two great Plantagenets, the First and Third Edwards, and, at a later period, by the tyranny of the Tudors; and if now destined, in the regular course of royal succession, to lose her station as a separate and independent kingdom, she yielded neither to hostile force nor to fraud, but willingly consented to link her future destinies with those of her mighty neighbour: like a bride who, in the dawning prospect of a happy union, is contented to resign, but not to forget, the house and name of her fathers. Yet, however pleased at this pacific termination of their long struggles, the feelings with which his ancient people beheld the departure of their prince were of a melancholy nature; and an event occurred on the same day on which he set out, that made a deep impression upon a nation naturally thoughtful and superstitious. 6. As the monarch passed the house of Seton, near Musselburgh, he was met by the funeral of Lord Seton, a nobleman of high rank-which, with its solemn movement and sable trappings, occupied the road, and contrasted strangely and gloomily with the brilliant pageantry of the royal cavalcade. The Setons were one of the oldest and proudest families of Scotland; and that lord whose mortal remains now passed by had been a faithful adherent of the king's mother, whose banner he had never deserted, and in whose cause he had suffered exile. 7. The meeting was thought ominous by the people. It appeared to their excited imaginations as if the moment had arrived when the aristocracy of Scotland was about to merge in that of Great Britain; as if the Scottish nobles had finished their career of national glory, and this last representative of their race had been arrested on his road to the grave, to bid farewell to the last of Scotland's kings. As the mourners moved slowly onward, the monarch himself, sharing in these melancholy feelings, sat down by the wayside, on a stone still pointed out to the historical pilgrim; nor did he resume his progress till the gloomy procession had completely disappeared. coun'-cil-lors tyr'-an-ny sep'-ar-ate Tytler. con-trast'-ed car-eer' ar-rest-ed in-num'-er-a-ble mel'-an-chol-y re-pre-sent'-a-tive main-tained' oc-curred' sur-round'-ed brill'-iant im-mense' hur-ried oc'-cu-pied tri'-umphs Hep'-tarch-y ac-com'-pan-ied Plant-ag'-en-ets sol'-emn trans-ferred', handed over. Mus'-sel-burgh pro-ces'-sion cav'-al-cade, a train of persons on horseback. la-men-ta'-tions, sounds of grief or mourning. page'-ant, public show; showy march. rev'-els, noisy feasting. de-vise', think of. con'-course, gathering. ush'-ered, introduced. lord may'-or, the chief magistrate of London. bier, a carriage or frame of wood for bearing the dead to the grave. dis-sent'-ing, disagreeing. dis-as'-ter, misfortune. tran-quil'-li-ty, quietness. mem'-or-a-ble, worthy of being remembered. verge, border; edge. in-de-pend'-ent, free from the con trol of another. con-sent'-ed, agreed. re-sign', give up. pa-cif'-ic, peaceful. ter-min-a'-tion, close; finish. su-per-sti'-tious, apt to believe in what is absurd. ad-her'-ent, follower. ex'-ile, banishment. om'-in-ous, foreboding evil. ar-is-toc'-ra-cy, the nobles. EXERCISES.-1. The affixes -ful, -ous, -some, -y, denote full of; as joy, joyful; glory, glorious; glad, gladsome; wind, windy. 2. Analyse and parse the following: As the monarch passed the house of Seton, near Musselburgh, he was met by the funeral of Lord Seton, a nobleman of high rank—which, with its solemn movement and sable trappings, occupied the road.' 3. Make sentences of your own, and use in each one or more of the following words: Devise, memorable, termination, transfer. ADDRESS TO THE OCEAN. [This splendid address to the ocean is from the fourth Canto of Byron's celebrated poem, Childe Harold. The last verse shows that his 'joy of youthful sports' was to be borne on the crest of the waves, as a swimmer. In manhood he accomplished the feat of swimming across the Hellespont.] 1. Roll on, thou deep and dark blue Ocean-roll! When, for a moment, like a drop of rain, He sinks into thy depths with bubbling groan, Without a grave, unknelled, uncoffined, and unknown. 2. His steps are not upon thy paths-thy fields Are not a spoil for him-thou dost arise And shake him from thee; the vile strength he wields For earth's destruction thou dost all despise, Spurning him from thy bosom to the skies, And send'st him, shivering in thy playful spray And howling, to his gods, where haply lies His petty hope in some near port or bay, And dashest him again to earth :—there let him lay. 3. The armaments which thunderstrike the walls 4. Thy shores are empires, changed in all save thee- 5. Thou glorious mirror, where the Almighty's form Glasses itself in tempests; in all time— Calm or convulsed, in breeze or gale or storm, Dark heaving-boundless, endless, and sublime, Of the Invisible; even from out thy slime 6. And I have loved thee, Ocean! and my joy And laid my hand upon thy mane-as I do here. vile, evil. spray, water driven by the wind from the tops of waves. arm'-a-ments, big guns, &c., with which ships are armed. oak le-vi'-a-thans, large ships built of oak. This wood does not now hold the place it once did in shipbuilding, iron and steel being largely used. clay cre-a'-tor, man, who is made of dust, and returns to dust. ar'-bi-ter, one who decides between two contending parties. yeast of waves, the waves some- de-cay, falling or wasting away. con-vulsed', shaken violently. zone, one of the five great belts into rocks. |