

"Men derive their spirits from more durable objects; business, public concerns, literature, &c. hence an old woman, who can neither love nor be loved, is ten times more dull and vacuous than an old man, who has still the world around him, and who is capable of taking as lively an interest in it as ever. Accordingly we do not find that flatulence and monotony in old men that is to be seen in old women.

church; where a man, from conve- fulness which diffuses so exquisite a nience, quits the former for the latter, charm over the society of female no probity, no sincerity can be ex- youth. pected from him." This is a sweeping and unqualified assertion, and not founded upon any known principles of conduct. Men act generally from convenience. We seldom do any thing, voluntarily, which is inconvenient; and it may even be convenient for a man to be honest as a clergyman, though, as a soldier, such convenience was not so palpable.Besides, it is a harsh induction that a man is to be incapable of integrity and honesty because he finds a life "What we here advance is only in of retirement, and, it may be, of a general sense: though there would greater affluence, more convenient be little error in an almost indiscrithan one of bustle and poverty.Something similar to the above is the assertion that a "learned" physician is generally a materialist. Such affirmations, unsupported by any thing like reason or argument, do not tend to convey an idea of a strong and discriminating mind, but rather impress us with the notion of a hasty judgement, which has neither the inclination nor the power to pursue the truth through a successive series of inductions.

As one specimen of the author's manner we will select the following:

"AGE AND YOUTH. Age is venerable-Youth is lovely! Theophrastes.

"YOUNG women are romantic, old women are often insipid; and necesaily from the same cause-want of mind. The same vacuity which renders their early years the prey of preposterous hopes and fond imagination, leaves their advanced years cold and unproductive, when the season is past when expectation is plausible and adventure applicable. This must unavoidably happen where love and vanity are the predominant springs of action, in a state of society where the gratification of those impeti is left to personal attractions.

"That susceptibility which fixes a young woman's whole attention on admiration is the source of all her animation; even where no object is present by whom it can be immediately gratified, the pleasing contemplation of past or expected conquest gires that smile, that look, that play

minate charge of dulness against old women; for the want of solid pursuits and liberal education leaves them no resource when deprived of what used to occupy their ideas. Women have a kind of false medium surrounding their character in youth, and in age they seem to possess no character at all; whilst men generally rise through life to a climax; and the longer they live, the fuller of character they appear.

"At morn the rose, with freshest hue,
At eve, dishevell'd to the view,
Exults in beauty's power;

It dies, and charms no more.
Sad emblem of the female race,

When beauty reigns alone;
For time despoils the fairest face,
And hurls them from their throne."
tional character of the English, we
In the next, which is
upon the na-
find nothing but what has been a
hundred times repeated of
Bull; and, in some cases, the author
poor John
has mistaken the influence of indi-
vidual character for that which she
terms national.

The "Difference of Character between Man and Woman" is really well written; and if the author be actually a Lady, we cannot but admire the impartiality with which she confirms man in that pre-eminence which he has claimed and does not seem disposed to shrewdly suspect, however, that this abdicate. We candour is no more than a sop, artfully thrown out to those formidable Cerberi the critics. Man is first told of his dominion, but then, he is cun

ningly reminded that to be merciful former, because its nature is so disthough powerful is magnanimous.-tinct, that it cannot associate with it. The following remarks are most assuredly just :

Meekness is no longer authoritative, nor authority meek; but courage may be generous, and generosity may be courageous."

To some of the sentiments contained in the following excerpt, also, we willingly assent :

"Man cares not how reserved women are to others, nor how unreserved they are to himself; therefore when he comes to speak how he would have them be, he is perpetually embroiling his judgment with his fancy. At one time he describes them as being all "Could women be admitted to an power and dignity, commanding awe equality with men, be recognised as and restraining presumption; that is, rational partners, divide with them when he thinks on the approaches of the schemes of life, enjoying the full other men: at another time he de- intercourse of intellect, it certainly scribes them as all softness, love, would be a beautiful scene; besides, meekness, &c. that is, when he thinks the collision of so many developed on his approach. But, in the name understandings would undoubtedly of natural reason, how can the same contribute to the advancement of civiperson comprehend the most positive lization. We know not what revoand the most negative qualities? Will the same being be formed of energy to command even involuntary awe, of force, to restrain the most ardent presumption, and, when convenience requires, also display the tamest submission, perfect and willing subjection, and be unconscious that they have a will of their own?

lutions in government might be saved, or to what sudden perfection laws might attain. But it is also true that the present system of female subjection is not without a considerable share of beauty. The idea of exalting man above the whole creation, without exception and without an equal, is very grand and noble; nor can it be thought "If meu will have women possess much degradation to woman to obey so much majesty and authority as to so distinguished a lord. He is not her command, restrain, and overawe at lord only, but the lord of the whole one time, they must expect a little of creation. Whenever a union happens that habit of command to remain with between a man of a noble mind and them at all times; for there never yet humane temper, and a modest woman, was a horse that was both strong and disposed to acquiesce in his supreweak, swift and slow; nor a woman macy, but with sufficient mind to unthat was both majestic and humble, derstand the value of his superiority, commanding and submissive, over- perhaps the most perfect state of huawing and meek. Meekness is always man society is accomplished. For, meekness; and not sometimes meek- according to the frailty of our mortal ness and sometimes authority. It may conceptions, we cannot relish the idea be said that none are more merciful of solitary majesty and independence than the brave, and that there is not a like that of the Deity, who is for ever wider space between meekness and happy in himself; whilst our finite dignity than between the soft impulse ideas require to be supported by parof generosity and heroism: but it is a ticipation; and therefore protection mistake; the conqueror who spares, and gratitude form a series of much spares like a king; it is an act of em- more gratifying relations to our nature pire: he is deeply conscious of his own than unapproachable and incommusuperiority, and therefore he believes nicable elevation. If man stretches himself able to bestow. The impulse out his arm over woman, and woman is generous, but it is strong; there is leans upon his bosom, the picture is no inconsistency in it; it is the same found on every heart in the world. heroisin that dares to suffer a foe to Let that record vouch for its prolive, that dared to conquer him. priety. As to the abuse which men When courage has combined with of brutal temper and gross sullen generosity, it is still courage; but minds make of their superiority over when meekness has become authority,, women, it must remain among the there is a transition that banishes the imperfections of this mortal state, and

the remedy be looked for perhaps and tender in society; the principle where all things shall be made perfect together.


of laws.

"Man owes to woman his social virtues; borrows from her his grace, and shares with her his power. In age he remembers her long rivetted influence, and while he receives from her the last offices of humanity, he believes he shall meet her in that abode where the God on whom he relies will equally acknowledge both.”


"Contemplate the following picture. The lord of the creation rises to manhood; the graces of adolescence yet bloom on his cheek; his heart is touched at the sight of woman; at the sound of her voice it vibrates with sensation; he desires to be amiable in her eyes, and becomes engaging; for the graces delight in rewarding the loves. She smiles, and it We were not a little surprised, falls on his soul like the sun upon the however, to find, in what she calls earth. His existence derives an in- the Recapitulation, the following interest from her notice; it becomes terrogatory: "Who say severer spur to his exertions. Toil and danger things of imprudent females than are sought by him, since they render men?" Who? Superfluous question! him lovely to her. Taught by her, he Women are to women the direst of learns to serve his country; amongst all foes. They persecute each other his other rewards, he has a sweet satis- with relentless ferocity. What are faction in appearing glorious to her. the topics of their scandal conver He advances to maturity; the objects sations? Not the actions of men: of life gather round him; he sees her not their failings, their vices, their the mother of his children; her pious inconsistencies. No: it is sister woattention rears the hope of his future man that offers the fullest repast with years-Is any man weary of the sub- which to gorge their appetites. A ject? Man, the companion of wohandsome and a witty woman will be man, refreshes his labours, assuages sure to excite the malice of the ugly bis sorrows, and brightens his interests and the dull: but if she have erredin her prevailing presence. Nay, he Oh! then the nectar of the Gods, disdains not to display to her his presented by the hand of Hebe herdeepest researches in science; for self, is not half so grateful to the though her untaught mind may not assembled divinities, as her reputation always be equal to his attainments, is to an assembly of women." Then yet a sentiment of admiration pro- come the taunting sneer, the malicious duces in her a secret satisfaction that insinuation, the open attack.-Then it is not to mere brutal force she yields come all the names of opprobrium the empire, but that her lord is worthy and disgrace which disappointed chasof dominion. She feels his protection, tity or the rancour of a rival can sugaud, in return, irradiates his leisure gest. The eye brightens with anticiwith cheerfulness; filling those mo- pated rapture at the mention of a ments with interest which otherwise name prepared for cutting up. Man would yawn with vacuity. None like disdains the scene. He scorns to her can comfort the pillow of sickness. insult the victim he has betrayed. Her friendship is a respite and a rest. He leaves to woman the office of Urged by the thousand considerations trampling upon those who are already that circle round her shrine, heroism fallen. Woman, however, is not transcends itself, and he sustains and contented with attacking an overperforms more than philosophy ever thrown adversary: she delights to aught him. His reward is her fair invent the stigma which is yet unpresence, in whose fair presence it is fixed upon the brow of innocence by reward to live. The social duties are any actual deed. improved by this sentiment. What a further enforce what is an acknowBut, we will not man feels strongly inherent in his own ledged fact. breast, he naturally concludes to be common to all men; and hence sympathy of lovers,' husbands, and fathers; the source of all that is noble UNIVERSAL MAG. VOL. XIV.


We will make one more extract

from these volumes, which shall be the following a



To wilful men

"To learn truth amidst reviling and opprobrium is great; but to do so with

The injuries that they themselves procur'd humility and undiminished love is di

Must be their schoolmasters.


vine, and communicates to mortal existence the anticipated bliss of Heaven.

"A man never appears more fright"NOTHING is so obstinate as a fool, ful than when retaining his opinion in is the observation of ages past. Ob- opposition to his reason: at that mostinacy arises from pride, and increases ment he is destitute of both virtue and with time. Nothing is more difficult reason, and has sentenced himself to to overcome. You may meet with forfeit the benefit of both. Yet very frequent instances of the morose being few people, though otherwise of an subdued by living in association with amiable disposition, can carry on a beloved objects, and even being debate without becoming infected with brought to acknowledge the badness this weakness. In the course of buildof their temper with real humility; ing up their argument, they become but you will never find the obstinate so attached to it, that they fancy their confess any thing with a sincere in- own credit is interwoven with its suctention of reformation. If they con- cess. But argument ought to have fess at all, it is only to laugh off repre- the investigation of truth for its obhension, and persist in the same all ject, and not personal glory. If a man, the days of their lives. It is an inve- argues for his own eclat, he is likely terate disease, which taints every drop to end where he began; because he of blood in the frame. never thinks of stirring one step after truth, but rather resists its approaches, lest it should tumble him from the pinnacle of fancied victory, which victory generally consists in defeating his own reason.

"Obstinate people frequently have the misery of being convinced, though they will not own it. Indeed if they did not persist against conviction, they could not be called obstinate, but only ignorant; for no rational free agent can be expected to act against conviction.

"Conviction, to a candid and generous mind, is a delight; and the heroism that acknowledges an error is so full of social tenderness, that with all sincerity it binds the heart in cordial amity. To acknowledge an error is not an act of humility, but of real grandeur; and the man who can disengage himself so far from the little prejudices of contention, feels an empire within which nothing can destroy. The man who, after long and brilliantly main taining an argument, can at length publicly give it up, and meet with calmness the derision of his opponent, has more majesty than a diadem, more glory than a court, more dominion than despotism itself.

"Such is human frailty. But he ought not to have either majesty, or glory, or dominion; he ought neither to be ruffled by the insults of his adversary, nor to look down upon him with the morbid indifference of superiority: he should be gratefully intent on newly acquired truth, and christianly piteous to the mistaken insolence of his antagonist.

"Every person who commences an argument, however conversant on the subject, should do it with an intention to learn; otherwise he had best give a lecture. What is argument but the collision of mutual understanding? the most important, the most useful advantage of intellect. He that argues seeks the ideas of others, by which his own may be perfected.

"It is singular enough that vanity should ever be so duped as to suffer false shame to rob her of real glory; and yet this happens whenever a man has sense enough to see his error, yet dares not to own it. For that obstinacy that defends a bad cause, is nothing more than the fear of the triumph of the other party; whilst in reality a man rises considerably in the scale of merit by having sagacity enough to be made aware of his mistake, and cou-, rage sufficient to declare it.

"Many people betray a certain obstinacy of mind by secret satire or censure on the orders of a superior, which they are obliged to obey. Real sweetness and humility would show themselves by a faithful compliance with orders that are conclusive.

"Civilization represses the open

manifestation of obstinacy; but it is often to be traced in slight expressions and semi-actions. A very usual symptom of it is betrayed by people of considerable pretensions to civilization, even in very civilized company; and that is when a person has advanced some circumstance of information, of the most trifling nature, and perfectly indifferent to himself and every one else; yet, because he has once advanced it, should any one happen to question it, he will persist in it with au inflexibility that would sooner quarrel than rescind. This marks a man of narrow education, and cau arise only from a secret jealousy of being thought either a fool or an imposter; a fear that would never enter the head of one who was not conscious of being such.

"Obstinacy belongs to stupidity and ignorance. An informed and generous mind is sufficiently conscious that it can afford to give up many points, and still have many left on which it is right; but when a man is not clearly sensible he is ever right, be becomes tenacious of every thing, because, if defeated, he has no where to retreat, not being able to defend any argument better than that he gives up.

"Obstinacy is sensual; and, after engrossing and monopolising, is never satisfied. It deforms the temper, and is so prejudicial to the intellects as to render them of very little use.

"Foe to himself, the stupid wretch Evasions from afar will fetch : Forgetting human foresight's frail, He will not own he e'er can fail; But walls up error with his might, And for the fort will boldly fight. Undaunted still he shews his face, And triumphs in his own disgrace." We observed, in several parts of this work, a licentious use of terms: such as inutile, unmated, &c.

A GENUINE GUIDE TO HEALTH: or, practical Essays on the most approved Means of preserving Health and preventing Disease. To which are added, cursory Observations on Intemperance and various Excesses, and the extraordinary Influence they have on the Human Frame; also, Strictures on

the peculiar Regimen and Management of Invalids, Women in Childbed, and Infants, &c. &c. &c. By T. F. CHURCHILL, M.D. 1 vol. pp. 274. 1810.


WWE approve many parts of this

work, as Dr. Churchill seems not to be misled by any theoretical notions. His rules for health, diet, &c. are plain and practical, and are such as may be beneficially adopted: but we strongly censure the introduction of certain topics, which are highly dangerous in a book intended Such subfor general circulation. jects should never be discussed familiarly. They are as likely to corrupt the youthful mind as direct incentives.

[blocks in formation]

HIS little work is said to derive

its principal importance from a new era in the history of this remarkable race of people which has recently commenced, that will probably produce a complete regeneration in their modes of thinking and acting."

The author further states, that "their moral degeneracy has been gradually diminishing for several years past, and that the decree of the French government, bearing date the 30th of May, 1806, has already produced a considerable change in their manners and habits on the continent, by placing them on an equality, in respect to civic rights, with the Catholic or any other religion." He next proceeds to state the particulars of the meeting of the Sanhedrin at Paris, on the 9th of February, 1807, and the different heads upon which their deliberations turned, viz. marriages, polygamy, divorce, fraternity, moral, civil, and political relations; the particulars of which articles are only to be found at length in a work published in 1807, entitled, "The New Sanhedrin, or the Causes and Consequences of the French Emperor's Conduct towards the Jews," reviewed in our Magazine for April, 1808, and according to the article "Jews,” in Nicholson's Encyclopedia, written

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