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Jacob Böhmens.


Boïeldieu (Marie Jacques Amand). De l'influence de la chaire, du théatre et du barreau, dans la société civile, [etc.] 4 p.l. viii, 167 pp. 8°. Paris, Demonville, 1804. Boira (Rafael). El libro de los cuento; scoleccion completa de anécdotas, cuentos, gracias, [etc.] 2a ed. 3 v. in 1. 16°. Madrid, M. Arcas y Sanchez, 1862.

Boissy (Louis Michel de). Dissertations critiques pour servir d'éclaircissement à l'histoire des Juifs, avant et depuis Jésus-Christ, et de supplément à l'histoire de M. Basnage. 2 ν. 1 p. 1. xii, 332 pp. 11; 2 p. 1. 362 pp. 31. 16°. Pais, Lagrange, 1785.

Boissy d'Anglas (François Antoine, comte de). Essai sur la vie, les écrits et les opinions de m. de Malesherbes, adressé à mes enfans. 2 v. 3 p. 1. 417 pp; 2 p. 1.344 pp. 8°. Paris, Treuttel & Würtz, 1819.

gend of the hounds, and other poems. 244 pp. 16°. Philadelphia, J. B. Lippincott & co.

v. 2. Morgenröte im aufgang, das ist; die wurtzel Boker (George Henry). Königsmark; the le

oder mutter der philosophiæ, astrologiæ und theologiæ, [etc.]

v. 3. Bedencken über Essaiæ Stiefels büchlein: vom dreyerley zustand des menschen, und dessen new gebuhrt.

Apologia, betreffend die vollkommenheit des menschen; das ist, eine gründliche antwort auff Essaiæ Stiefels, und Ezechiel.

Meths auslegung über vier texte der h. schrifft. Erste apologia wider Balthasar Tilken. Zweite apologia wider Balthasar Tilken. Apologia, oder schutz-rede. Zu gebührlicher ableh nung des schrecklichen pasquills und schmähkarten, wider das büchlein. 1. Von wahrer

busse. 2. Von wahrer gelassenheit. Welchen pasquil der herr Gregorius Richter, [etc.] darwider aussgesprenget hat.

v. 4. Hohe und tieffe gründe von dem dreyfachen leben des menschen, [etc.]

v. 5. Mysterium magnum, oder erklärung über das erste buch Mosis, [etc.]

v. 6. Theosophische sendbriefe, [etc.]

v. 7. De signatura rerum, das ist: von der gebuhrt

und bezeichnung aller wesen, [etc.]

v. 8. Zwei register über alle Böhm's schrifften, davon das erste alle örter der heil. schrift, so vom autore angezogen und erläutert sind, anzeiget, das zweite in sich die haubt-sache selbst, nach alphabetischer ordnung, begreifft.

Bohn (Henry G.) A guide to the knowledge of pottery, porcelain, and other objects of vertu. Comprising an illustrated catalogue of the Bernal collection of works of art, with the prices at which they were sold by auction, and the names of the present possessors. To which are added an introductory essay on pottery and porcelain, and an engraved list of marks and monograms. xxxviii, 504 pp. 39 pl. 120. London, H. G. Bohn, 1857.

A pictorial hand-book of modern geography, on a popular plan, compiled from the best authorities, English and foreign, and completed to the present time. 2d ed. 1 p. 1. x pp. 11. 529 pp. 51 maps. 12°. London, H. G. Bohn, 1862.

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Bonaparte (Lucien) - continued.

d. d. and Francis Hodgson. 2 v. xxxi, 388 pp; 1 p. 1. 419 pp. 4°. London, Longman & co. 1815.

Bonaventura (Giovanni de Fidanza, saint). De sex alis seraphim. 16°. Matriti, 1773. S. [In NIÑO (J.) Aphorismi superiorum etiam et inferiorum].

Bond (Thomas E. sen. m. d.) The economy of methodism illustrated and defended; in a series of papers. x pp. 2 1. 391 pp. 80. New York, Lane & Scott, 1852.

Bonn (Rheinische Friedrich-Wilhelms universität). Bericht über das fünfzigjährige jubiläum der rheinischen Friedrich-Wilhelms universität. 2 p. 1. 145 pp. 8°. Bonn, M. Cohen & sohn, 1868.

Bonnet (Victor). Études d'économie politique et financière. iv, 229 pp. 1 1. 80. Paris, Guillaumin & cie. 1868.

Bonney (Rev. Henry Kay). Historic notices in reference to Fotheringhay. viii, 127 pp. 3 pl. 8°. Oundle, T. Bell, 1821.

Bonnotti (Michel Angelo). Elementa matheseos ad usum studiosæ juventutis. viij, 224 pp. 13 plates. sm. 40. Venetiis, sumptibus heredis Nicolai Pezzana, 1772.

Bontius (Jacob). Indiaensche genees-konst. 18°. Amsterdam, 1694.

[In HOORN (J. ten). Oost- en West-indische wa. rande].

Bon ton (Le); journal de modes. Monthly report of Paris fashions. January, 1868, to December, 1869. v. 17-18. 4°. New York, S. T. Taylor, 1868-69.

Book (The) of Mormon. Translated by Joseph Smith. 4th American and 2d stereotype ed. Carefully revised by the translator. 572 pp. 11. 18°. Nauvoo, J. Smith, 1842.

Book (The) of psalms in metre; from the original, compared with many versions, in different languages. viii, 363 pp. 16°. London, J. Johnson, 1754.

Book (The) of rubies; a collection of the most notable love-poems in the English language. 384 pp. 8°. New York, C. Scribner & co. 1866.

Book buyer (The); a summary of American and foreign literature, October, 1867, to September, 1869. v. 1-2. 8°. New York, [C. Scribner & co. 1868-69].

Bookseller (The); a handbook of British and foreign literature, [and] Bent's literary advertiser, January, 1867, to December, 1869. [v. 10-12]. 8°. London, E. Tucker, 1867-69.

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Bossuet (Jacques Bénigne). Instrucciones, y meditaciones sobre el perdon de los pecados para el tiempo de los jubileos, y sobre las indulgencias, sacadas principalmente del concilio de Trento. Escritas en Frances. Traducidas por J. Moles. 3a ed. 8 p. 1.192 pp. 16°. Madrid, J. Blanques, 1794. Boston (City of). Directory, embracing the city record, a general directory of the citizens, and a business directory, for the year commencing July 1, 1863. 8°. Boston, Adams, Sampson & co. 1863.

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Documents of the city of Boston for the year 1868. 157 [156] doc. in 3 v. 8°. Boston, A. Mudge & son, city printers, 1869.

Report of a committee of citizens opposed to a further increase of duties on importations. 196 pp. 8°. Boston, N. Hale, 1827.

Boston (The) almanac, for the year 1869. ν. 34. 24°. Boston, G. Coolidge, 1868. Boston board of trade. 10th, 12th, 14th, and 15th annual reports, for 1864, 1866, 1868 and 1869. 4 v. 8°. Boston, T. R. Marvin, 1864– 69.


Boston [The] collection of sacred and devotional hymns: intended to accommodate christians on special and stated occasions. [Baptist]. 324 pp. 180. Boston, Manning & Loring, 1808.

Boston weekly magazine; or, ladies' and gentlemen's miscellany. v. 2. No. 7-50. 80. Boston, Gilbert & Deane, 1803.

[With PHILADELPHIA repository, v. 5].

Bosworth (Newton). The accidents of human life; with hints for their prevention, or the removal of their consequences. xii, 216 pp. 6. pl. 16°. London, Lackington, Allen & co. 1813.

Botero (Giovanni). I prencipi [cristiani], con le aggionte alla ragion di stato nuoua. mente poste in luce. 148, 81. 16°. Torino, G. D. Tarino, 1600.

Botley (Samuel). Maximum in minimo; or, mr. Jeremiah Rich's Pen's dexterity completed, [etc.] 31 1. 16°. London, N. Sackett, [about 1760].

Botts (John Minor). The great rebellion: its secret history, rise, progress, and disastrous failure. The political life of the author vindicated. xxviii, 402 pp. 1 portrait. 12°. New York, Harper & brothers, 1866.

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Boucher (W. M.) The science of money; (being the solution of the much vexed and important currency problem), and co-operation," (some thoughts and quotations on its history, philosophy, practice, results, etc.) together furnishing the solution of the "labor question," (or, the way to settle the war between the laborers and capitalists upon the principles of science). 123 pp. 8°. Chicago, 1867.

Boucicault (Dion). Foul play. See Reade (Charles) and Boucicault (Dion).

Boudard de L'Herault (André). Mémoires, lettres, et pièces authentiques touchant la vie et la mort de Louis Antoine Henri de Bourbon-Condé, duc d'Enghien. 2 p.1.295 pp. 1 portrait. 1 fac-simile. 8°. Paris, Audin, 1823.

Boudier de Villemert or Villermet (Pierre Joseph). L'ami des femmes. [anon.] 182 pp. 11. 16°. Paris, 1766.

Boudin (Amédée). Histoire de Louis-Philippe, roi des Français., 2 v. 2 p. 1. 462 pp. 10 pl; 430 pp. 10 pl. 8°. Paris, bureau de publication, 1847.

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Bouilly (Jean Nicolas). Mes récapitulations. Première époque, 1774-1790; deuxième époque, 1791-1812. 2 v. xii, 289 pp. 1 1. 1 portrait; 2 p. 1. 288 pp. 11. 16°. Bruxelles, société belge de librairie, 1837. Bouquet (Martin, and others). See Recueil des historiens des Gaules et de la France. Bourne (William). A booke called the treasure for traueilers, deuided into fiue bookes or partes, contaynyng very necessary matters, for all sortes of trauailers, eyther by sea or by lande. 133 1.1 pl. sm. 4°. London, T. Woodcocke, 1578.

Boussingault (Jean Baptiste Joseph Dieudonné) and Roulin (François Désirée). Viajes cientificos a los Andes ecuatoriales; 6, coleccion de memorias sobre física, quimica é historia natural de la Nueva Granada, Ecuador, y Venezuela. Traducidas por J. Acosta, y precedidas de algunas nociones de geologia, por el mismo. 2 p. 1. xvi, 322 pp. 8°. Paris, libreria castellana, 1849.

Boutauld (Michel). The counsels of wisdom; or, a collection of such maxims of Solomon, as are most necessary for the prudent conduct of life. With proper reflections upon them. Written originally in French, by m. Fouquet. Done into English by a gent [J. Leake]. 2 parts in 1 v. xx, 402 pp. 4°. Oxford, theatre, 1736.

[NOTE. At first attributed to Fouquet, but now generally admitted to be the work of Boutauld]. Bowden (Rev. John Edward). The life and letters of Frederick William Faber, d.d. priest of the oratory of st. Philip Neri. With an introduction by an American clergyman. 487 pp. 1 portrait. 120. Baltimore, J. Murphy & co. 1869.

Bowditch (Nathaniel, ll. d.) The new American practical navigator; being an epitome of navigation; containing all the tables necessary to be used with the nautical almanac in determining the latitude; and the longitude by lunar observations; and keeping


Bowditch (Nathaniel)--continued.

a complete reckoning at sea, [etc.] 590 pp. 11. 8°. Newburyport, Mass. E. M. Blunt, for W. R. Wilder, 1802.

The same. 8, xx, 289, 460 pp. 1 map. 14 pl. 8°. Washington, government print, 1868.

The same. Useful tables, from the "Practical navigator." A new edition, with additional tables. 921. 8°. Washington, government print, 1868.

Bowler (Rev. George). Chapel and church architecture, with designs for parsonages. 1 p. 1. 15 pp. 171.41 pl. folio. Boston, J. P. Jewett & co. 1856.

Bowles (Samuel). The Pacific railroad-open. How to go: what to see. Guide for travel to and through western America. 122 pp. 16°. Boston, Fields, Osgood & co. 1869.

The Switzerland of America. A summer vacation in the parks and mountains of Colorado. 166 pp. 16°. Springfield, (Mass.) S. Bowles & co. 1869.

Boyce (William). Cathedral music; being a collection in score of the most valuable and useful compositions for that service, by the several English masters, of the last two hundred years. The whole selected and carefully revised. 2d ed. 3 v. fol. London,

J. Ashley, 1788.

Boyd (Andrew, compiler). Boyd's business directory of cities and villages between Boston and Albany, on the line of the Boston and Albany railway, 1869-70. With an appendix. 8°. Albany, (N. Y.) C. Van Benthuysen & sons, 1869.

- Boyd's business directory of over one hundred cities and villages in New York state, together with post offices, postmasters' names, money-order post offices, and telegraph and express stations throughout the state, [etc.] 1869-70. 884 pp. 8°. Albany, (N. Y.) C. H. Van Benthuysen & sons, 1869. Boyd (Andrew and W. Harry). Boyd's directory of Elizabeth, Rahway, and Plainfield, with a business directory of Union county, 1868-69. 348 pp. 120. Elizabeth, A. & W. H. Boyd, 1868.

Boyd (Mrs. E. E.) Jack Bryson. 211 pp. 3 pl. 18°. Philadelphia, J, P. Skelly & co. 1869. Lily's looking glasses. 102 pp. 2 pl. 18°. Philadelphia, J. P. Skelly & co. 1869. Mary Morne and her friend. 197 pp. 2 pl. 18°. Philadelphia, J. P. Skelly & co.



Boyd (Joseph B.) Boyd's hand-book of Cincinnati. Being a complete guide to the city; its public buildings illustrated; its railroad, steamboat, stage, and omnibus lines; its hotels; its public resorts; its churches; its parks; briefly, Cincinnati as it is, and the way to find it. Spring, 1869. 130 pp. 25 pl. 18°. Cincinnati, J. B. Boyd, 1869.

Boyd (Mrs. Mary D. R.) Barby's shuttle, and what it wrought. 169 pp. 2 pl. 18°. Philadelphia, J. P. Skelly & co. 1869.

- Stepping-stones over the brook. 262 рр. 3 pl. 18. Philadelphia, J. P. Skelly & co.


Boyer (Lieut. -). A journal of Wayne's campaign. Being an authentic daily record of the most important occurrences during the campaign of major general Anthony Wayne against the northwestern Indians, commencing the 28th July and ending on the 2d November, 1794; including an account of the great battle of August 20. 23 pp. 4°. Cincinnati, J. F. Uhlhorn, 1866.

[With JACOB (John J.) Life of captain Cresap]. Boyle (Frederick). A ride across a continent:

a personal narrative of wanderings through Nicaragua and Costa Rica. 2 v. xxviii, 299 pp. 1 pl; vii, 297 pp. 1 pl. 12°. London, R. Bentley, 1868.

Boyle (Roger, earl of Orrery). Parthenissa, that most fam'd romance. The six volumes compleat. 2 p. 1. 808 pp. fol. London, H. Herringman, 1676.

Boys (Thomas Shotter). Original views of London as it is, (etc.) With historical and descriptive notices of the views, by Charles Ollier. 2 p. 1. 261. 26 pl. fol. London, T. Boys, 1842.

Boys at Sandover; or, life in a public institution. [anon.] 264 pp. 2 pl. 16°. Boston, congregational s. s. and publ. soc. [1868]. Brace (Charles Loring). The new west: or, California in 1867-68. 373 pp. 120. New York, G. P. Putnam & son, 1869. Brachet (J. L. m. d.) Recherches sur la nature et le siège de l'hystérie et de l'hypochondrie, et sur l'analogie et les différences de ces deux maladies. 178 pp. 8°. Paris, Gabon, 1832.

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The proverb series. v. 1-3. 16°. Boston, Lee & Shepard, 1869.

Brackenbury (Capt. Charles Booth). Euro- | Bradley (Mrs. M. E.) and Neily (Kate J.) pean armaments in 1867. Based upon letters reprinted, by permission, from "The times." viii, 143 pp. 120. London, Chapman & Hall, 1867.

Brackenridge (Henry M.) Recollections of persons and places in the west. 2d ed. enlarged. 331 pp. 120. Philadelphia, J. B. Lippincott & co. 1868.

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Reise nach Südamerika. Unternommen auf befehl der amerikanischen regierung in den jahren 1817 und 1818 auf der fregatte Congress. Aus dem Englischen. 2 v. iv, 384 pp; 1 p. 1. 452 pp. 8°. Leipzig, G. I. Göschen, 1821.

Bradbury (William B.) Bradbury's fresh laurels for the sabbath schools. A new and extensive collection of music and hymns. 160 pp. obl. 16°. New York, Biglow & Main, [1867].

- Bright jewels for the sunday school. A new collection of sunday school songs. rev. R. Lowry, editor, [etc.] 160 pp. obl. 16°. New York, Biglow & Main, [1869].

The new golden trio; or, Bradbury's golden series of Sabbath school melodies, comprising the "New golden chain," "New golden shower," and "Golden censer." 126 pp. 31. obl. 16°. New York, W. B. Bradbury, 1866.

The singing bird; or, progressive music reader, [etc.] 176 pp. obl. 8°. New York, Newman & Ivison, 1852.


The victory: a new collection of sacred and secular music. 400 pp. 1 portrait. obl. 8°. New York, Biglow & Main, [1869].

Bradbury (William F.) Eaton's elementary algebra, designed for the use of high schools and academies. 252 pp. 12°. Boston, Taggard & Thompson, 1868. [EATON'S mathematical series].

The same. Key to Eaton's elementary algebra, giving answers to the examples. 28 pp. 120. Boston, Taggard & Thompson, 1869.

Bradford (Rev. John). Writings. Containing letters, treatises, remains. Edited by A. Townsend. xlviii, 432 pp. 8°. Cambridge, university press, 1853.

[PARKER society publications].

Bradford (Oliver K.) Guilty or not guilty; or, an appeal to the people. 89 pp. 1 portrait. 8°. Boston, J. E. Farwell & co. 1869.


v. 1. Birds of a feather. By mrs. Bradley. 233 pp. 3 pl.

v. 2. Fine feathers do not make fine birds. By Kate J. Neily. 1 p. 1. 174 pp. 3 pl.

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v. 3. Handsome is that handsome does. By mrs. Bradley. 1 p. 1. 323 pp. 3 pl.

Bradley (W.J.) After years. A sequel to Culm rock. By Glance Gaylord. [pseudon.] 324 pp. 3 pl. 12°. Boston, H. Hoyt, 1867.

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Bright nook; or, aunt Maggie's corner. By Glance Gaylord. [pseudon.] 138 pp. 2 pl. 180. New York, Carlton & Porter, 1866.

Culm rock, the story of a year. What it brought and what it taught. By Glance Gaylord. [pseudon.] 432 pp. 4 pl. 16°. Boston, H. Hoyt, [1867].

Donald Deane and his cross. By Glance Gaylord. [pseudon.] 390 pp. 3 pl. 16. Boston, Mass.s.s.soc. [1867].

- Gay cottage. By Glance Gaylord. [pseudon.] 144 pp. 1. pl. 18°. Boston, American tract society, 1866.

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Gilbert's last summer at Rainford, and what it taught. By Glance Gaylord. [pseudon.] 328 pp. 4 pl. 16°. Boston, Graves & Young, 1868. [RAINFORD series, no. 2].

Gilbert Starr and his lessons. By Glance Gaylord. [pseudon.] 383 pp. 4 pl. 16°. Boston, A. F. Graves, 1868. [RAINFORD series, no. 1].

Jack Arcombe. The story of a waif. By Glance Gaylord. [pseudon.] 306 pp. 4 pl. 16°. Boston, A. F. Graves, 1868. [RAINFORD series, no. 4].

Mr. Pendleton's cup. A story for boys. By Glance Gaylord. [pseudon.] 248 pp. 3 pl. 16°. Boston, H. A. Young & co. [1868].

Patience Hathaway. Her friends and her enemies, and how she returned them good for evil. By Glance Gaylord. [pseudon.] 370 pp. 4 pl. 16°. Boston, H. A. Young & co. [1868].

Will Rood's friendship. By Glance Gaylord. [pseudon.] 254 pp. 4 pl. 16°. Boston, Graves & Young, 1867. [RAINFORD series, no. 3].

Willie's conquest. By Glance Gaylord. [pseudon.] 74 pp. 1 pl. 24°. New York, Carlton & Porter, 1866.

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