


æthiopice tantum hymni et orationes alliqvot vet. et novi testamenti, item Canticvm canticorvm, cum variis lectionibus et notis. Cvra Iobi Lvdolfi. 4 p. 1. 428 pp. 4°. Francofurti ad Mænum, J. D. Zunner, 1701.

-(French and Latin). Josué, Les juges, et Ruth. Traduits en François; avec une explication tirée des saints pères, et des auteurs ecclésiastiques. Par le sieur [Isaac Louis] Le Maistre de Sacy. Dernière éd. 2 v. in 1. x pp. 11. 314 pp. 41; vii, 364 pp. 61. 16°. Bruxelles, E. H. Fricx, 1699.

Isaïe traduit en François; avec une explication tirée des saints pères, et des auteurs ecclésiastiques. Par le sieur [Isaac Louis] Le Maistre de Sacy. Dernière éd. xxiiij pp. 21. 564 pp. 91. 16°. Bruxelles, E. H. Fricx, 1700.

(German). Des königs und propheten Davids psalmen, durch Ambrosium Lobwasser, sammt andern geistlichen liedern, von d. Martin Luther und andern gottsgelehrten männern gestellt, und von Samuele Mareschallo, baselischem musico und organisten zu vier stimmen gebracht, [etc.] 570 pp. 3 1. 180. Basel, E. & J. R. Thurneysen, 1743,

Das neue testament unsers herrn und heilandes Jesu Christi, von d. Martin Luther, in das teutsche übersetzt. Nach dem 45jährigen wittenbergischen druck übersehen; mit deutlicher anweisung alles sonnund fest-tages-episteln, (etc.) 4 p. 1. 764 pp. 41. 160. Nürnberg, J. A. Endter, 1783.

The same. Nach der deutschen übersetzung von dr. Martin Luther, [etc.] 10° auflage. 517 pp. 12 pl. 16°. Harrisburg, (Pa.) G. S. Peters, 1834.

The same. 536 pp. 11. 120. Lancaster, J. Bär's söhne, 1864.

(German and Dutch). Biblia pentapla; das ist, die bücher der heiligen schrift des alten und neuen testaments, nach fünffacher deutscher verdolmetschung. 4 v. 4°. Wandesbeck bei Hamburg, H. H. Holle, 1710-1712.



i. Der römisch-catholischen, durch Caspar Ulenberg. ii. Der evangelisch-lutherischen, durch Martin Lu


iii. Der evangelisch-reformirten, durch Johann Pis


iv. Der jüdischen im alten testament, des Joseph Athiae, und der neuen, im neuen testament, durch Johann Henrich Reitzen.

v. Der holländischen, auf verordnung der herren general-staaten. Alle mit ihren eigenen vorreden, [etc.]

[blocks in formation]

The same. Novvm testamentum græcvm, ita adornatvm vt textvs probatarum editionvm medvllam, margo variantivm lectionvm, in svas classes distribvtarvm [copiam, etc.] exhibeat, inserviente Ja. Alberto Bengelio. 5 p. 1. 884 pp. 11. 4°. Tubinga, 10. G. Cotta, 1734.

The same. Novum testamentum lectiones etiam ecclesiasticas ex usu ecclesiæ græcæ designavit, ac synaxaria evangeliarii et praxapostoli addidit, et criticis interpositis animadversionibus edidit Christianus Fridericus de Mathæi. 3 ν. 8°. Wittemberga, etc. G. A. Grau, etc. 1803-1807.

The same. Novum testamentum ad fidem codicis vaticani. Ediderunt A. Kuenen et C. G. Cobet. 2 p. 1. cxxvii, 686 pp. 8°. Lugduni Batavorum, E. J. Brill, 1860.

- Synopsis evangeliorum Matthæi, Marci, et Lucæ, cum parallelis Joannis pericopis. Ex recensione Griesbachii cum selecta lectionum varietate. Concinnaverunt et breves argumentorum notationes adjecerunt Guil. Mart. Leber, De Wette, et Frid. Lücke. xiv, 306 pp. 40. Berolini, G. Reimer, 1818.

(Greek and English). Η καινη διαθηκη. The new testament. Consisting of the Greek text of Scholz, with the readings, textual and original, of Griesbach; and the variations of the editions of Stephens, 1550; Beza, 1598; and the Elzevir, 1633. With the English authorized version, and its marginal renderings. 3 p. 1. 624 pp. sm. 4°. London, S. Bagster & sons, [about 1840].

[blocks in formation]



(Greek and Latin). Novi testamenti libri historici, græce et latine, perpetuo commentario ex antiquitate, historiis, philologia, illustrati. Adornante Balduino Walæo. 10 p. l. 1304 pp. 131. 4°. Amstelædami, J. Ravestein, 1662.

- (Hawaian). La palapala hemolele a Iehova ko kakou akua. O ke kauoha kahiko i unuhiia wai ka olelo Hebera. [Old testament]. 2 v. 2 p.1. 924 pp; 887 pp. 12°. Oahu, ka na misionari i pai, 1838. [v. 1 wanting].

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Ke kauoha hou a ko kakou haku a ola'ia Iesu Kristo; oia ka olelo hemolele noke ola, a na lunaolelo i kakau ai. [New testament]. 520 pp. 12o. Honolulu, ka na misionari mea pai, 1837.


[blocks in formation]

Fratris Dominici Soto segobiensis in epistolam Pauli ad Romanos commentarii. 6 p. 1. 413 pp. fol. Antverpia, J. Stcelsius, 1550.

-(Latin and Spanish). Traduccion literal en una muy breve parafrasis del libro de Judith, con notas de Duhamel, Vitre, Calmet, y otras, para la major inteligencia de algunos

[blocks in formation]

(Tamul). Het nieuw testament, ofte alle de boecken des nieuwen verbonds van onsen heer Jesus Christus, (etc.) Mit de grieksche taal in de tamulsche spraak overgezet. 8 p. 1. 3051. 4. Colombo, P. Bruwaart, 1759.

(Аростypha). Evangelium Nicodemi; oder, historischer bericht von dem leben Jesu Christi, welches Nicodemus, ein rabbi und oberster der Juden, beschrieben, [etc.] Diesem sind beygefügt: Viel schöne stücke und geschichten, welche die evangelisten nicht beschrieben haben. [Enthaltend das testament der zwölf patriarchen]. Aus P. Regelii Anhang, u.s. w. genommen, [etc.] 219 pp. 16°. Lancaster, (Pa.) J. Bär, 1843.

Biblical (The) repository and classical review. See American biblical repository.

Biblioteca (La) americana, o miscelánea de literatura, artes i ciencias. Por una sociedad de Americanos. Tomo 1. viii, 472 pp. 11. 4 pl. 8°. Londres, G. Marchant, 1823. Biblioteca de autores españoles, desde la formacion del lenguaje hasta nuestros dias. V. 60. 8°. Madrid, M. Rivadeneyra, 1868.

[blocks in formation]



Bickersteth (Rev. Edward). Christian Binghamton, (New York). Boyd's Bing

psalmody; a collection of above 900 psalms, hymns, and spiritual songs; selected and arranged for public, social, family, and private worship. Enlarged ed. Seventieth thousand. xxii, 781 pp. 24°. London, Dean & co. 1842.

Bickmore (Albert Smith). Travels in the East-Indian archipelago. 553 pp. 32 pl. 2 maps. 8°. New York, D. Appleton & co. 1869.

Bigsby (John J.) Thesaurus siluricus. The flora and fauna of the Silurian period. With addenda (from recent acquisitions). lv, 214 pp. 1 map. 40. London, J. Van Voorst, 1868.


Bill (Ledyard). A winter in Florida; or, observations on the soil, climate, and products of our semi-tropical state; with sketches of the principal towns and cities in eastern Florida. To which is added a brief historical summary: together with hints to the tourist, invalid, and sportsman. 222 pp. 4 pl. 1 map. 12°. New York, Wood & Holbrook, 1869.

Billerica, (Massachusetts). Celebration of the two hundredth anniversary of the incorpo corporation of Billerica, Mass. May 29th, 1855; in

hamton directory, 1869-70. Containing, also, the names of business firms in Campville, Chenango Forks, Deposit, Great Bend, Harpersville, Kirkwood, Lisle, Osborn Hollow, Owego, Susquehanna, Whitney's Point, and Union, etc. Andrew Boyd, compiler and publisher. 192 pp. 80. Albany, C. Van Benthuysen & sons, 1869.

Binkerd (A. D. m.d.) The mammoth cave
and its denizens; a complete descriptive
guide. 1 p. 1. 95 pp. 8°. Cincinnati, R.
Clarke & co. 1869.

Binney (William G.) Notes on American land
shells. Nos. 2, 4, 5, and 6. (From the pro-
ceedings of the Academy of natural sciences).
43 pp. 8°. [Philadelphia, 1857-60].
[Imperfect: wanting no. 1, pp. 1-2, no. 3, pp. 15-18].


Birckbek (Simon). The protestant's evidence, taken out of good records; showing that for fifteene hundred yeares next after Christ, divers worthy guides of God's church, have in sundry weightie poynts of religion, taught as the church of England now doth; distributed into severall centuries, and opened. 19 р. 1. 207 pp. 11. 4°. London, R. Milbourne, 1635.

cluding the proceedings of the committee, Birmingham free libraries. Catalogue of the

address, poem, and other exercises of the occasion. With an appendix. 152 pp. 8°. Lowell, S. J. Varney, 1855.

Bilson (Thomas, bishop of Winchester). The effect of certaine sermons touching the full redemption of mankind by the death and bloud of Christ Jesvs. 6 р. 1. 420 pp. sm. 4°. London, W. Burre, 1599.

Bingham (Caleb). The young lady's accidence; or a short and easy introduction to English grammar. 8th ed. [etc.] 60 pp. 24°. Boston, I. Thomas & E. T. Andrews, 1794.

Bingham (Peregrine). A system of shorthand on the principle of the association of ideas. 16 pp. 5 pl. 8°. London, J. Butterworth & son, 1821.

Bingham (William). A grammar of the English language, for the use of schools and academies. With copious parsing exercises. 207 pp. 120. Philadelphia, E. H. Butler & co. 1868.

A Latin reader adapted to Bingham's Latin grammar, with notes and a vocabulary. 231 pp. 120. Philadelphia, E. H. Butler & co. 1869.

reference department. By J. D. Mullins. 1869. viii, 379 pp. 8°. Birmingham, Hall & English, 1869.


Bishop (Sir Henry Rowley). Songs, duetts,
and trios. See Händel (G. F.)
Bisschop (Simon). See Episcopius (S.)
Bitter (The) dose, and other stories. [anon.]
216 pp. 3 pl. 18°. Philadelphia, presbyte-
rian board of publication, [1868].

Björnson (Björnstjerne). The fisher-maiden:
a Norwegian tale. From the author's Ger-
man ed. by M. E. Niles. vi, 217 pp. 16°.
New York, Leypoldt & Holt, 1869.

[ocr errors]

The happy boy. A tale of Norwegian peasant life. From the Norwegian, by H. R. G. 120 pp. 1 portrait. 12°. Boston, Sever, Francis & co. 1870.

Blackbird (The); consisting of a complete collection of the most admired modern songs. 140 pp. 21. 18°. New York, C. Brown, 1820. Blackburn (William M. d. d.) Admiral Coligny and the rise of the huguenots. 2 384 pp. Imap; 394 pp. 120. Philadelphia, presbyterian board of publication, 1869. Geneva's shield: a story of the Swiss reformation. 325 pp. 2 pl. 12°. New York, M. W. Dodd, 1868




St. Patrick, and the early church of Ireland. 240 pp. 16°. Philadelphia, presbyterian board of publication, [1869].

Blackie (John Stuart). Homeric dissertations. 80. Edinburgh, Edmonston & Douglas, 1866. [HOMERUS. Homer and the Iliad, v. 1].

Blackwell (Antoinette Brown). Studies in general science. xiv, 356 pp. 120. New York, G. P. Putnam & son, 1869.

Blackwood's Edinburgh magazine. July, 1867, to Dec. 1869. v. 102-106. 8°. Edinburgh, W. Blackwood & sons, 1867-69.

Blair (Hugh, d.d.) Lectures on rhetoric and belles-letters. 4 p. 1. 454 pp. 61.4°. Philadelphia, R. Aitken, 1784.

Blake (William Phipps). Paris universal exposition, 1867. Report upon the precious metals: being statistical notices of the principal gold and silver producing regions of the world, represented at the Paris universal exposition. vii, 369 pp. 8°. Washington, government printing office, 1869.

Blakey (Robert). Lives of the primitive fathers: being a faithful history of the acts and sufferings of those eminent men who lived in the early ages of the christian church; with copious lists of their writings. To which are prefixed an account of various systems of heathenism: also a view of the rise and progress of christianity. 1 p.1. 302 pp. 12 pl. 8°. London, J. Edwards, 1842.

Old faces in new masks. vi pp. 11. 391 pp. 120. London, W. Kent & co. 1859. Blanc (Charles). Le trésor de la curiosité, tiré des catalogues de vente de tableaux, dessins, estampes, livres, marbres, bronzes, ivoires, terres cuites, vitraux, médailles, armes, porcelaines, meubles, émaux, laques, et autres objets d'art. Avec diverses notes et notices historiques et biographiques. Et précédé d'une lettre à l'auteur sur la curiosité et les curieux, [par A. Thibaudeau]. 2 ν. 2 p. 1. cxxxiii pp. 1 p. 1. iv, 480 pp; 2 p. 1. 636 pp. 11. 8°. Paris, J. Renouard,


Blanc (Honoré). Okygraphie; ou, l'art de fixer par écrit, tous les sons de la parole avec autant de facilité, de promptitude et de clarté que la bouche les exprime. 1 p. 1. lx, 67 pp. 21. 15 pl. 8°. Paris, Bidault, 1801. Blanc (Jean Joseph Louis). Appel aux honnêtes gens. Quelques pages d'histoire con



temporaine. 2e éd. 2 p. 1.168 pp. 16°. Paris, bureau central, 1849.

[With GALLOIS (N.) Vie politique de Ledru-Rollinļ. La république une et indivisible. 107

pp. 16°. Paris, A. Naud, 1851. [With GALLOIS (N.) Vie politique de Ledru-Rollin]. Blanchard (W.J.) A complete system of short-hand. 1 p. 1. 16 pp. 2 pl. obl. 12°. London, author, 1779.

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The same. [2d ed?] The complete instructor of short-hand. 2 p. 1. viii pp. 1.1. 47 pp. 13 pl. 4°. London, author, [1786]. Blanchet (François). Apologues et contes orientaux, etc. 1 p. 1. lvj, 285 pp. 11. 1 portrait. 8°. Paris, Debure, 1784. Blanco (P. L.) Respuesta pacífica de un español à la carta seditiosa del Frances Gregoire, que se dice obispo de Blois. 2 p. 1. 120 pp. 1 pl. 18°. Madrid, P. Pereyra, 1798.

Bland (Thomas). Papers on North American helicide, and on the geographical distribution of West India land shells. Also notice of land and fresh water shells from the Rocky Mountains. By T. Bland and dr. J. G. Cooper. Reprinted from the annals of the lyceum of natural history, N. Y. 2 p. 1. 125 pp. 2 pl. vi, 9-35 pp. 1 tab. 9 pp. 8°. New York, [1858-] 62.


Remarks on classifications of South American helicles by European authors, and especially by H. and A. Adams and Albers. Reprinted from the annals of the lyceum of natural history, N. Y. 24 рр. 8°. New York, [1864].


[With his Papers on North American helicidæ]. Blaney (James van Zandt). Chemical analyses. 40. Chicago, 1868.


[In ILLINOIS (Geological survey of). Appendix, v. 3, pp. 573-574].

Blas de Santa Maria, (Fr.) Doctrina de novicios y nuevos profesos en esta provincia de S. Gregorio, de religiosos descalzos de la observancia de nuestro padre s. Francisco en estas islas Filipinas, [etc.] 208 pp. 80. Madrid, E. Aguado, 1856.


Blaze de Bury (Ange Henri). Écrivains et poètes de l'Allemagne. 2 p. 1. 426 pp. 122. Paris, M. Lévý frères, 1851. Blindpits. A story of Scottish life. [anon.] 516 pp. 120. New York, G. P. Putnam & son, 1869.

12°. New

Bliss (W. W. m. d.) Woman, and her thirty years' pilgrimage. 415 pp. York, American news co. 1869.



Bloch (Moritz). Ausführliche grammatik | Blume (Carl Ludwig)-continued.

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Blodget (Lorin). Practical defects of the existing forms of political action. 8°. Philadelphia, Collins, 1868.

[In PHILADELPHIA (Union league of). Essays on political organization, pp. 89–106].

Bloede (Victor G.) The reducer's manual, and gold and silver worker's guide; being a complete practical hand-book on the saving and reduction of every class of photographic wastes, and gold and silver residues. Comprising all the wet and dry processes of reduction at present known, with many important original designs, formulas, and additions. 2d ed. 167 pp. 12°. New York, J. H. Ladd, 1869.

Blondel (François). The comparison of Pindar and Horace. [Written in French, etc.] Englished by sir Edward Sherburn. 3 p.1. 92 pp. 8°. London, T. Bennet, 1696.

Blood (Benjamin). Optimism the lesson of ages. A compendium of democratic theology, designed to illustrate necessities whereby all things are as they are, and to reconcile the discontents of men with the perfect love and power of ever-present God. 132 pp. 120. Boston, B. Marsh, 1860.

Blume (Carl Ludwig). Rumphia; sive, commentationes botanicæ imprimis de plantis Indiæ orientalis, tum penitus incognitis tum quæ in libris Rhedii, Rumphii, Roxburghii, Wallichii aliorumque recensentur. 4 v. fol. Lugduni Batavorum, [Bruxellis, H. Remy] 1835-48.

[merged small][merged small][merged small][ocr errors][ocr errors][merged small][merged small][ocr errors][ocr errors][merged small][merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][ocr errors][ocr errors][merged small][merged small][ocr errors][ocr errors][merged small][merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][ocr errors][ocr errors][merged small]

Blunt (George W.compiler). Pilot laws, harbor and quarantine regulations of the port of New York. See New York.

Blüntschli (Jean Gaspard). Le droit international codifié. Traduit de l'Allemand par M. C. Lardy et précédé d'une préface par ৪০. Édouard Laboulaye. xvi, 480 pp. Paris, Guillaumin & cie. 1870.

Blyth (The) monthly gleaner, for June, 1819. pp. 143-219. 8°. [Blyth, 1819]. [With NORTHUMBERLAND and New Castle monthly magazine].

Boardman (Henry A. d. d.) The general assembly of 1866. [Animadversions on the action of the general assembly of the presbyterian church]. 124 pp. 8°. Philadelphia, J. B. Lippincott & co. 1867.

Boardman (Mrs. M. M.) The sister's triumph. Sequel to Haps and mishaps of the Brown family. 326 pp. 4 pl. 16°. Phila delphia, Perkinpine & Higgins, 1866. Boardman (W. E.) He that overcometh ; or, a conquering gospel. xvi, 303 pp. 12°. Boston, H. Hoyt, [1869].

Bock. (C. W.) Erklärung des baues der berühmtesten und merkwürdigsten älteren und neueren sprachen Europa's, Asien's, Afrika's, Amerika's und der Südsee-inseln. viii pp. 11. 172, 24 pp. 1 pl. 8°. Berlin, H. Sauvage, 1853.

Bode (Johann Elert). Allgemeine betrachtungen über das weltgebäude. 3e ausg. 2 p. 1. v, 224 pp. 2 pl. 16°. Berlin, Kecht, [1808].


Bodecher (Nicolaus). Sociniano-remonstrantismvs. Hoc est, evidens demonstratio, qua remonstrantes cum socinianis, sive reipsa, sive verbis, sive etiam methodo, in pluribus confessionis suæ partibus consentire ostenditur. 4 p. 1. 174 pp. 11. 4°. Lugduni Batavorum, J. Marcus, 1624.

Bodenhamer (William, m. d.) Practical observations on the etiology, pathology, diagnosis, and treatment of anal fissure. xiv, 199 pp. 8°. New York, W. Wood & co. 1868.

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