[anon.] viii, 246 pp. 11. 80. Paris, Le- Arnold (John L. m. d.) Lectures on the doyen, 1852. Arminius or Harmanson (Jacob). Opera theologica. 12 pl. 788 pp. 40. Francofurti, G. F. Anglus, 1631. Arnauld (Antoine). Arte de pensar; ò, logica admirable, [etc.] escrita en Frances, y traducida en Español, por Miguel Joseph Fernandez, [etc.] Con la censura del p. doct. Eusebio Amort, [etc.] 2 v. in 1. 16 p. 1. 460 pp; 10 p. 1. 171 pp. 8°. Madrid, A. Muñoz del Valie, 1759. S. Arnault (Antoine Vincent). Œuvres. 8 v. 8°. Paris, Bossange père, 1824-27. verses. v. 4. Fables. Poésies mêlées. Promenade à Montreuil. v. 5. Mélanges académiques. v. 6-8. Critiques philosophiques et littéraires. v. 1-3. Arnim (Bettine von, born Brentano). Günderode. [Letters]. xii, 106 pp. 120. Boston, E. P. Peabody, 1842. Arnobius, senior. Adversus gentes libri vii. structure and laws of the human body. 165 pp. 120. Cincinnati, H. M. Rulison, 1856. Arnold (L. M.) The history of the origin of all things, [etc. Purporting to be "by Jesus Christ, delivered through L. M. Arnold"]. 3 v. in 1. 8°. [New York], 1852. The same. Delivered by the Lord Jesus Christ, of Nazareth, formerly, (etc.) Written down by the medium. 2d series. 212 pp. 8°. [New York], 1853. S. Arnold (Matthew). Schools and universities on the continent. xxviii, 311 pp. 8°. London, Macmillan & co. 1868. Arntzen (Johann). Dissertationes binæ : quarum prior agit de colore et tinctura comarum ; posterior de civitate romana apostoli Pauli. 7 p. 1. 234 pp. 16°. Trajecti ad Rhenum, G. Kroon, 1725. Arrington (Alfred W.) Poems. With a sketch of his character, and a memoir. xxii pp. 11. 226 pp. 12°. Chicago, E. B. Myers, 1869. Art (L') de mediter sur la chaise percée. See Grand (The) mystery, etc. Art journal. 1868. New series, v. 7. [Com- Art (L') pour tous. Encyclopédie de l'art Art (The) of writing short-hand made easy; 15 pp. 3 pl. Arthur (Timothy Shay). All's for the best series. 3 v. 18°. Philadelphia, J. B. Lippincott & co. 1869. CONTENTS. All's for the best. 219 pp. 1 pl. Friends and neighbours; or, two ways of living in the world. 300 pp. 6 pl. 16°. Philadelphia, T. Bliss & co. [1869]. ARTHUR. Arthur-continued. The mother's rule; or, the right way and the wrong way. 300 pp. 6 pl. 16°. Philadelphia, T. Bliss & co. [1869]. Our homes; their cares and duties, joys and sorrows. 300 pp. 6 pl. 16°. Philadelphia, T. Bliss & co. [1869]. ATHENAEUS. Asiatic society of Bengal. Descriptive catalogue of the fossil remains of vertebrata from the Sewalik hills, the Nerbudda, Perim islands, etc. in the museum of the Asiatic society of Bengal. By Hugh Falconer, assisted by H. Walker. 1 p. 1. 261 pp. 8°. Calcutta, 1859. Rainy day at home. 205 pp. 6 pl. 180 Asopios (Κ.) Λογος Κ. Ασωπιου επι της Boston, D. Lothrop & co. 1870. -------- The wedding guest: a friend of the bride and bridegroom. 300 pp. 6 pl. 16°. Philadelphia, T. Bliss & co. [1869]. Words of cheer for the tempted, the toiling, and the sorrowing. 300 pp. 6 pl, 16°. Philadelphia, T. Bliss & co. [1869]. Arthur (Rev. William). Addresses delivered in New York, [etc.] With a biographical sketch of the author. Also, the address of rev. dr. Adams, at the Broadway tabernacle, [etc.] Edited by W. V. Strickland. 188 pp. 1 portrait. 12°. New York, Carlton & Phillips, 1856. S. Ascham (Roger). Toxophilus, 1545. Carefully edited by Edward Arber. 2 p. 1. 163 pp. 16°. London, A. Murray & sons, 1868. [ARBER'S English reprints, no. 7]. Ash (Edward, m. d.) The speculator. [anon.] 1 p. 1. 266 pp. 16°. Dublin, W. Corbet, 1791. Ashcroft (John). Ashcroft's railway directory, for 1869. Containing a list of the officers and directors of the railroads in the United States and the Canadas, with their financial condition and amount of rolling stock. 2 p. 1. 352 pp. 8°. New York, [1869]. Asher (G. M. ll. d.) A bibliographical and historical essay on the Dutch books and pamphlets relating to New Netherland, and to the Dutch West India company, and to its possesions in Brazil, Angola, etc. As also on the maps, charts, etc. of New Netherland, with fac-similes of the map of New Netherland, by N. I. Visscher, and of the three existing views of New Amsterdam. Compiled from the Dutch libraries, [etc.] lii, 234, 22, 23 pp. 21. 1 map. sm. 4°. Amsterdam, F. Muller, 1854-67. Ashmead (Rev. William). Sermons. With a memoir of his life. 2 p. 1. 438 pp. 8°. Philadelphia, Towar & Hogan, 1830. Ashton (S.) The whole art of tachygraphy. See Graves (R.) and Ashton. δευτερας αυτου πρυτανειας, τη κε σεπτεμβριου 1856, εκ νεου νυν μετα εικονογραφιων εκδιδομενος. [An eulogy of Alexander the great]. νς, 336 pp. 2 pl. 8°. Αθηνησι, Π. Α. Σακελλαριος, 1858. S. Aspects of humanity, brokenly mirrored in the everswelling current of human speech. [anon.] 55 pp. 120. Philadelphia, J. В. Lippincott & co. 1869. Assier (Adolphe d'). Le Brésil contemporain. Races.- Mœurs. -Institutions.-Paysage. Colonisation. 320 pp. 8°. Paris, Durand & Laurel, 1867. Association of medical superintendents of American institutions for the insane. Report of the proceedings at their twenty-second annual meeting, held at Boston, June, 1868. Published by direction of the association. 207 pp. 8°. Harrisburgh, T. F. Scheffer, 1868. Association de la propagation de la foi. Annales de la propagation de la foi. Recueil périodique des lettres des évêques et des missionaires des missions des deux mondes, et de tous les documents relatifs aux missions et á l'œuvre de la propagation de la foi. Collection faisant suite aux Lettres édifiantes. 35 v. 8°. Lyon, éditeur des annales, 1823-63. Astié (J. F.) Histoire de la république des États-Unis depuis l'établissement des premières colonies jusqu'à l'élection du président Lincoln, (1620-1860). Précédée d'une préface par m. Ed. Laboulaye. 2 v. 2 p. 1. xv, 478 pp; 2 p. 1. 589 pp. 8°. Paris, Grassart, 1865. Astronomie populaire; ou, esquisse générale du système du monde, servant de commentaire à l'atlas de l'astronomie en tableaux transparents de douze planches. 2e éd. 70 pp. 120. Atlas, 12 col. pl. 40. Bruxelles, Kiessling & cie. 1858. S. Athenaeus. Athenaei dipnosophistarum, sive coenæ sapientum libri xv, Natale de Comitibus veneto nunc primi e græca in latinam lingua uertente, [etc.] Ed. posterior. 26 p. 1. 1122 pp.11. 18. Basileæ, Henricus-Petrus, 1556. ATHENÆUM. AUSTRIA. Athenæum (The); journal of literature, sci- Auerbach-continued. Athenagoras. Writings. 8°. Edinburgh, 1868. [Ante-nicene library, v. 2. pp. 373 to 465]. Atkinson (C. F.) Cotton culture, etc. See Loring (F. W.) and Atkinson. Atkinson (Rev. John). The garden of sorrows; or, the ministry of tears. 203 pp. 16°. New York, Carlton & Lanahan, [1868]. Atlantic (The) almanac, 1870. 72 pp. 4°. Boston, office of the Atlantic monthly, 1869. Atlantic (The) monthly. A magazine of literature, science, art, and politics. January to December, 1869. v. 23-24. 8°. Boston, Fields, Osgood & co. 1869. Aubrey (John, f.r.s.) Miscellanies upon various subjects. New ed. To which is prefixed some account of his life. 1 p. 1. x pp. 2 1. 292 pp. 21.1 pl. 12. London, W. Otridge, 1774. [NOTE.-"A collection of hermetic philosophy"]. Auchincloss (William S. c. e.) The prac tical application of the slide valve and link motion to stationary, portable, locomotive, and marine engines, with new and simple methods for proportioning the parts, 170 pp. 18 pl. 8°. New York, D. Van Nostrand, 1869. Audoenus. See Owen (John, of Caernarvonshire). Audubon (Mrs. Lucy Bakewell). The life of John James Audubon, the naturalist. Edited by his widow. With an introduction by Jas. Grant Wilson. 443 pp. 1 portrait. 12°. New York, G. P. Putnam & son, 1869. Auerbach (Berthold). Edelweiss. A story. Translated by Ellen Frothingham. 2 p. 1. 345 pp. 16°. Boston, Roberts brothers, 1869. [HANDY-volume series, no. 4]. German tales. With an introduction by Charles C. Shackford. xv, 352 pp. 16°. Boston, Roberts brothers, 1869. [HANDY-volume series, no. 7]. On the heights. A novel. Translated by Fanny E. Bunnett. 8th ed. 2 p. 1. 544 pp. 12°. Boston, Roberts brothers, 1869. The villa on the Rhine. Author's ed. with a portrait of the author, and a biographical sketch by Bayard Taylor. 4 parts in 2 v. vi, 990 pp. 1 portrait. 16°. New York, Leypoldt & Holt, 1869. The same. Villa Eden; the country house on the Rhine. Translated by Charles C. Shackford. 3 parts in 4. 1 p. 1. 549 pp. 1 pl. 8°. Boston, Roberts brothers, 1869. Augier (Emile). Poésies complètes. Nouv. éd. 2 p.1. 250 pp. 16°. Paris, M. Lévy frères, 1857. Augustus; or, the ambitious student. [anon.] viii, 356 pp. 8°. London, Baldwin, Cradock & Joy, 1820. Aunet (Léonie d'). See Biard (L. d'Aunet, madame). Auntie's secret. [anon.] 177 pp. 1 pl. 16°. Boston, Mass. sabbath school society, [1868]. Auricular confession in the protestant episcopal church; considered in a series of letters addressed to a friend in North Carolina. By a protestant episcopalian. [anon.] 132 pp. 12°. New York, G. P. Putnam, 1850. Austin (Rev. John Mather). A voice to the married; being a compendium of social, moral, and religious duties, addressed to husbands and wives. 1 p. l. 402 pp. 16°. New York, Kiggins & Kellogg, 1856. A voice to youth, addressed to young men and young ladies. Revised stereotype ed. iv, 391 pp. 18°. New York, J. Bolles, 1847. Austin (Sarah). Fragments from German prose writers. Translated by Sarah Austin. With biographical sketches of the authors. xii, 353 pp. 120. New York, D. Appleton & co. 1841. Austria. Amtlicher bericht über die allerhöchst anbefohlene special-enquête in Wien, bezüglich der einheimischen webe- und eisenwaaren-fabrikation. 1 p. 1. 184 pp. 8°. Wien, L. Sommer, 1859. CONTENTS. S. K. k. statistische central-commission und k. k. direction für administrative statistik. Ausweise über den auswärtigen handel Oesterreich's im sonnen-jahre, 1866. xxviii jahrgang. fol. Wien, k. k. hof- und staats-druckerei, 1867. S. - Mittheilungen aus dem gebiete der statistik. Jahrg. 1, und 3-14. 8°. Wien, k.k. hof- und staatsdruckerei, 1852-68. S. - Verhandlungen der k. k. statistischen central-commission, 1863-1867. 5 v. 8°. Wien, 1864-68. [AUSTRIA. Mittheilungen aus dem gebiete der sta tistik, jahr. 10 (3); 11 (4); 12 (3); 13 (3); 14 (2)]. Austria and Turkey. Actes de négociations pour la paix conclue du congrès près de Belgrade, entre la cour de Vienne et la porte ottomane, le 18 septembre 1739, [etc.] 84 pp. 16°. Vienne, 1788. [With HISTOIRE de la guerre de Hongrie, 1716-18]. Authentic (An) life of John C. Colt, now imprisoned for killing Samuel Adams, in New York, September 17, 1841. 3d ed. [anon.] 70 pp. 8°. Boston, S. N. Dickinson, 1842. Authentic papers relative to the expedition against the Charibbs, and the sale of lands in the island of St. Vincent. [anon.] 83 pp. 4°. London, J. Almon, 1773. Autograph leaves of our country's authors. [Edited by John P. Kennedy and Alexander Bliss]. xi, 200 pp. 1 pl. 4°. Baltimore, Cushings & Bailey, 1864. BACKUS. Autran (J.) Laboureurs et soldats. 2 p. 1. - 220 pp. 11. 120. Paris, M. Lévy frères, 1854. La vie rurale, tableaux et récits. 2 p. 1. 313 pp. 12°. Paris, M. Lévy frères, 1856. Avezac (Marie Armand Pascal d'). A letter on the voyages of John and Sebastian Cabot. 8°. Portland, 1869. [MAINE historical society, v. 1. In WILLIS (W.) Documentary history of the state of Maine]. Avot (Mad. M. d'). Lettres sur l'Angleterre ; ou, deux années à Londres. 2e éd. viii, 297 pp. 8°. Paris, C. Painparré, 1821. Ayguals de Izco (Wenceslao, editor). El panteon universal: diccionario histórico de vidas interesantes, aventuras amorosas, sucesos trágicos, escenas románticas, lances jocosos, [etc.] de todos los paises, desde el principio del mundo hasta nuestros dias. 4 v. 8°. Madrid, Ayguals de Izco, 1853-1854. Azoila, histoire qui n'est point morale. [Par D. R. S. anon.] xii, 290 pp. 11. 16°. Paris, H. C. de Hansy, 1768. Azuni (Dominico Alberto). Reisen durch Sardinien. 16°. Hamburg, 1804. [In MAGAZIN der neuesten und besten ausländischen reisebeschreibungen. ν. 3-4]. Baärnhielm (Miss E. W.) Archibald Hamil ton. 250 pp. 3 pl. 16°. Boston, D. Lothrop & co. 1869. Bache (Alexander Dallas). Report of the secretary of the treasury on the construction and distribution of weights and measures. [Communicating a report by Bache]. 218 pp. 5 pl. 8°. Washington, A. O. P. Nicholson, 1857. S. Bache (Anna). Legends of fairy land. 172 pp. 2 pl. 16°. Philadelphia, Claxton, Rem. sen & Haffelfinger, 1869. Bache (Richard Meade). The young wrecker of the Florida reef; or, the trials and adventures of Fred Ransom. 5th ed. 381 pp. 4 pl. 16°. Philadelphia, Claxton, Remsen & Haffelfinger, 1870. Back (The) court; or, every day work. By the author of "The Chinaman in California," etc. [anon.] 223 pp. 3 pl. 18°. Philadelphia, Presbyterian publication society, [1869]. Backgammon: its history and practice, by the author of "Whist," with illustrations, designed by K. Meadows. [anon.] 79 pp. 16°. London, D. Bogue, 1844. Backus (Rev. Charles). Five discourses on the truth and inspiration of the bible. Particularly designed for the benefit of youth. 173 pp. 16°. Hartford, Hudson & Goodwin, 1797. Bacon (Francis, viscount St. Albans, lord high chancellor of England.) Works. Collected and edited by J. Spedding, R. L. Ellis, and D. D. Heath. v. 10-11. The letters and the life. By J. Spedding. v. 3-4. 8°. London, Longmans & co. 1868. Bacon (Leonard, d.d.) Address. 8°. [Akron, 1857]. [In TALLMADGE township. Proceedings in commemoration of the 50th anniversary. pp. 41-64]. Bacon (Roger). Opera quædam hactenus inedita. Edited by J. S. Brewer. v. 1. c. 573 pp. 4 pl. 8°. London, Longmans, 1859. BALBI. Bagster (Samuel, jr. editor). Spiritual honey from natural hives, (etc.) See Purchas (Rev. S.) Bailey (Samuel W. compiler). Homage of eminent persons to the book. 16°. New York, 1869. S. Baillet (Adrien). Auteurs deguisez sous des noms étrangers; (etc.) xxvi, 11. 615 pp. 18°. Paris, A. Dezallier, 1690. Baily (William L.) Our own birds; a familiar natural history of the birds of the United States. Revised and edited by Edward D. Cope. 265 pp. 10 pl. 16°. Philadelphia, J. B. Lippincott & co. 1869. Trees, plants and flowers; where and how they grow. A familiar history of the vegetable kingdom. By the author of "Our own birds." 140 pp. 1 pl. 16°. Philadelphia, J. B. Lippincott & co. 1870. Bain (Alexander). Moral science; a compendium of ethics. 337 pp. 12°. New York, D. Appleton & co. 1869. Bacon (William Thompson). Poems. x, 275 Baird (Robert). Kerkelijke geschiedenis, kerpp. 12°. Cambridge, G. Nichols, 1848. Badgley (Jonathan). English grammar, taught in plain, familiar conversations, by uncle Jonathan. [pseudon.] 274 pp. 12°. Utica, (N. Y.) author, 1867. A primary English grammar, interspersed with object teaching, inductive and synthetic, and reducing theory to practice: containing, also, analytic exercises. 192 pp. 18°. Utica, Roberts, 1869. Baglivi (Georgio). De praxi medica ad priscam observandi rationem revocanda, libri duo. Accedunt dissertationes novæ. 8 p. 1. 407 pp. 16°. Lugduni, Anisson & J. Posuel, 1699. kelijke statistick en godsdienstig leven der Vereenigde Staaten van Noord-Amerika. Naar de hogduitsche uitgave van dr. R. Brandes, bewerkt door A. W. Van den Worm. Met eene voorrede van N. C. Kist. 2e deel naar het Engelsch door E. B. Swalue. 2 v. xvi, 402 pp. 11; x pp. 11.400 pp. 1 map. 8°. Schoonhoven, S. E. Van Nooten, 1846-49. Bajon (-, médecin). Mémoires pour servir à l'histoire de Cayenne, et de la Guiane françoise, dans lesquels on fait connoitre la nature du climat, les maladies, l'histoire naturelle du pays, et la culture des terres. 2 v. 6 p. 1. xvi, 463 pp. 3 pl; 7 p. 1. 416 pp. 4 pl. 8°. Paris, Grangé, etc. 1778. Baker (Benjamin Franklin) and Hodges (D. F.) Jubilant voices: a collection of new hymn tunes, chants, sentences, motets, and anthems. Composed and arranged for the use of christian churches of all denominations, [etc.] 384 pp. obl. 8°. Boston, Lee & Shepard, 1870. Baker (Thomas). Reflections upon learning, wherein is shewn the insufficiency thereof, in its several particulars. In order to evince the usefulness and necessity of revelation. 2d ed. corrected. By a gentleman. [anon.] 8 p. 1. 240 pp. 8°. London, A. Bosvile, 1700. Balbi (Adriano). Γεωγραφια, εκτεθεισα μεν γαλλιστι, ερμηνευθεισα δε δια χρησιν των Ελα ληνων υπο Κ. Μ. Κουμα, [κ. τ. λ.] 4 ν. ৪০. Εν Βιέννη, Α. Μπενκο, 1838-39. S. |