
EBBINGHAUS (JULIUS) Die Pilze und Schwämme Deutschlands. . . . Zweite . . . Auflage. pp. viii [vi] 64: 32 pls. col. 8°. Leipzig [1868].

The first edition appeared in 1863. The second edition was re-issued in Dresden in 1870.

Dritte... Auflage, &c. pp. xvi, 95: 33 pls. col. 80. Dresden [1878].


EBEL (JOANNES CHRISTOPHORUS) De Indo Germanico præside D. A. E. Büchnero disseret auctor J. C. Ebel, &c. pp. 46. 4o. Hala Salicæ [1756]. EBEL (JOHANN GOTTFRIED) [1764-1830] Observationes neurologicæ ex anatome comparata. pp. viii, 36, 2 tabs.: 2 pls. 8o. Trajecti ad Viadrum [1788]. EBEL (S. TH.) Beschreibung der Preussischen Laubmoose. pp. [iv] 29. 4o. Königsberg, 1856.

EBEL (WILHELM)[1815-] Tentamen monographiæ generis Papaver. Specimen inaugurale botanicum... opponentibus G. Ebelet J. Moeller, &c. See ELKAN (L.) 4o.1839. Ebel (W.) De Armeriæ genere. Prodromus Plumbaginearum familiæ. Dissertatio botanica, &c. pp. iv, 44 [6]: 1 pl. 4o. Regimontii Prussorum, 1840. Ebel (W.) Zwölf Tage auf Montenegro Nebst einer Ansicht von Cettigne (-und einem Elenchus Plantarum Dalmaticarum), &c. 2 Hft. [in 1 Vol.] pp. 135, 176, xxxix: 4 pls. 8°. Königsberg, 1842. EBELMEN (JACQUES JOSEPH) [1814-1852] Chimie, Céramique, Géologie, Métallurgie, revu et corrigé par M. L. A.] Salvétat . . . suivi d'une notice sur la Vie et les Travaux de l'auteur.. par M. E. Chevreul. 2 Vol. 8°. Paris, 1861. EBER (JOANNES HENRICUS) Observationes quædam Helminthologicæ, &c. pp. 42: 1 pl. 4o. Gottingœ, 1798.

Academic dissertation.


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EBERMAIER (JOHANN ERDWIN CHRISTOPH) [1769– 1825] Ueber die nothwendige Verbindung der systematischen Pflanzenkunde mit der Pharmacie, und über die Bekanntmachung der giftartigwürkenden Pflanzen, &c. pp. 117. 8. Hannover, 1796. Ebermaier (J. E. C.) Von den Standörtern der Pflanzen im Allgemeinen und denen der Arzneygewächse besonders, &c. pp. 232: 1 pl. 8. Münster, 1802.

EBERMAIER (KARL HEINRICH) [1802-1870] Dissertatio inauguralis sistens Plantarum Papilionacearum monographiam medicam, &c. pp. 108. 8°. Berolini, 1824. Ebermaier (K. H.) & Nees von Esenbeck (T. F. L.) Handbuch der medicinisch-pharmaceutischen Botanik, &c. 3 Thl. See NEES VON ESENBECK (T. F. L.) & EBERMAIER (K. H.) 8°. 1830-32.

[blocks in formation]

EBERT (ROBERT) Zur Systematisierung des Thierreichs. pp. 48. 8o. Dresden, 1868.

Progr. Vitzthumschen Gymnasiums. EBERT (THEODOR) [1857-1899] Die Echiniden des Nord- und Mitteldeutschen Oligocäns. pp. viii, 111: text illust. Atlas, 10 pls. See PRUSSIA-KoeniglichPreussische geologische Landes-Anstalt, &c. Abhandlungen, &c. Bd. Ix, hft. 1. 8o. & fol. 1889.

Ebert (T.) Die stratigraphischen Ergebnisse der neueren Tiefbohrungen im Oberschlesischen Steinkohlengebirge. pp. vi, 144. Atlas, 7 pls., 1 map. See PRUSSIA.-Koeniglich-Preussische geologische Landes-Anstalt,&c. Abhandlungen, &c. Neue Folge, Hft. 19. 8o. & fol. 1895.

EBERTH (CARL JOSEF) [1835-] Untersuchungen über Nematoden. pp. [vi,] 77: 9 pls. 4°. Leipzig, 1863.


Eberth (C. J.) Würzburger naturwissenschaftliche
Zeitschrift Redigirt von C. J. Eberth, &c. Bd. v &
GESELLSCHAFT. Verhandlungen, &c.


8°. 1864-65. Eberth (C. J.) Untersuchungen zur normalen und pathologischen Anatomie der Froschhaut. pp. [vi] 33: 3 pls. 4o. Leipzig, 1869. Eberth (C. J.) Zur Kenntniss der bacteritischen Mykosen. pp. [viii,] 27 : 1 pl. col. 4°. Leipzig, 1872. Eberth (C. J.) Zur Kenntniss der Blutplättchen bei den niederen Wirbelthieren. See GEGENBAUR (C.) & others. Festschrift, A. von Kölliker, &c. 4o. 1887. EBLE (BURKARD) [1799-1839] Die Lehre von den Haaren in der gesammten organischen Natur. 2 Bd. illust. 8o. Wien, 1831.

EBNER (VICTOR VON) [1842-] Die Lösungsflächen des Kalkspathes und des Aragonites. I. Lösungsflächen und Lösungsgestalten des Kalkspathes. pp. 91: 4 pls. 8°. Wien, 1884.

Sitzb. k. Akad. Wissensch. Wien. Bd. LXXXIX, abth. II.

ÉBRARD (ÉLIE) [1816] Des Sangsues, considérées au point de vue de l'économie médicale Deuxième édition. pp. vi, 112, 1 tab. 8°. Paris, &c., 1850.

The first edition appeared in 1848.

Ebrard (E.) Nouvelle monographie des Sangsues médicinales. pp. xxii, 494: 12 pls. col. 8°. Paris, &c., 1857. ÉBRAY (CHARLES HENRI THEOPHILE) [1823-1879] Etudes paléontologiques sur le département de la Nièvre. ́Livr. 1 & 2.† pp. 64 : pls. i, iii & iv.

8°. Paris & Nevers, 1858, 60. Livr. It is also entitled :-"Sur la composition de l'appareil apical de certains Echinodermes et sur le genre Protophites.

Ébray (C. H. T.) Études Géologiques sur le département de la Nièvre. pp. 372: 25 pls. (9 col.) 8°. Paris & Nevers, 1858-64 [−71]. Wanting Fasc. 1 & 2, pp. 1-64: pls. i-iii.

Ébray (C. H. T.) Remarques sur la terre à foulon et sur les poudingues Tertiaires. pp. 15: 1 pl. 8°. Paris, 1860. Ébray (C. H. T.) Considérations sur quelques questions de Géologie. pp. 16. 8°. Paris, 1861. Ébray (C. H. T.) Sur la ligne de propagation de quelques Fossiles, et considérations géologiques sur la ligne de partage du bassin de la Seine et du bassin de la Loire. pp. 22: 1 map, text illust. 8°. Nevers, 1862. Ébray (C. H. T.) Sur la présence de l'étage Bathonien et de l'étage Bajocien à Crussol (Ardèche), et étude des allures du terrain Houiller de Decize, sous les terrains de recouvrement. pp. 27: text illust. 8o. Nevers, 1863. Ébray (C. H. T.) Végétaux fossiles des terrains de transition du Beaujolais. pp. 20: 11 pls., 1 map. 8°. Paris & Lyon, 1868.

Ann. Soc. Sci. Indust. Lyon. 1868.

Ébray (C. H. T.) Remarques sur les mots et les phrases qui suivent ma Note sur la Protogine des Alpes. pp. 7. 8o. Lyon, 1870. Ébray (C. H. T.) & Dezautière (J. B.) Description Géologique du bassin Houiller de Decize, &c. pp. 28: 1 pl. 8°. Paris, &c., 1864. ÉCHANGE, L'... Organe des Naturalistes de la région Lyonnaise Publié sous la direction de . . . Dr. [E] Jacquet ([and afterwards] L. Sonthonnax, L. Redon-Neyreneuf, &c. Ann. I→ 8°. London, 1885→ In Ann. I-IV each number is separately paged. Ann. I-IV & VIII → contain separately-paged papers. Ann. v & vi are continuously paged. ECHEANDIA (PEDRO GREGORIO) [1746-1817] Flora Cesaraugustana y Curso práctico de Botánica, obra póstuma precedida de un discurso

D. M. P. y Bartolini. pp. 52.

por 8°. Madrid, 1861.

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For addenda by O. Weerth (?), See BERTHOLD (J. G. L. U.) Zu den Schulfeierlichkeiten, &c. 1860.

ECK (HEINRICH ADOLF VON) [1837-] Ueber die Formationen des Bunten Sandsteins und des Muschelkalks in Oberschlesien und ihre Versteinerungen. pp. viii, 148, 1 tab.: 2 pls. 8°. Berlin, 1865. Eck (H. A. VON) Rüdersdorf und Umgegend. Eine geognostische Monographie, &c. (Geognostische Karte Maassstab 1: 12,500 [i.e. 1 m. 5 in. about]. pp. vii, 183: 1 pl., 1 map geol. col. See PRUSSIA. Koeniglich-Preussische geologische Landes-Anstalt, &c. Abhandlungen, &c. Bd. 1, hft. 1. 8o. 1872.

Eck (H. A. VON) Geognostische Uebersichtskarte des Schwarzwaldes. . . Masstab 1: 200,000 [i.e. 1 in. = 3 m. about]. 2 sh. See BLACK FOREST. [Maps.] 1886,87. Eck (H. A. VON) Geognostiche Beschreibung der Gegend von Baden-Baden, Rothenfels,Gernsbach und Herrenalb. pp. xlvi, 686: 1 map geol. col., text illust. See PRUSSIA. -Koenigliche Preussische geologische Landes-Anstalt,· &c. Abhandlungen, &c. Neue Folge, Hft. 6. 8°. 1892. Eck (H. A. VON) Das Erdbeben in der Gegend zwischen Strassburg, Forbach, Haslach, Kenzingen, Erstein und Westhofen . . . 1887. pp. 19: 1 map. 8°. Stuttgart, 1892. ECKEBERG (CHARLES GUSTAVUS) See EKEBERG. ECKENBRECHER (CURT VON) [1853-] Untersuchungen über Umwandlungsvorgänge in Nephelingesteinen. Inaugural-Dissertation, &c. pp. 35. 8°. Wien, 1880. This also appeared in the "Min. petrog. Mittheil.," Bd. III.

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Ecker (A.) Icones physiologica. Erläuterungstafeln zur Physiologie und Entwickelungsgeschichte. 31 pls., with descriptive letterpress. fol. Leipzig, 1851-59.

Ecker (A.) Entwicklungsgeschichte des grünen Armpolypen (Hydra viridis). pp. [vi] 23: 1 pl. 4o. Freiburg i. B., 1853. Ecker (A.) Anatomische Beschreibung des Gehirns vom karpfenartigen Nil-Hecht, Mormyrus cyprinoides, L. pp. xii, 1 pl. 4°. Leipzig, 1854. Ecker (A.) Die Anatomie des Frosches. Ein Handbuch, &c. (-Zweite Abth. . . . mit Beiträgen von . . . R. Wiedersheim.-Dritte... Abth.... bearbeitet von ... R. Wiedersheim.) 3 Abth. 8°. Braunschweig, 1864-82. A second edition appeared in 1888.


[Another edition entitled :] A. Ecker's und R. Wiedersheim's Anatomie des Frosches. neu bearbeitet von . . . E. Gaupp. . . Dritte Auflage. Abth. 1. 8°. Braunschweig, 1896.

Ecker (A.) Crania Germaniæ meridionalis occidentalis, &c. pp. iv, 99, 2 tabs.: 38 pls. 4o. Freiburg i. B., 1865. Ecker (A.) See ARCHIV FUER ANTHROPOLOGIE... Unter der Redaction von A. Ecker, &c. Bd. I-XVI. 4o. 1866-86. ECKERBERG (JOHANN GUSTAF) [1776-1808] & Bjursten(A.) Dissertatio de reformationibus classium Plantarum C. a Linné,&c. pp. 19. 4o. Londini Gothorum, 1804. ECKERT (FRIEDRICH EDUARD MAX) [1868-] Das Karrenproblem. Die Geschichte seiner Lösung, &c. [Thesis.] pp. 112: text illust. 8o. Halle, 1895. ECKHARD (CONRAD) [1822-] See BEITRÄGE ZUR ANATOMIE UND PHYSIOLOGIE [edited] von C. Eckhard. Bd. I-XII. 4o. 1858-88.

[blocks in formation]

ECKLON (CHRISTIAN FRIEDRICH) [1795-1868] Topographisches Verzeichniss der Pflanzensammlung von C. F. Ecklon. I. Lieferung. Oder: Standorte und Blüthezeit derjenigen Arten . . . der Coronarien und Ensaten, welche . . . auf dem Vorgebürge der Guten Hoffnung beobachtet und gesammelt worden sind. pp. x, 44, 1 tab. 8°. Esslinger, 1827. Ecklon (C. F.) & Zeyher (C. L. P.) Enumeratio Plantarum Africa Australis extratropicæ quæ collectæ, determinatæ et expositæ a C. F. Ecklon & C. Zeyher. Pt. I & II. pp. 400. 8°. Hamburgi, 1835–36. ECKSTEIN (KARL) Pflanzengallen und Gallentiere. See ZOOLOGISCHE VORTRÄGE, &c. Hft. VII & VIII. 8o. 1891. Eckstein (K.) See BERICHT UEBER DIE LEISTUNGEN AUF DEM GEBIETE DER FORST- UND JAGDZOOLOGIE von . . . K. Eckstein. Jahrg. I-III. 8o. 1892-93.

Eckstein (K.) Die Kiefer (Pinus silvestris, L.) und ihrer tierischen Schädlinge Erster Band. Die Nadeln. pp. [viii,] 52 : 22 pls. col. 4°. Berlin, 1893. Formis part of "Die Beschädigungen unserer Waldbäume durch Thiere." Printed in double column.

Eckstein (K.) Bechhold's Handlexikon der Naturwissenschaften und Medizin bearbeitet von . . . C. Eckstein, &c. See BECHHOLD (H.) 8o. 1894. Eckstein (K.) Forstliche Zoologie. pp. viii, 664: text illust. 8. Berlin, 1897. ECLOGE GEOLOGICÆ HELVETIÆ. See LAUSANNE.-SOCIÉTÉ GÉOLOGIQUE SUISSE. ÉCOLE D'AILANTICULTURE ANNEXÉE A LA FERME IMPÉRIALE DE VINCENNES. See VINCENNES.


See FRANCE.-Ministère de l'Instruction Publique, &c.









EDHOLM (ERICUS) Reformandæ Pharmacopoe Svecicæ specimen septimum quod . . . p.p. E. Edholm, &c. See THUNBERG (C. P.) 4o. [1807.] EDHOLM (OSCAR ESBJÖRN) Conspectus Vegetationis Lapponia p.p. O. E. Edholm, &c. See ANDERSON (N. J.) 8o. 1846. EDINBURGH.-International Fisheries Exhibition, 1882. Mr. O. Dickson's Swedish Collection. pp. 28. 4o. Gothenburg, 1882. EDINBURGH.-International Forestry Exhibition, 1884. Official Catalogue. (Second edition.) pp. 111: 1 map, 1 plan. 80. Edinburgh [1884].

The "second edition" is marked on the wrapper only.

Edinburgh. International Forestry Exhibition, 1884. Catalogue of the Indian Exhibits. pp. 116.

80. Edinburgh, 1884.

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T. Berwick.

III. On the formation and management of Plantations, &c.D. Stalker.

R. E. Hodson.

v. The afforesting of waste land in Aberdeenshire, &c.-T. Milne. VI. The culture of Trees on the margin of streams and lochs in Scotland, &c.-E. Maclean.


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ÉCORCHARD (JEAN MARIE) Spécimen d'une Flore, projet d'embellissement du Jardin des Plantes de Nantes. pp. 32. 8°. Nantes, 1841.

Écorchard (J. M.) Histoire du Jardin des Plantes de Nantes, &c. pp. 66: 1 map. 8o. Nantes, 1855.

ECUADOR. [Maps.] Carta geográfica del Ecuador por... T. Wolf, &c. Escala 1: 445,000 [1 in. = 7 m. about]. 6 sh. Leipzig, 1892.

This map is accompanied by a work entitled :-" Geografía y Geología del Ecuador . . . por T. Wolf" [q.v.]

EDELSTEINE. Anleitung zur Kenntniss der Edelsteine, &c. See ANLEITUNG. 8o. 1816.

EDEN (CHARLES HENRY) Journey across the western interior of Australia . . . With an introduction and additions by C. H. Eden, &c. See WARBURTON (P. E.)

8°. 1875. EDGEWORTH (MICHAEL PAKENHAM) [1812-1881] Catalogue of Plants found in the Banda district, 1847–49. pp. 60. 8o. [Calcutta, 1852.]

Journ. Asiatic Soc. Bengal. Vol. XXI.

Edgeworth (M. P.) [Pollen.

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VII. Economical Pine Planting, with remarks on Pine nurseries, and on Insects and Fungi destructive to Pines.-D. Cannon. VIII. Notes on the various methods of producing and harvesting Cinchona Bark.-J. Alexander.

IX. Note on the Vegetation of Western Australia.-A. M. Robertson.

x. The formation and management of Eucalyptus Plantations.E. J. C. Brace.

XI. The present and prospective sources of the timber supplies of Great Britain and Ireland.-R. Carrick.

XII. On the best method of maintaining the supply of Teak, &c.— W. T. Oldrieve.

[ocr errors][ocr errors][merged small][ocr errors][ocr errors][ocr errors][ocr errors][merged small][merged small][merged small][ocr errors][ocr errors]

XIX. Preparation of Wood-Pulp by the Soda process.-T. A. Reid.
XX. Report on Wood-Pulp processes.-C. F. Cross and E. J. Bevan.
XXI. Lacquer (Urushi). Description, cultivation and treatment
of the Tree, the chemistry of its juice and its industrial
applications.-Hikorokuro Yoshida.

EDINBURGH.-Museum of Science and Art.
EDINBURGH.-Royal Botanic Garden. [Founded 1670.]
Hortus Medicus Edinburgensis, &c. See SUTHER-

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

EDINBURGH. Society of Improvers in the
Knowledge of Agriculture in Scotland.

EDINBURGH.-University. [Founded 1582.]
The... Calendar, &c. 1888-89⇒ 8°. Edinburgh, 1888→
Termini Botanici in usum juventutis Academicæ
Edinensis, &c. [By J. Hope.] pp. 39: 5 pls.
8o. Edinburgi, 1778.

Directions for the examination of Amaba, Paramecium,
Vorticella, Hydra, Lumbricus, Hirudo, Asterias and
Echinus. By J. C. Ewart and J. D. Matthews. pp. 34.
4o. Edinburgh, 1884.

Printed on one side of the paper only.
Edinburgh. University.

Notes on Reactions of Salts and scheme for the examination of a solution of a single Salt, &c. pp. 48. 8°. Edinburgh, 1893.

Pp. 1-35 are printed upon one side of the paper only. EDINBURGH. Wernerian Natural History Society. See WERNERIAN NATURAL HISTORY SOCIETY. EDINBURGH ENCYCLOPÆDIA, The. See BREWSTER (Sir D.)


[1869 Founded as Edinburgh Naturalists' Field Club.

1886 Edinburgh Field Naturalists and Microscopical Society.] Transactions, &c. Vol. I→


8°. [Edinburgh,] 1882→ EDINBURGH GEOLOGICAL SOCIETY. [Founded 1834.]

Transactions, &c. Vol. I→ 8. Edinburgh, 1868-> EDINBURGH JOURNAL OF NATURAL AND GEOGRAPHICAL SCIENCE, The. Under the direction of W. Ainsworth . . . and H. H. Cheek, &c. Vol. I-III.† (Dec. 1830-June 1831).

8°. Edinburgh, &c., 1830-31. Vol. III is described in the prospectus as "New Series," and is conducted by H. H. Cheek alone.


Catalogue of Mineral Collection. pp. v, 74.


EDINBURGH JOURNAL OF HISTORY, AND OF THE PHYSICAL SCIENCES, The. Conducted by W. Macgillivray, &c. (The Animal Kingdom of the Baron Cuvier adapted to the present state of Zoological Science, &c.) Vol. I & II. fol. Edinburgh, &c. (1835-) 1839-40.

EDINBURGH JOURNAL OF SCIENCE, The, (exhibiting a view of the progress of discovery in natural philosophy, chemistry, mineralogy, geology, botany, zoology, comparative anatomy... and the fine and useful arts). Conducted by D. Brewster. Vol. I-X. 8°. Edinburgh & London, 1824-29.

New Series, Vol. I-VI.

8°. Edinburgh, London & Dublin, 1829–32.

At this point it was united with the "Philosophical Magazine" to form the "London and Edinburgh Philosophical Magazine," for which See LONDON, EDINBURGH AND DUBLIN PHILOSOPHICAL MAGAZINE.

8o. Edinburgh, 1870.

[merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small]

Edinburgh Museum of Science and Art. Guide to Gallery containing Geological Survey and other collections illustrative of Scottish Geology and Mineralogy. pp. 16 : 1 plan. 8°. Edinburgh, 1892.

[Another edition entitled:] Guide to the collections illustrative of Scottish Geology and Mineralogy. Pt. I. Collection of the Geological Survey. Third edition. pp. 31: 1 plan. 8o. Edinburgh, 1897.

Edinburgh Museum of Science and Art. List of Books, &c., relating to Botany and Forestry . . . in the Library of the Museum. pp. iv, 199.

8°. Edinburgh, 1897. Edinburgh Museum of Science and Art. General Catalogue of the Books in the Library of the Museum. Second edition. pp. 434.

8. Glasgow [& Edinburgh], 1899.


EDINBURGH NEW PHILOSOPHICAL JOURNAL. The Edinburgh Philosophical Journal, exhibiting a view of the progress of discovery in Natural Philosophy, Chemistry, Natural History Conducted by Dr. Brewster and Prof. Jameson, &c. Vol. I-XIV. 8o. Edinburgh & London, 1819-26. [Vol. XI-XIV conducted by Prof. Jameson alone.] [Continued as:]

The Edinburgh New Philosophical Journal, exhibiting a view of the progressive improvements and discoveries in the Sciences and the Arts. Conducted by R. Jameson ([and afterwards, Vol. LVII, by] L. Jameson), &c. Vol. I-LVII. 8°. Edinburgh & London, 1826-54.

[blocks in formation]

EDMONDS (CHARLES) The Ladies' Companion to Eighth edition . . . corrected the Flower-Garden by C. Edmonds. See LOUDON (J.) Mrs.

8o. 1865.

EDMONDS (HENRY) Elementary Botany, theoretical and practical, &c. pp. 207: text illust. 8°. London, 1882.

EDMONDS (RICHARD) [1801-1886] The Land's End district its antiquities, natural history, &c. pp. [iv,] 8°. London, 1862. 270: 6 pls., 1 map, text illust. EDMONDSTON (THOMAS) [1825-1846] A Flora of Shetland; comprehending a list of the Flowering and Cryptogamic Plants of the Shetland Islands, with remarks on their topography, geology and climate, &c. 8°. Aberdeen, 1845. Pp. xxvii, 67.

Edmondston (T.) The young Shetlander . . . being
Edited by his
Life and Letters of T. Edmondston
8. Edinburgh, 1868.
mother. pp. xv, 329.

Edmondston (T.) Flora Shetlandica
November 1837.


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Pt. II.




[blocks in formation]

II. Familias See São Boletim, 8o. 1897.

De Rosis Svecanis ten4o. 1813.

tamen undecimum, &c. See AFZELIUS (A.)


EDWARDS (ALPHONSE MILNE) [1835-1900] Histoire des Crustacés Podophthalmaires fossiles . . graphies des Portuniens et des Thalassiniens. pp. 222, 4°. Paris, 1861. v, iv, 1 tab.: 16 pls. Reprinted on large paper from "Ann. Sci. Nat. Zool.," Sér. IV, tom. XIV.

Histoire des Crustacés Edwards (ALPHONSE M.) Podophthalmaires fossiles. Tom. 1.† pp. 390: 48 pls. 4°. Paris, 1861-65.

1. Remarques sur des ossements du Dronte (Didus)

Tom. XIX, 1873 (1874).

ineptus) nouvellement recueillis à l'Île Maurice. Tom. v, 1866. Par A. M. Edwards.

Edwards (ALPHONSE M.) Recherches anatomiques et paléontologiques pour servir à l'histoire des Oiseaux fossiles de la France. Text & Atlas. 4 Vol.

4°. Paris, 1867–71. Edwards (ALPHONSE M.) Observations sur l'Hippopotame de Liberia et des Études sur la Faune de la See EDWARDS (H. M.) Chine et du Tibet oriental. Recherches servir à l'histoire naturelle des Mampour 4o. 1868-74. mifères, &c. Edwards (ALPHONSE M.) See ANNALES DES SCIENCES GÉOLOGIQUES, publiées sous la direction de . . . M. A. Milne Edwards . pour la partie paléontologique. Tom. I-XXII.

8o. 1869-91.

... sur une nouvelle Edwards (ALPHONSE M.) Note espèce de Crustacé aquatique [Sphæroma priscum] découvert à Sézanne. See PARIS. SOCIÉTÉ GÉOLOGIQUE Mémoires, &c. Sér. II, tom. VIII, no. 3. 4o. 1868.

[ocr errors]

163-218: pls. 1-X.

1860. Reprinted on large paper from the "Ann. Sci. Nat. Zool.," as follows:Annales, Sér. IV, tom. xiv. pp. 1-162, v pls. 1-x. [Wanting the Table.] 1862. Annales, Sér. IV, tom. XVIII. [With 4 extra plates, vII bis, vIII bis, XI & XII.] 1863. Annales, Sér. IV, tom. XX. 1864. Sér. V, tom. ,, 219-270: pls. XIII-xx. 271-324: pls. XXI-XXVII. [Partly reset.] Annales, Sér. V, tom. III. 325-385: pls. XXVIII-XXXVI.



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Edwards (ALPHONSE M.) Note sur la disposition du
Placenta chez le Chevrotain Meminna. 1 p.
Sér. V, tom. XIII, no. 6.


See AN


8o. 1870.

[Another issue.] See FRANCE.-Ministère de l'Instruction Publique. Bibliothèque de l'École des Hautes 8o. 1870. Etudes, &c. Tom. II, no 4 bis.

Edwards (ALPHONSE M.) fères du Thibet oriental. SCIENCES NATURELLES, &c. no. 10.

Note sur quelques Mammi1 p. See ANNALES DES Zoologie. Sér. V, tom. XIII, 8o. 1870.

[Another issue.] See FRANCE.-Ministère de l'Instruction Publique. Bibliothèque de l'École des Hautes 8o. 1870. Etudes, &c. Tom. II, no. 3 bis.

Edwards (ALPHONSE M.) Observations sur la Faune Ornithologique du Bourbonnais pendant la période Tertiaire moyenne. pp. 6. See ANNALES DES SCIENCES 8o. 1870. GÉOLOGIQUES, &c. Tom. II, no. 2.

8o. 1870.

[Another issue.] See FRANCE.-Ministère de l'Instruction Publique. Bibliothèque de l'École des Hautes Études, &c. Tom. III, no. 3. Observations sur les Edwards (ALPHONSE M.) Animaux qui habitaient la Sibérie à l'époque du remplissage des cavernes de l'Inga et du Tscharysch. pp. 4. See ANNALES DES SCIENCES GÉOLOGIQUES, &c. 8o. 1870. Tom. II, no. 6,

« VorigeDoorgaan »