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"Depechez vous!" exclaimed the interpreter, "Gee wo," returned the coachman, "Must I go back?". "Allons donc," cried the interpreter, “Aye to London!" said the coachman, very well!" He accordingly turned his horses, and the ready beasts set off at full gallop toward the metropolis. The ladies, however, could not help remarking that the road they were travelling seemed very like that they had passed; but great indeed was their surprise, when, instead of Hampton, they found they had entered a crowded city; and still greater, when they discovered that owing to the misinterpretation of Allons done, they were set down precisely at the place whence they had departed in such good spirits in the morning.

When Dr. Markham, the late Archbishop of York, filled the important situation of head master of Westminster School, the impartiality of his conduct, it was observed, was so perfectly Lacedemonian, that Lycurgus himself never made less distinction between the different classes of his subjects than the Doctor did: of which the following is an instance:-The son of a nobleman, on his first entrance into the school, approached the Doctor, and enquired if there was not a proper place for the students of noble families, and if there was, in what part of it he was to be seated. The mode in which this question was asked, probably gave occasion to the Doctor to answer nearly as follows:-" You, sir, with more confidence, and consequently less respect for me than you ought to feel on this occasion, inquire for your proper place in this school. It is therefore my duty to inform you, that here the only distinctions that are made, are those which arise from superior talents and superior application. The youth that wishes to obtain eminence, must endeavour by assiduity to deserve it: therefore your place at present is, on the lowest seat of the lowest form. You will rise in academical rank according to your scholastic merit; and I shall be extremely glad to see your genius and application carry you in a very short time to the head of your forth, and indeed to the bead of the school. May each of your transactions therefore be dis

tinguished by literary exertions, the only means by which you can here arrive at literary honours."

An old Staffordshire farmer, one of the few that see into the empty professions of what is falsely called improved agriculture, being at one of the speculative meetings lately held by these gentlemen at Litchfield, where a proposition was made on the part of Staffordshire to show ten fat cows, the property and breeding of one gentleman, against any other ten cows in England, 500l. to 2001. addressed the assembly as follows:"Why dunna yea show 'em, fedden in a nateral way, and bring 'em as they should be seen on your pasters. Its all my eye and Betty Martin, geeing um your nice kick-shaws and sugar and milk. 'Squire!-you're throwing hundreds of pounds away in pampering your beasts up like aldermen and christians, and corporations, with your oily-cakes, dainties, and tid bits: I tell you all, gentlemen, for it comes to nothing! we wanten good sound meate, and none of your greasy and sugary flim flams.' The mirth of his auditors proved that the old farmer's remonstrances, if not heard with appro bation, were taken in good part.

The late Mr. Windham, being one day driving bis chaise in a much-frequented road, somewhere in the country, saw a man, who, it is probable, had some sudden reason that should have impelled him to have withdrawn from public view, and not to have exposed those parts which Swift says are the north of the human system, in the king's high-way. Mr. Windhas it seems, without hesitation, bestowed several lashes with his whip upon the offending object, and drove on, as may be supposed, amidst the cordial approbation and the laughter of the passengers. Not long after Mr. Windham had stopped where he was going to, he was informed that a gentleman wished to speak to him; it was to complain of the whipping. "That whipping," said Mr. Windham, “was very well deserved; an offence against public decorum is little less criminal than a breach of the public peace." "But sir," said the stranger, "you used me very ill."

"You do not want to fight me," for the hero of my story, and you have said Mr. Windham.

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Oh dear no! Yet when you know who I am,"

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"And pray sir who are you?" said Mr. Windham.

"I am," replied the stranger, Alderman."



"this is

"An Alderman," said Mr. Windham, bursting into laughter, excellent."

"Excellent!" exclaimed the Alder

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furnished me with a curious one. I shall in future dignify my tale with your title, which I think will give it a zest; and if the catastrophe is considered, add to the moral of the piece.

Over the door of an oil-shop at

Many men of many minds,
What loosens one, another binds.

Ran, I can see no excellence in it." If as many came into this shop as pass by it, "But I can, and do!" said Mr. I should sell a great deal more, nobody can Windham," I wanted an appellation


deny it.


can perform his promise, and bring his levies into the field, he must, by a grand effort, either drive the Russians back again over the Danube, or by a speedy peace retain for a short time longer his possessions in Europe.

URKEY, Spain, and South Ame- Both parties seem to be waiting for rica have called our attention to their respective supplies, and France them during the last month, and dis- and Austria are silent spectators of tresses at home have awakened many the great game which is now playing: from that dream of prosperity, in and the conquerors and conquered, which they have for so long a time tired with the labours of many a hardindulged themselves. Turkey appears fought day, may expect that the new now to be sensible of its danger, and powers in league will not be content determined to struggle hard for its without a share of the spoil. The existence. Her reign over the finest Vizier's army is before Adrianople. It provinces of Europe seems to be is, still numerous, and the repeated drawing near to its conclusion, and defeats it has met with, must make the Turks are a different race of men them apprehensive for the fate of anofrom those who, clad with terror, ther action. If the Grand Signior fixed their standard on the walls of Constantinople, and put an end to the empire of the Greeks. Dreadful have been the engagements in Bulgaria; on which side victory fixed her residence we cannot, from the imperfect accounts that have reached us, deter- Dreadful as this war is between mine: but this is certain, that the these semi-barbarians, it is carried on Sovereign himself of the Turks feels with some of those alleviations, which his danger, and has made the call on prevent, when the conuict is over, his country for all its resources. The mutual assassinations and continued standard of Mahomet is unfurled; carnage. Not so in Spain. There every true believer is solemnly adjured war reigns in all its horrors. They to place himself under its banners; are not generous enemies who meet and it is given out that the Grand each other; but parties, throwing out Signior himself is to take the field. alternate reproaches of rebels, usurThe Russians it is certain have not pers, and every name that passion can yet reached Adrianople. They are in invent, and threatening ample revenge the next province, and are collecting on those, whom the fortune of war all their forces to make head against have placed in each other's power. the powerful army which is advancing The French have issued a manifesto, against them. We shall see what the treating all who oppose them as rebels Asiatics, little skilled in military tac- to legitimate authority. The Junta, tics, can perform. Russia will pour forth from its little islet, are not behind fresh troops, who have been disci- hand with them. The language of plined to a better warfare by their both is equally strong but there is recent conflicts with the French. great difference in the means of each

to enforce their threats. The French English troops cannot be doubted, are in possession of the greater part of nor will they quit the field, unless the territory, but in every place the they are out numbered by tremendous petit warfare which is kept up, odds. Probably at this moment the spreads continual alarm. They are, fate of Portugal is decided; and if our accounts are true, no where se- should it be in our favour, the Spani cure but what dependance can be ards must be roused to annoy the replaced on the rumours, which every treating army, and hopes maybe enter day brings forth, when fatal convic- tained, that the Cortez will issue edicts tion too strongly proves, that the with effect. Should we be constraingreat army of the French is moving ed to retreat, Portugal is lost for ever. on to the performance of its destined Spain must acknowledge its new mas task. ters, and recover, by the new-infused industry, from the wounds so terribly inflicted on this unhappy country.

Ciudad Rodrigo was taken in the sight of a British army, and no means seem to have been taken to preserve The Junta reigns at Cadiz, but the it. Lord Wellington then took a Cortez is not known to be assembled. new position, that is he retreated; The former, by a late act, makes us wisely without doubt, and we would fear both for its patriotism and its hope with the view of acting with policy. The Caraccas had, in consegreater vigour on the next occasion; quence of the confusion in the mobut the French advance and lay siege ther country, chosen a Junta: their to Almeida. They open their trenches brethren in Spain have chosen to treat in sight of his army, to which intelli- them as rebels. They have issued a gence is conveyed from the besieged decree as strong as if they had power town by telegraph. The badness of to execute it. But surely it became the weather prevents a communication, and when it clears up, no signals are made the enemy is in possession of the town. A bomb it is said fell upon the magazine, and produced a most dreadful explosion. Many lives were lost, and the governor himself was wounded. The siege lasted little more than two days, when he found himself obliged to capitulate. The garrison is made prisoners of war, but the Portuguese officers are taken into the service of the French, and the peasants are sent to their homes. The great body of Massena's army may now be expected to advance, and the conflict is for the kingdom of Portugal: perhaps the reward of his successful labours.

them to examine previously into the foundation of their own power, before they thus violently call in question the act of one of the provinces, at so great a distance from the mother country. No allowance is made for the extraordinary state of affairs, which might have compelled the Caraceas to the step they have taken, and, at any rate, time might have been allowed for repentance. It is not like a colony rising into resistance against an act of arbitrary power. It is the assertion of a people of its own rights, when they were bereaved of their former master, and the juri-diction of the Junta was by no means so warranted, as to compel, either in conscience or in policy, their obedi The two armies are near each other, ence. The act, however, put our and must be well acquainted with Government into an awkward situa their respective strength. The position, and it has boldly come forward, tion of Lord Wellington is strong, strenuously asserting its intention to and his force is considerable in num- protect, as far as possible, the integrity bers, How far it is really increased of the Spanish empire. We may rein strength, by the sixty thousand solve as we please, but the integrity of disciplined Portuguese in his pay, the Spanish empire is gone: time must discover. Massena is one whoever has read its history for the of the most distinguished among the last hundred years, cannot wish to see French Generais. He has fought, it re-established, whether in the and with success, in the greatest actions. Nothing will be wanting on his part, which skill can devise, or courage execute. The bravery of the


hands of a Bourbon or a Buonaparte.

But the Cortez may perhaps reme dy this injudicious step, and its deilberations will form a singular epoca

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in the history of Spain. They are to debate in two chambers, and the different departments of finance, legislation, war, &c. are to be managed by committees. It will be curious to see how these new men will legislate. What regard they will have for the liberty of the press, and the rights of the people; how they will dispose of the old laws, and what beneficial ones will be made in their stead. The subjects they are to have must be concili ated by something beneficial, or they will not bend to the new yoke; and their deliberations will be frequently interrupted, if not put a stop to by the cannon within a few miles of them. In the mean time it is said, that the new king is not secure at Madrid; that a conspiracy was formed, and very nearly executed, for carrying him off: but his stay will depend on Massena's success, and with that the operations of the French at Cadiz are materially connected.

Buenos Ayres seems determined on its independence, and to be taking every measure for securing it, and for giving stability and prosperity to an extensive district. Monte Video had not acceded to the measure: but, if the Portuguese from the Brazils should interfere, there can be no doubt of its union with the sister province, rather than be coerced by a nation, which it holds in abhorrence. Here, it is to be feared, that the poli. tics of England will prevent the due advantage that may be taken of this measure: for we may secure an extensive commerce with the rising state. The other states of Spanish America do not seem to have been decided on the steps to be taken, unless it is true, that Florida has already seceded from the mother country.

ner had determined never to acknowledge a King of England but one of the house of Stuart. If Europe should be settled with the exclusion of that house, it is in vain, that we set our affairs against it: and we cannot see any advantage to Portugal by the return of the Braganza family, unless by its voyage cross the Atlantic, it has got rid of several of its former prejudices. That it is improved is evident by two articles in the treaty, the one against the inquisition being set up in the Brazils; the other encouraga hope for the Abolition of the Slave Trade.

In France, Buonaparte publishes edicts on commerce, and enforces his measures against the English trade. He has given a new specimen of his ideas of the liberty of the press, by ordering that there shall be only one newspaper in cach department. He has not yet learned how beneficial these publications are to the revenue here: but it cannot be imagined, that they will flourish in a country where so much jealousy must exist of popular communications. One piece of intelligence from that country has given universal satisfaction. Fouche, the terror of his fellow-citizens, whether an imperialist or a republican, is in disgrace: and he, who has sent so many into confinemeht, is now said to be suffering the same treatment in Marseilles.

Sweden has presented a sight somewhat similar to that of England in the seventeenth century, with this exception, that in Sweden its meeting was constitutional and complete-in England the convention parliament wanted one of its constituent members. The Diet has chosen a French General to be the heir to the crown, the King himself proposing him for its choice. In consequence our papers have induiged in many tirades against the low birth of Bernadotte; as if every royal family in Europe might not be traced to a lower origin, and the sovereignty of nations was a species of

The Prince of the Brazils seems to be firmly settled in his territories, and he has made a treaty of alliance, of fensive and defensive with this country. This will be beneficial to both parties; but one article might as well have been omitted. The King of England pledges himself to acknow- thing entailed on a peculiar order ledge no sovereignty in Portugal, but that of the house of Braganza. The history of our own country shews the futility of such promises: for what a state of hostilities must have disgraced the world, if the French in this man,

of men. The Swedes have chosen a brave general, who has distinguished himself in many actions, and raised himself to fame by his abilities. Ta lents have made him a prince, and chance of birth places many others

in that situation without a particle of for the display of British valour. any other kind of merit. The Swedes Gun-boats are prepared on the Calahad an opportunity which seldom oc- brian side, but they in vain appear in curs; and were they to narrow their the strait: our vessels have, in every choice by confining themselves to action, succeeded, run them on shore, the downfalling princes of the old or destroyed them under the very batdynasties? No! they have chosen teries. The King of Sicily has pubfor themselves, and the upstart, as he lished an address to his subjects, exis called, will, when he becomes a pressive of the highest confidence in king, shew that the crown will sit as his allies; but we must think that the well on one who was not born to it, as island would be safer, if left entirely on him who came to it by birth. In to our care. The efforts of the Neafact, a title by election is far more politan King will be continued, but noble than that by birth: and Europe the prowess of our men on the sea will not be the worse for the new blood will be more distinguished; and if the on its thrones. It would be happy for sailors of England, in such small bomankind, if successions to thrones dies, can, in so small a strait, prevent could be as easily and properly an invasion, what may we not think settled. of the British navy, should the French ever attempt the vain project of passing an army over our channel in their gun-boats.

The Dutch have presented an address to their imperial sovereign, which is couched in the usual terms of such communications, and pro- Prussia presents a melancholy picinising loyalty, obedience, and in- ture. The unfortunate Queen, who violable attachment to their prince so fatally hurried on the country to and father: they hope for protection destruction, has left this world, with from a mighty, generous, upright, the fears, undoubtedly, that the crown and benevolent government. To this would not long remain on her busaddress, Buonaparte, seated on his band's head. It is indeed confidently throne in grand state, deigned to re- reported, that another French general ply: observing, that they lost their is to be rewarded with regal dignity, liberty and ancient constitution and that Berthier is to be elevated to through the English abetting the the Prussian throne. The subjects of stadtholder against the state, and call- Prussia will have no reason to lament ing in the Prussian troops to assist the change, for the imbecility that him; that they had been conquered has prevailed in the councils of that by France, yet raised to an independ- unhappy country, is as well known to ent kingdom with a prince of his them as it is to the rest of Europe, blood at its head; but his hopes had and they cannot but feel sensibly their been deceived, and he had taken the disgrace. measure of uniting them to France to prevent the annihilation of their property and resources. Thus the whole continent is open to their industry, and in time they will assist in destroying that tyrannical and irrational system, set up by the English government, to outlaw all commerce and trade not under the arbitrary authority of its licences. He assures them finally of his protection, and he evidently seized this opportunity of issuing a continental manifesto against what he chooses to call our tyranny of the seas. Time will shew to the Dutch, how far the new sovereign will better the state of commerce: but at present they must continue to labour under very considerable difficulties.

Sicily has afforded an opportunity

The confusion that has taken place in India, was of too alarming a nature to be concealed from the public; and the circumstances attending it are such as must create, in this country, universal astonishment. The judgement of the directors is now known: it was published at Fort St. George on the 3d of March, and was extracted from letters dated 15th Sept. 1809. It occupies nearly ten columns of the Times newspaper, enters into argu ment, and of course is liable to much contradiction from those who are of a different side of the question. It does not seem indeed calculated for any good end. It will not convert or soothe the refractory, nor is it drawn up in that masterly commanding stile which indicates skill, judgment, and spirit

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