


American journal of numismatics, and bul- | American shipmasters' association-cont'd. letin of the American numismatic and archæological society, May, 1866, to April, 1868. v. 1-2 in 1 vol. 8°. New York, Am. numis, and archæol.soc. [1866-68].

American (The) journal of science and arts. Conducted by B. Silliman, J. D. Dana, [and others]. January to November, 1869. 2d series, v. 47-48. [Complete series, v. 97-98]. 8°. New Haven, editors, [1869].


American literary gazette and publishers' circular. November 1868, to Oct. 1869. 12-13. 8°. Philadelphia, G. W. Childs, [1869].

American (The) magazine, and repository of useful literature. Devoted to science, literature, and the arts, (etc.) Edited by John S. Wood, m. d. and Barnabas Wood, [etc.] v. 1. [From July to December, 1841]. 190 pp. 10 pl. 8°. Albany, B. Wood, 1841. American medical association. Transactions. v. 3-4, and 15-19. 1850-51, 1864-68. 8°. Philadelphia, for the association, 1850-68. American (The) naturalist, a popular illustrated [monthly] magazine of natural history. Edited by A. S. Packard, jr. [and others]. March, 1867, to February, 1869. v. 1-2. 8°. Salem, Essex institute and Peabody academy of science, 1868-69.

American pharmaceutical association. Proceedings. v. 1-16. 8°. Philadelphia, 1851


American (The) preacher; or, a collection of sermons from some of the most eminent preachers, now living, in the United States, of different denominations in the christian church. Never before published. [Edited by David Austin]. 3 v. 12°. Elizabethtown, (N. J.) S. Kollock, 1791.

veys made and compiled under the direction of the American shipmasters' association. 199 1. 4°. New York, R. C. Root & co. 1869.

American social science association. Documents published by the association. Part 1. Constitution, address, and list of members, with the questions proposed for discussion, to which are added minutes of the transactions of the association. July, 1866. 64 pp. 89. Boston, association, 1866.

The same. Part 2. Address, at the fifth general meeting, New York, November 19, 1867, by Samuel Eliot, corresponding secretary, to which are added lists of papers, members, etc. December, 1867. 65-92 рр. 8°. Boston, association, 1867.

Journal. No. 1. April, 1869. 8°. Boston, 1869. American (The) spectator; or, matrimonial preceptor. A collection (with additions and variations) of essays, epistles, precepts, and examples, relating to the married state, from the most celebrated writers, ancient and modern. Adapted to the state of society in the American republic. 286 pp. 1 pl. 16°. Boston, D. West, 1797.

American (The) year-book and national register for 1869. Astronomical, historical, political, financial, commercial. Edited by David N. Camp. v. 1. 824 pp. 8°. Hartford, O. D. Case & co. 1869. Americanische (Die) goldgrube; das ist: die kunst des landmanns, seine zeitlichen güter fünfzig- bis hundertfältig zu vermehren, [etc.] Ein lehrreiches lese- und rechenbuch, für alle wahre patrioten, [etc. anon.] viii, 192 pp. 12°. Libanon, (Penn.) H. Sage, 1810.

The same. v. 4. 8°. New Haven, A. Amerikanisches magazin-Oder authentiMorse, 1793. American (The) presbyterian and theological review. Editors: H. B. Smith and J. M. Sherwood. January to October, 1863. New series, v. 1. 8°. New York, J. M. Sherwood, 1863.

American railroad journal. Steam navigation, commerce, finance, engineering, banking, mining, manufactures. January, 1864, to December, 1869. ν. 37-42. (2d quarto series, v. 20-25). 4°. New York, J. Н. Schultz, 1864-69.

American shipmasters' association. Record of American and foreign shipping, from sur

sche beiträge zur erdbeschreibung, staatskunde und geschichte von Amerika, besonders der Vereinigten Staaten. Herausgegeben von professor Hegewisch in Kiel, und professor Ebeling in Hamburg. v. 1. 4 parts in 2 V. 3 р. 1. 190, 166 pp; 2 p. 1.200 pp. 21. 184 pp. 8°. Hamburg, C. E. Bohn, 1795. Amérique (L') délivrée; esquisse d'un poëme sur l'indépendance de l'Amérique. Par L. C. D. L. G. [anon.] 2 v. xxiv, 726 pp. 8°. Amsterdam, J. A. Crajenschot, 1783. [anon.] 92 pp. 1 pl. American s. s. union,

Am I a child of God? 18°. Philadelphia, [1869].


Amicable Quixote. Historia de Bruce y Andala-continued.

Emilia, ó el Quixote de la amistad. Obra
inglesa. [anon.] Traducida al Frances por el
p. Chanin, y extractada libremente al cas-
tellano por d. F. E. y C.
2 v. 6 p. 1. 190 pp;
2 p. 1. 216 pp. 16°.
Madrid, Repullés,

Amoreux (Félix d').
(Jules de).



Adjecta est disputatio theologica de libero hominis peccatoris arbitrio. 4 p. 1. 253 pp. 11. 16°. Franequerae, A. Heinsius, 1713.

Andersen (Hans Christian). The two baronesses. A romance. v, 261 pp. 12°. New York, Hurd & Houghton, 1869.

See Saint-Félix Anderson (Charles Frederick). Anderson's American villa architecture. 1st no. 61. 15 pl. obl. fol. New York, G. P. Putnam & co. 1853.

Amort (Eusebio). Censura sobre el arte de pensar, ò logica admirable de Antonio Arnaldo, escrita en Latin, y traducida en Español, por Miguel Joseph Fernandez, [etc.] 10 p. 1. 171 pp. 8°. Madrid, A. Muñoz del Valle, 1759.


[With ARNAULD (A.) Arte de pensar, 1759]. Amory (Thomas C.) The military services and public life of major-general John Sullivan, of the American revolutionary army. 2 p. 1. 320 pp. 1 portrait. 8°. Boston, Wiggin & Lunt, 1868.

Ampère (Jean Jacques). L'histoire romaine à Rome. 2 v. 2 p. 1. lxiii, 495 pp. 11.1 map; 2 p. 1. 577 pp. 11. 1 map. 8°, Paris, M. Lévy frères, 1862.

Littérature, voyages et poésies. Nouvelle éd. 2 v. 3 p. 1. 336 pp; 2 p. 1. 504 pp. 16°. Paris, Didier, 1853.

Amunátegui (Miguel Luis and Gregorio). La reconquista española. Apuntes para la historia de Chile, 1814-1817. ix, 210 pp. 11. 8°. Santiago, imprenta chilena, 1851. S. Amyraut or Amyrault (Moïse). De jure naturæ, quod connubia dirigit, disquisitiones sex. Ex Gallica versæ à B. H. Reynoldo, ex bibliotheca G. von Mastricht, qui notas aliaque ejusdem argumenti addidit. 2 p. 1. 384 pp. 1 1. 16°. Stadæ, H. Brummer, 1712.

Anastasius, bibliothecarius. Historia de vitis romanorum pontificum a Petro apostolo vsqve ad Nicolavm i. Deinde vita Hadriani ii. et Stephani vi. auctore Gvilielmo bibliothecario. Accessere variæ lectiones, [etc.] 8 p. 1. 352 pp. 61. 40. Moguntiæ, I. Albinus, 1602.

Ancillon (Friedrich). Zur vermittlung der extreme in den meinungen. 2 v. xiv, 427 pp; iv, 384 pp. 8°. Berlin, Duncker & Humblot, 1831.


v. 1. Geschichte und politik.
v. 1. Philosophie und poesie.

Andala or Ruirds van Andlahuizen (-) Vindiciæ veritatis, quam ecclesiæ reformatæ profitentur de dependentia actionum à Deo.

[No more published].

Anderson (John J.) An introductory school history of the United States, arranged on the catechetical plan; to which are added, the declaration of independence, and the constitution of the United States, with questions and explanations. 153, 38 pp. 2 maps. 16°. New York, Clark & Maynard, 1867.

Anderson (Rufus, d. d.) Foreign missions; their relations and claims. 1 p. 1. xiv, 373 pp. 12°. New York, C. Scribner & co. 1869. Anderson (Rev. William). Kings of society; or, leaders of social, intellectual, and religious progress. xi, 304 pp. 12°. London, book society, [1866].

Andrejkovicz (-). and Dunk (--). General instructions for the use of aniline colors. 8°.

Philadelphia, 1869.

[In LOVE, (T.) The art of dyeing]. Andrés y Alcalde (Joaquin). Manual estadistico, historico-politico, genealógico y astronomico; ó vista estadistica del mundo y compendio general de noticias. 16 p. 1. 327 pp. 16°. Madrid, Moreno, 1831. Andrew Douglas. [A tale. anon.] 232 pp. 1 pl. 18°. New York, nat. temperance publ. house, 1868.

Anecdotes of eminent persons, comprising also many remains of literature and biography, with some original letters of distinguished characters. 2 v. xi, 404 pp; vii, 404 pp. 8°. London, S. Bagster, 1813. Anecdotes du temps de Louis xvi. [anon.] 2 p.1. 218 pp. 16°. Paris, L. Hachette & cie. 1854.

[blocks in formation]



Anglerius (Petrus). See Martire d'An- Annales des voyages, de la géographie, de ghiera (Pietro).

[blocks in formation]

- Vida, y virtudes de el capuchino español fr. Francisco de Pamplona, [etc.] Llamado en el siglo don Tiburcio de Redin, [etc.] 16 p. 1. 356 pp. 121. sm. 4°. Madrid, imprenta real, 1704.

Angus (Joseph, d. d.) The bible handbook: an introduction to the study of the sacred scriptures. 2d revised ed. With revisions, notes, and an index of scripture texts, by rev. F. S. Hoyt. 781 pp. 1 col. map. 12°. Philadelphia, J. S. Claxton, [1868].

Annales des ponts et chaussées. 4a série. 1867-1868. 7 v. 8°. Paris, Dunod, 18671868.


ν. 13-16.

Mémoires, 1867-68.
Lois, décrets, arrêtés, et autres actes, 1867–68. ν. 7-8.
Personnel, 1868.

Annales de la propagation de la foi. See Association de la propagation de la foi.

Annales regum Mauritaniæ a condito Idrisidarum imperio ad annum fugæ 726, ab Abu-l Hasan Ali ben Abd Allah ibn Abi Zer' Fesano, vel ut alii malunt, Abu Muhammed Salih ibn Abd el Halim granatensi conscriptos, ad librorum manuscriptorum fidem edidit, scripturæ varietatem notavit, latine vertit observationibusque illustravit Carolus Joannes Tornberg. 2 v. in 1. 12 p. 1. 281 pp; 5 p. 1. xiv, 446 pp. 4°. Upsaliæ, litteris academicis, 1843-46.


v. 1. Textus arabicus.


v. 2. Versio latina, scripturæ varietas et observationes.

l'histoire et de l'archéologie, [etc.] dirigée par V. A. Malte-Brun. Année 1867 [et] 1868. 8 v. 8°. Paris, Challamet ainé, 1867-68.

Annals (The) and magazine of natural history, including zoology, botany, and geology. Conducted by C. C. Babington, J. E. Gray, W. S. Dallas, and W. Francis. 4th series. v. 2-3. 8°. London, Taylor and Francis, 1868-69.

Annet (Peter). Short-hand perfected, containing plain and easy examples, and instructions for learning it. 3 p. 1. 10 pp. 1 pl. 8°. London, G. Woodfall, 1768..

Annexation to the United States: is it desirable? and is it possible ? By" one of the people." [anon.] 64 pp. 8°. Halifax, (N. S.) J. Bowes & son, 1868. Annie's gold cross, and its mysterious motto. By the author of "Nellie Grey." [anon.] 267 pp. 4 pl. 16°. Philadelphia, presbyterian publication committee, [1869].

Annuaire de l'administration française; par Maurice Block, faisant suite au Dictionnaire de l'administration française. 11e année. 1868. 2 v. in 1. viii, 387 pp; 174 pp. 120. Paris, V. Berger-Levrault et fils, 1868.

Annuaire des deux mondes. Histoire générale des divers états. v. 14. 1866-67. ৪০. Paris, bureau de la Revue des deux mondes, 1868.

Annuaire de l'économie politique et de la statistique; par mm. Guillaumin, Joseph Garnier, Mce. Block, etc. 1-2, 4-17, 2526o année. 1844-45, 1846-60, 1868-69. 17 v. 18°. Paris, Guillaumin, 1844-69.

Annuaire encyclopédique. Politique. Economie sociale. Statistique. Administration. Sciences. Littérature. Beaux-arts. Agriculture. Commerce. Industrie. Publié par les directeurs de l'Encyclopédie du 19e siècle, 1868. 8°. Paris, au bureau de l'encyclopédie du 19o siècle, 1869.

Annuaire de l'instruction publique pour l'année 1868, [et] 1869, publié par J. Delalain. 2 v. 16°. Paris, J. Delalain & fils, 1868-69.

[blocks in formation]



Annual (The) register; a review of public | Aoust (L'abbé-). Analyseinfinitésimale des
events at home and abroad, for the year 1868.
New series. 8°. London, Rivington, 1869.
Annual of scientific discovery: or, year-book

courbes tracées sur une surface quelconque. xl, 314 pp. 11. 8°. Paris, Gauthier-Villars, 1869.


of facts in science and art for 1869, exhibiting Apgar (E. A. and A. C.) Geographical drawthe most important discoveries and improvements in mechanics, useful arts, [and science, during 1868.] Edited by Samuel Kneeland, m. d. 12°. Boston, Gould & Lincoln, 1869. Ansdale hall; or, "stand by your colors," by

g-book. A new and improved system of map-drawing, designed to be used as a primary geography by beginners. 40 pp. obl. 4°. Philadelphia, Cowperthwait & co. 1869.

C. J. G. [anon.] 224 pp. 3 pl. 180. Bos- Aphentoulé (Theodoros). Παθολογικης ανα

ton, American tract society, [1868].

Anspach (C. A.) Geschichte und beschreibung von Newfoundland und der küste Labrador. x, 277 pp. 2 maps. 8°. Weimar,


Ansted (D. T.) The application of geology to the arts and manufactures. Being six lectures on practical geology, delivered before the society of arts, as a part of the Cautor series of lectures for 1865. iv pp. 21.300 pp. 16°. London, R. Hardwicke, 1865. Answer to considerations on certain political transactions of the province of South Carolina.

τομιας επιτομη προς χρησιν των της ιατρικης σχολης φοιτητων συντεθεισα. ν 2-3. 8°. Εν Αθηναις, Ι. Αγγελοπουλος, 1854-55. [v.1 wanting].


Apparatus brevis ad theologiam, et jus canonicum; complectens indicem historicochronologicum conciliorum, paparum, antipaparum, patrum et scriptorum ecclesiasticorum, necnon hereticorum, et compendiosam juris utriusque prænotionem. [anon.] 4 p.1. 255 pp. 18°. Venetiis, Remondini, 1753.

[With COZZA (L.) Dubia selecta, 1750].

[anon.] 2 p. 1. 140 pp. 18°. London, J. Appleton (D.) & co. Appleton's illustrated

Almon, 1774.

Antas (Miguel d'). Les faux don Sébastien ; étude sur l'histoire de Portugal. 2 p. 1. v. 476 pp. 11. 80. Paris, A. Durand, 1866. Ante-nicene christian library. Translations of the writings of the fathers, down to A. D. 325. Edited by Alexander Roberts, d. d. and James Donaldson, ll. d. v. 1-12. 8°. Edinburgh, T. & T. Clark, 1869.


ALEXANDER. Epistles, v. 9.

ANTERUS. Epistle, v. 9.

ASTERIUS, urbanus. Writings, v. 9.
ATHENAGORAS. Writings, v. 2.

BARNABAS. Epistle, v. 1.

CAIUS. Fragments, v. 9.

CALLISTUS. Epistles, v. 9.

CLEMENS, alexandrinus. Writings, v. 4 and 12.
CLEMENS, romanus. Epistles, v. 1.

CLEMENTINE recognitions, v. 3.

CYPRIANUS (T. C.) Writings, v. 8.

EPISTLE to Diognetus, v. 1.
FABIANUS. Epistles, v. 9.

HERMAS. The pastor, v. 1.

HIPPOLYTUS. Writings, v. 6 and 9.
IGNATIUS. Epistles, [with his Martyrdom], v. 1.

IRENÆUS. Writings, v. 6 and 9.

JULIUS, africanus. Writings, v. 9.
JUSTINUS, martyr. Writings, v. 2.

ORIGENES. Writings, v. 10.

PAPIAS. Fragments, v. 1.

POLYCARP. Epistles, [with his Martyrdom], v. 1.

PONTIANUS. Epistles, v. 9.
TATIANUS. Writings, v. 3.
TERTULLIANUS (Q. S. F.) Writings, v. 11.
Five books against Marcion, v. 7.
THEOPHILUS, antiochenus. Writings, v. 3.
URBANUS i. Epistle, v. 9.
ZEPHYRINUS. Epistles, v. 9.

Anthropological (The) review. 1863-69, ν.

1-7. 8°. London, 1863–69.

almanac for 1869 and 1870. 2 v. 8°. New York, D. Appleton & co. 1868-69.

- Appleton's journal of literature, science, and art, April 3 to Aug. 14, 1869. v. 1. 8°. New York, D. Appleton & co. 1869.

Appleton's juvenile annual for 1869. A christmas and new year's gift for young people. 382 pp. 8 pl. 12°. New York, D. Appleton & co. 1869.

Appleton (John L.) Bestandtheile der englischen aussprache, mit genauer beschreibung der englischen laute und zahlreichen erläuternden übungen. Eine anweisung zu der aneignung einer richtigen und deutlichen aussprache des englischen. Elements of English pronunciation, [etc.] 30 pp. 8°. New York, 1869.

Appleton's improved practical method for Germans to learn English in the shortest time. Verbesserte praktische aussprache-methode, die englische sprache in kürzester zeit lesen, schreiben und sprechen zu lernen. 144 pp. 12°. New York, B. Westermann & co. 1869.

Après de Mannevillette (Jean Baptiste Nicolas Denis d'). Instructions sur la navigation des Indes orientales et de la Chine, pour servir au Neptune oriental. 2 p. 1. lviii, 574 pp. 7 1. xvi, xx, 52 pp. 40. Paris, Dezauche, 1775.



Aram (Eugene). The trial and life of Eugene Aram; several of his letters and poems; and his plans and specimens of an Anglo-Celtic lexicon; with copious notes and illustrations, and an engraved fac-simile of the handwriting of this very ingenious but ill-fated scholar. iv, 124 pp. 1 pl. 11. 8°. Richmond, M. Bell, 1832.

Arand (Diego Barros). Historia jeneral de la independencia de Chile. v. 1. 2 p. 1. iii, 325 pp. 80. Santiago, imprenta chilena, 1854. s. Arber (Edward). English reprints. 11. v. 16°. London, A. Murray & sons, 1868.


ADDISON (J.) Criticism on Milton's "Paradise lost," 1711-12. No. 8.

ASCHAM (R.) Toxophilus, 1545. No. 7.
GOSSON (S.) The schoole of abuse, 1579. A short
apologie for the schoole of abuse, 1579. No. 3.
LATIMER (H.) Sermon on the ploughers, 1549. No. 2.
Seven sermons before Edward vi, 1549. No. 13.
LYLY (J.) Euphues. The anatomy of wit, 1579.
Euphues and his England, 1580. No. 9.
MILTON (J.) Areopagitica, 1644. No. 1.
MORE (T.) Utopia, 1516. No. 14.
PUTTENHAM (G.) The arte of English poesie, 1589.
No. 15.

SELDEN (J.) Table-talk, 1689. No. 6.
SIDNEY (P.) An apologie for poetrie, 1595.
WEBBE (E.) His trauailes, 1590. No. 5.

No. 4. Archæological institute of Great Britain and Ireland. See Royal archæological institute of Great Britain and Ireland.

Archæological (The) journal. Published under the direction of the central committee of the British archæological association for the encouragement and prosecution of researches into the arts and monuments of the early and middle ages. v.1. 8°. London, 1845.

The same.


Published under the direction of the central committee of the (royal) archæological institute of Great Britain and Ireland. v. 2-24. 8°. London, 1846-67. s. Archives générales de médicine; journal publié par une société de médecins, 1823-41. 57 8°. Paris, Béchet, 1823-41. [NOTE.-Complete to v. 12, 3d series]. Archivio storico italiano.


parte 1 e 2. 1868. 8°. Vieusseux, 1868.

Ser. 34. v. 7-8. Firenze, G. P.

[blocks in formation]

Argens (Jean Baptiste de Boyer, marquis d'). Lettres juives; ou, correspondance philosophique, historique et critique, entre un juif voyageur en différens états de l'Europe, et ses correspondans en divers endroits. [anon.] Nouv.éd. 8 v. 18°. La Haye, P. Paupie, 1764.

Argentine republic. Rejistro estadistico de la república arjentina. Bajo la direccion de Damian Hudson. v. 2. 481 pp. fol. Buenos Aires, J. A. Bernheim, 1867.

Argosy (The). Edited by mrs. Henry Wood. January to December, 1869. v. 7-8. 8°. [London, J. Ogden & co. 1869].

Argüelles (Agustin de). Exámen histórico de la reforma constitucional que hicieron las córtes generales y estraordinarias desde que se instalaron en la isla de Leon, el 24 de setiembre de 1810, hasta que cerraron en Cadiz sus sesiones en 1813. 2 ν. 1 p. 1. viii, 479 pp; viii, 459 pp. 8°. Londres, C. Wood & hijo, 1835.

Argüelles (José Reguero). See Reguero Argüelles.

Argyll (G. D. Campbell, duke of). See Campbell (G. D.)

Aristophanes. Πλουτος, [comedia]. 1p. 1.

152 pp. 8°. Cantabrigiæ, 1820. [With PORSON (R.) Notæ in Aristophanem, etc. [

Aristoteles. Fragmenta; collegit, disposuit, illustravit Æmilius Heitz. xvi, 357 pp. 8°. Paris, Didot, 1869.

[DIDOT. Bibliothèque grecque, v. 55].

Problematum sectiones due de quadraginta. 16°. Valentiæ, 1554. [GAZA (T.) Problematum Aristotelis, etc.]

Synopsis of the virtues and vices. Translated by W. Bridgman. 8°. London, 1804.

[In BRIDGMAN (W.) Translations from the Greek, pp. 1-23].

Arizona (Territory of). Journals of the first legislative assembly. Session begun on the 26th day of September, and ended 10th day of November, 1864, at Prescott. 250, xviii pp. 8°. Prescott, Arizona miner, 1865.

Arjentina (República). See Argentine republic.

Arkansas (State of). Constitution as adopted by the convention, February 11, 1868. 28 pp. 8°. Little Rock, Republican printing office, 1868.

Arlincourt (Vicomte Victor d'). The renegade. Translated from the French. 2 v. in 1. 352 pp. 12°. Philadelphia, Carey & Lea, 1822.

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