

Balch (William S.) Lectures on language, as particularly connected with English grammar. Designed for the use of teachers and advanced learners. 252 pp. 12°. Providence, B. Cranston & co. 1838.

Baldwin (Cyrus). A manual of etymology and syntax, adapting Crosby's syntax of general grammar to the analysis of the English language. 120 pp. 12°. Trenton, (N. J.) J. Vannote, 1867.

Baldwin (George C. d.d.) Representative men of the new testament. 338 pp. 12°. New York, Blakeman & Mason, 1860.

Baldwin (John D.) Pre-historic nations; or, inquiries concerning some of the great peoples and civilizations of antiquity, and their probable relation to a still older civilization of the Ethiopians or Cushites of Arabia. 414 pp. 12°. New York, Harper & brothers, 1869.


Balfe (Michael William) and Maccioni (S. M.) Falstaff. A grand opera, the poetry by S. M. Maccioni. 1 p. 1. 275 pp. London, Cramer, Addison & Beale, [1838]. Ballantyne (Robert Michael). Fighting the flames: a tale of the fire brigade. 1 p. 1. vi, 420 pp. 5 pl. 12°. Philadelphia, J. В. Lippincott & co. 1868.

Silver lake; or, lost in the snow. vii, 110 pp. 8 pl. sm. 4°. Philadelphia, J. В. Lippincott & co. 1868.

Balling (Dr. F. A.) Kissingen, ses eaux minérales et ses bains. 2me éd. revue et augmentée. 2 p. 1.267 pp. 1 map. 1 pl. 120. Frankfort s. M. C. Jugel, 1858.

Ballou (Adin), An exposition of views respecting the principal facts, causes, and peculiarities involved in spirit manifestations: together with interesting phenomenal statements and communications. 256 pp. 16°. Boston, B. Marsh, 1852.

Ballou (Hosea, 2d). Collection of psalms and hymns for the use of universalist societies and families. 9th ed. 636 pp. 11. 24°. Boston, B. B. Mussey, 1844.

Ballou (Hosea) and Turner (Edward). The universalist hymn-book: a new collection of psalms and hymns, for the use of universalist societies. 4th ed. 396 pp. 16°. Boston, Munroe & Francis, 1828.

Baltimore (City of). Boyd's business directory of Baltimore city, 1869. 8°. Baltimore, Sherwood & co. 1869.

Baltimore business directory. Cleary (W. P.) & co.


Balzac (Honoré de). Balthazar; or, science
and love. Translated by William Robson.
viii, 170 pp. 16°. London, Routledge,
Warne & Routledge, 1859.
Bamberger (Louis). M. de Bismarck. 2 p. 1.
236 pp. 11. 16°.
Paris, M. Lévy frères,

Bampton lectures. 1868. See Moberly (G.)
Banau (Jean Baptiste). Histoire naturelle de
la peau, et de ses rapports avec la santé et la
beauté du corps. xxviii, 448 pp. 1 pl. 8°.
Paris, 1802.

Bancroft (Edward). Beschryving van Guiana, en een bericht van de rivieren en plantagien Berbice, Esseguibo en Demerary. In brieven. Uit het Engelsh, (etc.) xiv, 327 pp. 8°. Amsteldam, G. Roos, 1794. Bancroft (George). History of the United States, from the discovery of the American continent. 3d ed. v. 1-2. [Το 1688]. 8°. Boston, Little & Brown, 1838.

[merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small]


Hand-book almanac for the Pacific states. See Hand-book almanac.

Banim (John). Crohoore of the bill-hook, and the fletches. By the O'Hara family. [pseudon.] 318 pp. 16°. London, Sims & McIntyre, 1848.

The croppy. A tale. 2 v. 202 pp; 194 pp. 12°. Philadelphia, E. L. Carey & A. Hart, 1839.

Bankers' (The) magazine, journal of the money market, and commercial digest. January to December, 1869. v. 29. 8°. London, Groombridge & sons, 1869.

Bankers' (The) magazine, and statistical register. Edited by I. Smith Homans. July, 1850, to June, 1851. v. 5. 8°. Boston, W. Crosby & H. P. Nichols, 1851.

The same. 3d series, v. 3. New York, I. S. Homans, 1868-69. See Bannister (Henry Martyn). Geology of Cook county. See Illinois (Geological survey of).

July, 1868, to June, 1869. Complete series, v. 23. 8°.


Banvard (Rev. Joseph). Revival gems; a | Barnes (David M.)
collection of spirit-stirring hymns. Specially
adapted to revivals. 192 pp. 24°. Boston,
J. P. Jewett & co. 1858.

Baptist (The) almanac. See American bap-
tist publication society.

Barba Toscano (Alvaro Alonso). A treatise
of metals, mines, etc. [Translated by Ed.
Montagu, earl of Sandwich]. 16°. London,
J. Hodges, 1740.

[COLLECTION of treatises upon metals, etc. ed. 1740]. Barbault-Royer (P.F.) Voyage dans les départemens du Nord, de La Lys, de l'Escaut, etc. pendant les années vii et viii; [17991800]. viii, 200 pp. 8°. Paris, Lepetit, [1800].

Barber (John Warner, editor). New England | scenes; or, a selection of important and interesting events which have taken place since the first settlement of New England; principally of a religious nature. [anon.] 106 pp. 10 pl. 18°. New Haven, L. H. Young, 1833.

Barclay (G. Leppard). The life and remarka-
ble career of Ada Isaacs Menken, the cele-
brated actress. 17-63 pp. 3 pl. 8°. Phila-
delphia, Barclay & co. [1868].

Barclay (Robert). The anarchy of the ran-
ters, and other libertines; the hierarchy of
the romanists, and other pretended churches,
equally refused and refuted, in a two-fold
apology for the church and people of God,
called in derision, quakers, [etc.] vii, 111
pp. 8°. Wilmington, J. Adams, 1783.
[ADAMS (J.) Three treatises]

Barkey (Nicolaus, editor). Symbolæ littera-
riæ haganæ, ad incrementvm scientiarvm
a variis amice collectæ. 2 v. xviii pp. 21.
672 pp; 3 p. 1. 650 pp. 8°. Haga-Comitum,
J. H. Munnikhuizen & C. Plaat, 1777-1779.
Barlow (Warren Sumner). The voices. [A
poem]. 2d ed. 184 pp. 12°. Boston, W.
White & co. 1870.

Barmby (Henry). Short-hand unmask'd; or,
an easy, elegant character illustrated and ex-
plain'd, [etc.] 1 p. 1. 19 pp. 8 pl. 4°. Lon-
don, author, [about 1760].

Barnabas. Epistle. 8°. Edinburgh, 1868.
[ANTE-NICENE christian library, v. 1, pp. 99 to 135].
Barnes (Rev. Albert). Notes on the psalms,
and on the book of Daniel. See Bible, (En-

Questions on the first epistle to the
Corinthians, [etc.] 164 pp. 18°. New York,
Harper & brothers, 1846.



The draft riots in New York, July, 1863. The metropolitan police; their services during riot week; their honorable record. 117 pp. 11. 8°. New York, Baker & Godwin, 1863.

Barnes (John S. lieut.commander, U. S. n.)
Submarine warfare, offensive and defensive,
Including a discussion of the offensive tor-
pedo system, its effects upon iron-clad ship
systems, and influence upon future naval
wars. 233 pp. 19 pl. 8°. New York, D.
Van Nostrand, 1869.
Barnes (William H.)

The fortieth congress v. 1. 2 p.1. 410 pp.

of the United States.
80 portraits. 8°. New York, G. E. Perine,

Barnett (Moses). The tempest [of Shake-
spere], as a lyrical drama. 32 pp. 8°. Lon-
don, J. Mitchell, 1850.

Barr (Matthias). The child's garland of little poems. With illustrative borders by Giacomelli. 100 pp. sm. 4°. London, Cassell, Petter & Galpin, [1866].


Barr (Rev. T. T.) Blooming hopes and with-
ered joys. 286 pp. 18°. New York, Carl-
ton & Phillips, 1855.
Barrande (Joachim). Défense des colonies.
v. 1-2 in 1 v. 8°. Prague, etc. auteur, 1861–



v. 1. Groupe probatoire: comprenant la colonie Haidinger, la colonie Krejîi et la coulée Krejîi. 34 pp. 1861.

v. 2. Incompatibilité entre le systême des plis et la
réalité des faits matériels. 2 p. 1. 62 pp. 1 pl.

Barratt (Joseph, m. d.) The Indian of New
England, and the northeastern provinces ;
a sketch of the life of an Indian hunter, an-
cient traditions relating to the Etchemin
tribe, their modes of life, etc. with vocabu-
laries, the most complete that have been
given for New England, in the languages of
the Etchemin and Micmacs. 24 pp. 12°.
Middletown, (Conn.) C. H. Pelton, 1851,
Barrio (Paulino del). Noticia sobre el terreno
carbonifero de Coronel i Lota, i sobre los
trabajos de esplotacion en el emprendidos.
107 pp. 1 map. 4 pl. 8°. Santiago, im-
prenta nacional, 1857.
Barrow (John). Tour in Austrian Lombardy,
the northern Tyrol, and Bavaria, in 1840.
xv, 375 pp. 1 pl. 12°. London, J. Murray,


Barrows (E. P. d. d.) Companion to the bible. 639 pp. 5 pl. 120. New York, American tract society, [1867].



Barrows (William). The general; or, twelve | Basnage de Beauval (Jacques). Histoire nights in the hunters' camp. A narrative of real life. iv, 268 pp. 4 pl. 16°. Boston, Lee & Shepard, 1869.

Barth (Caspar, editor). See Æneas, gazæus and Zacharias, scholasticus.

Barth (Dr. Christopher G.) The child of the rock. A tale for youth. Translated from the German. 192 pp. 3 pl. 18°. Philadelphia, presbyterian board of publication, [1869].

Barth (Heinrich). Reisen und entdeckungen in Nord- und Central-Africa in den jahren 1849 bis 1855. Tagebuch seiner im auftrag der brittischen regierung unternommenen reise. 4 v. 8°. J. Perthes, Gotha, 1857.

Bartholdy (Jacob Salomo). Voyage en Grèce, fait dans les années 1803 et 1804. Traduit de l'Allemand, par A. du C***. 2 v. 2p. 1. xii, 272 pp. 4 pl; 2 p. 1; 296 pp. 11 pl. 1 map. 21. music. 8°. Paris, Dentu, 1807.

Bartholomew (William N.) Bartholomew's new series. Drawing book, no. 1. 14 1. 12 pl. obl. 16. Boston, C. G. Cooke, 1868. Teacher's guide; companion to Bartholomew's drawing book, no. 1. 46 pp. 12°. Boston, C. G. Cooke, 1868.

Bartholow (Roberts, m. d.) Manual of hypodermic medication. 150 pp. 4 pl. 120. Philadelphia, J. B. Lippincott & co. 1869.


The principles and practice of disinfection. 111 pp. 120. Cincinnati, R. W. Carroll & co. 1867.

Bartol (Rev. Cyrus Augustus). Pictures of Europe, framed in ideas. 2 p. 1. 407 pp. 12°. Boston, Crosby, Nichols & co. 1855.

Bartoli (Daniele). El hombre de letras, escrito en italiano, y traducido por diversos autores en latin, frances, ingles y portugues, y ahora nuevamente en castellano, por d. Gaspar Sanz. 4 p. 1. 292 pp. 12°. Madrid, B. Cano, 1786.

Baruchson (Arnold). Beetroot sugar; remarks upon the advantages derivable from its growth and manufacture in the United kingdom. 1 p. 1. vii, 109 pp. 8°. London, E. Wilson, 1868.

Bascom (John). The principles of psychology. xii, 345 pp. 120. New York, G. P. Putnam & son, 1869.

Basilius, magnus (St.) Exhortation to baptism. [Translated by F. P. Kenrick]. 12°. Philadelphia, 1843.

[In KENRICK (F.P.) A treatise on baptism, etc. pp. 225-241].

des Juifs, depuis Jésus-Christ jusqu'à présent. Pour servir de continuation à l'histoire de Joseph. 15 v. 16°. La Haye, H. Scheurleer, 1716.

Bassini (Carlo). New method for soprano and mezzo-soprano, being a thorough course of singing and cultivation of the voice. 160 pp. 4°. Boston, G. D. Russell & Co. [1869].

Bastiat (Frédéric). Essays on political economy. Translated from the Paris ed. of 1863. xvi, 398 pp. 16°. Chicago, western news co. 1869.


Part i. Sophisms of protection-first series.
Part ii. Sophisms of protection-second series.
Part iii. Spoliation and law.
Part iv. Capital and interest.

Bates (Edward). Opinion of attorney general Bates on citizenship. 27 pp. 8°. Washington, government printing office, 1863. Bates (Miss L.) Netherclift; the story of a merchant, told by himself. 279 pp. 3 pl. 16°. Boston, American tract society, [1868]. Bates (Samuel P.) History of Pennsylvania volunteers, 1861-65; prepared in compliance with acts of the legislature. v. 1. viii, 1327 pp. 5 maps. 2 col. pl. 8°. Harrisburg, B. Singerly, state printer, 1869.

Battersey (Rev. Charles). The gift of the father; or, thoughts for the many. 122 pp. 18°. New York, N. Tibbals, 1867.

Baude (Henri). Sensuit le traictie nouuellement faict nome le debat de la dame et de lescuier. 81. sm. 40. Paris, Jehan Treperel, 1493.

[Imperfect: title page and 3 leaves wanting]. Baudouin (-). Anecdotes historiques du temps de la restauration. Suivies de recherches sur l'origine de la presse, son développement, [etc.] 2 p.l. iv, 168 pp. 16°. Paris, Firmin Didot, 1853.

Bausset (Louis François Joseph de). Mémoires anecdotiques sur l'intérieur du palais et sur quelques événemens de l'empire, depuis 1805 jusqu'au 1er mai 1814, pour servir à l'histoire de Napoléon. 2 v. in 1. 1 p. 1. ii, 298 pp. 1 pl; 2 p. 1. 250 pp. 122 fac-simile autographs. 8°. Bruxelles, H. Tarlier, 1827. Baxter (Andrew). Matho: or, the cosmotheoria puerilis, a dialogue. In which the first principles of philosophy and astronomy are accommodated to the capacity of young persons, [etc.] Translated, and enlarged by the author. 2d ed. 2 v. 8 p. 1. 400 pp; 3 p. 1. 362 pp. 15 1. 8°. London, A. Millar, 1745.


Baxter (Rev. Richard). The Grotian religion | Beaumont-continued.

discovered, at the invitation of mr. Thomas
Pierce in his vindication. With a preface,
vindicating the synod of Dort from the cal-
umnies of the new Tilenus. And the puri-
tanes; and sequestrations, etc. from the
centures of mr. Pierce. 28 p. 1. 119 pp. 18°.
London, N. Simmons, 1658.

Baxter (R. Dudley). The taxation of the
United Kingdom. ix, 180 pp. 8°. London,
Macmillan & co. 1869.

Bayley (Peter, jr.) Poems. 231 pp. 16°.
Philadelphia, T. & G. Palmer, 1804.

Bazin (- l'abbé). [pseudon.] See Voltaire
(F. M. A. de).

Beames (Thomas). The rookeries of London; past, present, and prospective. xiii, 264 pp. 2 pl. 8. London, T. Bosworth, 1850.

Bean (Rev. James). The christian minister's affectionate advice to a new married couple.

108 pp. 18°. Boston, 1832.

Beard (George M. m. d.) Our home physician; a new and popular guide to the art of preserving health and treating disease; with plain advice for all the medical and surgical emergencies of the family. 1066 pp. 12 pl. 8°. New York, E. B. Treat & co. 1869.

Beauchamp (Alphonse de). Vie politique, militaire et privée du général Moreau, depuis sa naissance jusqu'à sa mort; avec des pièces justificatives, et ses discours au tribunal; suivie de son éloge funèbre prononcé à Saint-Pétersbourg, et d'une notice historique sur Pichegru. 1 p. 1. iv, 459 pp. 1 portrait. 8°. Paris, F. Le Prieur, 1814. Beaufort-d'Hautpoul (Josephine de Coutances, comtesse). Études convenables aux demoiselles, à l'usage des écoles et des pensions. Nouv. éd. 2 v. 1 p. 1. ii, 455 pp; 1 p. 1. 543 pp. 11. 120. Paris, Bossange, 1822. Beaumont (Christophe de, archbishop of Paris). De turbis Galliæ modernis sacerdotium inter et parlamentum regium, sive instructio pastoralis, cum brevi apostolico Benedicti xiv, et variis aliis documentis de recusatione sacramentorum in articulo mortis erga eos, qui bullam unigenitus non acceрtant. Ex idiomate gallico-in latinum trans_ tulit-celebris in Germania theologicus. 3 p. 1. 154 pp. 40. Augusta Vindelicorum, J. F. Gaum, 1757.

Beaumont (John, jr.) The present state of the universe, or an account of: i. The rise, births, names, [etc.] of all the present chief princes of the world. ii. Their coats of arms,

[ocr errors]

[etc.] iii. The names of their chief towns,
[etc.] iv. Their revenues, power and strength.
v. Their respective styles, [etc.] vi. And an
account of the commonwealths, relating to
the same heads. [anon.] 4th ed. 5 p. 1.164
pp. 31. 35 pp. 15 portraits. 18°. London, B.
Motte, 1704.

Beausobre (Isaac de) and Lenfant (Jacques)
New version of Matthew, with a commentary.
See Bible, (English).

Beauty (The) of the heart; or, the story of
Margaret Craven. [anon.] 178 pp. 5 pl. 18°.
Philadelphia, American sunday school union,


Beauvau (Henri de). Relation iovrnalière dv voyage dv Levant. 4 p. 1. 181 pp. 4°. Nancy, J. Garnich, 1615.

Beauvilliers (Antoine). L'art du cuisinier. 2 v. in 1. xii, 388 pp; 2 p. 1. 376 pp. 9 pl. 8°. Paris, Pilet, 1814.

Beaux-arts (Les). Illustration des arts et de
la littérature. 3 v. 4°. Paris, 1. Curmer,

Becan or Van Gorp (Jan).. Opera hactenus
in lucem non edita: nempe, Hermathena,
Hieroglyphica, Vertvmnvs, Gallica, Francica,
Hispanica. 6 v. in 1. fol. Antwerpiæ, C.
Plantinus, 1580.

Becan (Martin). Analogia veteris ac novi
testamenti. In qua primum status veteris ;
deinde consensus, proportio et conspiratio
illius cum novo explicatur. xxiv, 492 pp.
16°. Matriti, typographia regia, 1788.

ompendium manuale controversiarum de fide et religione, cum excerpto animadversionum moguntinensium Anti-Becano oppositarum. Accedit in hac prima veneta editione Dissertatio de socinianismo. xx, 410 pp. 16°. Venetiis, typographia baleoniana, 1745. Beccatini (Francesco). Vida y hechos de Ernesto Gedeon, varon de Laudon, feld-mariscal y supremo comandante de los exercitos regio-cesarios [austriacos]. Traducida del Italiano al Español. [anon.] 271 pp. 18°. Madrid, J. de Urruta, 1790.

Beck (Thomas). Poetic amusement, consist-
ing of a sample of sonnets, epistolatory po-
ems, moral tales, and miscellaneous pieces.
xii, 204 pp. 12°. London, Maxwell & Wil-
son, 1809.

Becket (St. Thomas à).
Becket (St.)

See Thomas à BECKWITH.

Beckwith (Arthur). Paris universal exposi- Beers (F. W.) -continued.

tion, 1867. Report on asphalt and bitumen, as applied to the construction of streets and sidewalks in Paris; also to terraces, roofs, etc. With observations upon macadamized streets and roads. 31 pp. 4 pl. 8°. Washington, government printing office, 1868.

[With BECKWITH (L. F.) Report on béton-coignet]. Beckwith (Leonard F.) Paris universal exposition, 1867. Report on béton-coignet, its fabrication and uses; construction of sewers, water-pipes, tanks, foundations, walls, arches, buildings, floors, terraces, marine experiments, etc. 21 pp. 2 pl. 8°. Washington, government printing office, 1868.

Beckwith (N.M.) Paris universal exposition,
1867. General survey of the exhibition;
with a report on the character and condition
of the United States section. [anon.] 324 рр.
1 1. 1 pl. 8°. Washington, government
printing office, 1868.

Bedell (Gregory Townsend, d.d.) Sermons.
With a biographical sketch of the author, by

[ocr errors]
[ocr errors]


Atlas of Delaware county, New York, from actual surveys, [etc.] 3 pp. 35 1. col. maps. 1 pl. fol. New York, Beers, Ellis & Soule, 1869.

Atlas of New Haven county, Connecticut, from actual surveys. 4 pp. 55 1. col. maps. 4 pl. fol. New York, Beers, Ellis & Soule, 1868.

[ocr errors]

Atlas of Otsego county, New York, from actual surveys. 4 pp. 39 1. col. maps. 3 pl. fol. New York, Beers, Ellis & Soule, 1868.

Atlas of Rutland co. Vermont, from actual surveys. 4 pp. 331. col. maps. 4 pl. fol. New York, Beers, Ellis & Soule, 1869.

Atlas of Tioga county, New York, from actual surveys. 3 pp. 291. col. maps. 4 pl. 4°. New York, Beers, Ellis & Soule, 1869.

Atlas of Windsor county, Vermont, from actual surveys. 4 pp. 391. col. maps. 5 pl. 40. New York, Beers, Ellis & Soule, 1869.

Stephen H. Tyng. 2 v. 6, celi, 308 PP. Beers (W. G.) Lacrosse. The national game of

1 portrait; 2 p. 1.502 pp. 8°. Philadelphia,

W. Stavely, 1835.

Bedortha (N. m. d.) Practical medication;
or, the invalid's guide; with directions for
the [hydrithic treatment of disease. 281 pp.
12°. Albany, (N. Y.) Munsell & Rowland,

Beecher (Rev. Henry Ward). Plymouth pul-
pit; the sermons of Henry Ward Beecher, in
Plymouth church, Brooklyn. From verba-
tim reports by T. J. Ellinwood. September,
1868, to March, 1869. 1st series. (v. 1].
80. New York, J. B. Ford & co. 1869.
Revival hymns. xvi, 368 pp.
Boston, Phillips, Sampson & co. 1858.
Beers (Daniel G.) and co. Atlas of Allegany
county, New York, from actual surveys and
official records. 4 pp. 95 1. col. maps. fol.
New York, D. G. Beers & co. 1869.


Atlas of Cattaraugus county, New York, from actual surveys and official records. 4 pp. 941. col. maps. fol. New York, D. G. Beers & co. 1869.

Beers (Frederick W. director). Atlas of Bennington co. Vermont, from actual surveys. 5 pp. 251. col. maps. 4 pl. fol. New York, Beers, Ellis & Soule, 1868.

Atlas of Chemung co. New York, from actual surveys, [etc.] 4 pp. 25 1. col. maps. 4 pl. fol. New York, Beers, Ellis & Soule, 1868.

Canada. xvi, 256 pp. 2 photographic pl. 16°. New York, Townsend & Adams, 1869. Beeson (John). A plea for the Indians; with facts and features of the late war in Oregon. 144 pp. 120. New York, J. Beeson, 1857. Before the throne; or, daily devotions for a child. [anon.] 123 pp. 24°. New York, M. W. Dodd, 1869.

Beise (Theodor). Allgemeines schriftsteller-
und gelehrten-lexikon der provinzen Livland,
Esthland und Kurland. Nachträge und fort-
setzungen. See Recke (J. F. von) and Na-
piersky (C. E.)

Beitzke (Heinrich). Geschichte der deutsch-
en freiheitskriege in den jahren 1813 und
1814. 2 ν. xv, 719 pp; viii, 742 pp. 8°.
Berlin, Duncker & Humblot, 1854.
Belfast, (Maine). Directory for 1868.
See Rockland, etc. directory.
Belgium. Ministère des finances. Statistique
de la Belgique. Tableau général du com-
merce avec les pays étrangers, pendant
l'année 1858, publié par le ministre des
finances. fol. Bruxelles, Hayez, 1859.

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