INTELLIGENCE. RELIGIOUS INTELLIGENCE. Ecclesiastical Record. - Some important movements have recently been made for a further supply of religious instruction in this city. In our number for November we mentioned that Sunday evening services had been commenced in the south part of the city, with a view to the formation of a new society. The persons interested in this undertaking have taken the necessary steps to procure a site for a suitable building, and have applied to the Legislature for an act of incorporation, under the title of the Harrison Avenue Congregational Society. - In the same part of the town it is proposed to gather a permanent congregation in connexion with the Warren Street Chapel, where the service has hitherto been adapted to an audience composed almost exclusively of children. Mr. Barnard will still retain his connexion with this service and with the Ministry-at-large, while Rev. Mr. Fox of Newburyport, having resigned his ministry in that place, will take charge of the adult congregation. - A new Unitarian society has also been formed by persons, some of whom have lately withdrawn from the Church of the Disciples, and who having united themselves under the name of the Church of the Saviour, have obtained the temporary use of the Spring Lane Vestry for the celebration of public worship. We understand that they hope to secure the services of Rev. Mr. Waterston, at present one of the Ministers-atlarge, who in that case would resign the office he now holds. It is their purpose to build a meetinghouse as soon as a suitable spot can be found. - Rev. Mr. Parker, of West Roxbury, having been invited by his friends to become a regular preacher in Boston, has acceded to an arrangement by which he will preach every Sunday morning, for the present in the Melodeon, still however retaining his situation as pastor of the Second Church in Roxbury. The persons who are active in this movement intend it shall be the foundation of a permanent society. They have provided for preaching also in the afternoon, and are proceeding to make other necessary arrangements. We learn that the Trinitarian Congregational Society, which was organized the last winter under Rev. Mr. Towne's ministry, has so much increased, that land has been bought, in Hawkins street, for the erection of a meetinghouse. The Federal street Baptist Society having sold the land on which their present meetinghouse stands, in consequence of the increase of business and the erection of warehouses in that neighborhood, will hold their worship at Amory Hall till they can procure an eligible situation for a new house. - The new church erected by the Maverick Congregational (Trinitarian) Society in East Boston has been completed and dedicated. - The German Lutheran and Reformed Church having completed a small house for public worship, on Shawmut street, it was dedicated on Christmas day. - A larger house, standing on Suffolk street, and built of stone, for the use of the German Catholics, was consecrated several months since. The Catholics have also converted a plain but commodious building in Moon street into a place of worship. The addition of the two Catholic churches at South Boston to those in the city proper makes the whole number in the city seven, which, we presume, are no more than are needed to supply the wants of the Catholic population. Rev. Mr. Bradford, of Hubbardston, has terminated his connexion with the society in that place, and accepted an invitation to Bridgewater as pastor of the church lately under the care of Rev. Mr. Doggett, who has relinquished his ministry in consequence of ill health. The Society in Bridgewater have determined to build a new meetinghouse, and have raised the necessary subscription for this purpose. We have received the "Second Annual Report of the Baltimore Ministry-at-large," which shows that Mr. Dall is diligently and not unsuccessfully prosecuting the good work which he has undertaken. -The movement for a new Unitarian society in Worcester has proceeded far enough to insure success. Preaching has been regularly had on Sunday, and a subscription raised for the erection of a meetinghouse, which will be speedily commenced. Meadville Theological School. We have received a copy of the Christian Palladium, a journal supported by the "Christian" denomination, and published twice a month at Union Mills, N. Y., which contains the "Discourse delivered at the dedication of Divinity Hall, Meadville, Pa., October 24, 1844," by Rev. R. P. Stebbins, Principal of the Theological School. It is an appropriate and excellent discourse, marked throughout by sound thought, upon "the importance of a thorough theological education to the Christian minister, the advantages of a theological School over any other method of furnishing it, and the manner in which such an institution should endeavor to accomplish its purpose." The School appears to have made a successful commencement. The Prospectus informs us, that "it has been established by the united efforts of the Christian and Unitarian denominations." In the same number of the Palladium we find an account, by one of the editors, of a visit which he recently made to Northern Illinois, which concludes with the following remarks upon the co-operation of the two denominations: "Our Christian brethren and the Unitarians, in this country, make common cause; and I trust the result is, and will be good. By associating together they mutually lose their prejudice. The Unitarian sees, that instead of the Christians being wild and fanatical, as he had supposed, they are intelligent, devoted, and rational Christians; ardent, zealous, spiritual; but candid, rational, building upon right principles, and worshipping God in spirit, and in truth.' While, on the other hand, the Christian brother sees that the Unitarian is not so cold, so formal, so aristocratical, and unfeeling as he had thought. It is true he finds some difference in theological and practical views; yet, he finds in him 'a brother,' kind, devoted, zealous for right and truth, and a lover of all good men. On these unite to extend principles they strike hands, and the pr principles of peace, love, purity, and union among their fellow-men. Nor do they labor in vain. Light is spreading, and most assuredly our sentiments commend themselves to, and are highly appreciated by many in the West." The Episcopal Church. - The internal troubles of this Church make it a frequent subject of notice in the religious journals of the day. The suspension of Bishop Onderdonk, of New York, from the discharge of his Episcopal functions, in consequence of a series of indiscretions and immoralities of which he was pronounced guilty after a long and careful examination of the case by the Court of Bishops, has had the effect of enkindling a controversy, and of presenting a difficulty, which must seriously affect the interests of the Episcopal denomination in the diocese over which he presided. Did not theological as well as moral considerations prompt the prosecution; and who shall perform the necessary diocesan services during the Bishop's suspension; and when, and how shall the term of suspension cease; are questions which are likely to occasion both heartburning and perplexity. The English Church is in a more troublous condition even than its American sister. Puseyism has gone a little too far, having advanced from theoretical to practical manifestations, and the people do not relish its ways. The Bishop of Exeter, a man not used to submission, has been obliged to succumb to the popular feeling. Oxford is in perplexity about the measures that ought to be taken with Mr. Ward for his opinions on the "Ideal of a Christian Church." A Convocation of the clergy is talked of. The secular papers are full of religious - no, we mean ecclesiastical articles; and it seems plain that the clergy and the people lean in opposite directions. We do not believe that the Establishment is in a critical state, or is likely to undergo any essential changes: but it is impossible that under these circumstances it should not lose some portion of the respect and confidence which it has enjoyed. Ordinations, and Installation. - Rev. HIRAM WITHINGTON, of Dorchester, a graduate of the Divinity School at Cambridge, was ordained Pastor of the First Congregational Church and Society in LEOMINSTER, Mass., December 25, 1844. The Sermon was preached by Rev. Mr. Hall of Dorchester, from Mark xvi. 15; the Ordaining Prayer was offered by Rev. Mr. Lincoln, of Fitchburg; the Charge was given by Rev. Mr. Putnam, of Roxbury; the Right Hand of Fellowship, by Rev. Mr. Allen, of Roxbury; the Address to the Society, by Rev. Mr. Allen, of Northboro'; and the other services were performed by Rev. Messrs. Sears of Lancaster, Willson of Grafton, and Huntington of Boston. REV. HERMAN SNow, formerly a member of the Divinity School at Cambridge, was ordained as an EVANGELIST, (with a special view to his laboring in Brooklyn and Norwich, Conn.,) in the Bulfinch street Church in Boston, January 1, 1845. The Sermon was preached by Rev. Mr. Clarke of Boston, from 2 Timothy iv. 5; the Ordaining Prayer was offered by Rev. Mr. Muzzey ey of Cambridge; the Charge was given by Rev. Mr. Gray of Boston; the Right Hand of Fellowship, by Rev. Mr. Willson of Grafton; and the other services were conducted by Rev. Messrs. Huntington of Boston, Pierpont of Lynn, and Coolidge of Boston. REV. HORATIO ALGER, late of Chelsea, was installed as Minister of the West Parish in MARLBORO', Mass., January 22, 1845. The Sermon was preached by Rev. Mr. Ellis of Charlestown, from 2 Peter i. 8; the Prayer of Installation was offered by Rev. Mr. Allen of Northboro'; the Charge was given by Rev. Dr. Parkman of Boston; the Right Hand of Fellowship, by Rev. Mr. Gilbert of Harvard ; the Address to the Society, by Rev. Mr. Hill of Worcester; and the other services were conducted by Rev. Messrs. Barnard of Southboro', Willson of Grafton, and Edes of Bolton. Dedication. - The Congregational Society in BOLTON, Mass., having remodelled their meetinghouse, it was dedicated anew, December 26, 1844. The Sermon was preached by the Pastor, Rev. Mr. Edes, from Genesis xxviii. 17; the Prayer of Dedication was offered by Mr. Sears of Lancaster; and the other services by Rev. Messrs. Kinsley of Stow, and Gilbert of Harvard. LITERARY INTELLIGENCE. New Works. The most important work that we have seen announced as in press is a Commentary on the Apocalypse, in two volumes, 8vo., by Professor Stuart of Andover. - The Biblical Repertory announces, that "a gentleman in Princeton is engaged in a translation of Turrettin, with a view to its publication." - Rev. Mr. Barnes of Philadelphia has published a new translation of the book of Job, with notes and an introductory dissertation; of which, with his translation of Isaiah, we hope to give a suitable notice in our next number. A work has just appeared, which will doubtless excite attention, "Woman in the Nineteenth Century. By S. Margaret Fuller." Rev. Dr. Jarvis, "Historiographer to the Church," of whose appointment to this office, by the General Convention of the Episcopal Church in this country, we had been so unfortunate as to remain for six years in ignorance, has published, in one large 8vo. volume, “A Chronological Introduction to the History of the Church, being a new Inquiry into the true dates of the birth and death of our Saviour." - Among the countless works of recent foreign production which the press in this country is sending forth in cheap reprints, we may mention the "History of the Reformation in Germany, nany, by Leopold Rankè," (whose History of the Popes is known to our readers,) translated by Mrs. Austin. Lea & Blanchard have also in press Professor Rankè's "Turkish and Spanish Empires," translated by W. K. Kelly. From our English journals we learn that a work is in press, the appearance of which will be welcomed on both sides of the Atlantic "The Autobiography of Joseph Blanco White; with portions of his Correspondence. Edited by John Hamilton Thom. 3 vols. post 8vo." - We notice also the publication of a volume entitled, “Illustrations of Unitarian Christianity, consisting chiefly of Practical and Moral Applications of its Principles. In a series of Discourses." By Rev. William Hincks, the Editor of the Inquirer. - Mr. John Wilson proposes to put to press a third and cheap edition of his "Scripture Proofs and Illustrations of Unitarianism"; which has been highly commended by those who have examined or used it. The publication of this edition depends however upon the amount of previous subscription, as Mr. Wilson fears that the two previous editions may have supplied the want in England. He would therefore be glad to receive the names of subscribers in this country, and we would suggest, particularly to ministers and others connected with parish libraries, the propriety of obtaining a work like this, of permanent value. New Periodical Journals. We have received two new journals, which deserve notice from their purpose and the character of their contents. One is entitled the "Journal of Prison Discipline and Philanthropy," and is published under the direction of the "Philadelphia Society for the alleviation of the miseries of Public Prisons," which was instituted so long ago as 1787. It will appear in quarterly numbers, of about a hundred pages each, and may be obtained, for fifty cents a number, of Little & Brown, or Ticknor & Co., in this city. The subject of prison discipline is exciting more and more attention, and we believe this journal will be found a valuable aid in the cause of philanthropy. We rejoice particularly to see that, both in New York and in Boston, the condition of convicts whose terms of imprisonment have expired is receiving attention, and measures are contemplated for providing them with the sympathy and counsel which they so much need to prevent their relapsing into evil courses. A Society with this object has been formed in New York. Why should not a similar association be found in every city of the Union? The other journal before us is of a different character, although the editors - J. V. Himes, S. Bliss, and A. Hale - doubtless consider it a contribution to the cause of human well-being. It bears the title of "The Advent Shield and Review," and is devoted to the support of the "Second Advent," or in more common speech, the Millerite, doctrine. It is a much more respectable journal than we were prepared to receive from such a quarter, and we are sorry so much ability is wasted in this way. Indeed we are surprised to learn, that after the repeated exposure of their delusions, the "Adventists" are numerous enough to support a work of this kind. It is well printed, and corresponds in size to our own journal. The number on our table is the second, and its publication was delayed in consequence of the "views respecting the seventh month," which caused a suspension of all the Adventist publications. The world, however, did not come to an end in "the seventh month," and the Shield again presents itself to the public. It " is not designed to be a quarterly periodical; and is only published as it seems to be needed." "If time should continue, another number may be expected about anniversary week." We have just received from England the first number of the successor to the Christian Teacher, of the change in the management of which we have already taken some notice. It appears under the name of "The Prospective Review: a Quarterly Journal of Theol ogy and Literature; " with the apt motto, from St. Bernard, " Respice, Aspice, PROSPICE." We have not had time to read any of the articles in this number, but the titles, with the names of the writers, are a sufficient indication of the richness of its contents. Among them we notice a review of Mr. Norton's recent volumes on the Genuineness of the Gospels; and articles on "Historical Christianity," "An Inquiry concerning the Origin of Christianity," and "Religion Religion in the Age of Great Cities." |