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In Locos communes diftributus cum Indice Auctorum.

Catalogorum accuratior Notitia ita neceffaria eft Polyhiftori, ut Mapparum
Geographicarum Cognitio peregrinaturo.


Quifquis bujufmodi operis fategerit, ei non tantum multum Tadii & Laboris
devorandum, fed minime vulgaris conferenda in evolvendis Libris exercita-
tio. Fruftra id aggrediuntur qui titulo tenus duntaxat fapiunt.

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S the Curiofity of Spectators, before the Sale, may produce Disorder in the Difpofition of the Books, it is neceffary to advertise the Public, that there will be no Admiffion into the Library, before the Day of Sale, which will be on Tuesday, the Fourteenth of February, 1744

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EORGE the Second, by the Grace of God, King of Great-Britain, France, and Ireland, Defender of the Faith, &c. To all to whom thefe Prefents fhall come, Greeting: Whereas our Trufty and Well-beloved Thomas Longman, Jobn Shuckburgh, Thomas Ofborne, Charles Hitch, and Stephen Auften, Citizens and Bookfellers of London, have by their Petition humbly reprefented unto Us, that they have been at very great Expence and Labour in procuring and purchafing Books for the compiling and improving a Work, Entitled, Modern Hiftory: Or, The Prefent State of all Nations; defcribing their refpective Situations, Perfons, Habits, Buildings, Manners, Laws and Cuftoms, Religion, Policy, Arts and Sciences, Trades, Manufactures and Husbandry, Plants, Animals and Minerals, by Thomas Salmon: In which are comprehended, not only fuch Voyages and Travels, as have been published already, but the Accounts and Obfervations of feveral judicious Travellers, who have lately vifited the remoteft Parts of the Globe, and had great Opportunities of informing themfelves of the prefent State of the refpective Nations they defcribe: The Third Edition, with confiderable Additions and Improvements, and an Abftract of the ancient Hiftory of moft of the Countries defcribed, brought down to the prefent Time. The Whole adorned with Cuts of the various Inhabitants, and Maps of the feveral Countries projected, by Herman Moll, the most accurate and correct Geographer of this Age, in Three Volumes in Folio. Which Work, the Petitioners, with the utmoft Submiffion, apprehend may be of great Service, not only to the Public in general, but to all Perfons concerned in Trade and Navigation; and being defirous of reaping the Fruits of their very great Expence and Labour, and of enjoying the full Profit and Benefit that may arife from printing and vending the fame, without any other Perfon interfering in their juft Property, which they cannot prevent without Our Licence and Protection; they have therefore moft humbly prayed Us to grant them Our Royal Licence and Protection for the fole Printing, Publishing, and Vending the faid Work, in as ample Manner and Form as has been done in Cafes of the like Nature. We, taking the Premifes into our Princely Confideration, and being graciously inclined to give Encouragement to all Works that may be of public Ufe and Benefit, are pleafed to condefcend to their Requeft; and do, by thefe Prefents (as far as may be agreeable to the Statute in that Cafe made and provided) grant to the faid Thomas Longman, John Shuckburgh, Thomas Osborne, Charles Hitch, and Stepben Auften, their Heirs, Executors, Adminiftrators, and Affigns, Our Royal Privilege and Licence, for the fole Printing, Publishing, and Vending the faid Work, during the Term of Fourteen Years, to be computed from the Date hereof; ftrictly forbidding and prohibiting all our Subjects, within Our Kingdoms and Dominions, to reprint or abridge the fame, either in the like, or any other Volume or Volumes whatfoever, or to import, buy, vend, utter, or diftribute, any Copy thereof reprinted beyond the Seas, during the aforefaid Term of Fourteen Years, without the Confent or Approbation of the faid Thomas Longman, John Shuckburgh, Thomas Osborne, Charles Hitch, and Stephen Auften, their Heirs, Executors, Adminiftrators, or Affigns, by Writing under their Hands and Seals first had and obtained, as they will answer the contrary at their Peril : Whereof the Commiffioners, and other Officers of our Cuftoms, the Mafter, Wardens, and Company of Stationers of London, and all other Officers and Minifters, whom it may concern, are to take Notice, that ftrict Obedience be given to Our Pleasure herein fignified.

Given at Our Court at St. James's, the Thirteenth Day of December, 1743, in the
Seventeenth Tear of Our Reign.

By His Majefly's Command,


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