BRÜNNICH. Brünnich (Martin)---continued. Spolia maris adriatici. 8 p. 1. 110 pp. 80. [With his Ornithologia borealis]. - Ornithologia borealis, sistens collectionem avium ex omnibus, imperio danico subjectis, provinciis insulisqve borealibus Hafniæ factam, cum descriptionibus novarum, nominibus incolarum, locis natalium et icone. 3 p. 1. 80 pp. 1 pl. 8°. Hafniæ, J. C. Kall, 1764. a Brunnow (Ernst von). Ulrich von Hutten, Bucer or Kuhhorn (Martin). Judgment concerning divorce; written to Edward vi. in his 2nd book of the kingdom of Christ, and now English'd [by J. Milton]. fol. [London]? 1697. [In MILTON (J.) Works. [London]? 1697. pp. Buchanan (Rev. Claudius, ll. d.) The star Bucher (Anton von). Die jesuiten in Baiern 12°. vor und nach ihrer aufhebung. 3 v. 32°. Philadelphia, J. Bruyas (Jacques). Radices verborum iroquæorum; [or], radical words of the Mohawk language, with their derivatives. 2 p. 1. 123 pp. 40. New York, Cramoisy press, 1862. s. [SHEA's library of American linguistics, v. 10]. Bryan (R. T.) Departmental monthly and daily pay tables. Showing the gross and net pay on all salaries from $60 to $25,000, per annum, with the amount taxable and income tax on all over $1,000 per annum, as paid by the executive departments of the United States, under the laws of the thirty-ninth congress. 41 1. 4o. Washington, government printing office, 1867. Bryant (William Cullen). The embargo ; or, sketches of the times. A satire. 2d ed. enlarged. [With] the Spanish revolution, and other poems. 36 pp. 120. Boston, author, 1809. Letters from the east. 256 pp. 16°. New York, G. P. Putnam & son, 1869. - Poems. 44 pp. 12°. Cambridge, Hilliard & Metcalf, 1821. Brydges (Sir Samuel Egerton, bart). Ataviæ regiæ: consisting of sixty copies only, compiled for private use. 2 p. 1. 118 pp. 3 1. 4 pl. 8°. Florence, J. Marenigh, 1820. München, E. A. Fleischmann, 1819. Büchler (Johann Ulrich). Land- und seereisen eines St. Gallischen kantonsbürgers nach Nordamerika und Westindien, über Amsterdam nach Baltimore, Pitzburg, [etc.] und wieder zurück nach Amsterdam, in den jahren 1816, 1817 und 1818, [etc.] 228 pp. 16°. St. Gallen, Zollikofer & Zühlin, 1819. Buchon (Jean Alexandre C.) Choix de moralistes français, avec notices biographiques. lii, 783 pp. 8°. Paris, A. Desrez, 1836. CONTENTS. CHARRON (Pierre). De la sagesse. Buck (D. D. d. d.) The closing scenes of the life of Christ [etc.] See Bible (English)· Buds and blossoms of piety, with some fruit of the spirit of love; and directions to the divine wisdom. Being a collection of papers written by B. A. [anon.] 4th ed. 4 p. 1. 128 pp. 16°. London, T. S. Raylton, 1743. Buechler (Johann Ulrich). See Büchler (J. U.) Buell (Jonathan S.) The cider-maker's manual; a practical hand-book, which embodies treatises on the apple, construction of cider mills, cider presses, etc. 174, vii pp. 12°. Buffalo, Haas & Kelley, 1869. BUFFALO. Buffalo (City of). A directory for the city of Bullock (Cynthia). said city on 1st of July, 1832. To which is Buffier (Claude). Géographie universelle, exposée dans les différentes métodes qui peuvent abréger l'étude et faciliter l'usage de cette science. Avec le secours des vers artificiels. 3o éd. 2 v. in 1. xxiv, 274 pp. 14 maps; 120 pp. 4 maps. 16°. Paris, P. F. Giffart, 1722. Histoire chronologique du dernier siècle. [anon.] 5 p. 1. cccxxix, 70 pp. 291. 8°. Paris, P. F. Giffart, 1724. Buffin (-). Dictionnaire des familles qui ont fait modifier leurs noms par l'addition de la particule ou autrement en vertu d'ordonnances ou des décrets depuis 1803 jusqu'à 1867. 4o éd. 131 pp. 8°. Paris, Bachelin-Deflorenne, 1869. Buffum (Edward Gould). Sights and sensations in France, Germany, and Switzerland; or, experiences of an American journalist in Europe. 310 pp. 120. New York, Harper & brothers, 1869. Builder (The); an illustrated weekly, for the architect, engineer, archæologist, constructor, sanitary reformer, and art lover. Conducted by Geo. Godwin, 1868. v. 26. sm. fol. London, [Wyman & sons, printers, 1868]. Bulfinch (Stephen Greenleaf, d. d.) Poems. 108 pp. 18°. Charleston, J. S. Burges, 1834. Studies in the evidences of christianity. vi pp. 1 1. 274 pp. 12°. Boston, W. V. Spencer, 1869. Bull (Marcus). Experiments to determine the Bull (Thomas, m. d.) The maternal manage- Bullions (Peter). The principles of English reader. S. See, also, Jacobs (C. F. W.) Latin [Poems]. 143 pp. BURGESS. A bunch of pansies. 16°. New York, J. А. Bullock (William). Mexiko in 1823; of be- Bulwer-Lytton (Sir Edward George Earle Bumstead (John). On the wing. A book Bungener (Rev. Félix). Three days in the The pilgrim's progress from this world to that which is to come. With original notes, by Thomas Scott. 360 pp. 6 pl. 1 portrait. 16°. Hartford, S. Andrus, 1830. The same. With notes and a life of the author, by the rev. T. Scott. 1 p.1. 384 pp. 18°. Middletown, W. H. Niles, 1833. The same. In words of one syllable, by mrs. Edward Ashley Walker. 335 pp. 9 pl. sm. 4°. New York, Geo. A. Leavitt, [1869]. Buonamici (Pietro Giuseppe Maria, afterwards Castruccio). De rebus ad Velitras gestis [anno mdccxliv) commentarius. 4 p. 1. 97 pp. ৪০. Lugduni Batavorum, (Luce), 1746. Bureau (The); or, repository of literature, politics, and intelligence. By S. C. Carpenter. v. J. March 28, 1812, to Dec. 30, 1812. 4°. Philadelphia, editor, 1812. Burgess (Alexander, d. d.) Memoir of the life of the rt. rev. George Burgess, d.d. first bishop of Maine. 419 pp.1 portrait. 8°. Philadelphia, Claxton, Remsen & Haffelfinger, 1869. Burgess (Rev. George). The book of psalms; translated into English verse. 276 pp. 12°. New York, F. J. Huntingdon & co. 1840. Burgess (Thomas). An essay on the study of antiquities. 2d ed. corrected and enlarged. 1 p. 1. v, 142 pp. 8°. Oxford, D. Prince, etc. 1782. BURGON. Burgon (Rev. John William). England and Rome: three letters to a pervert. 283 pp. 16°. Boston, E. P. Dutton & co. 1869. Burke (Sir John Bernard). A genealogical and heraldic dictionary of the peerage and baronetage of the British empire. 31st ed. xlviii, 1316 pp. 8°. London, Harrison, 1869. Burke's weekly for boys and girls. An illustrated journal of instruction and entertainment. T. A. Burke, editor. July, 1868, to June, 1869. v. 2. 40. Macon, (Ga.) J. W. Burke & co. 1869. Burnaby (Rev. Andrew). Voyages dans les colonies du milieu de l'Amérique Septentrionale, faits en 1759 et 1760. Avec des observations sur l'état des colonies. Traduit d'après la seconde édition, par M. Willd. 1 p. 1. 181 pp. 1 1. 16°. Lausanne, société typographique, 1778. Burnet (Gilbert, bishop of Salisbury). History of his own time. v. 2. fol. Dublin, A. Rhames, 1734. [v. 1 wanting]. S. fol. The memoirs of the lives and actions of James and William, dukes of Hamilton and Castleherald. In which an account is given of the civil wars of Scotland. With letters, instructions, and other papers written by king Charles the i. Never before published. 10 p. 1. 440 pp. 61. 2 portraits. London, J. Grover for R. Royston, 1677. Burnham (Rev. Richard). Hymns particularly designed for the use of the congregation meeting together in Grafton street, Soho. 1 p. 1. 6,406, xiv pp. 18°. London, J. Whiting, 1803. Burns (Robert). Poetical works; with his life. Ornamented with engravings on wood BUTLER. Burton (Alfred). The adventures of Johnny Newcome in the navy; a poem in four cantos. With plates by Rowlandson, from the author's designs. 259 pp. 15 col. pl. 8°. London, W. Simpkin & R. Marshall, 1818. Burton (Capt. Richard Francis). The highlands of the Brazil. 2 v. 1 p. 1. xii, 443 pp. 1 pl; 1 p. 1. viii, 478 pp. 1 pl. 1 map. ৪o. London, Tinsley brothers, 1869. Burton (Robert). Melancholy anatomized; showing its causes, consequences, and cure. With anecdotic illustrations drawn from ancient and modern sources, and principally founded on the larger work entitled, Burton's anatomy of melancholy. [anon.] ix pp. 1 1. 292 pp. 1 pl. 16°. London, W. Tegg, 1865. Burton (Warren). Cheering views of man and providence, drawn from a consideration of the origin, uses, and remedies of evil. xii, 264 pp. 16°. Boston, Carter, Hendee & co. 1832. White slavery; a new emancipation cause presented to the people of the United States. By the author of "The district school as it was." [anon.] 199 pp. 18°. Worcester, M. D. Phillips, 1839. Burtt (Andrew). A practical grammar of the English language, synthetic and analytic. 320 pp. 120. Pittsburgh, A. H. English & co. 1869. Bury (Richard de). Histoire de Saint Louis, roi de France, avec un abrégé de l'histoire des croisades. 2 v. xii pp. 11. 456 pp. 1 pl; 2 p. 1.451 pp. 11. 16°. Paris, veuve Desaint, 1775. Bushnell (Horace). Moral uses of dark things. 360 pp. 16°. New York, C. Scribner & co. 1869. Women's suffrage; the reform against nature. 184 pp. 120. New York, C. Scribner & co. 1869. by mr. Bewick. 2 v. 266 pp. 1 portrait; Bushnell (William H.) White wolf. A story 8 pl. 270 pp. 5 pl. 16°. Alnvick, IW. Davison, 1868. Burrows (Montagu). Constitutional progress. Seven lectures delivered before the university of Oxford. viii, 295 pp. 120. London, J. Murray, 1869. Burt (Nathaniel C. d. d.) The land and its story; or, the sacred historical geography of Palestine. 381 pp. 11 maps. 40. New York, D. Appleton & co. 1869. Burt (W. H. m. d.) Characteristic materia medica. 460 pp. 12°. Philadelphia, A. J. Tafel 1869 of the Santa Fe trail. 100 pp. 16°. Boston, Elliott, Thomes & Talbot, [1868]. Bustillo (Lorenzo de Santayana). See Santayana y Bustillo. Butler (Mrs. Caroline H.) The ice king and the sweet south wind. 176 pp. 1 pl. 16°. Boston, Phillips, Sampson & co. 1852. Butler (Charles). The silver bell, a new singing book for schools, academies, select classes, and the social circle, arranged with piano-forte accompaniment; also, a complete course of elementary instruction. 256 pp. obl. 12°. New York, S. T. Gordon, 1869. BUTLER. CALATAYUD. An English and Choctaw definer; for the Choctaw academies and schools. 1st ed. 258 pp. 18°. New York, S. W. Benedict, 1852. Butler (Frederick). The farmer's manual; | Byington (Cyrus). Holisso anumpa tosholi. a plain practical treatise on the art of husbandry, designed to promote an acquaintance with the modern improvements in agriculture, with remarks on gardening, and a treatise on the management of bees. 1 p. 1. 224 pp. 16°. Weathersfield, [Conn.] author, 1821. Butler (Rev. John). Αγιαστρολογια ; or, astrology a sacred science. Shewing the excellency and great benefit thereof, where it is rightly understood, and religiously observed. 23 p. 1.91 pp. 12°. London, 1680. Αστρολογια ; or, the most sacred and divine science of astrology vindicated, against dr. More's calumnies, in his Explanation of Bynæus (Antonius). De natali Jesu Christi libri duo. Accedit dissertatio de Jesu Christi circumcisione. 16 p. 1.582 pp. 24 1. 34 pp. 31.1 portrait. 4°. Amstelædami, G. Borstius, 1689. Byrn (M. Lafayette, m. d.) The mystery of medicine explained; a family physician, and household companion; prepared for the use of families, plantations, ships, travelers, etc. 473 pp. 4 col. pl. 8°. New York, M. S. Byrn, 1869. the grand mystery of godliness. 3 p. 1. 128 Byron painted by his compeers; or, all about pp. 8°. London, 1680. [With the preceding). Butler (Josephine E. editor). work, etc. See Woman's work. Woman's Butterfield (Consul W.) History of Seneca county [Ohio]; containing a narrative of events since its first settlement to the present time; a history of the Indians that resided within its limits; geographical descriptions, early customs, biographical sketches, etc. With a brief history of the state, from the discovery of the Mississippi river to 1817, [and] an appendix containing tabular views, etc. 252 pp. 12°. Sandusky, D. Campbell & sons, 1848. Butterfield (Daniel, U. S. a.) Camp and outpost duty for infantry. With standing orders, extracts from the revised regulations for the army, [etc.] 124 pp. 5 pl. 180. New York, Harper & brothers, 1863. Buxtorf (Johann). Lexicon hebraicum et chaldaicum. Accessit lexicon breve rabbinico-philosophicum. Cum indice vocum latino. Accessere huic editioni radices ebraicæ cum versione belgica. 8 p. 1. 976 pp. 70 1. 16°. Amstelodami, J. Janson, 1654. Buzeta (Manuel) and Bravo (Felipe). Diccionario geográfico, estadistico, histórico, de las islas Filipinas. 2 v. 6 p. 1. vii, 567 pp. 3 1.7 tab. 2 portraits; 476 pp. 11. 18 pp. 11. 14 tab. 8°. Madrid, J. C. de la Peña, 1850-51. Byfield (Nathanael). An account of the late revolution in New England. London, 1689. 1 p. 1. 26 pp. 11. 4°. New York, J. Sabin, 1865. [SABIN's reprints, no. 1]. lord Byron, from his marriage to his death, as given in the various newspapers of his day, shewing wherein the American novelist gives a truthful account, and wherein she draws on her own morbid imagination. [anon.] 112 pp. 16°. London, S. Palmer, 1869. Cabanellas (Miguel Josef). Ciencia de la vida; 6, discurso physiológico sobre la doctrina browniana, [etc.] 8 p. 1. civ pp. 1 pl. 8°. Cartagena, M. Muñiz, 1802. Cabanis (Pierre Jean Georges). Du degré de certitude de la médecine. 3o éd. précédée de l'éloge de m. Cabanis par le chevalier Richerand. xvi, 158 pp. 8°. Paris, Caille & Ravier, 1819. [MEDICAL pamphlets, v. 4]. Cadena (Antonio Osorio de la). S. La virtud en Cadwalader (Gen. John). A reply to gen. Joseph Reed's remarks, on a late publication in the Independent gazetteer, with some observations on his address to the people of Pennsylvania. 54 pp. 8°. Philadelphia, T. Bradford, 1783. Cæsar (Caius Julius). De bello gallico commentarii vii. Cum scholiis Franc. Hotomani, Ful. Vrsini romani, [et] Ald. Manutii. 7 p. 1. 213, 173 pp.10 1. fol. Lugduni, B. Vincentius, 1574. Calatayud (Pedro de). Doctrinas practicas, que suele explicar en sus missiones el padre, dispuestas para desenredar, y dirigir las conciencias, [etc.] 2v. sm.fol. Valencia, and An introduction to the Autos sacramentales, [etc.] From the German of F. Lorinser. An essay on the Autos sacramentales. From the Spanish of E. G. Pedroso. Autos sacramentales. Belshazzar's feast. The divine Philothea. Appendix. Scene from El Veneno y la triaca. Caldwell (G. C.) Agricultural qualitative and quantitative chemical analysis. After E. Wolff, Fresenius, Krocker, and others. 307 pp. 120. New York, O. Judd & co. [1869]. Caledoniad (The). A collection of poems, written chiefly by Scottish authors. 2 v. 1 p. 1. CAMPBELL. Calvert (George Henry). Comedies. 125 pp. 12°. Boston, Phillips, Sampson & co. 1856. Calvin (Jean). Opera omnia. Ed. novissima. 9 v. fol. Amstelodami, J. J. Schipper, 1667-71. CONTENTS. v. 1. Commentaria in Pentateuchum, et librum Iosuæ. v. 2. Homiliæ in Samuelem, et conciones in Jobum. v. 3. Commentaria in Psalmos, et Isaiam. v. 4. Prælectiones in Jeremiam, et Ezechielem. v. 5. Prælectiones in Danielem, et prophetas minores. v. 6. Commentaria in euangelia, et acta apostolorum. v. 7. Commentaria in epistolas Pauli et canonicas. v. 8. Opuscula varia theologica. v. 9. Institutiones religionis christianæ, quibus sub. junguntur epistolæ et responsa ad diversos. Cambridge chronicle, (weekly). Dec. 27, 1849, to June 24, 1854. fol. Cambridge, (Mass.) J. Ford, 1849-54. Cambridge (The) directory and almanac for 1850. By John Ford. lvi, 92 pp. 1 map. 18°. Cambridge, (Mass.) Chronicle office, 1850. Cambridge platform. A platform of church discipline: agreed upon in the synod at Cambridge in New England, 1648. 16°. Boston, J. Boyles, 1772. [In WISE (J.) Works, pp. 181-231]. ii, 170 pp. 31; 1 p. 1. 236 pp. 21. 16°. Lon- Cambro-Briton (The). September, 1819 to don, W. Hay, 1775. Calhoun county, (Michigan). Business directory for 1869-70, containing complete alphabetical and classified lists of all professions, trades, [etc.]; together with a history of the county, giving a detailed historical and descriptive sketch of each township, city, and village. 426 pp. 1 map. 80. Battle creek, Michigan, E. G. Rust, 1869. California medical gazette. July, 1868, to Aug. 1869. v. 1. 40. San Francisco, A. Roman & co. [1869]. Callières (François de). Tratado de la ciencia del mundo, y de las noticias utiles para la conducta de la vida. Compuesto en Frances. Traducido en Español. 8 p. 1. 269 pp. 16°. Madrid, B. Román, 1778. Callimachus. Hymnes de Callimaque. Nouvelle éd. avec une version française et des notes. Par J. F. G. de La Porte du Theil. 2 v. in 1. 1 p. 1. 104 pp; 142 pp. 24°. Paris, Gail, [1795]. Calliope: a collection of poems, legendary and pathetic. By various authors. 1 p. 1. 308 pp. 1 pl. 24°. Baltimore, E. J. Coale, 1814. 1821. 3 ν. 8°. London, Mills & Rhynd, 1820-21. Camden society publications. 2 v. sm. 4°. London, 1868. CONTENTS. sm. Campaign (The Washington weekly). June 12 to Oct. 30, 1852. nos. 1-21 in 1 v. fol. Washington, R. Armstrong, 1852. Campbell (Alexander, editor). Psalms, hymns; and spiritual songs, original and selected. Compiled by A. Campbell, W. Scott, |