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" And God said, Let the earth bring forth the living creature after his kind, cattle, and creeping thing, and beast of the earth after his kind: and it was so. "
Educational Pamphlets 61: History of Education in America]. - Pagina 48
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An abstract of the historical part of the Old Testament [by E ..., Volume 1

Edward Harley - 1735 - 764 pagina’s
...npou the Fowls of the Mountains : and the wild Beads of the Field are mine. 24 And GOD faid, Let the Earth bring forth the living Creature after his kind, Cattle and creeping Things, and Beaft of the Earth after his kind : and it was fo. ^$ And GOD made the Beaft of the Earth...
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The State of Innocence, and the Fall of Man

John Milton - 1745 - 484 pagina’s
...THE fixth and laft Day of the Creation arofe with Evening and Morning Song; when GOD laid, let the Earth bring forth the living Creature after his Kind, Cattle, and creeping Thing5, and Beafts of the Earth, each in their Kind! the Earth obey'd, and. ftrait opening her fruitful...
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The state of innocence: and fall of man, described in Milton's Paradise lost ...

Nicolas François Dupré de Saint-Maur - 1745 - 504 pagina’s
...fixth and laft Day of the Creation arofe with Evening and Morning Song •, when GOD laid, let the Earth bring forth the living Creature after his Kind, Cattle, and creeping Things, and Beafts of the Earth, each in their Kind! the Earth obey'd, and ftrait opening her fruitful...
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Miscellaneous Works, Volume 1

John Hildrop - 1754 - 308 pagina’s
...Reptiles, as produced out of the Earth, were the Work of the Fifth Day, ver.- 24. And God faid, Let the Earth bring forth the living Creature after his Kind, Cattle, and creeping Thing, and Beajl of the Earth after his Kind, and it was jb. And God made the Beaft of the Earth after his Kind.,...
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Milton's Paradise Lost; Or, The Fall of Man: With Historical, Philosophical ...

John Milton - 1754 - 482 pagina’s
...THE fixth and laft Day of the Creation arofe with Evening and Morning Song ; when God faid, Let the Earth bring forth the living Creature after his Kind, Cattle,, and creeping Things, and Beafts of the Earth, each in their Kind ! the Earth obeyed, and ftrait opening her fruitful...
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The Miscellaneous Works of John Hildrop, Volume 1

John Hildrop - 1754 - 318 pagina’s
...Reptiles, as produced out of the Earth, were the Work of the Fifth Day, ver. 24. And God faid, Let the Earth bring forth the living Creature after his Kind, Cattle, and creeping Tbingj and Bea/t of the Earth after his Kind, and it was fe. And God made the Beajl of the Earth after...
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Two Treatises of Government: By Iohn Locke

John Locke - 1764 - 440 pagina’s
...creates the irrational inhabitants of the dry land, which, v. 24. are defcribed in thefe words, let the earth bring forth the living creature after his kind ; cattle and creeping , things, and beajls of the earth, after bis kind, . and, v. 2. and God made the beajls of the earth...
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A Dissertation on the Duty of Mercy and Sin of Cruely to Brute Animals

Humphrey Primatt - 1776 - 354 pagina’s
...and well adapted to their proper Elements ; and GOD bleffed them. Again, (ver. 24.) GOD faid, Let the Earth bring forth the LIVING CREATURE after his kind,...and BEAST of the Earth after his kind ; and it 'was fo ; that is, // was fo that the ch. ii. 19. and therefore, it is mod likely it was part of the fubftance...
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The Arminian Magazine: Consisting of Extracts and Original ..., Volume 6

John Wesley - 1783 - 796 pagina’s
...reptiles produced out of the earth, were the work of the fifth day, ver. 24. And God faid. Let the earth bring forth the living creature after his kind, cattle and creeping thing, and beaft of the earth aJur his kind : and it was fo. And God made the beaft of the earth after his kind,...
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A Course of Physico-theological Lectures Upon the State of the World, from ...

Robert Miln - 1786 - 438 pagina’s
...remarkably prolific ; and flying and fwimming are pretty fjmilar. Gn the SIXTH DAY, God faid, Let tie earth bring forth the living creature after his kind, cattle and creeping thing and beqft of the earth after bis kind: and it was fo. It would appear from this defcription, that Mofes...
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