
"He hath hir fro the BORDELL take."

Gower, lib. 8. fol. 182. p. 1. col. 2.

These harlottes that haunte BORDELS of these foule women.'

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Chaucer, Parsons Tale, fol. 114. p. 2. col. 1. "She was made naked and ledde to the BORDELL house to be defouled of synfull wretches."-Diues and Pauper, 4th Comm. cap. 23.


"Quhare as the swelth had the rokkis THIRLLIT."

Douglas, booke 3. p. 87.

"The cald drede tho gan Troianis inuaide, THIRLLAND throwout hard Banis at euery part."

[blocks in formation]

"The prayer of hym that loweth hym in his prayer THYRLETH the clowdes."-Diues and Pauper, 1st Comm. cap. 56.

"It is a comon prouerbe, that a shorte prayer THYRLETH heuen." -Ibid. 1st Comm. cap. 56.


"At thare NEISTHYRLES the fyre fast snering out."

["Flames of fire he threw forth from his large NOSETHRILL."

Douglas, booke 7. p. 215.

[blocks in formation]

"Forsothe it is beter for to be weddid than for to be BRENT."

"The great clamour and the weymentyng That the ladyes made at the BRENNYNG

Corinthies, ch. 7. v. 9.

Of the bodyes."

Knyghtes Tale, fol. 1. p. 2. col. 2.

By the lawe, canone 26, suche wytches sholde be heded and BRENTE."-Diues and Pauper, 1st Comm. cap. 34.

"God hath made his arowes hote with BRENNYNGE thynges, for they that ben BRENTE with synne shall BRENNE with the fyre of helle." -Ibid. 8th Comm. cap. 15.

"But would to God these hatefull bookes all

Were in a fyre BRENT to pouder small."-Sir T. Mores Workes.


"Foxis han Borwis or dennes, and BRIDDIS of the eir han nestis."Mattheu, ch. 8. (ver. 20.)

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Gower, lib. 7. fol. 147. p. 1. col. 1.

"Houndes shall ete thy wyfe Iesabell, and houndes and BRYDDES Diues and Pauper, 9th Comm. cap. 4.

shall ete thy bodye."


He wente efte and preiede the THRIDDE tyme."

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Mattheu, ch. 26. (v. 44.)

Thei ordeyneyde to him THRITTY plates of siluer."

Mattheu, ch. 26. (v. 15.)

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Judas solde Cryste, Goddes Sone, for THRYTTY pens."

Dives and Pauper, 9th Comm. cap. 4. THIRST.

"I hungride and ye gauen not to me for to ete; I THRISTIDE, and ye gauen not to me for to drinke.-Lord, whanne saien we thee hungringe, ether THRISTINGE?"-Mattheu, ch. 25. (v. 35. 37.)

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He that bileueth in me shal neuer THRISTE."—John, ch. 6. (v. 35.) "There spronge a welle freshe and clere,

Whiche euer shulde stonde there

TO THRUSTIE men in remembrance."

[ocr errors][merged small][merged small]

Parsons Tale, fol. 118. p. 1. col. 2.

"Tantalus that was distroyed by the woodenesse of longe THRUste.”

-Boecius, boke 4. fol. 240. p. 1. col. 1.

"And in deserte the byble bereth wytnesse

The ryuer made to renne of the stone

The THRISTE to staunche of the people alone."

Lydgate, Lyfe of our Lady, p. 65.

"The THRISTE of Dauid to staunche."

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Ibid. p. 164.

They gaaf mete to the hungrye, drynke to the THRUSTYE."
Diues and Pauper, Of holy Pouerte, cap. 11.

"I hadde THRYSTE, and ye gaue me drynke."

Ibid. 8th Comm. cap. 17.

"Ther shal be no wepynge, no cryeng, no hongre, no THRUST.” Diues and Pauper, 10th Comm. cap. 10.

[blocks in formation]

"Is this the ioy of armes? be these the parts
Of glorious knighthood, after blood to THRUST?"

Ibid. book 2. cant. 2. st. 29.]


All is to BRUST thylke regyon."

Knyghtes Tale, fol. 10. p. 1. col. 1.

"The teares BRASTE out of her eyen two."

Doctour of Physickes Tale, fol. 65. p. 1. col. 1.

Haue here my trueth, tyl that my hert BRESTE."

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Frankelyns Tale, fol. 52. p. 1. col. 2.

And in his brest the heaped woe began

"" BROSTEN is mine herte."

"And with that worde he BREST out for to wepe."

"The great statue

Troylus, boke 4. fol. 183. p. 2. col. 1.

Dido, fol. 213. p. 1. col. 2.

Lydgate, Lyfe of our Lady, p. 78.

[blocks in formation]

"Our botels and our wyne weren newe, and now our botels be nygh BRUSTEN."-Ibid. 2d Comm. cap. 20.

Sampson toke the two pylers of the paynims temple, which bare up all the temple, and shooke them togydre with his armes tyl they BROSTEN, and the temple fell downe."-Ibid. 5th Comm. cap. 22.

"Esau hym met, embraced hym

And frendly did him kysse,

They both BRAST forth with teares and wept."

Genesis, ch. 33. fol. 83. p. 2.


Here ye wyll clap your handes and extolle the strength of truth, that BRESTETH out, although we Pharisais (as ye Saduces call us) wolde oppresse it."-Gardners Declaration &c. against Joye, fol. 122. p. 2.

"The doloure of their heart BRASTE out at theyr eyen."

Sir T. More, Rycharde the Thirde, p. 65.

"Such mad rages runne in your heades, that forsaking and BRUstING the quietnesse of the common peace, ye haue heynously and traytorously encamped your selfe in fielde."-Sir John Cheke. Hurt of Sedition.

["No gate so strong, no locke so firme and fast,

But with that percing noise flew open quite, or BRAST."

Faerie Queene, book 1. cant. 8. st. 4.

Still, as he fledd, his eye was backward cast,
As if his feare still followed him behynd:
Als flew his steed, as he his bandes had Brast.'


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Ibid. book 1. cant. 9. st. 21.]

"There stode a THROPE of syght ful delectable

In whiche poore folke of that village

Hadden her beestes."-Clerke of Oxenf. Tale, fol. 46. p. 1. col. 2. "As we were entring at the THROPES ende."

Parsons Prol. fol. 100. p. 2. col. 1.

So of PрeveTiKoç the Italians made Farnetico; and of Farnetico we make Frantick; and of Chermosino we make Crimson'. In all languages the same transposition takes place; as in the Greek Kapdia and Kpadın, &c. And the Greeks might as well have imagined these to be two different words, as our etymologists have supposed BOARD and BROAD to be; though there is not the smallest difference between them, except this metathesis of the letter R: the meaning of BOARD and BROAD being the same, though their modern application is different.

F.-Well. Be it so. I think your account of BRAWN

1 [So in Italian: Ghirlanda, Grillanda.—Orlando, Roldano, Rolando. "How my blood CRUDDLES!"-Dryden. Edipus, act 1. sc. 1.] ["I will not be crubbed."-Col. Wilson, in the House of Commons." CRULLE was his here."-Millers Tale, 3314.-ED.]

has an advantage over Junius and Skinner: for your journey is much shorter and less embarrassed. But I beg it may be understood, that I do not intirely and finally accede to every thing which I may at present forbear to contest.



F. I SEE the etymological use you would make of the finals D, T, and N. But you said, early in our conversation, that WRONG was a past participle, as well as RIGHT; yet WRONG does not fall within any of those three classes.

H.-True. It belongs to a much more numerous and less obvious class of participles; which I should have been sorry to enter upon, till you had been a little seasoned by the foregoing.

WRONG is the past participle of the verb To Wring, Pningan, torquere. The word answering to it in Italian is

2 Junius says " BRAWN, callum; inde Brawn of a boar est callum aprugnum. Videntur autem BRAWN istud Angli desumpsisse ex accusativo Gr. Twрos, callus; ut ex Twρov, per quandam contractionem et literæ R transpositionem, primo fuerit pwv, atque inde BRAWN."

Skinner says " BRAWN, Pro Apro, ingeniose deflectit amicus quidam doctissimus a Lat. Aprugna, supple Caro; rejecto initiali a, P in в mutato, G eliso, et a finali per metathesin rov u premisso.

"2 BRAWN autem pro callo declinari posset a Gr. πwpwμa, idem signante; in ẞ mutato, o priori propter contractionem eliso, & posteriori in Au, et м in N facillimo deflexu transeunte.

"3. Mallem tamen BRAWN, pro Apro, a Teut. Brausen, fremere ; vel a Brummen, murmurare. Sed neutrum placet.

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4. BRAWN etiam sensu vulgatissimo callum aprugnum signat. Vir rev. deducit a Belg. Beer, aper, et Rauw, Rouw, in obliquis Rauwen, Rouwen, crudus : quia exteri omnes hujus cibi insueti (est enim Angliæ nostræ peculiaris) carnem hanc pro crudo habent; ideoque modo coquunt, modo assant, modo frigunt, modo pinsunt. Sed obstat, quod nullo modo verisimile est, nos cibi nobis peculiaris, Belgis aliisque gentibus fere ignoti nomen ab insuetis sumsisse.

"5. Possit et deduci (licet nec hoc plane satisfaciat) ab A.-S. Bap, aper, et pun, contr. pro punnen vel ge-punnen, concretus, q. d. Barrun (i. e.) pars Apri maxime concreta, pars durissima."

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