street). Jackson G. Tottenham-court- Bartlett's-buildings). Oates E Rotherroad, oil and colour-man, (Nind, Throg hithe, mariner, (Kirkham & Co. Shorter'smorton-street). Johnson T. Lisson-grove, court). Orrell J. Manchester, cotton-maslopseller, (Gale & Son, Bedford-street). nnfacturer, (Willis & Co. Warnford-court). Jacques J. Holbor, composition-manu- Pilbeam W. Worth, East Grinstead, millfacturer, (Williamson & Co. Clifford's-Inn). wright, (Townshend, High-street). PolIrwin J. Church-court, Clement's-lane, lard W. sen, and Pollard W. jun. Bristol, merchant, (Gatty & Co. Angel-court). merchants, (Jenkins & Co. New-Inn), Price C. & Co. Kirk W. and Broughton, W. Leeds, mer- Penford J. Ringwood, Hants, mealman, chants, (Sykes & Co New-Inn) King (Ros, Ianer Temple). Pearse W. C. R. F. Gracechurch-street, tobacconist, Newton Abbot, linen-draper, (Fairbank, (Fisher, Bread-street). Kerry R. Buck- Staple-Inn). Phelps W. St Swithin, Jersbury, warehouseman, (Edge, Inner Worcester, baker, (Price, Worcester). Temple). Kernot J. Bear-street, druggist, Strand, umbrella-maker, (Gregson (Hindman, Dyer's-court). Keough J. & Co. Angel-cour.). Phillips W. BrightKing-street, St. James's-square, tailor, helmstone, Sussex, builder, (Wilde (Evans, Hatton-gardon). Keene A. Bath, Castle-street). Parsons J. Sawbridgeworth, bookseller, (Shephard & Co. Bedford-row), dealer, (Adams, Old Jewry). Peck S. Kendall T. G. Liverpool, merchant, (Win- Gravesend, painter, (Reardon & Co. Corbetdle, John-strect). Kearsley G. Fleet- court). Polglase J. Bristol, merchant, street, bookseller, (Coote, Austin-Friars). (Jaines, Gray's-Inn-square). Pearson J. Denholme, York, Leo C. Dowgate hill, merchant, (Adams, lock & Co. Elm-court) Parkes R. Dale York, worsted-spinner, (BlakeOld Jewry). Leeky 1. Old Jewry, mer- End, Birmingham, currier, (Constable, chant, (Reeks, Wellclose-square). Le- Symond's-Inn). Papps J. Beckington, maire J. Mary-le-bone-street, victualler, Somerset, dyer, (Evans, Hatton garden). (Bellamy, Clifford's-Inn). Lane W. Man- Robinson J. and C. Liverpool, merchants, chester, victualler, (tiurd, Temple). Lam- (Cooper & Co. Southampton-buildings). bert G. and Francis T. Mile-end-road, Robinson R. Cleckheation, grocer, (Wigles'coach-makers, (West, Red-lion-street). worth, Gray's Inn). Randall T. Oxford, Legassicke W. Butt-lane, Deptford, but linen-draper, (Chipchase & Co. Bucklerscher, (Nelson & Co. King's-road). Little- bu bury). Ragg R. Kingston-upon-Hull, wood J. Mortimer-street, butcher, (Jen- merchant, (Walmsley, Parliament-street). nings & Co. Carey-street). Leaver G. Rogers J. Strand, and Thomas T. CharterHaddenham, Bucks, carrier, (Rose & Co. house-square, merchants, (Bourdilon & Gray's-Inn). Co. Litale Friday-street). Rowed M. Millard J. Bristol, baker, (Whitcome & Mitcham, corn and coal-merchant, (NetCo. Sericant's-Inn). Mumford T. and tlefold, Norfolk-street). Robinson J. Skeen J. Greenwich, timber-merchants, Dalston, Cumberland, cotton-spinner, (Bir(Pearson, Elm-court). Miller W. Bath, kett, Bond-court). Rawling R. Plymouthgrocer, (Shephard & Co. Bedford-row). dock, Devon, grocer, (Collett & Co. ChanMiller W. Liverpool, tailor, (Windle, cery-lane). Richardson T. Southersted, John-street). Muston W. Chalfont St. brewer, (Few & Co. Henrietta-street). Peters, Bucks, dealer in plate-glass, (Scott, Robertson J. and Stern J. Lawrence Pount St. Mildred's-court). Millárd J. and Lea J. Size-lane, packers, (Clarke & Co. Chancery-lane). M'Camley P. Liverpool, merchant, (Windle, John-street). Mullett D. ney-hill, merchants, (Lane, Lawrence Pountney-hill). Roberts A. Nantwich, Chester, inn-keeper, (Keightly, Woodstreet). Hammersmith, straw-hat-manufacturer, Sutton M. Toitenham-court-road, baker, (Castle, Furnival's Inn). Moore J. Tettenhall, Stafford, dealer in horses, (Coleman, Islington). Mancur H. Maiden-lane, laceman, (Paterson, Old Broad-street). Maddock W. Liverpool, soapboiler, (Atkinson & Co. Chancery-lane). (Evans, Kennington-cross). Sheareraft J. Gloucester-street, tailor, (Wilson & Co. Lincoln's-Inn-Feilds). Showed S. Chinaterrace, music-seller, (Anstice & Co. King'sBench-Walks). Stinchcombe W. Bristol, cabinet-maker, (James, Gray's-Inn-square). Nathan M. Goulstone-street, White- Shuffiebottom J. Liverpool, ale-dealer,(For chapel, tailor, (Wilde & Co. Falcon-squ.). Newsom W. Bristol, innholder, (Sweet & Co. King's-Bench-Walks). Nixon R. Manchester, warehouseman, (Swale & Co. Staple-Inn). Nelson W. C. Fetter-lane, tavern-keeper, (Taylor, Fore-street). Owen T. Topsham, Devon, shipwright, (Collett & Co. Chancery-lane). Ouston J. Seulcoates, York, grocer, (Rosser & Son, rest, Liverpool). Spencer W. Whetstone, Leicester, hosier, (Taylor, Southamptonbuildings, Chancery-lane). Smith G. High Beech, near Loughton, victualler (Sanford, Staple-Inn). Sargent J. Trowbridge, Wilts, clothier, (Debary & Co. Inner-Temple). Salter T. Ottery Saint Mary, Devon, currier, (Warry, New-Inn). Samson A. and Samson J. Crutched-Friars, merchants, : (Newcomb, Vine-street). Simeon S. A. Stroud, draper, (Sheppard & Co. BedfordBristol, lace-merchant, (Bourdillon & Co. row). Winter W. Pewsey, Wilts, shopFriday-street). Sherfield J. Oxford, draper keeper, (Reardon & Co. Corbet-court). and tailor, (Kearsey & Co. Bishopsgate- Waterhouse J. Union-street, upholsterer, street). Spurrier W. A. Bristol, mercer, (Greenhill, Gray's-Inn-square). Willats (Kibblewhite & Co. Gray's-Inn-place). J. Gracechurch-str., hardwareman, (Wilde, Shipp J. Walcott, Somerset, carpenter, Castle street). Wood W. Framwellgate, (Jenkins & Co. New-Inn). Strong W. Durham, muslin-manufacturer, (Raine, Bath, sadler, (Franks, Hart-street). Sykes King's-Bench-Walks). Willis G. Bath, T. and Baker W. Leeds, dyer, (Blakelock upholsterer, (Smith, Hatton-garden). & Co. Elm-court). Smith J. H. Bristol, Wright W. Manchester, grocer, (Clarke & linen-draper, (Bigg, Hatton-garden). Co. Chancery-lane). Williams R. H. F. Thomas H. Kingston-upon-Hu mer- and Wilson M. Liverpool, merchants, Liverpool, chant, (Wood & Co. Castle-court). Tip- (Clayton & Co. New-square). Wildey J. ping R. and Fleming, Holden Clough, near Cheltenham, Gloucester, horse-dealer, Gisburn, calico-printers, (Hurd, jun. Tem- (Vizard & Co. Lincoln's-Inn). Wood J. ple). Travis R. Manchester, silversmith, and Stubbs A. S. Bolton-le-moors, cotton(Edge, Inner-Temple). emple). Taylor T. Dover- manufacturers, (Windle, John-street). Wilcourt, miller, (Catting, Bartlett's-buildings). son W. Fenchurch-street, merchant, Taylor T. Bilston, Stafford, japanner and (Swaine & Co. Old Jewry). Wilson M. liquor-merchant, (Egerton, Gray's-Inn- Liverpool merchant, (Windle, John-str.). square). Tucker M. Exeter, dyer, (Col- Woodhouse W. Noble-street, victualler, lett & Co. Cnancery-lane). Tyson D. (Windus & Co. Southampton-buildings). Liverpool, merchant, (Chambre, Chapel- Williams R. H. F. Liverpool, merchant, street, Bedford-row). (Windle, John-street). Woolcott W. Veale O. and Parsons R. Barnstaple, Wandsworth-road, builder, (Sarel, Surreybrandy-merchants, (James, Gray's-Inn- street). Weddell J. G. Fen-court, cornsquare). factor, (Gregson & Co Angel-court). Wat Westall W. Mount-street, yeast-mer- mough J. Liverpool, ironmonger, (Windle, chant, (Hannam, Piazza-chambers). Wild- John-street). Webb T. Walcot, Somerset, goose C. Gloucester, coal-merchant, (Whit- cabinet-maker, (Nethersole & Co. Essexcombe & Co. Serjeant's-Inn). Willis E. street). PRICES OF CANAL, DOCK, FIRE-OFFICE, WATER- CANALS. Grand Junction, 2601. per share December 21, 1810. BRIDGES. Strand, 101. per share discount, pays 5. per cent. yearly. Leicestershire & Northamptonshire Union, Vauxhall, 10/1. per share discount. Grand Union, par. par. Kennet and Avon, 421. per share Wilts and Berks, 441. ditto Basingstoke, 401. ditto Grand Western, par. Grand Surrey, 751. per share Rochdale, 551. per share DOCKS. ROADS AND RAILWAYS. Commercial, 1361. per cent. WATER-WORKS. East London, 1851. per share South London, 126/. ditto Kent, 321. ditto Portsmouth and Farlington, 15. Thames and Medway, 50l. per share prem York Buildings, 301. per share prem. Lancaster, 261, ditto London, 1217. per cent for the opening. West-India, 1621. ditto East-India, 1501. per cent. T FIRE AND LIFE INSURANCES. Globe, 1191. per share for the opening L. WOLFE and Co. Canal, Dock, & Stock Brokers. AGRICULTURAL REPORT. THE continuance of the late rains, and the effects of so much wet upon the seed in the ground, will probably have an injurious effect upon the agricultural interest at large. The barleys, beans, and peas, have been found to yield largely in Kent and Sussex, and have risen well in some of the other maritime counties. Turnips have profited most by the rainy weather; and the grass countries, from the shortness of the early hay crops, have thrown out an unusual quantity of feed. Where the late in undations have not reached, plenty of fodder has been produced for cow kine and lean cattle in general; hay at market, however, continues looking upward, and the wool markets are still dull, even in the sale of the finest merino fleeces. Price of meat in Smithfield Market:-Beef, 4s. 8d. to 6s. Od ;-Mutton, 4s. Od. to 5s. 2d.;-Veal, 5s. Od. to 7s. 6d ;-Pork, 6s. Od. to 7s. 4d. Middlesex, Dec. 25. AVERAGE PRICES OF CORN, By y the Winchester Quarter of 8 Bushels, and of OATMEAL per Boll of 140lbs. Á verdupois, from the Returns received in the Week ended Dec. 15, 1810. BILL of MORTALITY, from NOV. 21, to DEC. 25, 1810. Total Christenings and Burials from Dec. 13, 1809, to Dec. 10, 1810. Under 2 years of age 5853 5 and 10 10 and 20 850 } In all 19930 Buried Whereof have died, { } Males 104112 1587 20 and 30 121860 and 70 UNIVERSAL MAG. VOL. XIV. 3 U In all 19898. Long Anns. PRICE OF STOCKS, from Nov. 26, to Dre. 25, 1810, both inclusive.. Days Bank Sp Cent. 5 p. Cent. 4 p. Ct. Navy 181 Stock. Reduc Consols. Cons. 5 p. Cent. Inlia India/S. S/S Se Exche. Lottery City Om Imperial Imperial Irish 3 p. Cent Anns. 5p. Stock. Bonds Sro. Anns. Bils. Tickets Freeh Ticks. Cons. for nium. Acct. 27 2454 664 67 82 100 17 13-16ths 1824 21 08 1504 do. 60 28 245 66 674 824 100 17 13-16ths Shut 25s pn 5 82 100 17 72 21 08 1504 do. 67 29 2444 6645766 30 holiday Dec. 21 DS 15 05 do. 17 9-16ths 64 7s, pm 21 08 18 604 do. 674 15 2444 66 14 2444 66 75 pm 21 08 18 6 do. 67 21 88 18 6 51-16th 7. pm 21 68 186 21 holiday 21 88 18 ( 15 holiday MB. In the 9 per Cent Consols the highest and lowest Price of each day is given; in the other Stocks the highest only. FORTUNE and Co. STOCK-BROKERS and GENERAL AGENTS, No. 13, Cornhill. INDEX TO VOL. XIV. ABSENT-MIN A. BSENT-MINDED Man, the, 5. Accident, extraordinary, 166.1 Adair, Dr. Alexander, short memoir of, 326 288. of Baron Holberg, 10, 104, 196, 274, 370, 260. Hospital, 210. Notes to the Dialogue on the Fear of Death, 280... 263, 351, 439, 520. pendencies, 358. America, literary and scientific news of, 508. political state of, 74, 153, 415, Aspland's Bigotry and Intolerance defeat- Asses, advantages of employing in agri- culture, 407. Asthma, recipe for the cure of, 407. another, 498. Biographical Sketches - Right Hon. Wm. Birds and Insects, remarks on the migration Blacket, Joseph, account of his death, 208. Bonaparte, Strutt's character of, 36. Bourbon, the isle of, captured by the Bri- Bratsky, an uncivilized tribe, in Russia, ac- Bread, prices of, 87, 175, 263, 851, 489, Bridges, wooden, new method of construct- *Brighton, extraordinary oncurrence at, Atkin's History of the Israelites, review British Critic and Nubilia, 469. ing, 204. 168. Baillie, Miss, remarks on the genius of, 114. 431. Bankruptcies, monthly Ist of, 84, 172, British Institution, transactions of the, Museum, 49. Brown John, the life of, 291. |