The Universal magazine, Volume 14 |
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Pagina 12
... tained a very high estimation of the virtues of a well , not far from Copen- rade . It is much to be doubted whe- hagen , and who , at a certain season ther the common people , who see of the year , viz . at Michaelmas , were nothing ...
... tained a very high estimation of the virtues of a well , not far from Copen- rade . It is much to be doubted whe- hagen , and who , at a certain season ther the common people , who see of the year , viz . at Michaelmas , were nothing ...
Pagina 19
... tained ; and if that be wanting in women , or less perfect , there will be no more required to demonstrate that ours are more delicate C2 1810. ] 19 Republication of Scarce Tracts . - No . II . to condemn to perpetual oblivion; hazard ...
... tained ; and if that be wanting in women , or less perfect , there will be no more required to demonstrate that ours are more delicate C2 1810. ] 19 Republication of Scarce Tracts . - No . II . to condemn to perpetual oblivion; hazard ...
Pagina 40
... tained in the following excerpt , also , we willingly assent : - " Man cares not how reserved wo- men are to others , nor how unreserved they are to himself ; therefore when he comes to speak how he would have them be , he is ...
... tained in the following excerpt , also , we willingly assent : - " Man cares not how reserved wo- men are to others , nor how unreserved they are to himself ; therefore when he comes to speak how he would have them be , he is ...
Pagina 114
... tained an injurious and immeasurable distance . The grand , though track- less , flights of Shakspeare's genius were directed by an aim entirely op- posite . The human passions formed the basis of his plays , and tints warm from ...
... tained an injurious and immeasurable distance . The grand , though track- less , flights of Shakspeare's genius were directed by an aim entirely op- posite . The human passions formed the basis of his plays , and tints warm from ...
Pagina 155
... tained a decisive superiority , the pro . vinces to the south of the Danube will become the property of the victor , and the Turks will find it difficult to pre- serve Adrianople as the frontier of their empire . What a melancholy thing ...
... tained a decisive superiority , the pro . vinces to the south of the Danube will become the property of the victor , and the Turks will find it difficult to pre- serve Adrianople as the frontier of their empire . What a melancholy thing ...
Overige edities - Alles bekijken
Veelvoorkomende woorden en zinsdelen
Adam Adelaide appear army Axiochus Baron body Busaco Cadiz called cause Chancery-lane command continued court death ditto enemy England English eyes father favour feel France French give happy heard heart honour hope India Jews kava king labour lady land late learned length letter liberty Liniers live Liverpool London Lord Lord Wellington Majesty manner means ment merchant mind morning nature neral ness never night object observed occasion officers Old Jewry opinion parliament persons pleasure Portugal Portuguese possession present Prince racter received rendered Robert Fuller Royal scarcely Selima Seth share prem shew Sir Francis Burdett society Socrates soul Spain Stock Brokers street tained thee Themistocles ther thing thou thought tion ture UNIVERSAL MAG vessels virtue whole women young
Populaire passages
Pagina 483 - Upon his word I entered the gate, and came up to the Cofferer's chamber, where I found all the ladies weeping bitterly. He...
Pagina 353 - I shall never envy the honours which wit and learning obtain in any other cause, if I can be numbered among the writers who have given ardour to virtue, and confidence to truth.
Pagina 385 - As one who, long in populous city pent, Where houses thick and sewers annoy the air, Forth issuing on a summer's morn, to breathe Among the pleasant villages and farms Adjoin'd, from each thing met conceives delight ; The smell of grain, or tedded grass, or kine, Or dairy, each rural sight, each rural sound...
Pagina 98 - Of devisors of false news and of horrible and false lies, of prelates, dukes, earls, barons, and other nobles and great men of the realm ; and also of the chancellor, treasurer, clerk of the privy seal, steward of the king's house, justices of the one bench or of the other, and of other great officers of the realm...
Pagina 481 - , and then discoursed with me of her indisposition, and that her heart had been sad and heavy for ten or twelve days, and in her discourse she fetched not so few as forty or fifty great sighs. I...
Pagina 483 - This that I heard with my ears, and did see with my eyes, I thought it my duty to set down, and to affirm it for a truth, upon the faith of a Christian ; because I know there have been many false lies reported of the end and death of that good lady.
Pagina 483 - I went in with them, and sat upon my knees, full of tears to see that heavy sight. Her Majesty lay upon her back, with one hand in the bed, and the other without. The Bishop kneeled...
Pagina 327 - Give me my scallop-shell of quiet, My staff of faith to walk upon. My scrip of joy, immortal diet, My bottle of salvation, My gown of glory, hope's true gage; And thus I'll take my pilgrimage.
Pagina 513 - Ireland, with part i of An historical address on the calamities occasioned by foreign influence in the nomination of Bishops to Irish Sees...
Pagina 426 - Foley, were of great use in completely securing the advantages gained. Every exertion was now made to get the convoy out of the river; but it being almost low water, it was late in the evening before they could be got afloat, and much labour and fatigue was occasioned, being obliged to shift the cargoes into smaller vessels to get them over the bar.