 1524-1624; with notes 5 p. l., 3-292 p., 1 l. 3 maps (incl.


front.) 3 facsim. 8°. Boston, Houghton, Mifflin & co., 1995.
"Four hundred and forty copies printed. Number 439."
Contents.-Giovanni da Verrazano, 1524. Narragansett Bay.

Zeri, Augusto. Giovanni da Verrazzano. 15 pp. 8°. Roma, Forzani E. C., 1893.
Estratto dalla Revista marittima, marzo 1893.

Ribero, Diego, d. 1533.


Carta universal en que se contiene todo lo que del mundo se ha descubierto fasta agora: hizola diego ribero cosmographo de su magestad ano de 1529. La qual se devide en dos partes conforme a la capitulacion que hizieron los catholicos Reyes de españa y el Rey don Juan de portugal en la citta de tordesillas año de 1494. Ms. 217 x 89 cms. Original in Grand Ducal Library Weimar. Kohl Collection, U. S. L. C., no. 42. Facsimile same size as original in Maps illustrating early discovery and exploration in America by E. L. Stevenson, 1903. No. 11. See the Kohl Col. by Justin Winsor, no. 42 and authorities there cited. There is a second copy of the same date in the Kohl Col., U. S. L. C., no. 41, differing slightly from no. 42. Shows Florida with names. Known as "Ribero map."

LC 31

NOTE.—In "Text" to accompany the reproduction of Stevenson there is a de-
scription of this map. Consult Phillips' List of Geographical Atlases, title 1139.
The following is from Winsor's description of the Kohl Collection, title 41, 42, p. 38:
"These copies give only the American parts of this map of the world. Kohl
in these drawings copied the draft of it by Güssefeldt, which was given in a
monograph by M. C. Sprengel, Über Ribero's älteste Welt-karte, published in
1795, which followed a copy at Jena, and which Kohl says he follows in lieu of
something better. In 1860 Kohl reproduced the Weimar original in his Die
beiden ältesten General-Karten von America. The entire map is given in San-
tarem, in Lelewel, and in Rüge's Geschichte des Zeitalters der Entdeckungen
(1883) There is another early copy in the Archivio del Collegio di Propa-
ganda at Rome. Consult the references in Winsor's Bibliog. of Ptolemy's Geog.,
sub anno 1540, and the Bull. de la Soc. de géog. de Paris (1847) 1, p. 309.
"Referring to the Newfoundland region, Kohl thinks Ribero may have seen and
used a map of these parts made in 1506 by a Frenchman. This refers to
Charlevoix's statement of a map made by Jehan Denys; but Harrisse, Cabots,
p. 250, pronounces it "absolument apocryphe." A facsimile of an undated
map of the Ribero type was published by the Spanish Government in the Cartas
de Indias in 1877.

"A Spanish planisphere, in the possession of the Marchesi Castiglione in Mantua,
shows the whole Atlantic coast of both Americas, and on the Labrador coast
has this legend: "Tierra que descobrio Estevan Gomez este año de 1525 por
mandado de su majestad." Consult Studi biog. e bibliog. della Soc. geog. ital.,
II. no. 412; Portioli, Carte e memorie geographiche in Mantova (1875) p. 24.”

A reproduction is also found in Santarem's Essai sur l'histoire de la cosmographie et de la cartographie pendant le moyen-âge, no. 64 of the atlas which is described in Phillips' List of Geographical Atlases, title 262.

The Library of Congress has also a copy of this map, 23 x 54 ins., entitled "The second Borgian map by Diego Ribero. Seville, 1529. Reproduced from the original in the Museum of the Propaganda in Rome, lent by his holiness pope Leo XIII, by W. Griggs. [Peckham, S. E., W. Griggs, 1886]

Consult the following works in the Library of Congress, relating to Ribero: Bertuch, Frederick Justin. Einige bemerkungen über zwei der ältesten handschriftlichen welt-charten in der charten-sammlung sr. durchl. des herzog von Sachsen-Weimar.

[In Allgemeine geographische ephemeriden. Jan. 1811. 8°. Weimar, 1811. v. 34, pp. 33-38]

Both by Ribero, made in 1527 and 1529.


Danvers, Frederick Charles. Map of the world, commonly known as second Borgian map." [Executed by Diego de Ribero at Sevilla in 1529] 14 pp. 8°. 1889.

See Bernard Quaritch's A catalogue of works on the language, history and geography of America, Asia and Africa. April 16, 1891. no. 111, title 85, for history of this map.

Hamy, Ernest Théodore. Note sur la mappemonde de Diego Ribero (1529) conservée au Musée de la propagande de Rome.

[In France. Ministère de l'instruction publique et des beaux-arts. Comité des travaux historiques et scientifiques. Bulletin de géographie historique et descriptive. 1887. 8°. Paris, 1887, pp. 57-64]

Also in his Études historiques et géographiques.

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Kohl, Johann Georg. Die beiden ältesten general-karten von Amerika. Ausführt in den jahren 1527 und 1529 auf befehl kaiser Karl's v. Im besitz der grossherzoglichen bibliothek zu Weimar. 2 pts. in 1 v. x, 185 pp., 2 fold. maps. fol. Weimar, geographisches institut, 1860.

Erster theil: Allgemeine untersuchungen über die beiden karten.

Zweiter theil: Specielle analyse der beiden karten.

Only the parts of the two maps relating to America have been reproduced in facsimile.

Map no. 1, entitled, "Carta universal, en que se contiene todo lo, que del mundo se a descubierto fasta aora hizola un cosmographo de su majestad anno M. D. XVII en Sevilla" is attributed by Kohl to Hernando Colon, son of Christopher Columbus.

Map no. 2 is entitled, "Carta universal en que se contiene todo lo que del mundo se ha descubierto fasta agora: Hizola Diego Ribero cosmographo de su majestad: ano de 1529. La qual se devide en dos partes conforme a la capitulació que hizieron los catholicos reyes de españa, y el rey don Juan de portugal è la villa de Tordesillas: año de 1494."

Sprengel, Matthias Christian. Ueber J. Ribero's älteste welt-charte. 77 pp., 1 fold. map. 8°. Weimar, industrie-comptoir, 1795.

Stevenson, Edward Luther. Early spanish cartography of the New World, with special reference to the Wolfenbüttel-Spanish map and the work of Diego Ribero . . 53 pp. maps (1 fold.) 4°. Worcester, Mass., Davis press, 1909. 'Reprinted from the Proceedings of the American antiquarian society, for april,

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Zach, Franz Xaver, freiherr von. Ancienne mappemonde espagnole de l'an 1529 par Diego Riberio.

[In his Correspondance astronomique . . 8°. Gênes, L. Carniglia, 1824. v. 10, p. 466]

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