WORKS FOR THE STUDY OF THE PORTUGUESE LANGUAGE. s. d. Lafayette, C. de, English-Portuguese and Portuguese- Mascarenhas, A New, Concise, and Complete English and net 36 The Author has endeavoured to set forth as clearly and concisely as possible the means of acquiring a thorough commercial and grammatical knowledge of the Portuguese language, so as to enable the Student to speak, correspond and write correctly. He has been guided in his judgment by the knowledge derived from his father's experience of over thirtyfive years in teaching the language, as well as by his own extending over the last fifteen years, both in the capacity of Teacher as well as that of Examiner. For the sake of ready reference the work is divided into six parts, and the Grammatical portion is paragraphed. A fair number of Exercises have been included as being essential in the practice of the Parts of Speech, and a useful Dictionary of Commercial Terms and Abbreviations has been added. Portuguese Self-Taught. Crown 8vo. Paper cover, 2s.; Cloth • 2 6 06 A NEW PRACTICAL AND EASY METHOD OF LEARNING THE PORTUGUESE LANGUAGE INCLUDING RULES FOR PRONUNCIATION READING LESSONS, EXERCISES, VOCABULARY OF EDITOR OF 'ENGLISH AND PORTUGUESE DIALOGUES NEW EDITION LONDON HACHETTE AND COMPANY 18 KING WILLIAM STREET, Charing Cross 1911 All rights reserved 1 PREFACE THE study of foreign languages having become general, the methods of teaching them have altered and improved, so as to unite the changes which philology has suggested with those which the comparison of languages has taught. The present Series of Cheap and Popular Grammars for the Study of European Languages has been published with this aim in view. These Grammars combine Theory with Practice, and their method and arrangement have been based upon the recommendations of eminent authorities as to the clearest and most rational method of teaching languages. Seidenstücker was the first who introduced this new method for the Latin, Greek, and French languages, and to him belongs the merit of having devised a rational system of tuition. There was, however, one essential point omitted even in these books, namely that the grammatical form should precede the Exercises, so that the learner should at once be made acquainted with the grammatical structure of the foreign language, without which he could never attain a thorough knowledge of it. This defect has RECAPL the 3151 Deen remedied in the present series, and the following 231 JUL-11919 410809 |