


Bradshaw's monthly continental railway, Bravo (Felipe). Dictionario de las islas steam transit, and general guide, for travellers through Europe. October, 1869. sm. 4°. London, W. J. Adams, 1869.

Brady (Matthew B.) Brady's national photographic collection of war views, and portraits of representative men: New York and Washington, D. C. 140 pp. 12°. New York, C. A. Alvord, 1869.

Brady (Nicholas, d. d.) and Tate (Nahum). A new version of the psalms of David, fitted to the tunes used in the churches. 210, x pp. 18°. London, E. James, 1755. [With CHURCH OF ENGLAND. Book of common prayer, 1753. Imperfect; wanting all after page 2101.

The same. 216 pp. 18°. London, company of stationers, 1771. [With CHURCH OF ENGLAND. Book of common prayer. 1766].

The same. Ist Worcester ed. 358 pp. 24°. Worcester, (Mass.) I. Thomas, 1788. Bragge (Robert). Church discipline according to its ancient standard, as it was practiced in primitive times. 183 pp. 120. New London, T. Green, 1768.

Brainard (John Gardner Calkins). Poems. A new and authentic collection, with an original memoir of his life. 221 pp. 2 pl. 16°. Hartford, S. Andrus & son, 1847. Braithwaite (W. and J.editors). See Retro

spect (The) of medicine.

Brandt (Johann Friedrich). Symbolæ sirenologicæ fasciculus i et iii. Sireniorum, pachydermatum, zeuglodontum et cetaceorum ordinis osteologia comparata, nec non sireniorum generum monographiæ. 3 p. 1. 384 pp. 9 pl. 4°. Petropoli, 1861-68. [Extrait des mémoires de l'académie impériale des sciences].


[blocks in formation]

Brauer (Dr. Friedrich). Neuropteren. 105 pp. 21.2 pl. 4°. Wien, 1868. S. [In WÜLLERSTORF-URBAIR (B. von). Reise der Novara, v. 2, abth. 1, A].

Brauns (Ernst Ludwig). Amerika und die moderne völkerwanderung. Nebst einer darstellung der gegenwärtig zu Economy am Ohio angesiedelten Harmoniegesellschaft, [etc.] xvi, 400 pp. 1 portrait. 120°. Potsdam, H. Vogler, 1833.

Brave (The) heart. By Fleta. [pseudon.] 216 pp. 3 pl. 18°. Philadelphia, presbyterian board of publication, [1868].

Filipinas. See Buzeta (Manuel) and Bravo (Felipe).

Brayley (Edward Wedlake) and Herbert (William). Syr Reginalde; or, the black tower. A romance of the twelfth century. With tales and other poems. 2 p.1. 168 pp. 5 pl. 16°. London, J. Swan, 1803. Brayton (Mary Clark) and Terry (Ellen F.) Our acre and its harvest. Historical sketch of the soldiers' aid society of northern Ohio. Cleveland branch of the United States sanitary commission. 511 pp. 1 map. 8 pl. 8°. Cleveland, Fairbanks, Benedict & co. 1869.


Part 1. General history, by M. C. Brayton.
Part 2. Special relief, by E. F. Terry.

Brazer (John, d. d.) Sermons. xvi, 367 pp. 12°. Boston, W. Crosby & H. P. Nichols, 1849.

Bread (The) of life. By a sunday school teacher. [anon.] 80 pp. 18°. Boston, American tract society, [1868].

Breckenridge (Rev. John) and Miller (Samuel, d. d.) A memorial of mrs. Margaret Breckenridge. In two parts. Part 1. Memoir, and funeral sermon. Part 2. Letters to her surviving children. 2 parts in 1 v. 90 pp. 1 portrait; 103 pp. 12°. Philadelphia, W. S. Martien, 1839. Breed (Rev. William P. d.d.)

Jenny Ged

des; or, presbyterianism and its great conflict with despotism. 480 pp. 16°. Philadelphia, presbyterian board of publication, [1869].

The prisoners. 288 pp. 3 pl. 18°. Philadelphia, presbyterian board of publication, [1868].

Bremen (Venerandum ministerium). Neues bremisches psalm- und gesangbuch zur öffentlichen und besondern erbauung der reformirten stadt- und landgemeinen, [etc.] Neueste ausgabe. xvi, 448, 44 pp. 16°. Bremen, 1802.

Brent (Linda). Incidents in the life of a slave girl. Written by herself. Edited by Lydia Maria Child. 306 pp. 120. Boston, for the author, 1861.

Brentano (Bettine). See Arnim (Bettine von).

Bresse (-, prof. à l'école des ponts et chaussées). Hydraulic motors. From the French Cours de mécanique appliquée, by F. A. Mahan. Revised by D. H. Mahan, 11.d. 165 pp. 2 pl. 8°. New York, J. Wiley & son, 1869,



Breton (Nicholas). The court and country; | Breynat (Jules). Les socialistes depuis fév

or, a briefe discourse dialogue-wise set downe betweene a courtier and a country-man. Contayning the manner and condition of their liues, [etc.] Also, necessary notes for a covrtier. 4°. London, G. Eld for I.

rier. 3o éd. 304 pp. 11. 16°. Paris, Garnier, 1850.

Briand (P. César). Le livre de poche du voyageur en France, (etc.) xxxii, 192 pp. 1 map. 32°. Paris, Lavigne, [1833].

Wright, 1618. Reprinted, London, Roxburghe Bridger (N.) Stenographie and cry[p]to

library, 1868.

[In HAZLITT (W. C.) Inedited tracts, etc. pp. 168211. ROXBURGHE library].

Bretos or Vretos (Andreas Papadopoulos). Νεοελληνικη φιλολογια, ητοι καταλογος των απο πτωσεως της βυζαντινης αυτοκρατοριας μεχρι εγκαθιδρύσεως της εν Ελλαδι βασιλειας τυπωθεντων βιβλιων παρ' Ελληνων εις την ομιλουμένην, η εις την αρχαιαν Ελληνικην γλωσσαν, με βιβλιογραφικας και κριτικας σημειωσεις περι των αξιων λογου συγγραμματων. 2 ν. χθ', pp. 11, 272 pp ; ις', 364 pp. 21. 8°. Εν Αθηναις, τυποις Φ. Καραμινη και Κ. Βαφα, 1854-57. S. Bretschneider (Carl Gottlieb). Die grundlage des evangelischen pietismus; oder, die lehren von Adams fall, der erbsünde, und dem opfer Christi, [etc.] xii, 426 pp. 11. 8°. Leipzig, F. C. IW. Vogel, 1833.

[ocr errors]

Heinrich und Antonio, oder die proselyten der römischen und der evangelischen kirche. 2e auflage. xii, 308 pp. 8°. Gotha, J. Perthes, 1827.

Die religiöse glaubenslehre nach der vernunft und der offenbarung für denkende leser dargestellt. 2o aufl. viii, 406 pp. 80. Halle, Schwetschke & sohn, 1843.

- Systematische entwickelung aller in der dogmatik vorkommenden begriffe nach den symbolischen schriften der evangelisch-lutherischen kirche, (etc.) Nebst der literatur, [etc.] über alle theile der dogmatik. Se auflage. xvi, 870 pp. 1 1. ৪০. Leipzig,

J. A. Barth, 1825. Brewster (Anne M. H.) Compensation; or, always a future. 2d ed. 322 pp. 120. Philadelphia, J. B. Lippincott & co. 1870. Brewster (Rev. John) Meditations for the aged; adapted to the progress of human life. 3d ed. viii, 435 pp. 8°. London, F. C. & J. Rivington, 1814.

Meditations for penitents, and for those engaged in the important duty of self-examination. xxviii, 366 pp. 8°. London, F. C. & J. Rivington, 1813.

- The meditations of a recluse; chiefly on religious subjects. 4th ed. viii, 387 pp. S°. London, F. C. & J. Rivington, 1816.

graphie; or, the arts of short-hand and secretwriting, [etc. anon.] 6 p. 1.66 pp. 24 pl. 18°. London, author, 1659.

Bridgman (William). Translations from the Greek, viz. Aristotle's synopsis of the virtues and vices. The similitudes of Demophilus. The golden sentences of Democrates. And the Pythagoric symbols, with the explanations of Jamblichus. [With] the Pythagoric sentences of Demophilus, by T. Taylor. xvi, 135 pp. 12°. London, W. Bridgman, 1804.

Brief (A) and impartial history of the life and actions of Andrew Jackson, president of the United States. By a free man. [anon.] 216 pp. 16°. Boston, Stimpson & Clapp, 1831.

Briefe in die heimath, geschrieben zwischen October 1829 und May 1830, während einer reise über Frankreich, England, und die Vereinigten Staaten von Nordamerica nach Mexico. [anon.] x, 201 pp. 8°. Stuttgart, und Tübingen, J. G. Cotta, 1835. [REISEN und landesbeschreibungen, 6e auflage].

Brieven over het bestuur der colonien Essequebo en Demerary. Gewisseld tusschen de heeren Aristodemus en Sincerus. Nevens bylagen, tot deeze briefwisseling, en eene voorreden van den nederlandschen uitgeever. [anon.] 12 v. 8°. Amsterdam, W. Holtrop, 1785-88.

Bright (Mrs. A. M.) The three Bernices; or, Ansermo of the crag. 380 pp. 12°. Philadelphia, Claxton, Remsen & Haffelfinger, 1869. Bright (John). Speeches on questions of public policy. Edited by James E. Thorold Rogers. 2 v. xix, 535 pp. 1 portrait; vii, 567 pp. 8°. London, Macmillan & co. 1868. Brion (G.) Illustrations to "Les misérables, of Victor Hugo. Scenes and characters photographed by A. A. Turner, after the original designs of G. Brion. 8 pp. 26 pl. 4°. New York, Carlton, 1863.

[ocr errors]

Brisbin (Gen. James S.) The lives of Ulysses S. Grant and Schuyler Colfax. 437 pp. 2 portraits. 16°. Cincinnati, C. F. Vent & co. 1869.


Brisée. [anon.] 255 pp. 12o, Philadelphia, | British museum-continued.

J. B. Lippincott & co. 1862.

Brisson (Pierre Raymond de). Historia do naufragio, e cativeiro de mr. de Brisson, com a descripção dos desertos d'Africa, desde o Senegal, até Marrocos: escrita, e publicada por elle mesmo em 1789: mas agora traduzida em portuguez, [etc.] 265 pp. 31. 18°. Lisboa, S. T. Ferreira, 1800.


Brissot (A.) Voyage au Guazacoalcos, aux
Antilles et aux États-Unis. 2 p. 1. iv, 390
pp. 1 map. 1 pl. 8°. Paris, A. Bertrand,

Bristol (Augusta Cooper). Poems. 190 pp.
12°. Boston, Adams & co. [1868].
British (The) almanac [and] companion to
the almanac, for 1869. 2 1. 16°. Lon-
don, Knight & co. 1869.

British archæological association. The journal
of the British archæological association, es-
tablished in 1843, for the encouragement and
prosecution of researches into the arts and
monuments of the early and middle ages.
ν. 1-22, 1846 to 1866. 8°. London, 1846-



- Catalogue of diurnal lepidoptera of the family satyridæ in the collection of the British museum. By Arthur Gardiner Butler. vi, 211 pp. 5 pl. 8°. London, by order of the trustees, 1868.

- Catalogue of the specimens of blatta-
riæ in the collection of the British museum.
By Francis Walker. 2 p. 1. 239 pp. ৪০.
London, 1868.

- Catalogue of the specimens of dermap-
tera saltatoria, and supplement to the blatta-
riæ, in the collection of the British museum.
2 p. 1. 224 pp. 8°. London, 1869.
- Catalogue of the specimens of hemip-
tera heteroptera in the collection. By Fran-
cis Walker. Part iii. (pp. 419-599). 8°.
London, trustees of the British museum, 1868.

A guide to the exhibition rooms of the departments of natural history and antiquities. 2 p. 1. 139 pp. 1 map. 8°. [London], trustees, 1869.

British [The] partizan: a tale of the olden time. By a lady of South Carolina. [anon.] 157 pp. 16°. Macon, (Ga.) Burke, Boykin & co. 1864.

[v. 10 (no. 36 and 39) and v. 11 wanting]. [Programme and list of officers and Brittan (Harriette G.) Kardoo, the Hindoo members]. 12 pp. 8°. London, 1847. girl. 183 pp. 1 pl. 16°. New York, W. В. Dodge, 1869.

The same. Worcester congress, 1848. 4 pp. 8°. [London, 1848].

Transactions of the British archæological association, at its second annual congress, held at Winchester, August, 1845, [and] at its third annual congress, held at Gloucester, August, 1846, [and] at its sixth annual meetting, Chester, 1849, consisting of the papers read at the several meetings, together with an account of the exhibitions and excursions made by the association. 3 v. 8°. London,


British association for the advancement of science. Report of the thirty-eighth meeting, held at Norwich in August, 1868. 1xxvi, 520, 236 pp. 4 pl. 8°. London, J. Murray, 1869. s.

British homœopathic association. Truths and their reception, considered in relation to the doctrine of homœopathy. [By M. B. Sampson]. To which are added various essays on the principles and statistics of homœopathic practice. 2d ed. 3 p. 1. 251 pp. 8°. London, S. Highley, 1849.

British museum. Catalogue of the carnivorous, pachydermatous, and edentate mammalia. By J. E. Gray. 8°. London, 1869.

Brock (Miss Sallie A. editor). The southern amaranth. A carefully selected collection of poems growing out of and in reference to the late war. 1 p. 1. 651 pp. 8°. New York, G. S. Wilcox, 1869.

Brockett (L. P.) Camp, battle-field, and hospital; or, lights and shadows of the great rebellion. Illustrated. 512 pp. 34 pl. 8°. Philadelphia, national publishing co. 1866. Broken (The) rein. By the author of "Nora's life at Derncleugh." [anon.] 230 pp. 16°. Philadelphia, American sunday school union, [1869].

Bromley (Sir George). A collection of royal letters, written by king Charles the first, and second, king James the second, and the king and queen of Bohemia; together with original letters, written by prince Rupert, Charles Louis, count palatine, the duchess of Hanover, and several other distinguished persons; from the year 1619 to 1665. xl, 320 pp.5 pl. 1 chart. 8°. London, J. Stockdale, 1787. Bromme (Traugott). Reisen durch die Vereinigten Staaten und Ober-Canada. 3 v. 12°. Baltimore, C. Scheld & co. 1834.



Bronté (Anne). Agnes Grey. By Acton Bell. | Brooks (Rev. T. S.) Debate on baptism and [pseudon.] 16°. London, Smith, Elder & co. 1866.

[With BRONTÉ (E. and A.) Wuthering heights, etc.]
The tenant of Wildfell hall. By Acton
Bell. [pseudon.] A new ed. 371 pp. 16°.
London, Smith, Elder & co. 1859.

Bronté (Charlotte, Emily, and Anne). Poems by Currer, Ellis, and Acton Bell. [pseudon.] 165 рр. 16°. London, Smith, Elder & co. 1846.

The same. iv, 13-176 pp. 16°. Philadelphia, Lea & Blanchard, 1848.

Bronté (Emily, and Anne). Wuthering heights, by Ellis Bell [Emily Bronté]; and Agnes Grey, by Acton Bell [Anne Bronté]; with a preface and memoir of both authors, by Currer Bell [Charlotte Bronté. pseudon.] A new ed. xix, 446 pp. 16°. London, Smith, Elder & co. 1866.

Brooklyn (The) city and business directory for the year ending May 1, 1870. Containing also a street and avenue directory, and an appendix. Compiled by George T. Lain. 8°. Brooklyn, Lain & co. [1869].

Brooks (Charles). The christian in his closet; or, prayers for individuals, adapted to the various ages, conditions, and circumstances of life. 316 pp. 120. Boston, J. Munroe &

co. 1845.

- Elementary course of natural history, being an introduction to zoology: intended for the college and the parlor. Elements of ornithology. 324 pp. 28 pl. 12°. Boston, J. Munroe, 1847.

Brooks (Rev. Charles T.) The simplicity of Christ's teachings, set forth in sermons. viii, 342 pp. 12°. Boston, Crosby, Nichols & co. 1859.

Brooks (Edward). The normal written arithmetic, by analysis and synthesis; designed for common schools, normal schools, high schools, academies, etc. 337 pp. 12°. Philadelphia, Sower, Barnes & Potts, [1863].

Brooks (Rev. Thomas). Precious remedies against satan's devices; being a companion for christians of all denominations. 1st Am. ed. 319 pp. 11 1.1 pl. 18. Philadelphia, J. Pounder, 1810.

Smooth stones from ancient brooks. By rev. C. H. Spurgeon. Being a collection of sentences, illustrations, and quaint sayings, from the works of that renowned puritan, Thomas Brooks. 269 pp. 16°. New York, Sheldon & co. 1860.

kindred subjects. See Mathes (J. M.) and Brooks.

Brossard (Alfred de). Considérations historiques et politiques sur les républiques de La Plata, dans leurs rapports avec la France et l'Angleterre. 2 p. 1. 471 pp. 8°. Paris, Guillaumin & cie. 1850.

Broughton (William Robert). Voyage de découvertes dans la partie septentrionale de l'océan Pacifique fait pendant les années 1795-1798; dans lequel il a parcouru et visité la côte d'Asie, depuis le 35o degré nord, jusqu'au 52e; les côtes nord, est, et sud du Japon, etc. Traduit de l'Anglais par J. B. В. E[yriès]. 2 v. 3 p. 1. xxxii, 244 pp. 11. 1 map; 2 p. 1. 342 pp. 1 map. 80. Paris, Dentu, 1807.

Broussais (François Joseph Victor). Cours de phrénologie. 2 p. 1. x, 850 pp. 11. 1 pl. 12°. Paris, J. B. Baillière, 1836.

Brown (Edward). Life lyrics. 1 p.1.189 pp. 8°. New York, W. Wood & co. 1869. Brown (Henry T.) Five hundred and seven mechanical movements, embracing all those which are most important in dynamics, hydraulics, etc. 122 рр. sm. 4°. New York, Brown, Coombs & co. 1868.

Brown (Mary R.) Maggie and her friends. A story from real life. 243 pp. 1. pl. 18°. New York, A. D. F. Randolph & co. 1868. Brown (Peter). The fame and glory of England vindicated, being an answer to [Lester's] "The glory and shame of England." By Libertas. [pseudon.] 306 pp. 12°. New York, Wiley & Putnam, 1842. Brown (Robert, the botanist of the British museum). Miscellaneous botanical works. v. 3. Atlas of plates. 2 p. 1.15 pp. 38 pl. fol. London, 1866.

[RAY society publications]. Brown (Samuel). A treatise on the nature, origin, and progress of the yellow fever, with observations on its treatment, comprising an account of the disease, in several of the capitals of the United States, [etc.] 112 pp. 8°. Boston, Manning & Loring, 1800. Brown (Thomas). The paradise of coquettes,


a poem. In nine parts. 201 pp. Philadelphia, M. Carey, 1816. Brown (William Wells). The American fugitive in Europe. Sketches of places and people abroad. With a memoir of the author. 320 pp. 1 portrait. 12°. Boston, J. P. Jewett & co. 1855.


Brown (W. Leroy). Notes on artillery: from Robins, Hutton, Chesney, Mordecai, Dahlgren, Jacob, Greener, Gibbon, and Benton. 76 pp. 8°. Richmond, West & Johnson, 1862.


Browning (Elizabeth B.)-continued.
- Napoleon iii in Italy. And other poems.
72 pp. 16°. New York, C. S. Francis &
co. 1860.

Browning (Robert). The ring and the book.
4 v. 16°. London, Smith, Elder & co. 1868-

Brown (Mr. -, son of Rev. Samuel Brown). The captives of Abb's valley; a legend of frontier life. By a son of Mary Moore, [married to Samuel Brown]. 169 pp. 1 pl. 16°. Philadelphia, presbyterian board of pub-York type-foundry. 166 pp. 4°. New York, lication, [1854]?


Browne (Charles Farrar). Artemus Ward his book. [pseudon.] 224 pp. 13 pl. 16°. New York, Carleton, 1865.

Artemus Ward's panorama. (As exhibited at the Egyptian hall, London). [pseudon.] Edited by his executors, T. W. Robertson and E. P. Hingston. 213 pp. 34 pl. 16°. New York, G. W. Carleton, 1869.

Browne (D. J.) The etymological encyclopædia of technical words and phrases used in the arts and sciences, and of many words in common use, with popular quotations from foreign languages, and their translations. 258 pp. 18°. Boston, W. Hyde & co. 1832. Browne (Dunn, pseudon.) See Fiske (Samuel).

Bruce (George) son & co. Anabridged speci. men of printing types, made at Bruce's New

G. Bruce, son & co. 1869. Bruce (Peter Henry). Memoirs. Containing an account of his travels in Germany, Russia, Tartary, Turkey, and the West Indies, etc. as also several very interesting private anecdotes of the czar, Peter i, of Russia. 6 p. 1. 446 pp. 4°. London, author's widow, 1782.

Brügger (Ch. Gr.) Die thermen von Bormio, (etc.) See Meyer-Ahrens (-). and Brügger(Chr. Gr.)

Brun (Charles). Récit des événements de décembre. Oui ou non. Appel à la nation. Vote universel du 21 décembre 1851. 105 pp. 11. 16°. Paris, Ledoyen, 1851.

[With GALLOIS (N.) Vie politique de Ledru-Rollin].
Brunck (Richard Franz Philipp). Anthologia.
Sce Selection (A) of Greek epigrams.
Brunet (Gustave, editor). See Dinaux (Ar-

Browne (John Ross). Adventures in the
Apache country; a tour through Arizona
and Sonora, with notes on the silver regions thur). Les sociétés badines, [etc.]
of Nevada. 535 pp. 120. New York, Har-
per & brothers, 1869.

Resources of the Pacific slope. A statistical and descriptive summary of the mines and minerals, climate, topography, agriculture, commerce, manufactures, and miscellaneous productions of the states and territories. west of the Rocky Mountains. With a sketch of the settlement and exploration of lower California. 678, 200 pp. 8°. New York, D. Appleton & co. 1869.

Browne (Junius Henri). The great metropolis; a mirror of New York. A complete history of metropolitan life and society, with sketches of prominent places, persons, and things in the city, as they actually exist. 700 pp. 16 pl. 8°. Hartford, American publishing co. 1869.

Browning (Elizabeth Barrett). Casa Guidi windows. A poem. viii, 140 pp. 16°. London, Chapman & Hall, 1851.

Lady Geraldine's courtship. 1 p. 1. iv, 74 pp. 12 pl. 8°. New York, C. Scribner & co. 1870.

Brunet (Jacques Charles). Recherches bibliographiques et critiques sur les éditions originales des cinq livres du roman satirique de Rabelais, et sur les différences de texte qui se font remarquer, particulièrement dans le premier livre du Pantagruel et dans la Gargantua; on y a joint une revue critique des éditions collectives du même roman, et, de plus, le texte original des grandes et inestimables chroniques de Gargantua, complété pour la première fois d'après l'édition de 1533, pour servir de supplément à toutes les éditions des œuvres de Rabelais. 2 p. 1. 144, 58 pp. 80. Paris, L. Potier, 1852.

Brunet (Pierre, de Nantes). Voyage à l'îsle de France, dans l'Inde, et en Angleterre; suivi de mémoires sur les Indiens, sur les vents des mers de l'Inde, et d'une notice sur la vie du général Benoit Déboigne, commandant l'armée maratte sous Scindia. 1 p. 1. iv, 390 pp. 80. Paris, P. Mongie aîné, 1825. Brünnich (Martin Thrane). Ichthyologia massiliensis, sistens piscium descriptiones, eorvmqve apud incolas nomina. Accedunt

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