
but on his senses going off, the noose unfortunate young creature, who was of the rope slipped, and he was like- not more than twenty-one years of age, wise precipitated to the bottom; ano- was a native of the parish of Breedon's ther man had the rope fastened be- Norton, Worcestershire. Being hertween his legs and round his waist, self the illegitimate offspring of pabut had not proceeded ten feet, before rents by whom she was abandoned in his senses left him, and he was drawn her infancy, she was dependant upon up nearly lifeless. After this they the bounty of some poor relations; procured a grappling iron, by which the three bodies were extricated from the well, but the life of each was extinct.



being permitted to leave France, she returned to England in June last year, and sought an asylum with an aunt, who resides near Gloucester; but when her pregnancy was discovered, she removed to Breedon's NortonThe reception she met with there, from those whose first duty it was to have protected her, was such, that she left the place soon after her delivery, and became a wandering outcast,

and, during the short interval of peace, in 1802, went to France with an uncle, a shoemaker, who intended to settle there. Upon the detention of the English in France, they were Only two of the six unfortunate sent, with many others, to the depot who were found guilty at the late at Verdun. Here she was seduced, Chelmsford Assizes, were executed. and cohabited with an English pri Buckley, Fleming, Brenwick, and soner, by whom she had several chilSullivan were reprieved, but Sweeny dren, who all died. Female prisoners and Pearce underwent the sentence of the law on Saturday morning. They ascended the platform about half after eight o'clock, attended by two Roman Catholic clergymen, with whom, fall ing on their knees, they joined in prayer, with apparent devotion, for a few minutes; yet after being tied up, and before the clergymen had quitted them, both the culprits threw off their shoes, Sweeney kicking his to a distance with some violence. They were shortly afterwards launched into eternity, in presence of a vast concourse of spectators. Their bodies were delivered to the surgeons for dissection. During the hearing of a cause Cove v. Newton, at the above assizes, a number of deeds were produced. The Lord Chief Baron stopped the Counsel, and observed, that the production of old writings reminded him of curious circumstance that occurred a few days since, when, on examining some ancient deeds, he accidentally discovered, that the Black Boy Inn, in Chelmsford, bore the same sign in the reign of Edward the Ild, a period

of near 500 years.


On Monday the 13th, Betty Amp-, lett, convicted at Gloucester Assizes, on the preceding Friday, for the wilful murder of her bastard child, was executed in front of the County Gaol, agreeably to her sentence, and der Lody delivered for dissection. She conducted herself with great penitence and decorum, acknowledging the enormity of her crime, and the justice of her sentence. This truly

without the means of subsistence for herself or her helpless infant; and, under these circumstances, committed the awful crime for which her life became forfeited to the laws of her country.

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Died] At Berkeley Castle, the Earl of Berkeley. His Lordship was Lord Lieutenant and Custos Rotulorum of the county of Gloucester, Keeper of St. Briaval's Castle, in the Forest of Dean, and High Steward of the City of Gloucester. Considerable noto-i

riety was lately given to some circumstances relative to the marriage of this nobleman, in consequence of a petition to the House of Commons, and the discussion which followed on Lord Dursley taking his seat as member for Gloucestershire, and qualifying as the heir-apparent of a Peer. The subject was also brought before the House of Lords, some years since, by Lord Berkeley himself, with the view of removing all doubts respecting the succession to the title; but, after an investigation had been proceeded in for some time, it was got rid of, on the ground that it was premature during his Lordship's lifetime, The point must now be decided, and

will probably come before the Committee of Privileges, in the House of Lords, next session.

At Cheltenham, aged nearly 80, Mr. Seward, sen. who has for many years exhibited his Fantoccini, and other performances, at that place.The night preceding his denise, he played Harlequin with his accustomed activity. He has left considerable property in houses at Bristol, &c.


Died. Lately, Mr. C. Cave, surgeon, of Petersfield. On Saturday se'nnight previous to his death, a seafaring man was attacked with a violent inflammation on the lungs; and after being attended several times during the day by Messrs. Cave and Whicher, he died the next morning The surgeons being of various opini ons as to the cause of his death, agreed to open the body, which they did on Monday, and found the lungs in a complete state of putrefaction. They afterwards sewed up the body, in doing which they pricked their fingers; and, in the evening, both of them were seized with violent pains in the arm, which soon extended to nearly the whole of the body. Mr. Cave, after enduring the most excruciating pains, died on the following Monday. Mr. Whicher remained in a danger

ous state.



Saturday the 18th, something was seen on the water, at Dover, coming into the Bay from the westward, which at first view had the appearance of a large vessel, bottom upwards; but upon coming nearer in, it was found to be a whale, which, after playing about in the Bay on the surface of the sea for a considerable time, and at intervals throwing the water to a great height, took its course round the South Foreland, and disappeared. In passing the Foreland, it seemed at one time to be very near on shore.

Died.] At Dover, Ann Kelcey, aged 14, who was found hanging in her bed-room; she had been a pauper in the parish-house of River, which she left and went to service, but being found too young to do the work of the house, her mistress was compelled to discharge her; the dread of returning to the workhouse operated so strongly on the mind of the unfortunate girl, as to induce her to destroy



The four unhappy men, Atkinson, for forgery, and Marshall, Sawyer, and Wakelin, for burglary, left for execution at the late Lincoln Assizes, suffered the dreadful penalty attached to their crimes, on Friday, the 17th instant. At eleven o'clock the four culprits were brought forth from the prison into the Castle-yard, and Married.] At Godmanchester, Mr. placed in a cart. The awful procesJonas Lazarus, silversmith, of Lin- sion then advanced to the usual place coln, to Miss R. Nathan, daughter of of execution, a little north of Lincoln, Mr. M. I. Nathan, in whose garden the Marshall first ascended the scaffold, marriage-ceremony was performed, in Sawyer next, Wakelin was third, and the presence of at least 200 persons, Atkinson was last. They successively (Jews and Christians) under an eie- addressed a few words to the surroundred canopy, supported by four ing multitude, hoping that their unyouths. A band of music, playing a happy situation would serve as a grand martial air, preceded the bride- warning. Just before the moment of groom, who was attended by the the scaffold falling, Atkinson turned bride's father and grandfather; soòn to shake hands with Wakelin, and said after came the bride, (veiled) accom- a few words. Marshall, Sawyer, and panied by her mother and grandmother. Four green wax tapes were burning during the ceremony; at the conclusion of which a glass was handed round to the happy couple and their relations, who all drank out of the same, it was then laid under the bridegroom's foot, and by him stamped to pieces.

Wakelin, seemed to be dead in two minutes after they were turn.d off; but at that time, to the inconceivable horror of all around, Atkininson cried out," Oh God! Oh God! I cannot die, I cannot die--lift me up!" Im, mediately a soldier of the 69th regiinent went to him, lifted him up a little, and then by hanging at the

body, put the poor wretch out of his ground-then gallopping along the misery. This dreadful circumstance church-yard alley, they, to the terror arose from the knot of the rope having got under the chin, when Atkinson turned to Wakelin, and not from any inattention of the officer, whose shocking duty it is to adjust the ropes.


A young woman, who was at service in a family at Gorleston, lately came to Norwich, and procured a letter to be written for her to her parents, who live at Rackheath, in which she takes leave of them, declaring herself to be " in good health, but very unhappy."-In the course of the same day, she was seen walking at a quick pace along the Rackheath road to wards the church-yard, where she was found, about an hour after, in a state of total insensibility, reclining, with her head resting on her arm, against the grave of a young man, who had lately died of a scarlet fever, to whom, it was known, her affections had been engaged, and whose name (Nicholl) was signed to the letter above-mentioned, as if she had been married to him. he was conveyed home to her parents, and shortly after expired. An inquest was taken, when it appeared that this unfortunate creature, who was only 19 years of age, bad destroyed herself by swallowing a quantity of laudanum. Lunacy.


and astonishment of the beholders, precipitated themselves down the flight of steps into the Market-place, and fell at Mr. Ling's shop-door.Mr. Trull, who unfortunately was passing through the church-yard as the horses burst their way in, was knocked down by them: he received some severe cuts in the head, and was much bruised in the back, but is in a fair way of recovery.-The horses themselves sustained no very material injury.


High Tide.-Thursday the 16th, an extraordinary high tide, accompanied by a boisterous north wind, and very tempestuous sea, swept away about 36 yards in length of the outer wall of Clifford's Fort, at Tynemouth, which has stood since 1746. Some masses of stone were carried, by the force of the water, near thirty yards from the site of the wall. It also tore up and carried away some hundred tons of earth and gravel to the eastward of the fort, and destroyed the blocks lately erected for laying down the frame of a new ship. This tide was also felt on the Lincolnshire coast. It has done some damage to the embankment in different places, but particularly to the new bank in Skirbeck Parish, the quantity of five or six yards of which, in one place is completely carried away from the base. The sea flowed into the neighbouring corn lands to the depth of about six inches, but did no material damage. Early reparation was afforded by 100 hands with many carts on Thursday; but the injury done to the bank by that morning's tide, it is supposed, will cost 1000l. On the Norfolk coast, near Lynn, we understand the same tide di, considerable damage to some new embankments.

An accident, attended with the following very extraordinary circumstances, lately occurred at Norwich. About six o'clock in the afternoon the driver of a post-chaise, extremely intoxicated, drove his horses most furiously round the sharp turn leading from Chapel field into St. Giles'street, when the wheels catching against a post at the corner of Mr. Day's house, the pole and splinter-bar were both snapped off by the shock, and the horses, thus freed from the carriage, ran down Bethel-street, with A curious wall of Roman masonry the pole and traces dragging at their has lately been discovered by the heels. At the end of this street their workmen employed in digging the course was met by the iron gates of mound on which the Half Moon batSt. Peter's of Mancroit church-yard, tery lately stood at Newcastle, in order through the left entrance of which to procure a firm foundation for the (though not more than 38 inches in New Court Houses for the county of width) the affrighted animals forced Northumberland. It is situa ed this ty their passage, bringing in the strug- feet below the surface, and is formed gle part of the iron work to the of fine hewn stone. Within a few

yards of the wall, two very large horns, It floated directly over Winslow, in resembling those of a stag, and the Bucks, having before swept off Moor jaw bones of the animal, were found. Brill, &c. &c. The aeronauts, above On digging further, a great number Wooton, met with a contrary current of large beams of solid cak, some of air, which detained them for a perfectly sound, others as rotten as length of time, and compelled them dust, lying in a variety of directions, to make a complete circle in the air. have been met with. The above cit- They then resumed their original cumstances have given rise to a varie- course, and, after a transit of 2 hours ty of speculations as to the probability and 29 minutes, alighted in a field beof the whole of that immense mound longing to Mr. Marshall (a Quaker), being the production of art, which, in the parish of North Crawley, as usual, has been ascribed to the Bucks; by the assistance of whose Romans; but it seems the most pro- people it was packed, without having bable conjecture, that the hill may received the slightest injury. The have been heightened since that time, when the citadel, of which, as the Half Moon battery, it formed the principal defence, was built.

Died.] Lately, in a garret, at Kirk lington, Carlisie, Jeremiah Grahame, aged 73. Though his personal estate amounted to at least 50001. his annual expences during the last years of his life did not exceed five shillings, for his victuals were the eleemosynary contribution of his relations, and the last coat which he wore was coeval with his beard, being nearly sixty

years old.

At Newcastle, Mrs. Watkin, who, on being informed that her son was fighting in the street, ran thither; and on seeing one of the men fail, exclaimed my son!" and immediately expired.


hurry and confusion occasioned by the people in the vicinity of the balloon on its ascension, caused Messrs. Sadles to forget the barometer, so that the true elevation could not be ascertained; the thermometer in the sun rose considerably, being once as high as 85. Their descent was beautiful and gradual for about three quarters of an hour. At first they ap proached the earth where a number of bay-makers were at work, but who, though repeatedly hailed to take hold of the ropes thrown out, were too much terrified by the new phenomenon to lend the adventurous travellers any assistance. From this they skim mied a wheat field, in which the car took the ground, and they rebounded about forty feet, and cleared the adjoining hedge. The voyagers then threw out the grapligion with which they were provided, and, after Orford, July 7-At half past two dragging along the field which was of this afternoon, Mr. Sadler, with his barley) for some seconds, it brought son, ascended in his balloon from them to anchor in a Ligh quick-set Merton-meadows, amid.t the accla- fence, on this side of which the car mations of an immense concourse of rested in Buckinghamshire, while the spectators, assembled from all parts of balloon itself swung the other side of the surrounding country. It was visible for a considerable time; and, after a voyage of about one hour and a half, descended in safety within a mile and a half of Stowe, the seat of the Marquis of Buckingham, a distance of twenty-four miles from Oxford. Messrs. Sadiers arrived safely at Oxford in a post-chaise a little after two o'clock the next day (Sunday), with the balloon in another post-chaise following them. It appears that the course taken by the balloon was almost Que north-east, to the left of Aylesbury, between that town and Bicester.


the hedge into Bedford-bite. In this situation assistance was gradually procmed, the most adventurous and bold of the parishioners advancing first; and the balloon, car, &c. were properly secured. The travellers only felt cold once, and their motion was extremely easy.


Bristol, Aug. 13.-Fire has not for half a century presented in this city a more awful instance of its fury than on the premises of Messrs. Pyer and Co. druggists, in Redcliff-street, yesterday morning. Mrs. Pyer having

lain in only five weeks, fire was lighted to air a small room, used both as a parlour and counting-house, which was divided from the shop by the only flight of stairs that led to the upper part of the dwelling-house. An ad joining court, kitchen, and warehouse, extending to Redcliff back, form the rest of the premises. In the above mentioned room, at a quarter-past seven, Mr. Pyer had seated himself upon a stool to read a prescription just received; and in the act of quit ting it to go into the shop, the stool fell against either a six-gallon bottle of spirits of turpentine, or one with three gallons of spirits of wine, which broke, and the contents communicating with the fire-place, the whole room was instantly in a blaze. Mr. Pyer ran up stairs, followed by the flames, and got his wife from bed into the front-room on the first floor, and proceeded to seek for the rest of his family; but the flames had spread so rapidly as to fill the staircase and landing-places to the sky-light, which blew up, and all communication between the front and back rooms was thus cut off The situation of all the wretched inhabitants, now became truly desperate. A child of 4 years old was thrown by a maid-servaut, who jumped after it, from the first-story window into the street. The child's fali was broken, it is hoped, so as to prevent any serious injury; but the servant was much bruised, and conveyed to the Infirmary. Mr. Moen, the shopman, after hanging by his hands from the second-story window several minutes, was taken down by a ladder, which also, with his assistance, rescued Mr. and Mrs. Pyer. Every possible exertion was made to extricate a nurse and two children from the upper back-room, but, alas! without success-for when in about two hours the flames were sufficiently mastered, the remains of the poor woman were found, with those of the newly-born infant on her bosom, and the other, of two years old, lying beside her, on the wreck of their bed, in a state too shocking for description! Iler name was Reed, and aged about fifty-three years. The stock and furniture were insured; the house (the property of Mr. Frost, baker) was not. The prin

cipal part of the account-books, and upwards of 2701. in cash-notes (provided for a remittance to London) shared the destruction; which, principally through the exertions of Mr. Frost, jun. bookseller, who conducted a fire engine through the warehouse, did not, providentally for the neigh bourhood, reach any part of a consi derably greater store of combustible matter.

About midnight of Wednesday and Thursday, (the 22 and 23d inst.) in consequence of the gates of the east

ern lock of Cun.berland basou, Bristol, having been left open, so great was the pressure of water against the inner gate of the western lock, that it ward gate resisted the momentum of gave way; but, fortunately, the outflood through the lock, else the whole of the floating harbour must have discharged itself into the Avon, and perhaps few of the vessels in it (including about 36 West Indiamen) could have escaped total destruction. The action and re-action of the water occasioned great confusion among the vessels lying in the bason. Among the numher was the schooner Ann, of London, the mate of which being suddenly awoke from sleep, attempted to jump upon the wharf, but fell into the bason, and was drowned.


At Ipswich lamb fair, which began on Wednesday the 22d inst. there was by far a greater quantity of lambs than has appeared there for many years past; the quantity was supposed to exceed that at the fair of 1808 by at least 50,000. The prices of all varied very much according to their condition and quality; but it may be said that the general prices of the Heath lambs were from 10s. to 24s. each, very few indeed having exceeded that sum. Generally speaking, the bulk of the lambs averaged from 18s. to 21s. being for the most part, in consequence of the severity of the winter, in very low condition.

The commissioners for improving the port of Ipswich have resolved to apply to Parliament for power to borrow a larger sum of money than they are now enabled to do, on security of the rates and taxes payable by the act

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