

hè always defìred to have ás múch of D'r.` Primrofe's company ás póffible. The old ge leman, hearing my name mentioned, feèm to look át mè with attention, for fóme tìn ánd when my friend was gone, most respéctfi ly demanded if I was any way related to t great Prímrofe, that couragious monogami who had been the búlwark of thẻ chúrch. ver did my heart feel fincerer rápture thán thát moment.,,Sír," cried 'I,,,the applause fò good à mán, ás 'I ám fùre you are, ád to that happiness in my breast which your b névolence hás already excited. You behòld b fòre you, Sír, thát Doctor Prímrofe, the m nógamist, whom you have been pleased to cả great. You hère fèe that unfortunate Divin who has fò lóng, and it would ill become m to fay, fuccéfsfully, fought against the deuteri gamy of the age." "Sír," cried the stranger ftruck with awe, I fear I have been to famíliar; bút you'll forgive my curiólity,

Sír I bég párdon." „Sír," cried I, gráfping hi hánd, you áre fò fár fróm displeasing me b your familiárity, thát 'I mút bég youll accep

q) Dr., abgekürzt für Doctor, und zwar entweder Doc tor of Divinity, der Gottesgelahrtheit Doctor, ode Doctor of Laws, der Rechte Doctor (denn auch dief Warde nehmen viele Englifche Geiftliche an). Es gieb in England vier akademische Grade, nämlich 1) da Bakkalaureat der Künfte, deffen Inhaber Batchelor o Arts heifst; 2) die Magifterwürde; 3) das Bakkalaurea der Fakultäten, namentlich der Theologie, der Rechte der Medizin und der Mufik, und 4) die Doctorwürde and zwar der Rechte, der Arzeneigelahrtheit, de Theologie und der Mufik. (Küttner giebt im 12ten Stücke feiner Beiträge, S. 58, von diefem Gegen Stand eine ausführliche Nachricht, auf die wir den Lefer verweifen müssen.)

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my friendship, ás you already have my esteem." Then with gratitude 'I accept the offer, red he, fqueezing me by the hand, thou rious pillar of unfhaken orthodoxy; and dở I behold. I here interrupted what he was ing to fay; for though, ás án author, I could digeft no fmall fhare of flattery, yet now my mdefty would permít nò mòre. However, no overs in románce ever cemented a more intantaneous friendship. We tall ed upón feveral ubjects: át fift I thought he feémed ráther devout thán leárned, and began to think he defpifed all human doctrines às drófs. Yet this

way leffened him in my eftèem; for I hád for fome time begún privately to harbour fúcl in opinion myfélf. I therefore took occafion tobférve, that the world in general begán tó be blameably indifferent ás tó dóctrinal matters, and followed human fpeculations too much.Ay, Sir," replied hè, ás íf hè hád reférved all his learning to that moment, Ay, Sir, the world is in its dotage, and yet the cofmógony or creation of the world hás puzzled philofophers of all ages. What à medley of opinions have they nót bròached upon the crea tion of the world? Sanconiathon r), Manètho s),

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1) Sanchoniathon, ein Phönizier, lebte etwan HI das Jahr der Welt 2774. Man hat unter feinem Namen noch einige, angeblich von Philo aus Biblus in das Griechische überfetzte, gefchichtliche Fragmente, an deren Aechtheit indeffen fehr zu zweifeln ift. 3) Manetho, ein aus Heliopolis gebürtiger Egyptischer Priefter, der unter der Regierung des Ptolomeus Philadelphus lebte. Er fchrieb in griechischer Sprache eine Chronik von Egypten, von der nur noch Bruchstücke vorhanden find. Auch hat man von ihm ein vermuth lich untergeschobenes Gedicht über die Geftirne, welches Gronovius an Leyden 1698. 4. herausgegeben hat.

Beròfus t), and Océllus Lucanus u), háve all attémpted it ín vàin. The latter has these words, Anarchon ara kai atelutaton to pan; which imply thát áll things have néither begin. ning nor end, Manètho alfo, who lived about the time of Nebuchadon- 'Affer x), 'Affer being à Sýriac word ufually applied ás à fírname to thể kíngs of thát country, ás Téglat Phàel‘A. fer y), Nábon-'Affer z), he, 'I fày, fórmed à conjecture equally abfurd; fór ás we; ufually fày, ek to biblion kubernetes a), which implies


i) Berofus, ein Chaldäer, der zu und nach den Zeiten Alexanders des Grofsen die Gefchichte feines Vaterlandes aus uralten Jahrbüchern schrieb, die in dem Tempel des Belus aufbewahrt wurden. Man hat von seinem Werke annoch einige Fragmente, welche in Fabricii Bibliotheca graeca, Vol. XIV. S. 175 211 Stehen.

u) Ocellus Lukanus (d. i. aus Lucanien), 495 vor Chrifto, angeblich ein Schüler des Pythagoras. Man hat unter feinem Namen ein Buch über das Univerfum (unter andern herausgegeben von d'Argens, à Berlin 1762. 8.), welches aber wahrscheinlich ganz unächt, wenigfteus fehr verfälscht auf uns gekommen ist. Die Worte, welche Goldfinith aus diefem Werke anführt, Stehen gleich im Anfange deffelben, und heissen im Originale f. 2. αίγο: άναρχον ἄρα καὶ ἀτελεύτη τον το πάν.

*) Nebucadnezar, der berühmte König von Babylo
nien, welcher das jüdische Reich unter feine Botmässigkeit
brachte, lebte etwan um das Jahr der Welt 3380.
y) Teglat Phael Affer foll vermuthlich der Affyrische
Regent feyn, der eigentlich Tiglat- Pul- Affer heifst,
und um 3243 lebte.

Nabunaffar, der Gründer des Neu- Babylonischen
Reichs; er lebte um das Jahr 3237.

a) Diefe angeblich griechischen Worte find fo verunftaltet, dafs der eigentliche Sinn derfelben fich nicht angeben lässt.

that books will never teach the world; fò hẻ attémted to invéltigate. But, Sír, 'I ásk párdon, I ám ftraying from the question." That he actually was; nor could I fór my life ee how the creation of the world hád ány ing to do with the bifinefs I was talking but it was fufficient to fhew me that he as à mán óf létters, and 'I now reverenced m the mère. I was refolved therefore to ing him to the touchstone; but he was too ld and too gentle to contend for victory. Thenever I made ány observation that looked ke à challenge to cóntroversy he would fmile, áke his head, and fày nothing; by which understood he could fay múch, if he thought roper. The fubject, therefore, infénfibly chaned from the business of antíquity to that which rought us both to the fair; mìne 'I told him was to féll án hórfe, ánd véry luckily, indeed, is was to buy one fór óne of his tenants. My rfe was foon produced, and in fine wè strúck bárgain. Nothing now remained bút to pay e, and he accordingly pulled out a thirty bund note b), and bid me change it. Nót eing in à capacity of complying with his denánd, he ordered his footmann to be called p, who made his appearance ín à véry genel livery.,,Hère, 'Abraham," cried hè, gò nd get gold for this; you'll do ít át neighbour áckfon's, ór ány where." While the fellow was one, hè entertained me with á pathéthic haráne on the great fcarcity of filver, which I unlertook to improve, by deplòring also the great

b) Die von der 1694 errichteten Londoner Bank ausgeftellten Banknoten cirkuliren gleich dem baaren Gelde. Die geringften find die von zehn Pfund,

fcarcity of gold; fò thát by the tìme 'Abraham returned, we had both agreed that money was néver fò hárd to be cóme át ás nów. 'Abraham returned to infórm ús, thát hè had been òver the whole fáir ánd could not gét change, though hè hád óffered half à crown ) fór doing it. This was a very great disappointment to us all; but the old gentleman having paufed à little, áfked me if I knew óne Sólomon Flám borough in my párt of the country: upón replying that he was my next door neighbour, ,,If that be the cafe then," retúrned hè, „I beliève wè fháll deal. You shall have à draught upón hím, payable át fight; and let me tell you he is ás warm d) à mán ás ány within five miles round hím. Honeft Sólomon and I

háve been acquainted fór mány years toge ther. I remember I always béat hím át three jumps ); bút he could hóp upón óne lég fárther than I," A dráught upon my neighbour was to me the fame as money; fór I was fufficiently convinced of his ability: the draught wás figned and put into my hands, and Mr. Jenkinson, the old gentleman, hís mán 'Abraham, ánd mỳ hórfe, old Bláckberry, trótted óff very well pleased with each other.

'After a fhórt interval being left to refléc tion, I began to recolléct that 'I hád dóne wrong in taking à draught fróm à stranger,

c) a crown, eine Englische Silbermünze, am Werth in Prenfs. Courant 1 Rthlr. 15 Gr. 5 Pf. (S. oben S. 4.)

d) warm, hier in der Bedeutung: wohlhabend; ein Wort übrigens, deffen fich nur der gemeine Mann in diefem Sinne bedient.

e) three jumps, ein Spiel, um zu sehen, wie weit es iemand mit drei Sprüngen bringen kann.

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