

QUERCUS BALLOTA. Desfontaines.

Q. Foliis ellipticis perennantibus denticulatis integrisve subtus tomentosis, glande longissima. Desfont. Fl. Atlant. v. 2. p. 350.

Leaves ever green, elliptical, dentated or entire, downy underneath, with a very long acorn. Q. Foliis ellipticis indivisis serratisque subtus tomentosis, cortice integro, nuce cylindracea. Willd. Sp. Pl. y. 4. 432.


This oak is allied to the Quercus Ilex of Linnæus; and Desfontaines appears to be the first who takes notice of it—he observes that the leaves are downy and white underneath, the acorn almost twice as long, as that of the Q. Ilex, and which is sweet and pleasant; it likewise differs in height and habit from the last. It is distinguished from the Quercus Suber, or


cork-tree, by the bark not being fungous or corky-by soil and by age it varies much-some are furnished with small orbicular leaves, others with elliptic leaves, and some again with lanceolate leaves. Desfontaines seems to think it is the Quercus major of Clusius Hist. 22. The natives of Mount Atlas eat the acorns both roasted and raw--the wood is compact and very hard, and used for various purposes. Desfont. 1. c.

He quotes Pliny, lib. XVI. cap. V. "Glandes opes esse nunc quoque multarum gentium etiam pace gaudentium constat, nec non et inopia frugum arefactis, molitur farina, spissaturque in panis usum."

Native of Barbary, about Algier, Belide, Mascar, Themsen, &c. and of Spain, if it be Clusius's tree.


Q. Foliis subrotundo-ovatis, basi cordatis sinuato-denticulatis pungentibus undulatis subtus tomentosis, antheris subrotundis. Hortus Kewensis, v. 3. p. S55. Holly-leaved evergreen oak


Leaves roundish oval, at the base heart-shaped, sinuatedly denticulated, prickly, undulated or waved, underneath downy, with roundish anthere or anthers.

Q. Gramuntia-foliis subrotundo-ovatis cor


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