KEYES, C. R. Map of Central Maryland showing the Distribution of the Granites by ("G. H. Williams ") C. R. Keyes. 15th Ann. Rept. U. S. Geol. Survey. Washington, 1895. 6x7%, outline, drainage, areas colored. Scale 11 miles to an inch. MARYLAND STATE WEATHER SERVICE. Map of Maryland and Delaware showing the Precipitation and lines of mean temperature for 1895. Monthly Report, 1895-6, vol. v and vol. vi. Maps given for each month in the year. U. S. COAST AND GEODETIC SURVEY. Chesapeake Bay. Choptank River to Magothy River. No. 135. Last edition (first edition, 1863), 29x38 (class F). Scale 1/80000, or 0.79 inch to a mile. Baltimore Harbor & Approaches with sub-charts of the Basin & Sparrows Point on scale 1/10000. No. 384. Last edition (first edition, 1882), 27x39 (class F). Scale 1/40000, or 1.58 inches to a mile. U. S. GEOLOGICAL SURVEY. Topographical Sheets. Brandywine. Last edition, 13x171⁄2, 20 ft. contours. Scale 1/62500. Topographical Sheets. Piney Point. Last edition, 13x172, 20 ft. contours. Scale 1/62500. Topographical Sheets. Last edition, 13x172, 20 ft. contours. Prince Frederick. Scale 1/62500. Topographical Sheets. Washington. 29x19, contour interval 20 ft. Scale 1/62500. (J. H. U.) 1896. BROMLEY, GEORGE W. & WALTER S. Atlas of the City of Baltimore, Maryland. 1 vol. fol. Phila. 1896. 33 sheets, 204x304. Scale 200 ft. to the inch. (Peabody.) CLARK, W. B. Map showing Distribution of Eocene strata in Middle Atlantic Slope. Bull. U. S. Geol. Survey No. 141, 1896, facing p. 13. 4x7%, outline, drainage and geological shading. Scale 40 miles to an inch. (J. H. U.) DARTON, N. H. Map of Portions of Maryland, Virginia and District of Columbia showing distribution of the Potomac Formation in part overlain by Columbia and Lafayette formations from data furnished by N. H. Darton 1896. Bull. U. S. Geol. Surv. No. 145, 1896, facing p. 14. 7x19, four colors, geological outline, drainage. Scale 1/500000 or 8 miles to an inch. (J. H. U.) Nomini Folio. Geologic Atlas of the United States, folio No. 23. Washington, 1896. 13x172, contour 20 ft., four colors. Scale 1/125000. The Coastal Plain region of Maryland and Delaware, show ing relations of underground waters, by N. H. Darton. Bull. U. S. Geol. Survey No. 138, 1896, pl. v. Sx9, colored, symbols. Scale 15 miles to an inch. Map of Baltimore region, illustrating features of under ground waters, by N. H. Darton. Bull. U. S. Geol. Survey No. 138, 1896, pl. vii. 8x10, colored, symbols. Scale 1 mile to an inch. DARTON, N. H. & TAFF, Jos. Piedmont Folio. Geologic Atlas of the United States, folio No. 28. Washington, 1896. 13x172, contour 100 ft., colors. Scale 1/125000. MARYLAND STATE WEATHER SERVICE. Map of Maryland and Delaware showing the Precipitation and lines of mean temperature for 1896. Monthly Report, 1896-7, vol. vi and vol. vii. Maps given for each month, Jan.-April. U. S. COAST AND GEODETIC SURVEY. Potomac River. From Indian Head to Georgetown. No. 391. (First edition, 1862) 23x39 (class F). Scale 1/40000 or 1.58 inches to a mile. U.S. GEOLOGICAL SURVEY. Topographical Sheets. Annapolis. 135x17%, 20 ft. contour. Scale 1/62500. Topographical Sheets. Baltimore. 13x172, 20 ft. contour. Scale 1/62500. Topographical Sheets. Drum Point. 13x172, 20 ft. contour. Scale 1/62500. Topographical Sheets. Ellicott. 13x172, 20 ft. contour. Scale 1/62500. Topographical Sheets. Frederick. 13x17%, 20 ft. contour. Scale 1/62500. Topographical Sheets. Gunpowder. 13x17%, 20 ft. contour. Scale 1/62500. Topographical Sheets. Harpers Ferry. 13x171⁄2, 100 ft. contour. Scale 1/62500. Topographical Sheets. Laurel. 13x172, 20 ft. contour. Scale 1/62500. Topographical Sheets. Mt. Vernon. 13x172, 20 ft. contour. Scale 1/62500. Topographical Sheets. North Point. 13x17%, 20 ft. contours. Scale 1/62500. Topographical Sheets. Relay. 13x172, 20 ft. contour. Scale 1/62500. Topographical Sheets. Sharps Island. 13x172, 20 ft. contour. Scale 1/62500. VAN DER HOOGT, C. W. (Sec). Map of Maryland, Delaware and District of Columbia prepared by the State Bureau of Immigration. 21x134, counties colored. Scale about 12 miles to an inch. (J. H. U.) ADDENDA. BAIRD, G. W. Experiment to Determine the Economic Vaporization of George's Creek Cumberland Coal, Under Conditions of Actual Practice on board the Dolphin in port. Jour. Amer. Soc. Naval Eng., vol. vii, 1895, pp. 329-331. The most careful determinations yet made are here recorded. HAYDEN, H. H. Geological Sketch of Baltimore. (Baltimore Medical and Philosophical Journal, vol. I.) Bruce's Amer. Min. Jour., vol. i, New York, 1814, pp. 243-248. This is practically a reprint of the earlier publication written as an abstract by the author. MITCHILL, SAML. L. A Sketch of the Scenery in the region around Harper's ferry, where the ridge of Blue Mountains is penetrated by the joint waters of the Potomac and Shenandoah rivers. In a letter to the Editor; dated Harper's ferry, July 4th, 1812. Bruce's Amer. Min. Jour., vol. i, New York, 1814, pp. 211-218. The author discusses the geology and stratigraphy along the Potomac between Harper's Ferry and Washington and regards the slates as older than the limestones. |