

Accademia della crusca. Vocabolario degli Adams-continued.

accademici della crusca. 5a impressione. v. 12. [A-B]. 4°. Firenze, M. Cellini e cia. 1866-67.


The same. 5a impressione. Glossario. [A-B]. 4°. Firenze, M. Cellini e cia. 1867. Académie royale des sciences. See Institut

de France.

Acuña (Hernando de). El cavallero determinado. See La Marche (Olivier de). Adair (James Makittrick, m. d.) A philosophical and medical sketch of the natural history of the human body and mind. To which is subjoined an essay on the difficulties of attaining medical knowledge. xxiii, 318 pp. 8°. Bath, R. Cruttwell, 1787. Adamowicz (Alexander). Praktische polnische grammatik für Teutsche, [etc.] 1 p. 1. iv, 200 pp. 12°. Berlin, Oehmigke der jüngere, 1794.


[blocks in formation]

Synopsis conchyliorum jamaicensium,


trines, worship, ministry, and discipline of the people called quakers are plainly declared. By W. Penn; R. Barclay; J. Pike. 3 v. in 1. 8°. Wilmington, J. Adams, 1783. Adams (John, 2d president of the United States). The political history of the Italian republics. 2 v. 1 p. 1. 451 pp; 1 p. 1. 528 pp. 181. 80. London, C. Dilly, 1787.

[NOTE. This work is simply volumes 2 and 3 of the author's "Defence of the constitutions of government of the United States of America," with a factitious title by a modern bookseller].

Adams (John Quincy, 6th president of the United States). Lettres sur la Silésie, écrites en 1800 et 1801, durant le cours d'un voyage fait dans cette province. Traduit de l'Anglais, par J. Dupuy. 4 p.1. 421 pp. ৪০. Paris, Dentu, 1807.

Adams (William T.) Down the Rhine; or, young America in Germany. By Oliver Optic. [pseudon.] 341 pp. 4 pl. 16°. Boston, Lee & Shepard, 1870.

Lightning express; or, the rival academies. By Oliver Optic. [pseudon.] 312 pp. 8 pl. 16°. Boston, Lee & Shepard, 1870. [The lake shore series, no. 2].

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[The lake shore series, no. 3].

Switch off; or, the war of the students. By Oliver Optic. [pseudon.] 288 pp. 7 pl. 16°. Boston, Lee & Shepard, 1870. [The lake shore series, no. 4].

Through by daylight; or, the young engineer of the lake shore railroad. By Oliver Optic. [pseudon.] 300 pp. 8 pl. 16°. Boston, Lee & Shepard, 1870. [The lake shore series, no. 1].

etc. (Extracted from the Proceedings of the Addison (Joseph). Criticism on Milton's Para

[blocks in formation]

dise lost. From "The spectator," 31 December, 1711-3 May, 1712. Carefully edited by Edward Arber. 152 pp. 16°. London, A. Murray & son, 1868.

[ARBER'S English reprints, no. 8].

Addy (William). Stenographia; or, the art of short-writing compleated in a far more comprehensive method than any yet extant. 17 1. 1 portrait. 12°. London, W. Marshall, [1685]?

Adelon (Nicolas Philibert). Physiologie de l'homme. 2o éd. revue, corrigée et augmentée. 4 v. 8°. Paris, Compère jeune, 1829. Adelung (Johann Christoph). Grammatischkritisches wörterbuch der hochdeutschen

[blocks in formation]

[SCHMITZ and ZUMPT'S classical series]. Adventures of an attorney in search of practice; or, a delineation of professional life. [anon.] 2d ed. xlii, 450 pp. 12°. London, Saunders & Otley, 1840.

Aeneas, gazeus. Deimmortalitate animæ, et mortalitate universi, ex recensione et cum animadversionibus Casparis Barthii. [Græce et latine]. 160 pp. 11. 4°. Lipsia, C. Gerlach & S. Beckenstein, 1655.

Aeschylus. See Robortello (F.) Scholia

in Aeschyli tragoedias, etc.

Ætna insurance company. Ætna guide to fire insurance for the representatives of the Ætna insurance co. Hartford, Conn. Branch, Cincinnati. viii, 529 pp. 8°. Cincinnati, R. Clarke & co. [1867].

Affection's gift: a christmas, new year, and birthday present, for 1854. 12. Philadelphia, E. H. Butler & co. 1854.


African association. Proceedings of the association for promoting the discovery of the interior parts of Africa. 2 v. viii, 565 pp; v, 424 pp. 3 maps. 8°. London, W. Bulmer & co. 1810.

[NOTE.-Incorporated with the Royal geographical society in 1831].

African (The) repository. January, 1868, to December, 1869. ν. 44-45. 8°. Washington, American colonization society, 1868-69. Agassiz (Louis John Rudolph). Nouvelles études et expériences sur les glaciers actuels, leur structure, leur progression et leur action

physique sur le sol. 2 p. 1. xxxi, 598 PP. 1 1.2 tab. 8°. Atlas, 3 maps. 9 pl. fol. Paris, V. Masson, 1847.

Ueber die gattungen unter den nord

amerikanischen najaden. (Extract from Archiv für naturgeschichte). 41-52 pp. 8°. [Berlin, 1852].


[With CONRAD (T. A.) A synopsis of the naiades of North America].

[blocks in formation]

Ahn (Friedrich). Ahn's new, practical, and easy method of learning the German language. With pronunciation, by J. C. Oehlschlager. Revised ed. First course, practical part. iv, 172 pp. 8°. New York, E. Steiger, 1869.

Ahn's praktischer lehrgang zur schnellen und leichten erlernung der englischen sprache. Herausgegeben von H. Ginal. Beide curse in einem bande. 204 pp. 12°. Philadelphia, H. Ginal, 1867.

Ahrens (Wilhelm). Betrachtungen über die biblische geschichte. Von der schöpfung bis zum einzug der Israeliten in Kanaan, [etc.] 256 pp. 18°. Cincinnati, Swormstedt & Power, 1850.


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The trail hunter; or, Red cedar, the prairie outlaw. 100 pp. 12°. New York, Beadle & co. [1869].

Aimé (Georges). Observations sur le mag

nétisme terrestre. 4°. Paris, 1846. [FRANCE. Exploration scientifique de l'Algérie, etc. Physique générale, v. 2).

Aines (William). Medvlla ss. theologiæ, ex sacris literis, earumque interpretibus, extracta, et methodice disposita. 5 p.l. 198 pp. 11. 16°. Amsterodami, J. Jansonius, 1627.



Ainslie (H.) A pilgrimage to the land of Alder (Joshua) and Hancock (Albany).

Burns; containing anecdotes of the bard, and of the characters he immortalized, with numerous pieces of poetry, original and collected. [anon.] 2 p. 1. 271 pp. 3 pl. 12°. Deptford, author, 1822.

Albany (City of). Albany street directory and city guide, containing a list of public buildings, post office, arrival and departure of mails, money order office, churches, banks, newspapers, fire alarm stations, arrival and departure of trains, calendar for 1869, etc. Compiled and published by Joseph C. Wallace. 64 pp. 18°. Albany, J. C. Wallace,


Albion (The). A journal of news, politics, and general literature, Jan. 1833, to Dec. 1838. [Second] series, v. 1-6. [Complete series, v. 11-16]. fol. New York, 1833-38.

The same. Jan. 1839, to Dec. 1841. [Third] series, v. 1-3. [Complete series, v. 17-19]. fol. New York, 1839-41.

The same. Jan. 1842, to Dec. 1856. [Fourth] series, v. 1-15. [Complete series, v. 20-34]. fol. New York, 1842-56.

The same. Jan. 1857, to Dec. 1862. v. 16-21. [Complete series, v. 35-40.] fol. New York, W. Young, 1857-62.

Alcott (Amos Bronson). Tablets. 208 pp. 16°. Boston, Roberts brothers, 1868. Alcott (Louisa M.) Hospital sketches, and camp and fire-side stories. 2 p. 1. 379 pp. 3 pl. 16°. Boston, Roberts brothers, 1869. Little women; or, Meg, Jo, Beth, and Amy. Part second. 359 pp. 4 pl. 160. Boston, Roberts brothers, 1869.

Moods. 2d ed. 297 pp. 120. ton, Loring, 1865.


Alcott (William A.) The physiology of marriage. Containing information to the married, and those about to be married. By a physician of many years' experience. [Also, Courtship and marriage. anon.] 260, iv, 308 pp. 1 portrait. 12°. Boston, W. H. Piper & co. 1868.

The young husband; or, duties of man in the marriage relation. 20th stereotype ed. 388 pp. 2 pl. 16°. Boston, C. D. Strong, 1851.

The young wife; or, duties of woman in the marriage relation. 17th stereotype ed. 376 pp. 2 pl. 16°. Boston, Strong & Brodhead, 1849.

[blocks in formation]

Notice of a collection of nudibranchiate mollusca made in India, by Walter Elliot, esq. [etc. Extract from transactions of the Zoological society]. 113-147 pp. 6 (28-33) col. pl. 4°. [London, 1863]. Aldrich (Thomas Bailey). The ballad of babie Bell, and other poems. 1 p. 1.117 pp. 12°. New York, Rudd & Carleton, 1859.


The story of a bad boy. 261 pp. 2 pl. 16°. Boston, Fields, Osgood & co. 1869. Aldridge (William). Natural short-hand. See Holdsworth (W.) and Aldridge (W.) Alemany (D. Lorenzo de). Coleccion de Aa. franceses, compuesta para la mas cabal instruccion de la juventud. 2a ed. vii, 328 pp. 16°. Madrid, A. de Sojo, 1844. Alembert (Alfred d'). Flanerie parisienne aux États-Unis. 2 p. 1. 278 pp. 11. 16°. Paris, librairie théatrale, 1856.

Aletophilus (Christianus, pseudon.) See Ignatio (Henricus a S.) Alexander, aphrodisiensis. Problematum libri dvo. 16°. Valentiæ, 1554. [GAZA (T.) Problematum Aristotelis, etc.] Alexander (Caleb). The young ladies' and gentlemen's spelling book: on a new and improved plan, containing a criterion of rightly spelling and pronouncing the English language: interspersed with easy lessons in reading, entertaining fables, and collections of moral sentences. Intended for the use of common schools. 144 pp. 16°. Worcester, I. Thomas, 1799.

Alexander (James Waddell, d. d.) Forty years' familiar letters. Constituting, with the notes, a memoir of his life. Edited by the surviving correspondent, John Hall, d. d. 2 v. viii, 412 pp. 1 portrait; 379 pp. 1 portrait. 8°. New York, C. Scribner, 1860.

Alexander (Patrick Proctor). Mill and Carlyle. An examination of J. S. Mill's doctrine of causation in relation to moral freedom. With an occasional discourse on Sauerteig, by Smelfungus, [in imitation of Carlyle]. iv, 180 pp. 120. Edinburgh, W. P. Nimmo, 1866.

Alfieri (Vittorio). Le tragedie. Edizione senza errori, con tavole in rame. v. 1-4. 8°. Italia, [about 1820].


v. 1. Filippo. Polinice. Antigone. Virginia. v. 2. Agamemnone. Oreste. Rosmunda. Ottavia. v. 3. Maria Stuarda. La congiura de' Pazzi. Don Garzia. Saul.

v. 4. Agide. Sofonisba. Bruto primo. Mirra,



Alger (Horatio, jr.) Luck and pluck series. | Allgemeines repertorium der neuesten in- und 16°. Boston, Loring, [1869].

1. Luck and pluck; or, John Oakley's inheritance. 343 pp. 8 pl.

- Ragged Dick series. 4 v. 16°. Boston, Loring, 1868-69.

1. Ragged Dick: or, street life in New York with the bootblacks. 296 pp. 4 pl.

2. Fame and fortune; or, the progress of Richard Hunter. 279 pp. 4 pl.

3. Mark, the match boy; or, Richard Hunter's ward. 276 pp. 4 pl.

4. Rough and ready; or, life among the New York newsboys. 300 pp. 4 pl.

Alibert (Jean Louis, baron). Dissertation sur les fièvres pernicieuses, ou ataxiques inter. mittentes, etc. 2e éd. xxviii, 291 pp. 4 pl. 18°. Paris, Richard, Caille & Ravier, 1801. Précis théorique et pratique sur les maladies de la peau. 2 v. 4 p. 1. xvi, 437 pp; 2 p. 1. 387 pp. 8°.

[ocr errors]


ausländischen literatur. Herausgegeben von einer gesellschaft gelehrten. [C. D. Beck, und R. H. L. Pölitz]. 1819-26. 32 v. in 16. 8°. Leipzig, C. Cnobloch, 1819-26.

Almanach de la bourse pour 1869. 14° année, contenant la revue financière et un état comparatif des derniers cours connus du 1er septembre 1867 au 31 août 1868, les valeurs à lots, tous les détails sur les chemins de fer, fonds publics, actions industrielles, etc. 108 pp. 10 1. 16°. Paris, B. Béchet, 1869. Almanach et directorium français des ÉtatsUnis, pour l'année 1869, à l'usage des poриlations françaises de l'Amérique du Nord. 22e année. 121 pp. 12°. New York, J. D. L. Zender, [1868].

Paris, Caille & Ravier, Almanach impérial, présenté à leurs majestés.

All the year round. A weekly journal. Conducted by Charles Dickens. With which is incorporated, Household words. v. 20. June 13, to Nov. 28, 1868. 8°. London, at the office, 1868.

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Allen (George N.) The social and sabbath school hymn-book. 5th ed. 251 pp. 24°. Oberlin, J. M. Fitch, 1854.

Allen (Harrison m. d.) Outlines of comparative anatomy and medical zoology. 190 pp. 8°. Philadelphia, J. B. Lippincott & co. 1869.

Allen (Richard L.) New American farm book. Revised and enlarged by Lewis F. Allen. 526 pp. 120. New York, O. Judd & co. 1869. Allen (William, d. d. president of Bowdoin college). A decade of addresses, delivered from 1820-29, to the senior classes at Bowdoin college; [with] an inaugural address, [and] a Dudleian lecture, delivered May 12, 1830, at Harvard university. 272 pp. 16°. Portland, S. Colman, 1830.

Allerton (R. G.) Brook trout fishing. An account of a trip of the Oquossoc angling association to northern Maine, in June, 1869. 59 pp. 1 col. pl. 120. New York, Perris & Browne, 1869.

Allerton homes. A story for boys. By the author of "The silversmith of Jerusalem." [anon.] 239 pp. 3 pl. 16°. Philadelphia, J. P. Skelly & co. 1869.


(170-171o année), 1868-69. 2 ν. Paris, veuve Berger-Levrault ct fils, 1868-69. Almanaque peruano, y guia de forasteros, 1812-14. Por Francisco Romero. 3 v. 18o. Lima, imprenta de los niños huerfanos, 181214.

Almeida (Candido Mendes de). See Mendes de Almeida (C.)

Almeida (Theodoro de). Piadoso devocionario en honor del sagrado corazon de Jesus. Traducido al idioma mexicano por P. J. Gambino. 4 p. 1. 120 pp. 18°. Orizava, F. Mendarte, 1839.

Tesoro de proteccion en la santisima virgen; 6, estimulos de amor y devocion à la madre de Dios, nuestra señora, escritos en portugues. Traducidas al Castellano p. d. F. V. G. 2 p. 1. x, 237 pp. 16°. Madrid, imprenta real, 1797.

Alphabet (The) of reason: being an essay
towards constructing a plan to facilitate the
art of swift writing, commonly called short-
hand; upon rational principles. [anon.] 16
pp. 2 pl. 16°. London, I. Becket, 1763.
Alsop (Richard). The charms of fancy: a
poem, in four cantos, with notes. Edited
with a biographical sketch of the author, by
Theodore Dwight. 214 pp. 12°. New York,
D. Appleton & co. 1856.
Alton Shée de Lignéres (Edmond comte d').
Mes mémoires, (1826-1848). 2 ν. 3 р. 1.
337 pp; 2 p. 1. 390 pp. 11. 8°. Paris, librai-
rie internationale, 1869.

Altum (Bernard). Der vogel und sein leben
geschildert. 2o aufl. xv, 240 pp. 8°. Mün-
ster, W. Niemann, 1868.




Alvares (Francisco). Die reisz zu desz | American baptist publication society. The

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America; or, an exact description of the West Indies; more especially of those under the dominion of the king of Spain. By N. N. gent. [anon.] 2 v. in 1. 7 p. 1. 484 pp. 11.18°. London, E. Dod, 1655.

America (La). Crónica hispano-americana, 1857-1861, dirigida por d. Eduardo Asquerino, [etc.] 5v. in 4. fol. Madrid, 1857-61. American (The) agriculturist. For the farm, garden, and household. January, 1868, to December, 1869. v. 27-28. 4°. New York, O. Judd & co. [1868].

American (The) agricultural annual, 1869, and 1870. A farmer's year book, [etc.] Illustrated. 2 ν. 12°, New York, O. Judd & co. [1869–70].

American (The) annual cyclopædia and register of important events of the years 1867 and 1868. v. 7-8. 8°. New York, D. Appleton & co. 1868-69.

[merged small][ocr errors]

almanac and baptist register, [etc.] for 1843[and] 1845. 2v. 8°. Philadelphia, [1842

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American (The) biblical repository. Conducted by J. M. Sherwood. January to Oсtober, 1850. Third series, v. 6. [Complete series, v. 30]. 8°. New York, proprietor, 1850.

[NOTE.-No more published. United in January, 1861, with the Bibliotheca sacra].

American (The) bond detector; and complete history of the United States government securities; issued under the sanction of the United States treasury department. 200 pp. 22, 8 pl. obl. 4°. Washington, American bond and currency detector company, 1869. American dental association. Transactions. Fifth and sixth annual meetings held in Chicago and Boston, 1865 and 1866. 3 р. 1. 511 pp. 8°. Boston, A. Mudge & son, 1868. American eclectic medical review. Editors, R. S. Newton, m. d. and P. A. Morrow, m. d. July, 1868, to June, 1869. v. 4. 8°. New York, Trow & Smith, 1868-69. American educational monthly.

See New York teacher and American educational monthly.

American gold quotations, 1862-66, and members of the New York gold exchange, New York stock exchange, open board brokers, and petroleum board brokers. 191.32°. New York, J. C. Mersereau, 1866.

American antiquarian society. Archæologia American homœopathic observer; a monthly

americana. Transactions and collections. v.3-4. 8°. Cambridge, by the society, 1850–60.

journal devoted to the interests of homœopathic physicians. January to December, 1869. v. 6. 8°. Detroit, E. A. Lodge, 1869. American horticultural annual, 1869. Illustrated. 152 pp. 120. New York, O. Judd & co. 1868.

American (The) journal of the medical sciEdited by Isaac Hays, m. d. Janu


v. 3. Records of the company of the Massachusetts bay, to the embarkation of Winthrop, [etc.] for New England.

The diaries of John Hull, with a memoir of the

Memoirs of hon. Thomas Lindall Winthrop, [by G
Folsom): and hon. John Davis, [by T. Kinnicutt].
v. 4. Original documents from the State paper office,
London, and the British museum.
E. Hale.

ences. Edited by Е.

"A discourse of Virginia." By E. M. Wingfield. Edited by Charles Deane.

New England's rarities discovered. By J. Josselyn. Narrative of a voyage to Spitzbergen in the year 1613. [anon. Attributed to R. Fotherby].

Life of sir Ralph Lane. By E. E. Hale.

Notice of Samuel Jennison. By S. Salisbury.

ary to April, 1841; January to April, 1844; July to October, 1860; January to April, 1862; January to October, 1869. New series, v. 1, 7, 40, 43, and 57-58. Philadelphia, Lea & Blanchard, 1841-69.

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