
companion may abide in all safety and comfort, even at the dwelling of Hereward the Saxon, the last spot where suspicion will alight, should her father even search for her."

Margaret looked up to Edwin for a reply, and there was something in her countenance which indicated that such a retreat would not be unwelcome.

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Humble, though our dwelling may be, lady!" said Elfrida, taking advantage of the short silence which reigned; "your welcome shall be sincere, and no pains spared to bring comfort to one, who, like yourself hath so often stood between us and danger; I know no one to whom my father would more gladly unbar his doors than to you and Sir Edwin."

Elfrida knew not, that while she was then speaking, her father was a prisoner, and about to appear before his greatest enemy, De March


"I thank thee, kind maiden !" said Margaret, blushing deeply as she spoke, for her thoughts had wandered to the disguise she then wore. "I know of none other with whom I would sooner abide than thy worthy sire and thyself, and will gladly avail myself of thine offer until affairs

wear another aspect, providing I have Edwin's consent."

This was, of course, readily given, and Edwin agreed to accompany Margaret and Elfrida to the dwelling of the Saxon. It was, however, arranged that they should wait the return of Royston Gower, who was compelled to lead the outlaws to where the messenger waited. Robin Hood immediately set out to attempt the rescue of Edith, followed by Walter and the dwarf, and a numerous train, who gradually vanished among the deep foliage of the forest, each eager for the affray.


Angelo. He must die to-morrow.

Isabella.-To-morrow? O, that's sudden! Spare him, spare

him :

He's not prepared for death! Even for our kitchens
We kill the fowl of season: shall we serve heaven

With less respect than we do minister

To our gross selves?

Measure for Measure.

WHILE these measures were in progress for the deliverance of Edith, Hereward the Saxon was borne perforce to the palace, to answer before King John, and Sir Geoffrey de Marchmont for killing the royal hart. The monarch on that morning, was in one of his evil moods, for just before Hereward entered he had been informed of the tumult which had taken place at Mansfield, and of the contempt with

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which his proclamation had been received. Neither were these all the circumstances which had transpired to ruffle his hasty temper. Cardinal Langton had issued forth the interdict, and divine service had every where ceased, excepting amongst those who were in favour with the king, and had some interest in setting at defiance the mandates of the pope. Several of the bishops had fled to the continent, after having laid such parts of the kingdom as they presided over, under sentence of the interdict.

King John was busied in issuing his orders for seizing upon all the lands, and revenues, abbeys, and benefices, of those who had obeyed the sentence: and a monk was making out the writs necessary for the fulfilment of these orders. Messengers were continually passing in and out of the apartment in which the monarch and De Marchmont were seated; together with several barons and knights, and officers of various orders.

"The lazy drones!" exclaimed the king, rising from his seat; " and he of Ely, too, whom I raised from the kennel to my own table, he must publish this bug-bear tale of the pope's to frighten old fools into fits, and make grey

beards pale over their prayers! But, by God's teeth! he of Rome shall find with whom he has to deal. I will be sworn that he hath taken me for one of the foolish, who run to kiss the cross on Good Fridays, or pray themselves hoarse over the mouldering relic of some ass who was sainted for his stupidity. Troweth he that the dead will slumber the less soundly in their graves, because a parcel of drunken and gormandising priests have not mumbled their unintelligible gibberish over them? or that the whole sanctity of the church is worth the clipping of a silver penny? Away, Fitz-Halbert," exclaimed he, raising his voice; "take a plump of spears, and pierce through whoever dares to oppose your path;-ransack the dens which these drones of the church too long have fouled. Leave neither pyx nor candlestick, bell nor book, nor gold enough to gild a finger of their trumpery images. Dictate to a king! forsooth. They deem me a child in the pope's leading-strings, one that can just whisper his paternoster, and speak silkily of heaven; but, by the depths to which they have damned the people, they shall yet find that I also can launch forth my thunder, and scorch with leven fire.

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