
8vo. sd. 9s

HENRY G. BOHN, YORK was first executed by Tiraboschi, a Jesuit born at Bergamo, and in his later years, librarian to the Duke of Modena. It descends to the close of the seventeenth century. In full and clear exposition, in minute and exact investigation of facts, Tiraboschi has few superiors; and such is his good sense in criticism, that we must regret the sparing use he has made of it."-Hallam. TODERINI della Letteratura Turchesca, 3 vols. 8vo. sd. 12s "Full of curious matter."-Dibdin. Venezia, 1787 is divided into three general parts; the first of which "His work treats of the studies of the Turks; the second, of their libraries and academies; and the third, of their typography. This work is scarce and dear in this country." TORRENTINO, Annali della Tipografia Fiorentina, Horne. the same, 8vo. hf. bd. morocco, uncut, top edges Firenze, 1819 gilt, 12s TOWNLEY'S (Dr. James) Illustrations of Biblical ib. 1819 Literature, exhibiting the History and Fate of the Sacred Writings, from the earliest period to the present century; including Biographical Notices of Translators, and other eminent Biblical Scholars, 3 vols. 8vo. plates, (pub. at £2. 2s) bds. £1. 7s "These volumes afford a more comprehensive view 1821 of the progress of biblical translations, and of the literary and ecclesiastical history of the Holy Scriptures, than is to be found in any other work. As a bibliographical and biographical work connected with the Scriptures, it is most valuable."-Lowndes. Introduction to the Literary History of the Bible; second edition, 12mo. bds. 6s Transactions of the Iberno-Celtic Society for 1828 1820; containing an Account of nearly Four Hundred Irish Writers, from the earliest Times to the year 1750, by E. O'Reilly, 4to. bds. 12s TRANSACTIONS of Learned Societies-See page 314. Dublin, 1820 TROMBELLI Arte di conoscere l'Età de' Codici Latini e Italiana, 4to. plutes, sd. 5s Bologna, 1778 TROUBADOURS, Histoire des See Sainte-Palaye —


TYPOGRAPHY-See Bodoni-Cotton-Dibdin-Gessner

-Hansard-Johnson-Lambinet Luckombe
Printing-Recherches-Savage - Schoepflin


UPCOTT'S Bibliographical Account of the principal Works relating to English Topography, 3 vols. 8vo. hds. scarce, £2. 18s

the same, 3 vols. 8vo. calf extra, gilt edges, 1818 £3. 5s the same, 1818 vols. in 1, 8vo. hf. bd. russia, £2. 5s VAN PRAET, Catalogue des Livres imprimés sur 1818 Vélin de la Bibliothèque du Roi, 5 vols. in 4, 8vo. (complete, with general Index) sd. £1. 5s la même, 5 vols. in 4-Catalogue des Livres Paris, 1822 imprimés sur Vélin qui se trouvent dans des Bibliothèques tant publiques que particulières, 3 vols. 8vo. (with Index)-together 8 vols. in 7, 8vo. uncut, £2.8s

ib. 1824-28

"L'importance et la grande valeur des livres décrits, l'exactitude rigoureuse des descriptions, et les anecdotes intéressantes que le savant rédacteur a su y répandre, nous font regarder ce catalogue comme un des plus curieux qui existent."-Brunet. VENTOUILLAC'S French Librarian, or Literary

Guide, pointing out the best Works of the principal Writers of France in every branch of Literature, with Criticisms, personal Anecdotes, and Bibliographical Notices, 8vo. (pub. at 18s) bds. 9s London, 1829

STREET, COVENT GARDEN. VILLANUEVA Hugalde y Parra, Origen, Epocas y Progresos del Teatro Español; al que acom paña un Resumen de los Expectáculos, Fiestas y Recreaciones, sm. 4to. plates, sd. 9s VILLEMAIN, Cours de Littérature Française Madrid, 1802 Vol. I. II. Litterature du Moyen Age: IIL Tableau du XVIIIme siècle: V. Examen des Ouvrages de Thompson, Young, Hume, Robertson, Gibbon, Ossian, etc.-5 vols. 8vo. sd. 16s Brur. 1828-30 le même, nouvelle édition, par Silvestre de Sacy et Saint-Beuve, impl. 8vo. sd. 14s

Tableau du XVIIIme. siècle, 2 vols.-Examen ib. 1840 des Ouvrages de Thompson, Young, etc. 1 vol. VOGT Catalogus Historico-criticus Librorum rari-3 vols. 8vo. calf gilt, 9s Paris, 1828-29 orum, thick 12mo. (950 pp.) fifth and best edition, bds. 9s

the same, hf. bd. neat, 10s

Francof. 1793

ib. 1793

"Vogt's amusing work is a great favourite with me. His plan and the execution of it are at once clear and concise."-Dibdin.

VOLPI, Annali della Tipografia Volpi-Cominiana,
colle Notizie intorno la vita e gli studi de'
Fratelli Volpi, 8vo. portrait and plate, neat in
calf, (Grenville copy), 7s
VOSSIUS de Historicis Latinis, 2 vols. in 1, 4to.
Padova, 1809
vellum, 5s
idem et ejusdem de Historicis Græcis Libri IV.
Francof. 1677
2 vols. 4to. neat in French calf, 16s

VOYAGES AND TRAVELS, Bibliography of - See
L. Bat. 1651
Adelung-Asher Boucher-Camus-Forster—

Lenglet-Pinelo-Stevenson-Murray and Pin-
kerton (English Books).

WACHLER'S Geschichte der historischen Forschung
und Kunst, 4 vols. 8vo. hf. bd, calf, £1. 1s
Gött. 1812-20

"A few years after the appearance of the first volumes
of Andrés, some of the most eminent among the learned
of Germany projected a universal history of modern arts
and sciences on a much larger scale.
province, out of eleven, was deemed sufficient for the
Each single
labours of one man, if they were to be minute and ex-
haustive of the subject: among others Bouterwek
undertook Poetry and Polite Letters; Buhle speculative
Philosophy; Kästner the Mathematical Sciences;
Sprengel Anatomy and Medicine; Heeren classical
Philology. The general survey of the whole seems to
have been assigned to Eichhorn. So vast a scheme was
not fully executed; but we owe to it some standard
works, to which I have been considerably indebted."

Lehrbuch der Litteratur-Geschichte, 8vo. cloth
bds. lettered on leather, 9s
Leip. 1827

A rapid and able survey of Literature in general, with
WALCHII (J. G.) Bibliotheca Patristica, litterariis
copious lists of writers, classed.
Adnotationibus instructa, editio nova, aucta et
emendata ab J. L. Danzio, 8vo. bas. 14s

Jena, 1834

"With respect to the Fathers in general," says Prof. Marsh," the most information, comprised in a small compass, is afforded in the Bibliotheca Patristica of Walch. It relates to the Lives, the Writings, the Editions, and the various Uses of the Fathers, and likewise enumerates the authors who have explained the particular subjects of enquiry."

Lectures, Pt. 2, p. 64.

WALCHII Bibliotheca Theologica Selecta, litterariis | WINTER'S Literärgeschichte der Deutschen Adnotationibus instructa, 4 thick vols. 8vo. hf. Sprach-, Dicht-und Redekunst, 8vo. second edibd. calf, £1. 16s Jena, 1757-65 tion, sd. 6s Leipzig, 1829 An invaluable analysis of all the principal theological WOLFIÍ (J. C.) Monumenta Typographica, qua works ever published, especially those of Germany. Artis hujus præstantissimæ Originem laudem Mr. Horne is largely indebted to this work in the bibliographical department of his 'Introduction to the et abusum posteris produnt, 2 vols. thick 12mo. critical study and knowledge of the Scriptures.' neat, 12s Hamb. 1740 WALKER'S Memoir on Italian Tragedy and its Writers -See English Books.

[blocks in formation]

the same, 3 vols. 8vo.hf. bd. russia, £1.10s 1822 the same, 3 vols. 8vo. calf gilt, £1. 10s 1822 WARMHOLTZ (C. G.) Bibliotheca historica

Sueo-Gothica (Historic Library of Sweden, or Indication of Works, both printed and MS. relative to the History of Sweden, with critical notices, continued by Aurivillius, in Swedish) 15 vols. 8vo. sd. £3. 3s Stockh. 1782-1817 WARTON'S (Thos.) History of English Poetry, from the close of the Eleventh to the Commencement of the Eighteenth Century. To which are prefixed three Dissertations: 1. On the Origin of Romantic Fiction in Europe. 2. On the Introduction of Learning into England.-3. On the Gesta Romanorum. 4 vols 4to. including the Fragment of Vol. 4, Ritson's Observations, and a few MS. Notes by W. Herbert, the editor of Ames, hf. bd. calf, £1. 16s 1775-1806

the same with the Fragment of Vol. IV., Ritson's Observations, and Indices, 4 vols. in 3, 4to. with numerous MS. Notes and Insertions, by Thomas Park, hf. bd. russia, uncut, £2. 12s 6d 1775-1806 the same, with the Fragment of Vol. IV., Ritson's Observations, the Indices, and Warton's Specimen of a History of Oxfordshire (1783), 4 vols. 4to. fine copy in old russia, but the Supplementary volume in calf, not uniform, £2.2s 1775-1806

the same, with the Fragment of Vol. IV. Ritson's Observations, and the Indices, 4 vols. 4to. very fine copy in russia, by Kalthoeber, £3.3s 1775-1806


the same, new edition, 4 vols. 8vo. calf extra, marbled edges, £1. 18s 1824 the same, new edition, by Richard Taylor, 3 vols. 8vo. (pub. at £1. 16s) cloth, £1. 5s WATT'S BIBLIOTHECA BRITANNICA, OR GENERAL INDEX TO BRITISH AND FOREIGN LITERATURE, 4 vols. in 2, 4to. calf, £7. Edinburgh, 1824 the same, 4 vols. 4to. calf gilt, £8. 8s ib. 1824 This work is of the highest utility. Vol. I. and II. contain a complete Catalogue of Authors and their Works, their various editions, sizes, and prices. Vol. III. and IV. constitute an Index or Key to all that has been written on every subject. It was published at £11. 11s. in boards.

WILSON'S History of Dissenting Churches-See English Books.

"This work contains a numerous and pleasing collection of dissertations concerning the time, place, and real invention of printing. The nature and extent of the work will always render it valuable to the Bibliographer. There are more curious tracts in it than are generally supposed."-Dibdin.

Bibliotheca Hebræa, sive Notitia tum Auctorum Hebræorum cujuscumque ætatis, tum Scriptorum, quæ vel Hebraice primum exarata vel ab aliis conversa sunt, 4 vols. 4to. old culf, £2.5s Hamburgi, 1715-33 WOOD'S (Anthony a) Athenæ Oxonienses, an exact History of all the Writers and Bishops educated at Oxford, with additions and a continuation by Bliss, 4 vols. royal 4to. (pub. at £15. 15s) bds. £7. 17s 6d


[blocks in formation]

XIVREY (J. B. de) Recherches sur les Sources

antiques de la Littérature Française, impl. 8vo. LARGE VELLUM PAPER, sd. 10s 6d Paris, 1829 ZELTNERI (J. C.) Theatrum Virorum Eruditorum qui speciatim Typographiis laudabilem Operam præstiterunt, portrait, Norimb. 1720Schiade (A.) Arcana Bibliothecæ Synodalis et Typographica Moscuensis Sacra, Lips. 1724— 2 vols. in 1, thick 12mo. hf. bd. vellum, 10s 6d Zeltner's work contains the lives of learned printers and correctors of the press among them, Paul Manucci (13 pages), Miles Coverdale, Junta, Plantin, Scapula, Froben, Opsopæus, etc. ZENKER Bibliotheca Orientalis. Manuel de Bibliographie Orientale (Livres Persanes, Arabes et Turcs), 8vo. sd. 10s 6d Lipsia, 1846 ZORNII (P.) Historia Bibliorum Manualium, Lips. 1738-Ejusdem Historia Bibliorum ex Ebræorum diebus festis et jejuniis illustrata, ib. 1741 -Ejusdem Historia Bibliorum Pictorum ex Antiquitatibus Ebræorum et Christianorum illustrata, ib. 1743-4to. bds. 15s

Historia Bibliorum Pictorum ex Antiquitatibus Ebræorum et Christianorum illustrata, Lips. 1743-Borok (F. G. de) de Intercessione Jesu Christi pro obligationibus universi Generis humani, 4to. sd. 7s 6d Hale, 1742


Reviews and Literary Journals.


AIKIN'S (A.) Annual Review and History of Li-, terature; from the commencement in 1802 to the finish in 1808, 7 very thick vols. 8vo. (all published) bds. £1.8s 1803-9 AINSWORTH'S MAGAZINE, from the commencement in February 1842 to June 1845, 4 vols. 8vo. hf. bd calf, and 17 Nos. £1.11s 6d Still in progress, published at 28 6d per number. ALBUM (The), from April 1822-23, 4 vols. 8vo. hf. bd. calf, 12s 1822-23 AMERICAN REVIEW of History and Politics, and General Repository of Literature and State Papers, 4 vols. 8vo. neat, 16s

Philadelphia, 1811-12 AMERICAN QUARTERLY REVIEW, from March 1827 to December 1834, 32 parts, (all published) sd. £4. 4s ib. 1827-34

the same, to 1828, 8 parts, 8vo. sd. 16s
ib. 1827-28

ANALYTICAL REVIEW, or History of Literature, Domestic and Foreign, from the commencement in May 1788, to Dec. 1798, inclusive, 28 vols.-New Series, Jan. to June, 1799,

1 vol.-together 29 vols. 8vo. (all published) neatly hf. bd. £2. 12s 6d 1788-99 ANTI-JACOBIN REVIEW and Magazine; or Monthly Political and Literary Censor, from July 1798 to the conclusion in December 1821, together with Graham's History of Ireland, 62 vols. 8vo. with numerous large caricatures, by Gilray and others, hf. bd. russia, £8. 8s


ANTI-JACOBIN, or Weekly Examiner, vols. 8vo. Sir James Mackintosh's copy, with a note and the initials of the authors of the poetry, and some prose pieces in his autograph from Mr. Canning's copy, calf gilt 1799 ARCHEOLOGIA, and Archæological Journals - See English Books. ASIATIC JOURNAL, and Monthly Register for British India and its Dependencies, from the commencement in 1816 to the completion in May 1845, 59 vols. 8vo. of which 40 vols. are hf. bd. russia, the remainder in numbers, £5. 5s


From Jan. 1816 to May 1845; in all three series.
the same, to June 1841, 51 vols. 8vo. of which
27 are half bound russia, the remainder in cloth,

the same, to April 1838, 54 vols. 8vo. bds. £3.3s ATHENÆUM Journal of Literature, Science, and the Fine Arts, from the commencement in 1828, to December 1846, 19 vols. 4to. hf. bd. calf, £10. 10s ATHENÆUM; a Magazine of Literary and Miscellaneous Information, conducted by Dr. Aikin, 5 vols. 8vo. elegantly half calf gilt, marbled edges, £1.58 1807-9

[ocr errors]

BENTLEY'S MISCELLANY, from its commencement in Jan. 1837 to end of 1846, 120 parte, forming 20 vols. 8vo. (pub. at £15.) £6. 6s BIBLIOTHECA LITERARIA, being a Collection of Inscriptions, Medals, Dissertations, etc. 10 parts, in 1 vol. 4to. bds. 10s 6d 1722-24 the same, 4to. new, calf gilt, 18s "Published by Dr. Jebb, Mr. Wasse, Dr. Wotton, Dr. Jortin, Dr. Pearce, and others. I consider this to be one of the most valuable literary journals I have; and in consequence of the opinion which the public have of it, it has long been a very scarce and dear book." -Parkes (in Journal of the Royal Inst. XXVI) See also Bibliomania, 68.

BLACKWOOD'S EDINBURGH MAGAZINE, from the commencement in April 1817, to December 1845, 58 vols. 8vo. very neatly hf. bd. calf, uniform, £14. 14s

the same, from the commencement to December 1841, 50 vols. 8vo. calf gilt, £10. 10s BRANDE'S Journal of Science, from its commencement in 1816 to 1831 (1st Series in 44 nos.2nd Series, 14 nos. and 3rd Series, or Journal of the Royal Institution, 5 nos.) — in BREWSTER'S Quarterly Journal of Science, First all 63 nos. complete, £5. 5s

[ocr errors]

Series 20 nos., and Second Series 12 nos.-in all 32 nos. complete, (pub. at £12.) £5. 1825-32 BRITISH CRITIC, from the commencement in May 1793, to December 1813, 42 vols. — General Indexes, 2 vols.-New (or Second) Series, from Jan. 1814, to June 1825, 23 vols.— Third Series, (published quarterly) from Oct. 1825, to Oct. 1826, 3 vols. in 2-Quarterly Theological Review and Ecclesiastical Record, from Dec. 1824, to Sept. 1826, 4 vols. — British Critic, Quarterly Theological Review and Ecclesiastical Record, from Jan. 1827, to December 1843-in all 103 vols. 8vo. uniformly hf. bd. russia, neat, £15. 15s

The British Critic became merged in the Quarterly Theological Review, and Ecclesiastical Record in Jan. 1827. The present complete set has both publications during the time they were separate, viz. from Dec. 1824 to Sept. 1826.

BRITISH CRITIC, New (or Second) Series, from the commencement in Jan. 1814, to June 1825, 23 vols. Third Series (published quarterly) from Oct. 1825, to Oct. 1826, 3 vols.-British Critic, Quarterly Theological Review, and Ecclesiastical Record, from Jan. 1827, to Jan. 1836-in all 44 vols. 8vo. of which 26 are neatly half bound calf, 16 in cloth boards, lettered, and 5 Nos. £5. 5s

BRITISH QUARTERLY REVIEW, edited by Dr. Vaughan, from its commencement in Feb. 1845 to April, 1847, 10 nos. 8vo. (pub. at £3.)

£1. 10s

Still in progress, published at 6s.

BRITISH MAGAZINE, and Monthly Register of | ECLECTIC REVIEW, from the commencement in

Religious and Ecclesiastical Information, from the commencement Jan. 1832,to the end of 1846, 181 nos. 8vo. (pub. at £18. 2s) sd. £5. 5s 1832-46

BRITISH REVIEW, and London Critical Journal, from its commencement in 1811, to its close in 1825, 50 parts in 23 vols. (pub. at £10. unbound) hf. bd. calf gilt, £3. 13s 6d

the same, bound in 12 vols. hf. calf gilt, new, £3. 13s 6d

BRITISH AND FOREIGN QUARTERLY REVIEW, from the commencement in 1835, to the end of 1844, complete in 35 parts, 8vo. (pub. at £10. 10s) £4, 4s

CAMBRO-BRITON (The), from September 1819,

to June 1822, 3 vols.-Cambrian Quarterly Magazine and Celtic Repertory, from January 1829, to October 1831, 3 vols. in 12 parts, -Together £2. 2s

CHRISTIAN OBSERVER, from the commencement in January 1802, to December 1836, 35 vols. 8vo. hf. bd. £3. 10s

Still in progress, published monthly at 18 6d per


CHRISTIAN REMEMBRANCER,or the Churchman's Biblical, Ecclesiastical, and Literary Miscellany, from the commencement in 1819, to December 1840, 22 vols.-New Series, from January 1841, to December 1846, 6 vols.together 28 vols. 8vo. £5. 5s

Still in progress, published at 68 per number quarterly.

d CHRISTIAN'S MONTHLY MAGAZINE, an Universal Review, from the commencement in January 1844, to its termination in June 1846, 5 vols. 8vo. neatly hf. bd. calf, (pub. at £3. 15s)


CHURCH OF ENGLAND MAGAZINE, from the commencement in June 1836, to the end of 1846, 126 parts, 8vo. £3. 3s


OF ENGLAND (QUARTERLY) REVIEW, from the commencement in 1837, to the end of 1846, 44 parts, 8vo. (pub. at £13. 4s) sd. £5.


Jan. 1805, to Dec. 1813, 18 vols.- New Series,
1814, to Dec. 1828, 30 vols.-Third Series,
1829, to Dec. 1836, 16 vols.-Fourth Series,
1837, 2 vols.-together 66 vols. 8vo. very
neatly hf. bd. uniform, £6.6s

This review is still in progress, and the latter portions
are procurable at about half-price.

EDINBURGH MAGAZINE, or Literary Miscellany; from the commencement in 1785, to 1792, 16 vols. (wanting Part 2 of 1789)-New Series, 1793, to 1812, 40 vols.-together 55 vols. 8vo. old half binding, uncut, £3. 3s EDINBURGH MEDICAL AND SURGICAL JOURNAL, from its commencement in 1805 to the end of 1846, 66 vols. 8vo. £12.

EDINBURGH REVIEW, from the commencement in Oct. 1802, to Jan. 1845, 80 vols.Indexes, 2 vols.-together 82 vols. 8vo. 65 of which are hf. bd. russia, the remainder in parts, £12. 12s

the same, from the commencement in Oct. 1802, to January 1845, 80 vols.-Indexes, 2 vols.together 82 vols. 8vo. 69 of which are hf. od. calf, £12. 12s

the same, from the commencement to January 1837, 64 vols.-Indexes, 1 vol.-together 65 vols. 8vo. hf. bd. calf, £7.7s

the same, from the commencement in October
1802, to January 1821, 37 vols.-Index,
1 vol.-together 38 vols. 8vo. 21 of which are
very neatly hf. bd. russia, £4. 4s

commencement in Jan. 1819, to June 1821,
5 vols.-New Edinburgh Review, from July
1821, to October 1823, 5 vols.-together 10
vols. 8vo. hf. bd. £1. 11s 6d
EDINBURGH REVIEW (NEW), Vols. 1 and 2,
being from July 1821, to April 1822, 2 vols.
8vo. hf. bd. calf, 8s

(Edited by Jamieson and Brewster, published
Quarterly), 14 vols. in 28 Nos. £2. 2s 1820-26
(NEW), (Edited by Jamieson), published Quar-
terly, from its commencement in 1827, to the
end of 1846, 82 parts in 41 vols. hf. bd. calf,
£18. 18s

COLONIAL MAGAZINE, (Fisher's), in 3 Series ENGLISH REVIEW, or an Abstract of English

or 64 nos. 1840 to 1845, £2.2s


from its commencement in Jan. 1818, to end of
1846, 29 vols. 8vo. £6. 6s

CRITICAL REVIEW, from its commencement in
1756, to 1803, including the New Series,
109 vols. 8vo. half bound, £5.

DUBLIN QUARTERLY REVIEW, from the commencement in 1837, to the conclusion of the present series in 1844, 30 numbers, (pub. at £9.) new, sd. £3. 13s 6d

DUBLIN UNIVERSITY MAGAZINE, from its commencement in 1833 to 1845, 156 numbers, £6. 16s 6d

and Foreign Literature, from the commencement in 1783, to 1796, (all published) 28 vols. 8vo. hf. bd. £2. 8s

the same, from the commencement in 1792, 20 vols. old calf, bright gilt backs, £1.5s ENGLISH REVIEW (Quarterly, a continuation of the British Critic), from its commencement in 1844, to the end of 1846, 6 vols. hf. bd. calf, £2.2s

Still in progress, published at 6s. per number. EUROPEAN MAGAZINE and London Review, from the commencement in Jan. 1782, to Dec. 1814, 66 vols. 8vo. hf. bd. uncut, and 13 numbers for 1823 and 24 unbound. £4, 4s

reign Medical Review (Quarterly), from its
commencement in Jan. 1836 to the end of 1846,
44 nos. 8vo. £8. 8s
REVIEW, January 1843 to April 1844, 6 nos.
8vo.-New Quarterly ditto, from July 1844 to
Dec. 1846, 10 parts-in all 16 parts, (pub. at
£4. 16s) £2. 2s

FOREIGN REVIEW, from the commencement in
Jan. 1828, to March 1830, 10 numbers, 8vo.
complete, (pub. at £3.) 15s
commencement in July 1827, to July 1842,
29 vols. 8vo. hf. bd. calf, £3. 13s 6d

another set, to end of 1846, 37 vols. hf. bd.
calf, £6.6s

FRASER'S MAGAZINE for Town and Country, from its commencement in Feb. 1830 to the end of 1839, in 20 vols. 8vo. (pub. at £15. 7s 6d) neatly hf. bd. calf gilt, £5. 5s

the same, from the commencement to the end of 1834, 10 vols. 8vo. neatly hf. bd. calf, £2. 2s GENTLEMAN'S MAGAZINE, from the commencement in Jan. 1731, to Dec. 1843, with the Indexes (1731-86), 176 vols. 8vo. neatly hf. bd. calf, £24.

the same, from the commencement to the end of 1845, Indexes (1731-86), 180 vols. 8vo. of which 156 (to 1833), very neat and uniform in calf extra, full gilt backs, the remainder in numbers, £38.

-the same, a Series from 1816 to the end of 1841, 52 vols. 8vo. of which 26 (to 1828) very neatly hf. bd. calf, the remainder in numbers, £6.6s HISTORICAL REGISTER, containing an Impartial Relation of all Transactions, Foreign and Domestic, from 1714 to 1738, 25 vols. 8vo. old calf gilt, £2. 18s

HOOD'S MAGAZINE, from its commencement
in Jan. 1844 to Dec. 1846, 36 nos. (pub. at
£4. 10s) 8vo. £1. 16s

IMPERIAL REVIEW; or London and Dublin
Literary Journal, 4 vols. 8vo. hf. bd. russia,
marbled edges, 15s
JOURNALS of the Agricultural, Geographical, Geo-
logical, and Statistical Societies, various
LANCET See page 342.


of Painting, Sculpture, Architecture, and En-
graving, 4 vols. 8vo. fine portraits, hf. bd. calf,
£1. 1s
Arnold, 1831-32
Containing Lives of Artists, Architects, &c.
Notices of Books, &c.
the same, second series, 4 vols. hf. bd. calf,
forming an Analysis and general Repository of
Literature, Philosophy, Science, Arts, History, |
the Drama, Morals, Manners, and Amuse-
ments; from the commencement in 1819, to
the conclusion in May 1828, 10 vols. 4to. hf.
bd. £4. 4s

LITERARY GAZETTE and Journal of Belles
Lettres, Arts, Sciences, etc. from the com-
mencement in Jan. 1817, to Dec. 1846, 30 vols.
4to. (pub. at £51. 2s 8d) hf. bd. £10. 10s

the same, from Jan. 1817, to Dec. 1840, 24 vols. 4to. bds. £3. 10s

LITERARY JOURNAL and General Miscellany
of Science, Arts, History, Politics, Morals,
Manners, Fashion and Amusements, 2 vols.
LONDON MAGAZINE, from the commencement
4to. hf. bd. 10s
January 1820, to June 1829, being of the Old
Series, 10 vols.; New Series, 10 vols.; Third
Series, 3 vols.-together 23 vols. 8vo. new,
hf. bd. calf gilt, £5. 15s 6d

LONDON REVIEW of English and Foreign
Literature, from the commencement in 1775 to
June 1780, 11 vols. 8vo. hf. bd. £1. 10s1775-80

Containing much curious philosophical matter by
Drs. Kenrick, Priestley, and others.

LONDON WEEKLY REVIEW and Journal of Literature and the Fine Arts, 4to. bds. 7s 1827 LOUDON'S ARCHITECTURAL MAGAZINE, 5 vols. (complete), many plates, (pub. at £6. 6s) cloth, £2. 12s


the same, New Series, vols. 11 to 19, all published, (pub. at £9. 9s) £2. 10s 1835-43 LOUDON'S MAGAZINE of Natural History - See page 54.

MATY'S (H.) NEW REVIEW; with Literary
Curiosities and Literary Intelligence, from the
commencement in 1782 to 1786, 9 vols. 8vo.
complete, hf. bd. £1. 16s


the commencement in 1816 to end of 1846, MEMOIRS OF LITERATURE, containing a large 62 vols. 8vo. (pub. at £28. 10s) £12. 12s Account of many valuable Books, &c. by M. De la Roche; second edition, revised, 8 vols. 8vo. neat in calf, 1722-New Memoirs of Literature, containing an Account of New Books printed both at Home and Abroad, with Dissertations upon several subjects by Michael De la Roche, 36 vols. 8vo. 1725-42, calf— together 44 vols. scarce, £4. 4s METROPOLITAN LITERARY


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