
payment of the money he lent with such severity that he was much disliked by all good men, and particularly by Antonio, a young merchant of Venice; and Shylock as much hated Antonio, because he used to lend money to people in distress, and would never take any interest for the money he lent. Therefore there was great enmity between this covetous Jew and the generous merchant Antonio. Whenever Antonio met Shylock on the Rialto (or Exchange), he used to reproach him with his usuries and hard dealings; which the Jew would bear with seeming patience, while he secretly meditated revenge.

2. Antonio was one of the kindest men that ever lived. He was greatly beloved by all his fellowcitizens; but the friend who was nearest and dearest to his heart was Bassanio, a noble Venetian, who had nearly exhausted his little fortune by living in too expensive a manner. Whenever Bassanio wanted money, Antonio assisted him; and it seemed as if they had but one heart and one purse between them.

3. One day Bassanio came to Antonio, and told him that he wished to repair his fortune by a wealthy marriage with a lady whom he dearly loved, but not having money to furnish himself with an appearance befitting the lover of so rich an heiress, he besought Antonio to add to the many favours he had shown him, by lending him three thousand ducats. Antonio had no money by him at that time to lend his. friend; but expecting soon to have some ships come home laden with merchandise, he said he would go to Shylock, the rich money-lender, and borrow the money upon the credit of those ships.

4. Antonio and Bassanio went together to Shylock, and Antonio asked the Jew to lend him three thousand

ducats upon any interest he should require, to be paid out of the merchandise contained in his ships at sea.

On this, Shylock thought within himself: 'If I can once catch him, I will feed fat the ancient grudge I bear him.'

Antonio, finding he was musing within himself and did not answer, and being impatient for the money, said: 'Shylock, do you hear? will you lend the money?'

5. To this question the Jew replied: 'Signior Antonio, on the Rialto many a time and often you have railed at me about my moneys, and my usuries, and I have borne it with a patient shrug. Well, then, it now appears you need my help; and you come to me and say, "Shylock, lend me moneys." Shall I bend low and say, "Fair sir, you spit upon me on Wednesday last, another time you called me dog, and for these courtesies I am to lend you moneys."


Antonio replied: 'I am as like to call you so again. you will lend me this money, lend it not to me as to a friend, but rather lend it to me as to an enemy, that, if I break, you may with better face exact the penalty.'

6. Why, look you,' said Shylock, 'how you storm! I would be friends with you, and have your love. I will forget the shames you have put upon me. I will supply your wants, and take no interest for my money.'

This seemingly kind offer greatly surprised Antonio; and then Shylock, still pretending kindness, again said he would lend him the three thousand ducats, and take no interest for his money; only Antonio should go with him to a lawyer, and there sign in merry sport a bond, that if he did not repay the money by a certain

day, he would forfeit a pound of flesh, to be cut off from any part of his body that Shylock pleased.

7. 'Content,' said Antonio; I will sign to this bond, and say there is much kindness in the Jew.' Bassanio said Antonio should not sign such a bond for him; but still Antonio insisted that he would sign it, for that before the day of payment came, his ships would return laden with many times the value of the money.

8. At last, against the advice of Bassanio, who, notwithstanding all the Jew had said of his kind intentions, did not like his friend should run the hazard of this shocking penalty for his sake, Antonio signed the bond, thinking it really was, as the Jew said, merely in sport.

[blocks in formation]

EXERCISES.-1. The Greek prefix (1) hypo- means under; as hypothesis, a placing under, a supposition; hypocrisy, a feigning to hide (place under) one's real character. (2) Meta means change; as metonymy, a change of name; metamorphosis, a change of form.

2. Analyse and parse the following: 'On this, Shylock thought within himself: "If I can once catch him, I will feed fat the ancient grudge I bear him.”’

3. Make sentences of your own, and use in each one or more of the following words: Penalty, merchandise, forfeit, amass.


1. The rich heiress that Bassanio wished to marry lived near Venice, at a place called Belmont; her name was Portia, and in the graces of her person and her mind she was nothing inferior to that Portia who was Cato's daughter and the wife of Brutus. Bassanio, being so kindly supplied with money by his friend Antonio at the hazard of his life, set out for Belmont with a splendid train, and attended by a gentleman of the name of Gratiano. Bassanio proving successful in his suit, Portia in a short time consented to accept of him for a husband.

2. Bassanio confessed to Portia that he had no fortune, and that his high birth and noble ancestry were all that he could boast of; she, who loved him for his worthy qualities, and had riches enough not to regard wealth in a husband, answered with a graceful modesty that she would wish herself a thousand times more fair, and ten thousand times more rich, to be more worthy of him; and she said: 'Myself and what is mine,

to you and yours is now converted. But yesterday, Bassanio, I was the lady of this fair mansion, queen of myself, and mistress over these servants; and now this house, these servants, and myself, are yours, my lord; I give them with this ring:' presenting a ring to Bassanio. Bassanio was so overpowered with gratitude, that he could not express his joy by anything but broken words of love and thankfulness; and, taking the ring, he vowed never to part with it.

3. Gratiano and Nerissa, Portia's waiting-maid, were in attendance upon their lord and lady, when Portia so

gracefully promised to become the obedient wife of Bassanio; and Gratiano, wishing Bassanio and the generous lady joy, desired permission to be married at the same time. 'With all my heart, Gratiano,' said Bassanio, 'if you can get a wife.'

4. Gratiano then said that he loved the Lady Portia's fair waiting-gentlewoman, Nerissa, and that she had promised to be his wife, if her lady married Bassanio. Portia asked Nerissa if this was true. Nerissa replied: 'Madam, it is so, if you approve of it.' Portia willingly consenting, Bassanio pleasantly said: 'Then our wedding-feast shall be much honoured by your marriage, Gratiano.'

5. The happiness of these lovers was sadly crossed at this moment by the entrance of a messenger, who brought a letter from Antonio containing fearful tidings. When Bassanio read Antonio's letter, Portia feared that it was to tell him of the death of some dear friend, he looked so pale; and inquiring what was the news which had so distressed him, he said: 'Oh, sweet Portia, here are a few of the unpleasantest words that ever blotted paper; gentle lady, when I first imparted my love to you, I freely told you all the wealth I had ran in my veins; but I should have told you I had less than nothing, being in debt.'

6. Bassanio then told Portia what has been here related, of his borrowing the money of Antonio, and of Antonio's procuring it of Shylock the Jew, and of the bond by which Antonio had engaged to forfeit a pound of flesh, if it was not repaid by a certain day; and then Bassanio read Antonio's letter, the words of which were: Sweet Bassanio, my ships are all lost, my bond to the Jew is forfeited, and since in paying, it is impossible I should live, I could wish to see you at my

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