


Ministère de l'intérieur. Bulletin de la commission centrale de statistique. v.7. 4°. Bruxelles, Hayez, 1857.

Documents statistiques publiés par le départment de l'intérieur, avec le concours de la commission centrale de statistique. 40. Bruxelles, T. Lesigne, 1857.

Rapport triennal sur la situation de l'instruction primaire en Belgique, par m. Alp Vandenpeereboom, ministre de l'intérieur. 6o période triennale, 1858-60. fol. Bruxelles, E. Devroye, imprimeur du roi, 1863.

- Rapport triennal sur l'état de l'enseignement moyen en Belgique, par m. le ministre de l'intérieur. 2o [et] 3o périodes triennaux, 1855-60. 2 v. fol. Bruxelles, E. Devroye, etc. 1860-62.

Situation de l'enseignement supérieur donné aux frais de l'état. Rapport triennal par m. le ministre de l'intérieur, 1853-61. 3 v. fol. Bruxelles, E. Devroye, etc. 1858-64.

Ministère de la justice. Sixième rapport de la commission permanente d'inspection des établissements d'aliénés. 1859. 8°. Bruxelles, Hayez, 1861.

Ministère des travaux publics. Chemin de fer. Compte-rendu des opérations de l'exercice 1849, 1855, 1858, 1859. Par m. le ministre des travaux publics. 4 ν. fol. Bruxelles, E. Devroye, imprimeur du roi, 1850-60.

Belgravia. A London [monthly] magazine. Conducted by M. E. Braddon. Nov. 1868, to Oct. 1869. v.7-9. 8°. London, 1868-69. Belinaye (Henry). The sources of health and disease in communities; or, elementary views of "hygiene," illustrating its importance to legislators, heads of families, etc. viii, 160 pp. 16°. Boston, Allen & Ticknor, 1833. Belknap (Daniel). The village compilation | of sacred musick. 2d ed. 1.52 pp. obl. 8°. Boston, J. T. Buckingham, 1806.

Belknap (Jeremy). Sacred poetry. Consisting of psalms and hymns adapted to christian devotion, in public and private. Selected from the best authors, with variations and additions. 2d ed. with improvements. 2 parts in 1 v. 232 pp.41; 252 pp. 24°. Boston, Thomas & Andrews, 1797. (Imperfect: pp. 253--262, wanting].

The same. 4th ed. 2 parts in 1 v. 231 pp. 41; 262 pp. 18°. Boston, Thomas & Andrews, 1804.



The same. A new ed. with additional hymns. 2 parts in 1 v. 231 pp. 41;276 pp. 18°. Boston, I. Wells, 1820.

Bell (Benjamin, surgeon). A treatise on gonorrhœa virulenta, and lues venerea. With notes, adapted to the present state of practice in those diseases. [New Am. ed.] 2 v. in 1. 244 pp; 332 pp.6 1.5 pl. 8°. Albany, E. F. Backus, 1814.

Bell (Currer, Ellis, and Acton, pseudon.) See Bronte (Charlotte, Elizabeth, and Anne). Bell (Rev. J. D.) A man. 462 pp. 12°. Philadelphia, J. Challen & son, 1860.

Bellecour (-) The academy of play; containing a full description of, and the laws of play, now observed in the several academies of Paris. 4. p. 1. 280 pp. 12°. London, F. Newbery, [about 1754].

Bellegarde (Gabriel du Pac de). Histoire abbregée de l'église métropolitaine d'Utrecht, principalement depuis la révolution arrivée dans les vii provinces-unies des Pays-Bas sous Phillippe ii jusqu'à présent. [anon.] xxviii, 629 pp. 16°. Utrecht, Van der Weyde, 1745.


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Bellows (Albert J. m. d.) How not to be sick. A sequel to "Philosophy of eating." 366 pp. 120. New York, Hurd & Houghton, 1868.

Bellows (Henry Whitney, d. d.) The old world in its new face. Impressions of Europe in 1867-68. v. 2. 528 pp. 120. New York, Harper & brothers, 1869.

Belly (Félix). À travers l'Amérique centrale. Le Nicaragua et le canal interocéanique. 2 v. 4 p. 1. 430 pp. 1 map; 2p. l. 480 pp. 1 map. 8°. Paris, librairie de la Suisse romande, 1867.

Beloe (Rev. William). The sexagenarian; or, the recollections of a literary life. [anon.] 2 v. in 1. viii, 436 pp; 1 p. 1. 386 pp. 8°. London F. C. & J. Rivington, 1817.



Belot (Carlos, m.d.) Observaciones sobre | Bennet (Roelof Gabriel) and Wijk (J. van).

los males que se esperimentan en esta isla de Cuba desde la infancia, y consejos dados a las madres y al bello sexo. 2 v. xxxii, 308 pp. 1.1; 247 pp. 11. 12o. Nueva York, Lanuza Mendia & cia. 1828.

Belouino (Paul). Histoire d'un coup d'état, (décembre 1851) d'après les documents authentiques, les pièces officielles et les renseignements intimes. Précédée d'une introduction et suivie d'une conclusion sur les causes et les conséquences de cette révolution, par m. Amédée de Cesena. 492 pp. 8°. Paris, L. Brunet & cie. 1852.

Belsham (William). Examination of An appeal from the new to the old whigs; to which is prefixed an introduction, containing remarks on mr. Burke's letter to a member of the national assembly. 102 pp. 8°. London, C. Dilly, 1792.

Benci or Bencio (Francesco). Qvinqvemartyres societatis Jesu in India. Carmen heroicum. Libris sex. 4 p. 1. 215 pp. sm. 4°. Venetiis, Muschius, 1591.

Benci (Spinello). Storia della città di Montepvlciano di Spinello del capno Marcello Benci. 3 p.1. 143 pp. 51. 1 portrait. 4°. Fiorenza, Massi & Landi, 1641.

Benedict, (abbot of Peterborough). Vita sancti Thomæ cantuariensis archiepiscopi et martyris. 8°. Londini, Whittaker & soc. 1846. [In GILES (J. A.) Vitas. Thomæ, v. 2, pp. 54-72]. Benedict (Erastus C.) The hymn of Hildebert, and other mediæval hymns; with translations by Erastus C. Benedict. xiii, 143 pp. 12°. New York, A. D. F. Randolph & co. 1869. Benjowski (Moricz Agoston, graf von ). Memoirs and travels. Consisting of his military operations in Poland; his exile into Kamschatka; his escape and voyage through the northern Pacific ocean, touching at Japan and Formosa, to Canton, in China; with an account of the French settlement he was appointed to form upon the island of MadagasTranslated from [his] original manuscript by William Nicolson. 2 v. 12 pp. 1 1. xxxiii, 422 pp. 9 pl. 2 maps; 2 p. 1.399 pp. 11 pl. 4°. London, G. G. J. & S. Robinson, 1790.



Bennet (J. Henry, m. d.) Winter and spring on the shores of the Mediterranean; or, the Riviera, Mentone, Italy, Corsica, Sicily, Algeria, Spain, and Biarritz, as winter climates. 4th ed. xvi, 621 pp. 9 pl. 5 maps. 12°. London, J. Churchill & sons, 1870.

Verhandeling over de nederlandsche ontdekkingen in Amerika, Australië, de Indiën en de Poollanden, en de namen, welke weleer aan dezelve door nederlanders zijn gegeven. Uitgegeven door het provinciaal utrechtsche genootschap. 1 p. 1. 215 pp. 10 1. 80. Utrecht, J. Altheer, 1827.

Bennett (Emerson). Rosalie Du Pont; or, treason in the camp; a sequel to the Female spy. 109 pp. 8°. Cincinnati, L. Stratton, [1851].

Bennett (John). Short-hand explained; being a practical exposition of the art of stenography, on principles combining swiftness with accuracy. 2d ed. revised and improved. vii, 137, xciii pp. 11. 13 pl. 12°. London, Longman, Rees, Orme, Brown & Green, 1828.

Bentley (Richard). Richardi Bentleii et doctorum virorum epistolæ, partim mutuæ. Асcedit Richardi Dawesii ad Ioannem Taylorum epistola singularis. 1 p. 1. 330 pp. 2 portraits. 4°. London, Bulmer, 1807.

Bentley (Rev. William). A collection of psalms and hymns for public worship. [anon.] 861. 16°. Salem, Dabney & Cushing, [1789].

Benyowski. See Benjowski. Benzoni (Girolamo). Een getrouw en aanmerkelijk verhaal van de opperhoofden der Spanjaarden onderlinge oneenigheden doenmaals in America, etc. 87 pp. sm.4°. Rot

terdam, B. Bes, 1704.

[With Gedenkwaardige west indise voyagien]. Béraud (F. F. A. ex-commissaire de police, Paris). Les filles publiques de Paris, et la police qui les régit. Précédées d'une notice historique sur la prostitution chez les divers peuples de la terre, par M. A[lbert de] M[ontémont]. 2 v. in 1. vi, 4, cviii, 261 pp; 327 pp. 8°. Paris, Desforges & cie. 1839. Berkeley (Rev. George). A proposal for the better supplying of churches in our foreign plantations, and for converting the savage Americans to christianity, by a college to be erected in the Summer islands, otherwise called the isles of Bermuda. 24 pp. 120. London, H. Woodfall, 1725.


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[blocks in formation]

Statistische nachrichten über die ver. breitung der stolze'schen stenographie. viii, 104 pp. 16°. Berlin, E. S. Mittler & sohn, 1865. Bermudez (Joseph Manuel). Fama postuma del señor doctor d. Juan Domingo Gonzalez de la Reguera, arzobispo de Los Reyes. Por el autor de la oracion funebre. 1 p. 1. cxviii, 38 pp. 1 portrait. 12. Lima, imprenta real de los huerfanos, 1805.

Oracion funebre del señor d. Juan Domingo Gonzalez de la Reguera, arzobispo de Lima, en las solemnes exequias celebradas el xvii de mayo de 1805. 12 p. 1. 62 pp. 1 pl. sm. 4°. Lima, imprenta real de los huerfanos, 1805.

[With the preceding].

Bernadotte (Jean Baptiste Jules).

See Charles John xiv. (king of Sweden). Bernal (Ralph). Catalogue of the collection of works of art formed by the late R. Bernal. 504 pp. 12°. London, 1857.

[In BOHN (H. G.) A guide to the knowledge of objects of vertu].

Bernard (John). Oratio pia, religiosa, et solatii plena, de vera animi tranqvillitate. 8 p. 1. 119 1. 4°. Londini, G. Seresius, 1568. Bernard (Joseph). Voyage pour la redemption des captifs. See La Faye (J. B. de). Bernard (Rev. Richard). The isle of man; or, the legal proceedings in man-shire against sinne. [An] allegory. 13th ed. 262 pp. 21. 18°. London, E. Blackmore, 1658.

[Imperfect: pp. 3-22 and leaves at the end wanting]. Bernheim (Johann H.) Das abendmal des herrn; oder, betrachtungen uber dasselbe. Zum gebrauch für christen aller benennungen. 228 pp. 12°. Elizabethtown, W. М. Baxter, 1834.

Bernstein (A.) Popular books on natural science. For practical use in every household, for readers of all classes. ix, 166 pp. 12°. New York, C. Schmidt, 1869.

Beroa or Boroa (Diego de). Litteræ annvæ [1635-37] provinciæ Paraqvariæ societatis Jesv. Ex hispanico autographo latine redditæ a F. de Hamal. 4 p. 1. 347 pp. 16°. Insulis, T. Le Clercq, 1642.

Borredo (Bernardo Pereira de). See Pereira de Berredo.

Berry (Grove). Ritualism; an enquiry chiefly suspended upon one of its phases now almost obsolete in Britain. xi, 282 pp. 8°. London, Longmans & co. 1868.


Berry (Mrs. Martha E.) Fanny Lightman's choice. 343 pp. 5 pl. 18°. New York, American tract society, [1868]. - Lottie Lane; or, "By their fruits shall ye know them." 440 pp. 6 pl. 16°. New York, American tract society, [1869]. Berryer (Pierre Antoine). Leçons et modèles d'éloquence judiciaire. Ed. illustrée. 2 p.1. xxiii, 672 pp. 8°. Paris, J. L. Henry & cie. 1838.

Bertie and his friends; or, pilgrim life on the battery. [anon.] 275 pp. 3 pl. 18°. Philadelphia, J. P. Skelly & co. 1869. Bertin (René Joseph François Hyacinthe). Traité de la maladie vénérienne chez les enfans nouveau-nés, les femmes enceintes et les nourrices, avec une introduction qui renferme des détails historiques et administratifs sur l'établissement destiné aux enfans infectés, [etc.] lxxv, 218 pp. 2 tab. 8°. Paris, Gabou, 1810,

Bertin (Théodore Pierre). Systême universel et complet de sténographie; ou, manière abrégée d'écrire, applicable à tous les idiomes. Inventé par Samuel Taylor, et adapté à la langue françoise. 3e éd. 3 p. 1. 117 pp. 13 pl. 8°. Paris, P. Didot, 1796.

Bertuch (Friedrich Justin). Bilderbuch zum . nutzen und vergnügen der jugend, enthaltend gegenstände aus dem reiche der natur, der künste und wissenschaften; [or,) portefeuille instructif et amusant pour la jeunesse. [German and French]. 6 v. in 2. 3 p.1. 3001. 300 col. pl. 40. Wien, A. Pichler, 1805.

[Imperfect. Wanting 51. and 10 pl.]

Bethune (John Eliot Drinkwater). Life of Galileo Galilei: with illustrations of the advancement of experimental philosophy. [anon.] 308 pp. 12°. Boston, W. Hyde & co. 1832.

[SCHOLARS' cabinet library].

Betsey Jane Ward, (better-half to Artemus), hur book of goaks, with a hull akkownt of the coartship and maridge to a4said Artemus, and mister Ward's cutting-up with the Mormon fare secks. With pikturs drawed by mrs. B. Jane Ward. [pseudon.] 312 pp. 12 pl. 12°. New York, J. O'Kane, [1866]. Beukma (K. jr.) Brieven bevorens landbouwer op de borderij Castor, en het kerspel Zuurdijk, gemeente Leens, doch verhuisd naar de Vereenigde Staaten van NoordAmerika, in den jare 1835, aan des zelfs




achtergelaten familie in de provincie Groningen. 3 v. in l. 8°. Amsterdam, J. C. Van Kesteren, 1835-38.

Beulé (Charles Ernest). Histoire de l'art grec avant Périclès. 2 p. 1. 494 pp. 8°. Paris, Didier & cie. 1868.

Beulloch (M.) See Bullock (W.)

Beyer (Moritz). Het boek der landverhuizers; of gids en raadsman bij de verhuizing naar Noord-Amerika, den overtogt, de aankomst en de vestiging aldaar; [etc.] viii, 120 pp. 1 pl. 8°. Amsterdam, Hoogkamer & co. 1846.

Biard (-, madame). Un mariage en province. Por Léonie d'Aunet. [pseudon.] 2oéd. 251 pp. 16°. Paris, L. Hachette & cie. 1858. Bible. (Anglo-Saxon). Cædmon's metrical paraphrase of parts of the holy scriptures, in Anglo-Saxon; with an English translation, notes, and a verbal index, by Benjamin Thorpe. xxxv, 341 pp. 8°. London, society of antiquaries, 1832.

- (English). The holy bible, conteining the olde testament and the newe: of that translation authorized to be read in churches. 578 1. fol. London, C. Barker, 1584. The same. Newly translated, [etc.] With annotations upon all the hard places, [etc.] 4 p. 1. 710, 248 pp. 5 maps. fol. London, [Amsterdam, S. Swart], 1679. The same. Translated out of the original tongues, and with the former translations diligently compared and revised. fol. Cambridge, J. Baskerville, 1763.

[ocr errors][merged small]

The same. [With] the apocrypha. Embellished with engravings, by Charles Heath, from designs by Richard Westall. 3 v. 8°. London, White, Cochrane & co. 1815.

The same. A revised translation and interpretation of the sacred scriptures, after the eastern manner, from concurrent authorities of the critics, interpreters, and commentators, copies and versions; shewing that the inspired writings contain the seeds of the valuable sciences; also, the most ancient histories and greatest antiquities; with an appendix, supplying the history of four hundred years, between the old and new testaments, and the true, scriptural, rational doctrine of the trinity; also, the lives and deaths of the apostles. By J. M. Ray. A new ed.

Bible (English)-continued. corrected. 3 v. 8°. Glasgow, R. Hutchinson & co. 1815.

[merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small]

A commentary upon the first book of Moses, called Genesis. By Symon [Patrick], lord bishop of Ely. 6 p. 1. 650 pp. 4°. London, R. Chiswell, 1695.

A liberal version of the psalms into modern language, according to the liturgy translation; with copious notes and illustrations. By.W. R. Wake. 2 v. xxvii pp. 11. 264 pp; 206 pp. 8°. Bath, R. Cruttwell, 1793. The same. Notes, critical, explanatory, and practical, on the book of Psalms. By Albert Barnes, d. d. v. 2-3. 12°. New York, Harper & brothers, 1869.

A commentary on the holy scriptures: critical, doctrinal, and homiletical, with special reference to ministers and students. By John Peter Lange, d. d. Translated from the German, and edited, with additions, by Peter Schaff, d. d. v. 10, of the old testament: containing Proverbs, Ecclesiastes, and the Song of Solomon. By Otto Zöckler, d. d. ৪০. New York, С. Scribner & co. 1870.

Isaiah, with notes, critical, explanatory, and practical. By Henry Cowles, d. d. xxi, 552 pp. 120. New York, D. Appleton & co. 1869.

- Jeremiah, and his lamentations; with notes, critical, explanatory, and practical. By Henry Cowles, d. d. 431 pp. 12°. New York, D. Appleton & co. 1869.

- Notes, critical, illustrative, and practical, on the book of Daniel, with an


Bible (English)-continued. introductory dissertation. By Albert Barnes, d. d. 494 pp. 120. New York, Leavitt & Allen, 1853.

The same. A commentary on the book of Daniel. By Moses Stuart. viii, 496 рр. 8°. Boston, Crocker & Brewster, 1850.

An attempt towards an improved version, a metrical arrangement, and an explanation of the twelve minor prophets. Enlarged, with additional notes, and a comparison of the chief renderings of dr. Horsley, on Hosea, and dr. Blayney, on Zechariah. xli, 362 pp. 51. 8°. London, R. Baynes, 1819.

New testament.

The new testament of our saviour Jesus Christ, according to the ancient Latin edition. With remarks upon the literal meaning in difficult places. From the French of father Simon. By William Webster. 1 v. in 2. 3 p. 1. 1044 pp. 4°. London, J. Pemberton, 1730. The same.

Translated out of the Latin vulgate, [etc.] and first published by the English college of Rhemes, 1582. Corrected according to the Clementine edition of the scriptures; with annotations. As approved by the rt. rev. John Dubois, catholic bishop of New York. 344 pp. 12°. Utica, (N. Y.) W. Wiliams, 1833.

The same. Translated out of the original Greek; and with the former translations diligently compared and revised. 303 pp. 320. Augusta, confederate states' bible society, 1862.


A commentary, with notes, on the four evangelists and the acts of the apostles; with a new translation of St. Paul's first epistle to the Corinthians, with a paraphrase and notes. To which are added other theological pieces. By Zachary Pearce, d. d. late lord bishop of Rochester; (with] some account of his lordship's life and character. Written by himself. Published by John Derby. 2 v. 3. pl. xiv, 599 pp. 1portrait; 1 p.1. 481 pp. 11. 4°. London, E. Cox, 1777.

New version of the gospel according to Matthew, with a commentary [and] an introduction to the reading of the holy scriptures. By Isaac de Beausobre and Jacques Lenfant. xv, 407 pp. 8°. London, Whittaker, 1819.

- Popular commentary on the gos

Bible (English)-continued.

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[In CONYBEARE (W. J.) and HOWSON (J. S.) Life etc. of St. Paul].

A commentary on the holy scriptures, [etc.] By J. P. Lange, etc. New testament, v. 5. The epistle of Paul to the Romans. By J. P. Lange, d. d. and rev. F. R. Fay. From the German, by J. F. Hurst, d. d. with additions, by P. Schaff, d. d. and the rev. mr. Riddle. 8°. New York, C. Scribner & co. 1869.

An exposition of the first epistle to the Corinthians. By Charles Hodge, d. d. xxi, 373 pp. 12°. New York, R. Carter & brothers, 1860.

Lectures on the first and second epistles of Peter. (With the epistles]. By John Lillie, m.d. With an introduction by Philip Schaff, d. d. xi, 536 pp. 8°. New York, C. Scribner & co. 1869.

The history of our Lord and saviour Jesus Christ, arranged according to order of time, and narrated in the words of the four gospels, [etc.] By John Watkins, 11. d. 1 p. 1. vii, 332 pp. 48 pl. 8°. London, Boydell & co. 1810.

The closing scenes of the life of Christ; being a harmonized combination of the four gospel histories of the last year of our an introductory essay by W. D. Wilson, d. saviour's life. By D. D. Buck, d. d. With d. 293 pp. 12°. Philadelphia, J. B. Lippincott & co. 1869.

- Improved question-book on the life of Christ. (anon.] With the text. 134 pp. 24°. Philadelphia, American union, 1868.

The last passover. An account of the closing incidents in the life upon earth of our lord Jesus Christ. A verbal harmony of the four gospel narratives. Arranged by J. R. Whitney. 172 pp. 18°. Philadel" phia, Claxton, Remsen & Haffelfinger, 1869.

(Ethiopic and Latin). Psalterium Davidis, æthiopice et latine, cum variis lectionibus et notis illustratum. Accedunt

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