
in the prime of life. This was the surest method he could adopt, to revive, in its full force, the idea of a blooming girl. New sentiments now arose in his mind, of which before he had not the most distant idea; he might be said to be cast in a new mould; he felt himself restless, without knowing the cause; and his desires veered, without him, to a mark, for which he had no name. An irresistible impulse hurried him mechanically towards the cascade, and he felt, at the same time, the strongest repugnance to approach the emerging beauty in a state of manhood, or to rush out of the thicket; though, as he strove to gain a distinct view from his covert, he experienced no counteracting force, nor any internal struggle.

The lovely object before him claimed for her parent, the Duke Rudolpho who reigned in the neighbourhood of the Giant Mountains. It was her usual custom to frequent the woods and thickets around the mountain, with her train of attendant virgins, in search of sweetscented flowers, or to gather (such was the frugality of the age) a basket of wild strawberries or mushrooms for her father's table. Frequently in hot weather, she would ramble beside the cascade, to seek for refreshment; and oft times would she bathe in the basin. From this moment, the delicious enchantment of love fixed the spirit to the spot. He never quitted it, even for a moment, but waited with the most eager expectation, and the fondest wishes, for the return of the charming train of bathing nymphs. A considerable time elapsed, before this beauty appeared: but at length the princess, one summer's day, about noon, attended by her companions, sought the cooling shade beside the water-fall. But what was their astonishment, on seeing the place entirely changed! The rugged rocks were covered with alabaster and marble; no longer did the water dash in a wild stream from the steep precipice, but descended down a flight of steps, and diffused itself with a gentle

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murmur into a capacious basin of marble; from the middle of which there ascended an amusing jet, that continually fell back in a shower of large drops, which a gentle breeze alternately lung from side to side. Daisies, primroses, violets, and a variety of other flowers, the produce of nature, diffused their bloom around the brink; and rose-bushes, interwoven with jessamine and woodbine, encircled the retreat at a proper distance. On each side of the cascade appeared the mouth of a beautiful grotto, whose side and arch glistened with the Mosaic livery of many coloured ores, mountain crystal, and spar, topaz, ruby, emerald, and carbuncle,-all of them so bright and sparkling, that the eye was dazzled at behelding them. Added to these ornaments were disposed, in various niches, the most elegant refreshments. In the middle of the pool stood a small island, clothed with living verdure, on which an elegant pavilion reared its glittering head, a romantic bridge of pure white marble formed a passage from the shore of the pool to the pavi lion. The princess, on beholding this scene, was wrapped up in silent admiration. She could scarcely credit her eyes, and remained undetermined whether to fly the enchanted spot, or stay there. At length, she ventured into the grotto, and tasted of the delicious fruit, which her warm imagination suggested had been placed there on purpose her. Having satisfied this desire, and examined every particular of this wonderful structure, she felt a strong inclination to cross the bridge, and enter the pavilion on the island. Her attendant, Brinhilda, endeavoured, by every species of artless rhetoric to dissuade her from the attempt; and even hinted that the wonderful change that had taken place in the appearance of the spot, was the work of some diabolical fiend. "Ah," said the princess," he must be a generous fiend to give us such a magnificent landscape-a landscape whose wondrous brilliancy dazzles the



eye, and enraptures the imagination. Oh, he must build fine castles in the air, whose powerful art has reared that edifice in water." And, so saying, the lovely princess placed her foot upon the step leading to the bridge. Surely will not cross it," said the attendant, hastily seizing her arm. "And why not, Brinhilda?" said the princess, "will nothing give you courage?dreary or gay, whatever be the prospect, still you tremble like the aspen in the autumn wind. Come, follow me."


Scarce had the lovely nymph crossed the marble bridge, than it began to sink, and thus prevented Brinhilda, who had loitered behind, from crossing. The princess, who had proceeded onward to the pavilion, was unmindful of the occurrence which had taken place behind her, until alarmed by the shrieks of her attendant, she turned round to see what had caused the noise, when she felt herself seized, and borne irresistibly onward to the pavilion. She was nearly deprived of her senses by the velocity with which she was carried, when she was aroused by a wild laugh of exultation, which arose from her side, and a voice which uttered, "The prize is mine-irrecoverably mine! - Now sink we to the centre!" Her attendants on the shore in vain screamed for assistance. In vain did they ring their snow-white hands; in vain did they invoke the assistance of the Naiads; in vain run half-distracted round the edge of the marble basin. All they received for their anxiety was a sprinkling from the jet, as though it had been played upon them in sport. No one had courage to plunge in after her, except her favourite Brinhilda, who immediately dived into the bottomless pool, with no other expectation but that of sharing the fate of her beloved mistress. But instead of sinking down, she floated upon the surface like a dry cork, nor could all her efforts enable her to make the least impression on the watery element. There was then no other remedy than to acquaint the Duke with the melan

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choly circumstance. Just as he was returning from the chace, the dejected train meet him, absorbed in sighs and tears. They communicated the sad intelligence to him in as gentle a manner as possible. But, notwithstanding this precaution, he was so affected that he rent his robe in sorrow and consternation; he took the golden diadem from his head, and wrapped his visage in his purple robe, while he mourned aloud for the loss of his beautiful Stella. Having paid the first tribute of parental affection to the memory of his beloved daughter, he summoned up his fortitude, and immediately repaired to the cascade, to learn the particulars of this dreadful catastrope. But no cascade met his eye. The charm was now dissolved. Uncultivated nature was seen in her native wildness; there was neither grotto nor basin; not even a circle of rose trees, or a sprig of jessimine. The duke and his train returned in the most dejected manner to their residence, and nought was heard but sighs and lamentations for the lost princess, who was greatly beloved; the houses were closed, and prayers were offered up for her restoration. Meanwhile the beautiful Stella was borne into the centre of the globe by her aërial lover; and having alighted, he conducted her, by a subterraneous passage, to a palace, far more magnificent and elegant than any thing she had hitherto seen, and which the earthy monarch had caused to be made solely for her reception. When the animal spirits of the princess were recruited, she found herself seated on an easy sofa, clad in a robe of rose-coloured satin, and girt with a sash of the most beautiful azure blue silk. Here large cascades flowed among bowers of roses, jessamine, and amarynth; there stood splendid grottos, supported by massy pillars of golden hue, and pavilions with tapering pilasters of brilliant silver, inlaid with diamonds and other rich and sparkling productions of the interior of the globe. An elegant youth, attired in silver and crowned with diamonds,

with an engaging countenance, lay prostrate at her feet, watching with the tenderest solicitude her every look-her every motion, and apparently endeavouring to anticipate every wish, ere it had been formed, and uttering the tenderest emotions of love, which she received with the becoming blush of modesty. The enraptured spirit gave her an account of his state and origin, described the subterraneous regions that were under his command, conducted her through the apartments of the palace, and shewed her all the riches and splendor belonging to it. The refreshing shade, which continually rested on the turf, particularly charmed the princess: her eye was delighted with the beautiful fruit trees, which bore ruddy gold-streaked apples. The bushes were crowded with abundance of birds, whose harmonious voices joined in more than common melody. His look hung upon her lips, and his ear eagerly swallowed the sounds that issued from her melodious mouth. Every word glided into his heart, and remained there fixed as adamant. During his life of endless ages, he never enjoyed such rapturous hours as he now owed to his first love. The transports of the lady were not, however, in perfect unison with his; her brow was clouded with heaviness; that soft melancholy, that melting languor, which gives such irresistible grace to the female sex, betrayed some ungratified wish that her heart concealed, some feelings that did not exactly tally with those of her lover. He soon discovered this, and strove, by the most endearing caresses, to disperse the cloud, and cheer the heart of the dejected damsel, but in vain. "Alas!" would she often repeat, "what is it to me, that thou art a monarch of unbounded realms and riches what to me that thou art a subterranean power whose potency exceeds the sway of all those sceptered earthlings, whose heads are canopied by the clouds, if I am destined always to reside here within thy kingdom, a living grave! Oh! (would she continue) re

store me to my father-to my friendsto every tie of life that renders life most dear!"

As often would the elfin sprite reply, with winning sofmess, "Nay, fair Stella, cast your eyes around, and say, does this beauteous globe appear a sepulchre? -are these wanton zephyrs, that play upon the brilliant ruby of thy lip, like the damp breath that swims within the gloomy charnel-house?-banish far such hideous thoughts. Here the pleasures reign-myriads of my subjects shall bow in adoration at thy throne, not with a dirge to chant thy funeral requiem, but to chase thy sorrow with songs of unfading love, and melt thy soul in transport."-Still the princess felt that she was a prisoner, and sighs and tears would gush spontaneously from her eyes. In order to alleviate her sorrow, the sprite desired her to name her every wish, which should instantly be realized.

"Have we not revels," would he often say, say, "do not my people throng in duty round you ?" "Yes," would the princess reply," but the beings here whom I behold, are foreign to my race. Here I look in vain for features, which, about my father's court, had been rendered dear by custom. In vain I look for lineaments of those still dearer, who, from my earliest years, were my companions,-oh! were they here, I might be happier."" Well then," replied the elf, thy wish shall be accomplished; and if my potent power can chase away dejection from thy lovely breast, that power is wholly thine." He immediately touched the ground with his sceptre, and baskets of fruits and vegetables, with turnips, large gourds, melons, and pomegranates of an extraordinary size arose from the earth.

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After gazing at her a few moments, with looks of the most affectionate tenderness, he thus addressed her : "Fairest among the daughters of the earth, resume thy native cheerfulness; banish all sorrow from thy soul, and let thy heart be alive to the joys of society.

Thou shalt no longer remain a solitary mourner in my habitation. These baskets contain every thing necessary to make thee happy, and as I see returning pleasure beam upon thy cheek, receive this parti-coloured wand, whatever it touches that vegetates, will instantly yield the form which you prescribe, and every form produced shall in every thing execute your will, but, mark me, fair one, though nature own my influence, nature's laws are still immutable-a higher power than mine watches over them. I cannot bid the cedar and the rose outlive the term prescribed for their existence; and every thing derived from things so perishable, must perish with them. Your companions will wither when their parents decay, and die when they die. Saying these words, he retired, leaving the princess to follow her own inclinations; nor did she delay one moment to act upon his instructions. Her first wish was to behold her favorite maid: striking one of the gourds, "Brinhilda, my dear Brunhilda," she cried, " appear." Obedient to her summons, her maid was prostrate before her, tenderly embracing her mistress's knees, and bedewing her hand with tears of joy. The deception was so complete and perfect, that Stella started at the work of her own hands. She was in doubt, whether her real and trusty servant had appeared to her view, or whether a delusive phantom had not mocked her eyes. However, she could not refrain from giving way to the sensations of joy.


rushed into each other's arnis, bedewed each other with mutual tears. They walked together up and down the garden, expatiating on the beauty of the place, and plucking from the trees, the gold-streaked apples with which they were loaded. She made numerous enquiries after those she had left on earth, -her father, and even her former lover, the young Duke Ratibor, were not forgotten. To all er quiries the fictitious Brinbilda gave the most discreet and satisfactory answers; and the princess

was so happy in her company, that she almost forgot to trouble her wand for a farther stretch of its wonder-working power.

The watchful gnome now hugged himself on the penetration which he imagined he had displayed in diving into the heart of woman; nor was he less elevated with the idea of the progress he had made in the science of man. The princess now seemed to him more beautiful, lovely, and cheerful than ever. She, on her part, had at length given animation to her whole stock of turnips, gourds and melons. With her enchanted wand, she had converted the whole of them into the form of her attendant virgins. But having two more left than she wanted for this purpose, she gave to one of them the shape of a cat, and on the other she bestowed the body of a monkey. She now established a court, assigned each servant her portion of work, and was obeyed by them all with the utmost alacrity. The whole household, in fact, anticipated her wishes; a nod was sufficient; no need of words: and every order was executed without the smallest demur. She enjoyed for many months the uninterrupted pleasures of society; dances, songs, music, and merriment of every kind succeeded each other from morning till night in this enchanted palace; but time, that never-failing monitor, reminded her that the freshness of her companions' cheeks began to fade. The glass in the marble saloon first suggested this observation to her. She was astonished to perceive, that her complexion bloomed like a rose-bud; while her attendants were shrunk like so many withered flowers. One morning, the beautiful princess entered the breakfast parlour, where she beheld a company of helpless women tottering to salute her. They were supported upon crutches, apparently quite decrepid from complete old age. The monkey lay stretched out and stiff, and the cat fell down, not being able to crawl. Stella

instantly rushed out of the chamber, dreadfully alarmed at the horrid sight, and immediately hastened to the garden, where she called aloud upon the sprite. He quickly obeyed the call, and appeared in an humble attitude." Malicious elf," said she, in an angry mood, "why dost thou envy me the society of the appearances of my former companions -the only comfort of my unhappy life? Immediately restore to my attendants that health and beauty of which thou hast robbed them, or my hatred, scorn, and contempt shall avenge thy audacity."-"Fairest of mortals," replied he, "whatever lies within the reach of my abilities, only waits your commands; but do not expect from me things impossible. As long as any vegetative moisture remained in the vegetables, the magic wand could transform the principle of life according to your desire; but their moisture is now evaporated, and they are near the verge of dissolution. But do not be uneasy. Another basketfull shall make thee amends. Now, therefore, return to mother nature her presents; thou wilt find companions more suited to thy taste in the garden, on the grass-plat." Having said this, the sprite departed. Stella immediately took the parti-coloured wand; and gently touching her decrepid maids, they all became withered turnips, gourds, and melons. She now tripped lightly over the verdant lawn, in quest of the basket; but she could not find it any where. After a long while spent in fruitless search, the gnome appeared at the vine-walk with a sorrowful countenance. "Thou hast deceived me," said she where is the basket? I have been seeking for it, to no purpose, above this hour.". "Gracious mistress of my affections, chief delight of my heart," replied the sprite, "wilt thou forgive my thoughtlessness? I have promised more than I am able to perform. I have traversed around my country, in quest of turnips and other vegetables; but they have been long gathered, and are now rotting in damp cellars. The

very fields are in mourning. In the vale beneath, winter enjoys his reign unmolested. Thy presence alone fixed spring to these rocks. Only wait three moons, and thou shalt have plenty at command." Eloquent as this speechwas, before he half finished it, Stella turned from him in disgust, and retired to her chamber without answering him a word. He, however, desired his chief sprite to obtain a load of vegetable seeds of all descriptions, with which he sowed some hundred of acres of ground. He then consigned the charge of the field to the same attendant spirit, charging him to kindle a subterraneous fire, and to ripen the plants with a kindly heat. The turnip-field prospered amazingly, and promised an excellent crop in a short time. The princess went every day to view it; and though she seemed to take considerable pleasure in viewing their progress, yet disappointment and discontent had clouded her azure eyes; her favourite spot was a plantation of gloomy firs, which was situated by the rocky side of a brook, that discharged its crystal stream into the valley. Here she would often retire, and give way to the most profound melancholy. The gnome observed her behaviour, and was very much concerned at it. Though he plainly perceived he had not made the least impression on her heart, he still hoped time, and his tender assiduities, would overcome her maiden coyness, as he flattered himself no one had ever possessed her affections. In this, however, he was mistaken. Prince Ratibor, a young neighbour of her father, had placed his affections on her, and received hers in return. The enamoured pair were looking forward to the completion of their happiness, when the sudden disappearance of Stella frustrated all their hopes. The prince was distracted; he rambled into the woods, without knowing what he did. He even visited the mighty wizard Zauberstarff, the chief of the Guebres, or workers in fire; but even his cabalistic charms and Rosicrucian sorceries availed nothing; and

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