it again, and take this along with it: John Cockle is no courtier; he can do what he ought-without a bribe. 27. KING.--Thou art a very extraordinary man, I must own, and I should be glad, methinks, to be further acquainted with thee. 28. MILLER. - Thee! and thou! prithee, don't thee and thou me; I believe I am as good a man as yourself, at least. 29. KING.-Sir, I beg your pardon. 30. MILLER.-Nay, I am not angry, friend; only I don't love to be too familiar with anybody before I know whether or not he deserves it. 31. KING. You are in the right. But what am I to do? 32. MILLER.--You may do what you please. You are twelve miles from Nottingham, and all the way lies through a thick wood; but if you are resolved upon going thither to-night, I will put you in the road, and direct you as best I can; or, if you will accept of such poor entertainment as a miller can give, you will be welcome to stay all night with me, and in the morning I shall go with you myself. 33. KING.--And cannot you go with me to-night? 34. MILLER. I would not go with you to-night though you were the king. 35. KING.--Then I must go with you, I think. [Enter a courtier in haste. 36. COURTIER.--Ah! is your majesty safe? We have hunted the forest over to find you. 37. MILLER.-How! Are you the king? [Kneels.] Your majesty will pardon the ill-usage you have received. [The king draws his sword.] Your majesty will not kill a servant for doing his duty too faithfully ? 38. KING.-No, my good fellow. So far from having anything to pardon, I am much your debtor. I cannot think but so good and honest a man will make a worthy and honourable knight. Rise, Sir John Cockle, and receive this sword as a badge of knighthood and a pledge of my protection; and to support your dignity, and in some measure requite you for the pleasure you have given us, a thousand crowns a year shall be your revenue! -Dodsley. SUMMARY. This dialogue contains a conversation between the king, who had lost his way in Sherwood Forest, near Nottingham, and John Cockle, a faithful servant of his majesty. When the king finds that he has lost his way he discovers also that he differs very little from other men. John Cockle, the miller of Mansfield, comes unexpectedly upon the king, whom he accuses of poaching. The king is surprised and amused at the miller's frankness, offering him at last a reward if he will set him in the right road. The arrival of a courtier enlightens the honest miller, and the king as a reward for his faithful service confers upon him the honour of knighthood, as well as a pension of a thousand crowns. At-tri-butes, qualities. Coun-sel-lor, one who gives ad- Court-ier, one who attends court. QUESTIONS. Where is Mansfield? Sherwood Forest? How had the king been engaged? What happened? What sound alarmed the king? Who appeared? How did he salute the king? What answer was given by his majesty? What questions were asked by Cockle? How did the king reply? How did the miller find out his mistake? What honour was conferred upon lim? EXERCISES.-1. Parse and analyse-How oft are we puffed up with these false attributes! 2. Adjectives are formed by adding ac, al, an, ar, which mean "belonging to," "of," or "like"; as, cardiac, belonging to the heart; royal, like a king (roi, a king); silvan, belonging to the wood (silva, a wood); lunar, belonging to the moon (luna, the moon). Give the exact meaning of the following words--demoniac, floral (flos, floris, a flower), suburban (sub, under, urbs, a city or town), popular (populus, the people). knight Span-iards car-pen-ter mu-tin-y di-rec-tions mu-tin-ous im-mense' ad-mit-tance dis-cour-aged ac-com-pan-iea leagues prec-ious ap-pren-ticed ex-pens-es es-ti-mat-ed Brit-ish mar-riage as-sist-ance pro-ceed-ed so-lic-it-ed 1. William Phipps was a poor man's son, and was born in the province of Maine, at the time when the country was under British rule. 2. In his boyhood and youth he used to tend sheep upon the hills, and until he had grown to be a man he did not even know how to read and write. Tired of tending sheep, he next apprenticed himself to a shipcarpenter, and spent about four years in hewing the crooked limbs of oak trees into knees for vessels. 3. In 1673, when he was twenty-two years old, he went to Boston, and soon afterwards was married to a rich widow. It was not long, however, before he lost all the money which he had acquired by his marriage, and became a poor man again. Still he was not discouraged. He often told his wife that, some time or other, he should be very rich, and would build a "fair brick house" in the Green Lane of Boston. 4. Several years passed away, and William Phipps had not yet gained the riches which he had promised to himself. During this time he had begun to follow the sea for a living. In the year 1684 he happened to hear of a Spanish ship which had been cast away near the Bahamas, and which was supposed to contain a great deal of gold and silver. Phipps went to the place in a small vessel, hoping that he should be able to recover some of the treasure from the wreck. He did not succeed, however, in fishing up gold and silver enough to pay the expenses of his voyage. 5. But before he returned he was told of another Spanish galleon, which, laden with immense treasure, had been cast away near Porto Plata. This ship had lain as much as fifty years beneath the waves. But though it was now an old story, and the most aged people had almost forgotten that such a vessel bad been wrecked, William Phipps resolved that the sunken treasure should again be brought to light. 6. He went to London, and obtained admittance to King James. He told the king of the vast wealth that was lying at the bottom of the sea. King James listened with attention, and appointed Phipps to be captain of a vessel called the Rose Algier, carrying eighteen guns and ninety-five men. 7. Captain Phipps sailed from England in the Rose Algier, and cruised for nearly two years in the West Indies, endeavouring to find the wreck of the Spanish ship. It was all in vain. The seamen became discouraged, and gave up all hope of making their fortunes by discovering the wreck. Finally they broke out in open mutiny, but were mastered by Phipps and compelled to obey his orders. It would have been dangerous, however, to have continued much longer at sea with such a crew of mutinous sailors; and, besides, the Rose Algier was leaky and unseaworthy. So Captain Phipps judged it best to return to England. 8. Before leaving the West Indies he met with a Spaniard, an old man, who remembered the wreck of the Spanish ship, and gave him directions how to find the very spot. It was on a reef of rocks, the old man said, a few leagues from Porto Plata. 9. On his arrival in England, Captain Phipps solicited the king to let him have another vessel, and send him back again to the West Indies. But King James, who had expected the Rose Algier would return laden with gold, refused to have anything more to do with the affair. 10. Phipps might never have been able to renew the search if the Duke of Albemarle and some other noblemen had not lent their assistance. They fitted out a ship, and gave the command to Captain Phipps. He sailed from England, and arrived safely at Porto Plata, where he took an adze and assisted his men to build a large boat. |