acteristic of him, preserved in a window of his office a wire blind carrying the legend The Scots Observer.' Into all that he achieved into his craft and into the literary enterprises which he encouraged - Walter Blaikie carried much of himself and all his own thoughts and enthusiasms. We like most to picture him sitting in his little room in Thistle Street, where he wore the aspect of a smiling wizard. The ceiling was covered by a pictured firmament in which he could study the stars; for to astronomy, in the hope as he said in his whimsical fashion of arriving at astrology, he was devoted. And all the space which was not taken up by books was filled with astronomical instruments. Had you seen a stuffed crocodile hanging from the roof you would not have been surprised. With all his interests, artistic, scientific, and scholarly, he was a man of affairs also, and for many years grudged neither time nor money if only he might do a service to Edinburgh. Yet perhaps it is as a historian that he will be best remembered. He was a supreme authority upon Prince Charles Edward and his misfortunes, and his 'Origin of the Forty-five' and other works are not likely to be superseded. He once told a friend that he could follow the movements of Prince Charles through every hour that he spent in Scotland, and he added with an ironic smile that the more he knew about him the less he esteemed him. And now that his well-filled life has come to an end, his friends will treasure his memory, we believe, rather for what he was than for what he did: they will think of him as one staunch in friendship, quick in humour, as a man who had the rare gift of smiling at misfortune, and who did not take his most serious pursuits too seriously. CLAIM, 498. THE COTTON BRASSCASTLE: Part One-Tweed, 768; BROWNE, DOUGLAS G. :- CADI: HUR OUTLAWS, 383. HIGHBROWS AND LOWBROWs, 1. Catchwords, 276-"Safety First" the COMMANDANT'S GOAT, THE, 315. DEATH'S HOLIDAY: A BALLAD OF LIFE, DEBT OF HONOUR, A, 452. 'Defence of the West,' by Henri Massis, DESERT EXPEDITION, A, 519. DEVI DEEN, MUTINEER: I., 443- DREWET, JESSE CARR: TIN IN THE DRUG ON THE MARKET, A, 145. EL GRANDE OSUNA, 639. ENGLISH CLIMATE, FLYING, AND THE, EXPEDITION, A DESERT, 519. FAME AND MONS. RENÉ, 749. FIRE AND FEATHERS, 709. "FORTHWITH," 176. A CHRISTMAS EVE IN YORUBA LAND, FIRE AND FEATHERS, 709. G. O. M.: FLYING, AND THE ENGLISH "GAID SAKIT": COTTON CULTIVATION, GORDON, VIVIAN: THROUGH THE UN- HANNAY, DAVID :- ARCHBISHOP AND ADMIRAL, 109. Hardy, Thomas, the Shakespeare of our 226. Hearst, Dr W. R., and world peace, 132 HIGHBROWS AND LOWBROWS, 1. History no science, 140-the injustice of RADDER, THE, 823. the Whigs, 143. HOARE, RAWDON: BANANAS, 125. HORNE, JOHN: SAHKYR HANOUM, 79. dent in Kashmir: FEATHERS, 709. HUR OUTLAWS, 383. JORDAN, HUMFREY :- STRICTLY HONEST, 343. KARPREEN'S RIVER, 98. LAST HOUSE, THE, 694. MACBETH IN HISTORY AND IN THE PLAY, MACCLURE, VICTOR: FAME AND MONS. M'FEE, WILLIAM: THE MUTATIONS OF MACMUNN, Lieut. General Sir GEORGE, MARINER: TRAVELLERS' Jov, 408. MATTERHORN, A TRAVERSE OF THE 842. MAYCOCK, A. L.: THE RADDER, 823. MUSINGS WITHOUT METHOD: January, MUTATIONS OF MECHANISM, THE, 28. NIGHT ON MITIARO, A, 490. PEAK OF TERROR, THE, 596. Queen Victoria's 'Letters,' 1880-1885, RATTRAY, Captain R. S.: THE MAUSOLEUM OF 'AMPON AGYEI, 842. RIDOUT, THOMAS: AN ACCOUNT OF MY RIVER, KARPREEN'S, 98. SAHKYR HANOUM, 79. SALL BEATS STEAM: I. The English SEROW, 184. SAIL BEATS STEAM, 230. SHAWANESE INDIANS, DWELLING ON THE SUMMER OF THE YEAR 1788, 289. SMYTHE, F. S.: THE PEAK OF TERROR, SOBHA SINGH, RESSALDAR, 261. STEWART, Brig. General Cosmo, C.B., STRICTLY HONEST, 343. TEKRI: ABOUT MONKEYS, 549. 721. TIN IN THE FINDING, 469. TRAVELLERS' JOY, 408. United States, the, as its wiser citizens 'War Guilt, The,' by Mr H. W. Wilson, WARREN, G.: THE BEETLE GAME, 403. THE SOUTH DOWNS, 378. 716. Printed in Great Britain by Entered as second-class matter, January 22, 1889 at the post office at New York, N. Y., under the act of March 3, 1879. .00 Per Year Single Copy. 50 ( Catholic College for Women Registered by Regents Standard College Preparatory Courses Academy of St. Elizabeth Saint Mary's School PEEKSKILL-ON-THE-HUDSON, Ν. Υ. Boarding School for Girls Under the charge of the Sisters of St. Mary New fireproof building beautifully situated For catalogues address The Sister Superior CHEVY CHASE SCHOOL Residential school for girls. Senior high school, with two years advanced work beyond. Twelve-acre campus, Address CHEVY CHASE SCHOOL, Box Ν. FREDERIC ERNEST FARRINGTON, Ph. D., Box S, Faribault Minnesota THE ORATORY SCHOOL College preparatory school for the sons of gentlemen. Conducted by the Oratorian Fathers. Classes taught by competent laymen. Preference given to applicants to Lower School. 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