
1898 Leuthardt (F.) Die Keuperflora von Neuewelt bei Basel. I. Theil. Phanerogamen. IO plates, 4to., 7-. (Abhd. Schweizer Pal. Ges., Zurich) 1903 1899 Lignier (O.) Végétaux Fossiles de Normandie, Parts 1, 2, 4, 5 and 6, with 17 plates, 4to., (Ex. Lab. Bot., Caen), 18/- 1894-5 1900 Cycadeoidea Fabre-Tonnerrei (Sp. nov.). Plate, 4to. (Ex. Univ. Bot., Caen),

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1901 Lindley and Hutton.-The Fossil-Flora of Great Britain; or, Figures and descriptions of the Vegetable remains found in a fossil state in this country. 230 plates, original issue, 3 vols., 8vo., half morocco, £3 3s. 1831-37 1902 Matson and Berry. The Catahoula Sandstone and its Flora. 13 plates, 4/6 1916 1903 McLean (R. C.) Two fossil prothalli from the Lower Coal Measures. 2 plates (New Phytologist Rept.), 2/6 1907 1904 Mueller (Baron F. v.) Observations on New Vegetable Fossils of the Auriferous Drifts. Decade II. 10 plates, 8vo., 5/


1905 Newberry (J. S.) Fossil Fishes and Fossil Plants of the Triassic Rocks of New Jersey and the Connecticut Valley. 26 plates, 4to., cloth, 7/6 Washington, 1888 Illustrations of the Cretaceous and 1906 Tertiary Plants of the Western Territories (the Rusty Sandstones of the Dakota Group and the Fort Union Group). 26 plates, 4to., cloth, 5/- Washington, 1878 1907 Penhallow (D. P.) Report on Tertiary Plants of Br. Columbia, collected by L. M. Lambe in 1906. Illustrated, 4to., 6/-. (Can. Geol. Survey) 1908 1908 Reid (C.), F.R.S., and (E. M.) The Pliocene Flora of the Dutch-Prussian Border. 20 plates, 4to., sewed, £1

The Hague, 1915 1909 Royal College of Surgeons. Catalogue of Fossil Organic Remains (Fossil Plants, by J. Morris) in the Museum. 4to., cloth. 5/1855 1910 Salisbury (E. J.) and Tansley (A. G.) The Durmast Oak-woods (Querceta Sessiliflorae) of the Silurian and Malvernian Strata near Malvern. 4to., 2/-. (Ex. Jnl. Ecology)


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1915 Scheuchzero (J. J.) Herbarium Diluvianum collectum. Vignette on title and 10 plates, title mounted and a few worm-holes in some margins, folio, calf, 14/- 1729 1916 Scott (D. H.), F.R.S.-Studies in Fossil Botany. 3rd edition, with 326 illustrations, 2 parts (or vols.), large cr. 8vo., cloth, £2 2s. 1922 1917

Ferns? 8vo., 3/1918

What were the Carboniferous Presidential Address. 3 plates, (Jnl. R. M. Soc.) 1905 Structure and Affinities of Fossil Plants from the Palaeozoic Rocks. 19 plates, 3 parts, 4to., 9/-. (Phil. Trans.) 1897-9


On Botrychloxylon paradoxum, sp. nov. a Palaeozoic Fern, with secondary wood. 5 plates, 4to., 5/-. (Linn. Trans.)

1912 1920 Scott (Rina) On Traquaria. 2 plates (Annals Bot. Rept.), 2/6 1911 1921 Seward (A. C.) Catalogue of the Mesozoic Plants in the B. M. (Nat. Hist.) :

The Jurassic Flora. I. The Yorkshire Coast. 21 plates, 8vo., cloth, 1 1900 II. Liassic and Oolitic Floras of England. 13 plates, 8vo., cloth, 10/- 1904 second-hand copy, II. 8/6 1904

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Fossil Botany: being an introduction to Palaeophytology from the standpoint of a Botanist, trans. by H. E. F. Garnsey, revised by I. Bayley-Balfour. 49 illustrations, roy. 8vo., cloth, 15/- 1891 1930 Stopes (M. C.) Catalogue of the Mesozoic Plants in the B.M. (Nat. Hist.) :The Cretaceous Flora, Pt. I. Bibliography Algae and Fungi. 2 plates and illustrations, 8vo., cloth, 12/1913 Pt. II. Lower Greensand (Aptian) Plants of Gt. Britain. 32 plates, 8vo., cloth, I IS.


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Including a few works on Pre-Historic Times, and Anthropology, including an original autograph letter of Malthus on the

Population of Ireland.

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22 plates,

1955 Allen (H.) Crania from the Mounds of the St. John's River, Florida. 4to., 12/6. (Jnl. Ac. N.S. Phil.) 1896 1956 Anthropological Review (The), 1863-69, No: 26, 8vo., 5 vols. cloth, rest in parts, 15/

1957 Anthropological Notes and Queries. With plates, 12mo., cloth, 2/6 1874 1958 Archivos do Museo Nacional do Rio de Janiero. Vol. VI. Consegredo á Exposicao Anthropologica Brazilieira realisada Museu Nacional a 29 de Julho de 1882. 14 plates and numerous illustrations in the text, dust soiled, 4to., sewed, 10/


Rio de Janeiro, 1885


1959 Arkiv fur Kemi, Mineralogi och Geologi, utgwet ar K. Svenska Vetenskapsakad. Bd. 8, Häfte 3-4, 8vo., 4/1960 Beecher (C. W.) and Clarke (J. M.) Development of some Silurian Brachiopoda. 8 plates, 4to., 8/6. (Mem. N.Y. St. Mus.) 1889

1961 Belloguet (R. Bon. de) Ethnogénie Gauloise, 3eme partie : Le Génie Gaulois, caractère national, druidisme, etc. 8vo., sewed, 4/6

1868 1962 Burgess (Jas.) Notes on the Amarvaati Stupa. 17 plates, 4to., 12/6. (Arch. Survey of India, No. 3)



1963 Brown (J. A.) Palaeolithic Man in N.W. Middlesex. Frontispiece and 8 plates, 8vo., cloth, 4/6 1887 1964 Carr (L.) The Mounds of the Mississippi Valley. 4to., 3/-. (Ex. Mem. Ky. Geol. Soc.) 1965 Chantre (Ernest) Recherches Anthropologiques dans l'Asie Occidentale-Mission scientifiques en Transcaucasie, Asie mineure et Syrie, 1890-1894. Avec 43 planches, folio, sewed, I IS. (Ext. Arch. Mus. d'hist nat., Lyon) 1895

1966 Chavannes (Ed.) La Sculpture a l'Epoque des Han (Tome I Miss Arch. d. la Chine Septentrionale). Avec planches CCCCLXXXIX.DXLIII. (of the whole work), roy. 8vo., sewed, 71Paris, 1913 1967 Chaves (F. A.) Gisements de Diatomées fossiles à Furnas (Ile de S. Miguel). 8vo., 3/-. (Bull. Soc. Port. d. Sci., Lisbonne)



1968 Clarke (M.) The Future Australian Race, and other Anthropological Papers by Huxley, Beddoe, Galton, etc., 8vo., cloth, 4/6 1969 Clement (E.) Vocabulary of the Gualluma Tribe between the Yule and Fortescue Rivers, N.W. Australia. 8vo., 1/6. Ex. Jnl. Anth. Inst.) 1899

1970 Cochet (l'Abbe) La Normandie Souterraine ou notices sur des Cimetières Romains et des Cimetières Francs Explorés en Normandie. 2me. edition, 17 plates, 8vo., half calf, 7/6 Paris, 1855 1971 Congo.-MASUI (Th.) Les Collections Ethnographiques du Musée du Congo, Tome I., Fasc. I., 8 planches coloriées, folio, unbound, 6/-. (Ann. d. Mus. d. Congo)

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1974 Davidson (T.) British Fossil Brachiopoda; On the Anatomy of Terebatula, by Prof. Owen; Intimate Structure of the Brachipooda, by Prof. Carpenter; Classification of the Brachiopoda, by T. Davidson Vols. I. and II., with 72 plates, 2 vols., 4to., calf, (Palaeont. Soc.), £2 10S. 1851-62 1975 Dawkins (W. B.), F.G.S.-Cave Hunt ing, researches on the evidence of Caves respecting the early inhabitants of Europe. Coloured plates and 128 woodcuts, 8vo., cloth £2 5s. 1874

1976 Dorsey (G. A.) A Bibliography of the Anthropology of Peru. 8vo., 3/6. (Field Columbian Mus.)

1898 1977 Duckworth (W. L. H.) Studies from the Anthropological Laboratory the Anatomy School. Illustrated, 8vo., cloth, 3/6 1904

1978 Durrant (Emile) Catalogue raisonné et illustré des Séries Gallo-Romaines du Musée Epigraphique Cantonal de Genève Avec 168 cliches, 4to., sewed, 7/-. (Mém. de l'Inst. Nat. Genevois)


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The Ancient Stone Implements, Weapons and Ornaments of Great Britain. 2 plates and 476 engravings, 8vo., cloth, £I 1872

1983 Farquharson (R. J.) Recent Archaeological Discoveries at Davenport, Iowa, of Copper Axes, Cloth, etc. 28 plates, 8vo., 3/6. (Ex. D. A. N. S.) 1875

1984 FERGUSSON (J.), F.R.S. Rude Stone Monuments of all Countries, their age and uses. 234 illustrations, 8vo., cloth, £1 8s. 1872 1985 Figuier (L.) L'Homme Primitif. Avec 40 scenes de la Vie de d'homme primitif, 3me edition, 8vo., sewed, 4/6 1873

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1988 Fox (Cyril) The Archaeology of the
Cambridge Region. Roy. 8vo.,
£I IIS. 6d.

1989 Gardner and Ettinghausen.
graph of the British Eocene Flora.
40 plates, 2 vols., 4to., wrappers,
(Paleontog. Soc.).

cloth, 1923



1 16s. 1879-80 1990 Garstang (G.) Excavations at Hierakonpolis, Esna, and Nubia. 15 plates, 8vo., 3/-. (Ex.) 1991 Gastaldi (B.) Frammenti di Paleoetnologia Italiana. 15 plates, I coloured, 4to., 5/-. (Atti d. R. Acad., Lincei). 1876 1992 Goesselet (Prof. Dr. P.) L'Homme préhistorique dans l'Europe Central. [Primeval Man in Central Europe). Pp. 134 × 40 plates, £ IS.


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1997 Halliburton (R. G.) How a Race of Pygmies was found in North Africa and Spain. Plates, large 8vo., half morocco, 6/Toronto, 1897 1998 Hamilton (A.) The Art Workmanship of the Maori Race in New Zealand: Canoes, Habitations, Weapons, Ornaments, and Dress. Parts 1 and 2, with 25 plates, 4to., wrappers (slightly dust-soiled), 1

Wellington, 1896-97 1999 Hamy (Dr. E. T.) Etude sur un Squelette d' Aëta des Environs de Binangonan (Philippines). 2 plates, 4to., 6/-. (Ex. Nouv. Arch. d Mus. d'hist. Nat., Paris).


2000 Hayasaka (Ichiro) Tertiary Brachiopods from Japan. 2 plates, folio, 10/-. (Sci. Repts. Tohoku Univ., Ser. II., Geol.). 1922 2001 Hodgson (H. H.) On the Aborigines of India: Vocabulary, Grammar, Location, Numbers, Creed, Customs, Condition, and physical and moral characteristics of the people; also Journal of the Asiatic Society. Pt. 2, Special Number-Ethnology. 8vo., half calf, used, 6/1846-47

2002 Heron-Allen and Earland.-Foraminifera from the Eocene Clay of Nigeria. Plate, 4to., 3/6

1922 2003 Hill (R. T.) The Geology and Physical Geography of Jamaica: Study of a type of Antillean development. With appendix. Some Cretaceous and other Corals, by T. W. Vaughan. With 41 plates, 8vo., sewed, 10. (Bull. Mus. Comp. Zool.) 1899

2004 Hoffman (W. J.) The Graphic Art of the Eskimos. 82 plates and 152 text-illustrations; also, The Social Organization and the Secret Societies of the Kwakiutl Indians. By F. Boas. 51 plates and 215 text figures 8vo., cloth, 12/6. (Smithsonian Inst.). 1895

2005 Hinde (G. J.) and Holmes (Wm.) On the Sponge Remains in the Lower Tertiary Strata near Oamaru, N.Z. 8 plates, 8vo., 4. (Jnl. Linn. Soc.). 1892

2006 Hoffman (W. J.) The Graphic Arts of the Eskimos. 82 plates, 8vo., sewed, 3/6. (Rept. U. S. N. M., Wash.). 1897 2007 Hollick (A.) The Cretaceous Flora of Southern New York and New England. 40 plates, 4to., cloth, 5/- Washington, 1906 2008 Hornell (J.) The Origins and Ethnological significance of Indian Boat Designs. 6 plates, 4to., 6/-. (Mem. As. Soc., Bengal)


2009 Jeffries (Zay), Consulting Metallurgist Alumimiun Company of America. The . Science of Metals, pp. 500, with 200 illustrations, 8vo., cloth, £1 5s. 1924 2010 Jewitt (Ll.) Grave-mounds and their contents. 500 illustrations, cr. 8vo., cloth, 8/6 1870 2011 Joly (N.) Man before Metals. 148 illustrations, cr. 8vo., cloth, 2/6 1883

2012 Jones (J.) Explorations of the Aboriginal Remains of Tennessee. Numerous illustrations, 4to., 6/-. Wash., 1876

2013 Jones (T. R.) On some Bone and other Implements from the Caves of Perigord, France. 3 plates, 4to., 2/6


2014 Jozsef (L.) Az Emberi Koponyaisme. Craniascopia, XII., Számtáblával és Két Képtáblaval. 2 plates, 4to., 5/

Budapest, 1875 2015 Kearne (A. H.) Ethnology; fundamental ethical problems and the primary ethical groups. Illustrated, 2nd edition, cr. 8vo., cloth, 5/1896 2016 Keller (F.) The Lake Dwellings Switzerland and other parts of Europe. Translated by J. E. Lee. 2nd edition, greatly enlarged, frontispiece and 286 plates (loose), 2 vols., roy. 8vo., cloth, £1 148.


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2019 Klebs (Dr. R.) Der Bernsteinschmuk der Steinzeit v. d. Baggerei bei Schwarzort u. anderen Lokalitaten Preussens. 12 plates, 4to., 4/6 1882 und 2020 Kohn Mehlis. Materielen zur Vorgeschichte des Menschen im blittchen Europa. Erster Band. Illustrated, 8vo., sewed, 5/Jena, 1879 2021 Kroeber (A. L.) The Arapaho. With coloured plates and illustrations in the text, 3 parts in 2, 8vo., 3/-. (Bull. Am. Mus. Nat. Hist.) 1902

2022 Laing (S.) Human Origins. 12th thousand, illustrated, 8vo., cloth, 3/- 1894 2023 Lake Dwellings.—MESSIKOMMER (H.) Die Pfahlbauten von Robenhausen l'epoque Robenhausienne. 48 tafeln, 4to., sewed,

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2031 Macdonnell (W. R.) A second study of the English Skull; with special reference to Moorfield's Crania. 12 plates, roy. 8vo., 4/-. (Ex. Biometrika, V. 5) 1906 2032 Malthus (Rev. T. R.) An Essay on the Principle of Population; or, a view of its past and present effects on human happiness. With a biography of the author, by G. T. Bellamy. 8vo., cloth, an autograph letter from the author referring to the population of Ireland, June 3, 1808, is inserted, £2 17s. 6d. 1890 2033

7th edition, cloth, 5/- 1872 This does not contain his biography.

2034 Mason (O. T.) Primitive Travel and Transportation. 25 plates and 260 illustrations in the text, 8vo., 4/6. (Ex. Rept. U. S. Nat. Mus., Wash.)


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