repeat, are not the ways which our denomination adopt for checking the spread of error, and we trust they never will be. They of the last generation whose names we honor renounced the use of such means of guarding the truth, and their children will do wisely to stay by their example. We have left ourselves room for no criticism upon the pamphlets, the titles of which we have given. The proceedings of the Fraternity of Churches, we think, will be approved by the unprejudiced reader. Sustaining the relation which they hold to the chapels of the Ministry at large, we see not how they could have taken any other course than that which they adopted. As we understand this relation, it is one which makes it proper for the ministers to consult the wishes of the Fraternity, as well as of the congregations to which they preach. The three parties must have a general coincidence of sentiment in respect to the services of the chapels, or there will be little effective cooperation. We regret that in his interpretation of the principle of Christian liberty, Mr. Sargent felt himself compelled to differ so widely from his friends. He made a great sacrifice to his convictions of right, and if he had afterwards gone on his way in silent dignity, he would have carried with him the sympathies of the community, as one who, though mistaken in judgment, had acted with a noble rectitude. The publications which have appeared under his name have not seemed to us wisely made. The sermon preached at Hollis Street church, with some strong truth, contains what is both unsound in principle and faulty in taste. The account of his ministry, delivered to his own flock on his retirement from the Suffolk Street chapel, may have been proper for him to address to them, but has too much the character of a private interview with one's near friends to have been laid open to public view. Mr. Parker's Thursday Lecture, like much which he has written, is remarkable for fervid description of effects of which he rejects the only adequate explanation. It has the characteristics, both of thought and style, which usually mark his writings. His sermon preached in the church of the Disciples is less noticeable, and does not seem to us a very successful exposition of a truth which we concur with him in regarding of the first importance. The pamphlet entitled, "The True Position of Rev. Theodore Parker," is an attempt by liberal citations from his writings to show that he can speak of Jesus and sacred things as one filled with fervent admiration, and is therefore entitled to all the offices of Christian and professional fellowship. It is well written, though we discover an occasional tartness of feeling; and succeeds in establishing what most readers of Mr. Parker's "Discourse of Religion" must have perceived - the frequent inconsistency of his remarks respecting Christ and the Scriptures. The "Questions addressed to Rev. T. Parker and his friends" are, with a few exceptions, fairly chosen and courteously proposed. They present the view of his course taken by those who differ from him most widely, and may enlighten some readers. Mr. Muzzey takes some positions which we think untenable, but his sermon breathes a spirit of the largest charity, perhaps a charity that lacks discrimination. That it is a painful and an anxious time through which we are passing, we do not attempt to conceal from ourselves or from others. The question at issue, as we conceive, is not what shall be the character of the popular faith, but - shall our people have any faith whatever. This is a more important question, than whether they shall believe in the doctrine of the Trinity, or the Apostolic succession. Mr. Parker thinks his views will establish the faith of his hearers upon a more solid foundation than that on which it has rested, and that if they should prevail, they would correct much latent skepticism. We believe that in most cases their effect, where accepted, will be seen in a vague confidence in religious truth, that after a time will end in the most painful sense of uncertainty or in open unbelief. They will doubtless secure many listeners, and some disciples. Still we are not alarmed. So far as our own denomination is concerned, we have little fear for the result; so far as Christ and his religion are concerned, none. Truth is stronger than error. Christianity is too Divine to be overthrown by the mistakes or the denials of men. All that is required of us in the present exigency, either as its defenders or its disciples, is to speak the truth in love; "the truth," for that is what we owe to our Master; "in love," for that is what we owe to our brethren; "speak," for that is what we owe to ourselves. E. S. G. NOTICES OF RECENT PUBLICATIONS. An Introduction to the History of the Revolt of the American Colonies; being a Comprehensive View of its Origin, derived from the State Papers contained in the Public Offices of Great Britain. By GEORGE CHALMERS. Boston: J. Munroe & Co. 1845. 2 vols. 8vo. pp. 414 and 376. 66 THE history of these volumes, which every one who takes an interest in our Colonial annals, will of course read, is somewhat singular, George Chalmers was born and educated in Scotland; he came to this country and engaged in the practice of law in Maryland, where he remained about ten years, till the troubles of the Revolution began, when, being a decided royalist in his opinions, he returned home. He was soon appointed to some office connected with "one of the ministerial departments," in England, and afterwards to the responsible station of Chief Clerk of the Committee of the Privy Council, which place he occupied till his death," in 1825. Having free access to the Government papers, and taking a deep interest in American affairs, he published, in 1781, in a large quarto volume, "Political Annals," a work of merit often quoted as an authority by writers on American Colonial history. This work, which comes down no further than 1688, it seems to have been his original intention to continue, but the project was for some cause abandoned. The present work, which "covers the whole period of Colonial history from the granting of the first Virginia charter to the reign of George the Third," appears to have been written about the same time, and part of it was printed, but for reasons we are left to conjecture, was, as appears from a memorandum of Chalmers himself, "suppressed in 1782." From one of the few copies which were preserved, and from a manuscript, of undoubted genuineness, of the remainder, the present volumes are printed. The author's statements, though founded on unquestionable facts, clearly take a coloring from his political opinions. He does not write as an American would write. But this circumstance in some respects adds to the interest and value of the work, for it enables us to look at the events of our Colonial history from a point from which we have not been accustomed to contemplate then. We see how these events might very naturally present themselves to an observer thoroughly British in his opinions and prejudices. We do not think that the result will be, to diminish in the least our admiration of the virtues of our ancestors. The author may be wrong, and undoubtedly is, in many of his inferences. By these, however, the intelligent reader will be in no danger of being misled, while he will thank the publishers for giving him a well digested history, the facts of which are drawn from authentic sources. The mechanical exe cution of the volumes is worthy of high praise. L. The Poets and Poetry of England, in the Nineteenth Century. By RUFUS W. GRISWOLD. Philadelphia: Carey & Hart. 1845. 8vo. pp. 504. No one, probably, ever sits down to read every verse, or every song, even of his favorite poet. For though poets are the utterers, the chief songsters of the world, yet all of them are sometimes hoarse, rough-voiced, and not in a proper state to give out their sweetest tones; and the very best, for a long while, do little more than stammer. We only wish to hear the poet's clearest strains; and such, from the very first downwards, we have often desired to see collected in a form for daily use. We feel bound to thank Mr. Griswold for giving us so many of those that have issued from the nineteenth century. That he has generally selected specimens of the highest, truest poetry, will, we think, appear to every reader. Of course, the tastes and judgment of readers must differ, and they may not find all their favorites in this selection. Yet the editor has been good and clever enough to collect together very many of those poems that everybody loves. For example, he has given us from Wordsworth that ode, "Intimations of Immortality from recollections of early childhood," which always seems to us so fresh, so true, so full of sublime teaching. We look under the head of Coleridge for the "Ancient Mariner," and more especially for that flow of simplicity, earnest tenderness, and spiritualized passion, with a touch of nature, that carries its truth to the heart, embodied in his "Love," and are not disappointed. We look under Byron for those glorious words of freedom which will ever save the poet's name from forgetfulness, and our favorites, "The Isles of Greece," and the "Prisoner of Chillon," are there. In its place is Horace Smith's "Hymn to the Flowers," the best thing of the kind ever penned. Here too are Mrs. Southey's ،، Pauper's Death-bed," and "Mariner's Hymn," so full of the most impressive religious feeling and instruction. That sweet passage from Talfourd's "Ion," "'T is a little thing To give a cup of water," etc., is not forgotten. Neither is Leigh Hunt's "Abou Ben Adhem; " nor Mrs. Hemans's "Homes of England," "The Palm Tree," "Bernardo del Carpio," and above all, "Kindred Hearts." Tennyson's "Locksley Hall," the noblest and richest and tenderest poem of the sort, and his best utterance, greets us here again. We thank Mr. Griswold, too, for his extracts from Hood, especially for that touching thing, "The Song of the Shirt." Here are Heber's best Hymns; and enough of Elizabeth Barrett to satisfy her most enthusiastic admirers. But where is Miss Jewsbury? Extracts from the writings of P. J. Bailey, better known as "Festus," will please many peculiar minds. The editor professes to quote largely only from those poets who are less familiar to American readers. We, however, think that Joanna Baillie is hardly better known in this country than Miss Barrett, and we should have liked more quotations from the former. We question whether our people are as familiar with Coleridge as with Byron, and think more extracts should have been given from him. We suppose that to Mr. Carey's taste we owe the fine engravings that speak so well for the improvement of America in this department of art. R. An Elementary Treatise on Mineralogy: comprising an Introduction to the Science. By WILLIAM PHILLIPS, F. and S. M. G. S. L. and C. etc. Fifth edition, from the fourth London edition, by ROBERT ALLAN : containing the latest Discoveries in American and Foreign Mineralogy; with numerous additions to the Introduction. By FRANCIS ALGER, Member of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences, etc. Boston: Ticknor & Co. 1844. 8vo. pp. 662. THIS "Treatise" has been long deservedly popular in England. Mr. Alger has added much to the "fourth London edition by Robert Allan;" he has re-arranged parts of the introductory sections in order to avail himself of the results of the labors of Dr. Thomson, and supplied defects in other portions of the work. In the general arrangement of the "descriptive part" no changes have been made, though some transfers of species or varieties have been found necessary, and much fresh matter has been introduced, exceeding in all, the editor tells us, 300 pages. Many of the additions are important, especially to the American student. The object of the editor has been, to make the work fairly represent the present advanced state of mineralogical science." For this purpose numerous documents and authorities have been consulted, and the volume exhibits marks of great diligence and labor. VOL. XXXVIII. - 4TH S. VOL. III. NO. II. L. 24 |