

creasing facilities, and having recently fitted up our store especially for the convenience of our customers in this department of our business, we are now prepared to offer a better assortment than can be found at any other store in the United States, comprising all kinds of Books and Apparatus suitable for Schools, and a complete assortment of Miscellaneous Books and Stationery, together with the greatest variety of Maps to be found in the country, for Banks, Insurance Offices, Counting Rooms, Professional Men and Schools; and Pocket, Portable, and other Maps suitable for Travellers and the Public generally.

We would respectfully invite all persons interested to call and examine our stock, and we would assure all that no care shall be wanting on our part to insure prompt attention to all orders, whether they are given in person or sent by mail, and in either case the greatest care will be taken in packing so that they may reach the purchaser in safety.

A discount will be made to such as buy to sell again according to the amount of the purchase.

Liberal terms made to towns where they supply all their schools with Maps, Reference Books, or Apparatus.

In ordering, to prevent mistakes, please give the number attached to each article, and preserve the Catalogue for future reference.





THE COMMON SCHOOL SPELLER, by Wm. B. Fowle, recommended by Hon. Horace Mann, in his Lecture on Spelling Books, and in "The School and Schoolmaster," by Geo. B. Emerson and Dr. Potter. It is used in Salem, Newburyport, Portsmouth, Portland, Bangor, Providence, Cambridge, Lynn, Springfield, and hundreds of other towns.

Mr. Mann says of this Speller: "In such lessons as these, scholars will very rarely spell wrong. They can go through this Spelling Book twenty times while they go through a common Spelling Book once, and each time will rivet the association, and make of habit an ally of unconquerable force."

The peculiar excellence of this Spelling Book consists in its perfect classification of all the words, so that the pronunciation as well as the orthography is easily acquired. No Spelling Book in this country ever had so rapid an introduction. The accurate classification renders the usual methods of marking sounds, which mar other Spelling Books, unnecessary, and so diminishes the number of irregular words that they almost disappear. Trade Price, .20

Copies for Examination furnished to Teachers gratuitously. The Companion of Spelling Books, or Orthography,


The Common School Grammar, Part First,


The Common School Grammar, Part Second,


The Elementary Geography for Massachusetts Children,
The Key to Fowle's Outline Maps,



[blocks in formation]

Familiar Dialogues, best collection extant,
The French First Class Book,



A Practical French Grammar,

Fowle's Physiology and Key' to Fowle's Diagrams,




MacLaurin's Writing Exercise Books, in 6 Numbers, per set, $0.75 MacLaurin's Copy Books, Coarse and Fine Hand, 6 num

[blocks in formation]

Tillinghast's Plane Geometry,







An Epitome of English Grammar, by Rev. Dr. Mylne, of

England, and adapted to the use of American Schools, by
J. F. Gibson,



Sermons on the Christian Life, by Rt. Rev. Geo. Burgess,
Burgess's Sabbath School Questions on the Ecclesiastical


Year, per doz.,


Christian Ornaments,


[blocks in formation]

Frontier Missionary, by Rev. Wm. Bartlett, A.M.,


The Ministerial Commission, by Rev. L. Windsor,
Flowers of the Forest, a pretty Juvenile,



Combe on the Constitution of Man, good Edition,

[blocks in formation]

IDE'S SCHOOL REGISTER, for the record of the attendance and deportment of each Scholar for every day in the term, by which, also, the average and total of marks and the relative standing of each scholar may be shown,

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Ide's Co-operating Mirror or Report Cards, per hundred,

Ide's Teacher's Tokens, or Reward-Tickets, per hundred,

[merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small]


Ide's Skeleton Maps of the New England States, per doz., $0.75 Ide's Series of Skeleton Maps for Map Drawing, embracing

23 sheets, each per doz.,

Ide's Skeleton Maps of the United States, double size, do., Ide's Skeleton Atlas, embracing all the above 23 Maps, each Fowle's series of Eight Outline Maps, embracing Maps of the two Hemispheres, United States, North America, South America, Europe, Asia, and Africa. Price per set and Key, backed and bound,

[blocks in formation]

Fowle's Series of Eight Physiological Diagrams and Key,
Fowle's Outline Map of Massachusetts and Key,
State Map of Massachusetts,




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mounted on rollers,
do. and varnished,

4.00 5.00

6.00 5.00 5.00

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Ide & Dutton's Sheet Map of the Black Sea, or Seat of War in the East,

Ide & Dutton's Map of the Baltic Sea, with a Map of Eu-
rope complete in a separate compartment,

Ide & Dutton's Map of the City of Boston, engraved by
Geo. C. Smith, pocket,

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A liberal discount made from the above prices, to the Trade and others who buy in quantities.

Educational Periodicals.

Massachusetts Teacher, published at Boston, monthly, under the direction of a Committee from the Mass. Teachers' Association. $1.00 per annum.

The Connecticut Common School Journal and Annals of Education, published monthly under the direction of the Conn. State Teachers' Association. $1.00 per annum.

The Schoolmaster, a Half-dollar Magazine, devoted to the diffusion of useful knowledge for fireside and wayside readers, published under the auspices of the friends of universal education. 50 cents per annum.

The Rhode Island Educational Magazine, published monthly, at Providence. $1.00.

The New York Teacher, published monthly, at $1.00, by Joel Munsell, Albany.

The Schuylkill County School Journal, Illinois, published monthly, at 50 cents, at Pottsville, Pa.

The Michigan Journal of Education, published monthly, by J. M. Gregory, Detroit.

The Iowa Journal of Education, published monthly, at $1.00, by R. Spaulding, Dubuque.

The Upper Canada Journal of Education, published monthly, at Toronto.

Reference Books for Teachers' Libraries.

THE Superintendent of Public Schools in the City of Boston, in his report for 1852, makes the following remarks with relation to Books of Reference for Teachers: :

"Teachers, like gentlemen in other professions, need a few suitable books of this class always at hand; for they cannot carry all the minute details of the different branches taught in schools in their minds always ready for use, any more than well-read Lawyers, Physicians, or Clergymen can respectively carry all their professional learning with them, ready to meet all emergencies. All persons who know where and how to look for such information as they want may be considered well educated, in the professional sense of the term.

"There is wanted in every Grammar School a collection of such works as would make, when all taken together, one Comprehensive Dictionary on the subjects connected with school studies. This Library of Books of Reference need not at first contain more than forty or fifty volumes, embracing such works as the American Enclycopædia, McCulloch's Geographical Dictionary, Brande's Dictionary of Science, Literature, and Art, Smith's Dictionary of Greek and Roman Antiquities, with a Universal Biographical Dictionary, and a good Atlas of Ancient and of Modern Geography. These few books would render great assistance to the Teachers and the Scholars, in their respective labors."

Encyclopædia Britannica (now publishing), in 21 vols. Sub

scription price,

Encyclopædia Americana, 14 vols.,

Brande's Encyclopædia of Lit. and Art,

McCulloch's Geogl. Dictionary, 2 vols. 8vo,

McCulloch's Coml. Dictionary, 2 vols. 8vo,

Mitchell's Universal Atlas,

Spruner's Ancient Atlas,








(See List of Atlases and Geographical Works.)

THE HOME CYCLOPÆDIA. -The following six volumes were compiled specially for the purpose of placing within the reach of persons of limited means a COMPLETE ENCYCLOPEDIA, and they are admirably adapted for the use of Teachers. Each volume complete in itself.

Cyclopædia of Geography; or, Universal Gazetteer. By T.
C. Calicott. 1 vol. 12mo.

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1 vol. 8vo.

. $2.00 2.50

[merged small][merged small][ocr errors]

1 vol. 8vo.


Cyclopædia of Chronology; or, Dictionary of Dates.
George P. Putnam. 1 vol. 12mo.

[blocks in formation]

Cyclopædia of the Useful Arts; including Agriculture,
Architecture, Domestic Economy, &c. By T. Antisell,
M. D. 1 vol. 12mo.



1 vol. 8vo.



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