
in the governors. But, if we could the privileged party was not come to bestow little praise on such a per- those boxes, which, in spite of the formance, we did not expect to find, contract, were reserved for them. The in general orders, from any part of the public was indignant, and its anger world, a sentence which strikes at the was expressed in all the usual marks root of all military discipline. A of theatrical amusement; and this was Colonel Doveton was brought to a increased by the injudicious steps general court martial, by the officer taken by the managers to turn the commanding the army, for mutinous current. They pretended not to know conduct, and he was most honourably the cause of the tumult, and ascribed acquitted. On being called upon to it to the shutting up of two boxes of revise their sentence, they confirmed no consequence; and, at last, appealed it. The officer commanding the army to a kind of tacit agreement with the declares, in regimental orders, that audience on the close of the last seahe cannot subscribe to the sentence, son. But the public was not to be deendeavours to point out its impro- luded. The play was turned into a priety, and concludes with expressing pantomime, for nothing could be his determination to recommend to heard from the stage; and, after some government to suspend the Colonel nights' conflict, the managers, forefrom the exercise of his military func- seeing that they could not carry their tions. The government confirm, in point, gave in, and surrendered at every respect, the opinion of the discretion. The theatre was shut, that commanding officer, suspend the Co- the proper alterations might be made lonel, and enter on a discussion of for the admission of the public into principles for military discipline.- the private boxes. And thus the conNow, we should ask this simple ques- test has ended. We have been always, tion: Why did the commanding offi- and are still, decided enemies to pricer bring the Colonel to a trial? was vate boxes in a public theatre, and it merely to sanction his previous sen- the use of them in the Opera-house timents, or to investigate the guilt or confirms our dislike to them. innocence of the supposed criminal? them remain where Englishmen love If for the former purpose, he acted to disgrace themselves by aping fovery injudiciously, in not having pre- reign manners, and sitting contentedly viously ascertained the sentiments of to hear squalls in a language they do the officers on the court martial: if not understand. Let such men confor the latter purpose, it was his duty tinue to despise the noblest effusions to abide by their decision, or he was of the English bard: but do not let making a jest of the court martial.- them enter our theatres, and, in their Whatever may have been the guilt of private boxes, look with disdain and the army in this unhappy contest, we contempt on the feelings of the au cannot but think that the commanding dience, nor disturb it with their petty officer and the government have, in noises, their petty gestures, and their this instance, acted far worse. This petty intrigues. is a blow, in cool blood, against military honour and character, which can never be justified.

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A theatre of another kind, to which the attention of the public has been too often called, again became the From battles, and tumults, and in- subject of animadversion. A man, surrections, and changes of states, taken up by the Bank for very great we return to our own country, and a forgeries, had been committed to the war of a ludicrous nature presents it- house of correction, formerly so well self to our notice. Last year, the known under the opprobrious name theatre resounded with the O. P. cho- of the Bastille; from this place he, rus and dance; this year, it opened with another man, was found to have under equally inauspicious omens. escaped, and on investigating the case, Instead of O. P. the word 'Contract such circumstances came out, that the raised the banner of confusion. By magistrates committed the son of the the original agreement, the private keeper to another prison, suspended boxes were to be reduced to a certain the keeper himself, the noted Aris, strinber. When the theatre was open- and soon after discharged him from ed, an empty space proclaimed that his employment. it will be recol

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fected, what complaints have been made of that prison, and in what manner the spirit of party was permitted to cover over many faults in its management. The whole, we hope, will now be subjected again to public investigation; and the first question to be answered is, whether it is right that persons, under suspicion only of a crime, should be treated as guilty persons. The very name of the place is that of a house of correction; on what ground then are any persons sent thither who have not been sentenced to correction? This is to confound innocence and guilt, it may be, together in the most glaring manner. The place, therefore, ought to be brought back to its original destination, and no person should be sent to it without a warrant of commitment for some crime committed and proved. The next question to be asked is, Whether the jailers have the power of shutting up the convicts in their cells for any supposed offence committed in the prison, without informing the magistrates, at the weekly board, of what has been done. For, if the jailers may do this, their place will be a very lucrative one, and the rigour of the prison be extenuated or increased according to their caprice. The place may be made a hell upon earth, unless the board of magistrates are very attentive to every proceeding within its walls.

A ghost has made its appearance in the west of England, and there have been found people weak enough to imagine, that the noises made in a house at night were owing to a supernatural cause. The belief in a devil was once very general in this country; and it was natural, that when the imagination had painted a most terrible figure, capable of being every where, and delighting in mischief and wickedness, that he would also have subordinate agents to play their tricks upon mankind. These ghosts, as they are called, invisible and insubstantial, shew their power by thumpings and noises, and many a silly creature has been deluded to believe in them. A moment's reflection would, however, convince them, that men are the only devils to each other, and that a good conscience has no fear of insubstantial form The trick was found out, as

soon as a man of resolution and common sense determined to detect it, and all the noises were proved to originate in the strong arm, with a broomstick, of a good-for-nothing fellow in the neighbourhood, aided by people in the house, who wished to obstruct the sale of the premises.

But let us not be too hard upon the credulity of our brethren in the west. Do we not take upon trust things as silly and as ridiculous? Is it more absurd to believe in ghosts or witchcraft, than that pieces of paper are jo every respect as good as gold? Pieces of paper, purporting a promise to pay on demand, may be much better than gold, provided the bearer is sure that on demand he may have his gold; for it is easier to carry about notes than to wheel about the cash which they represent. The question has now its advocates on both sides: and as about five hundred years ago the bank at Rome exchanged its paper indulgences for solid lands and tenements, and shewed that the holders of this paper were the great gainers by the transac tion, so now there are men, who do not scruple to assert that the giving of currency to false promissory notes is a mine of wealth and prosperity.

The report of the Bullion Committee has produced a very great sensa tion, and it has been felt at the bank, for, at a meeting of the proprietors, the question was taken up, its main points contradicted, and attempts were made to refute its principal arguments. Not a voice was heard, nor a hand held up in favour of the report: but a division of ten per cent. on their capital was unanimously agreed to Yet, somehow or another, the truth will peep out: the very able speaker, who defended the bank, inadvertently, we must presume, asked this question: "Would it not be better to decline making a promise which you cannot perform?" Assuredly it would, and though he referred it to the future payment of the bank, we must apply it to the present notes.

The question must be brought be fore parliament. It is now well known that the minister is unfriendly to the report, and that he was in a small minority, that resisted its contents. On many points in it there is room for much discussion: but the main ques


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to be obtained by other means than those of the performance of duty; but we never heard, and hope we shall never hear, of the navy being stained by such conduct. We shall hope that the solicitations of a member of par liament for the son of a principal person in his borough will never be attended to, and that every rise in the navy will be owing to the services of the party promoted. Whether money, or borough-mongering interest, or fa mily connections, or any other cause, sets an undeserving man forward, the patrons are equally guilty, and the public service is injured.

tion will not be altered by them. But same time, it tends to shew that ideas party is not to be brought into it; are on float, in consequence of the for the stoppage of the bank has been publications that have lately made countenanced by every administration their appearance, that preferment is since the fatal measure adopted by the contemptible statesman, who introduced all this confusion into the country. Bank notes, too are not to be called assignats; for they differ materially from them, yet in their effects there may be, unless great care is taken, great resemblance. It is preposterous to say, that a circulation of paper, without any counterpoise from gold, is as good as the circulation to which we were accustomed be<fore the year 1797; the circulating medium being so materially changed; its value also was necessarily changed: but it would be unjust to say, that all th the changes in the value of our bread, our food, our raiment, are owing to the single cause of substituting paper for gold. We must take into consideration the effects of taxation in the mean time, which may, perhaps, exceed those arising from the depreciation of the circulating medium.

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Many duels have been lately fought, too many by far, when we consider the call the country has for valour in another field. A melancholy one occurred, in which an adulterer was killed by the brother of the miserable woman, whom he either seduced, or by whom he was seduced: and in IreThe papers inform us of an injudi- land a duellist, by an affecting speech, cious, and at all times very improper, had his sentence alleviated from some attempt made by a young lieutenant months to only a week's imprisonment. in the navy to obtain preferment. He But, if too many instances have ocis said to have offered a thousand curred of this crime, it is far from pounds to the first lord of the admi- being countenanced as, it was some ralty to be made commander. Such ages ago. The professed duellist is an offer would naturally excite indig- an object of universal contempt, and nation, and the young man has re- it is a stain in every man's character ceived the reprimand and degradation which is not easily effaced. which such conduct deserved: at the


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