
dignity of Stadtholder of the united provinces, and all the domains and territorial property fituated in the Batavian republic or its colonies.

On the 15th of June, official accounts were received from St. Domingo of Touffaint and his lieutenantgenerals having furrendered to the French arms, and that immenfe magazines of ammunition and artillery had fallen into the hands of the victors.

On the 26th, M. Garnerin afcended, for the first time in England, in his balloon from Ranelagh, accompanied by captain Sowden. They defcended near Colchefter, having performed a journey of about fixty miles in three quarters of an hours.

On the 29th, the parliament of the united kingdom was diffolved by a proclamation from the King in council. This was the 18th parliament of Great Britain, and the first of the united kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland.

On the 4th of Auguft, Bonaparte was formally in vefted with the confulship for life, by the feveral conftituted authorities, after the votes of the people in favour of the measure had been declared.

On the 16th, the new parliament, which was ap pointed to meet on the laft day of this month, was fur ther prorogued to the 5th of October.

On the 27th, the new docks at Blackwall were opened in presence of the principal officers of ftate, on which occafion the Henry Addington Weft Indiaman entered, decorated with the colours of the different nations of Europe.

On the 7th of September, an infurrection broke out in several of the fmall cantons of Switzerland, which afterwards fpread throughout the greater part of the country. The army of Swifs patriots defeated the troops of the government before Berne, and poffeffed themselves of that city, and alfo of Bafle. The government inftantly retired to Lausanne, and a convention was figned between the oppofing parties. Much bloodshed, on both fides, preceded this event, which amounted

amounted to a complete counter revolution, the patriotshaving appointed a government and fenate of their


Bonaparte, being now invited to interpofe his authority as mediator in the affairs of Switzerland, iffued at proclamation, ordering all the late proceedings of the patriots to be annulled, the depofed government to be reftored to their power, and that deputies from the Cantons fhould repair to Paris, there to fettle the future conftitution of the Helvetic republic.

On the 4th of October, the Swifs patriots obtained fome further fucceffes, but the arrival of Bonaparte's aid de camp, with the Conful's proclamation, caufed a fufpenfion of hoftilities to take place, the patriots prudently refolving to oppofe no force to the mandate of the Confular Chief, which, on the contrary, was referred by them to their own Diet at Schwitz.

The Helvetic government then iffued a proclamation, in which, after praifing the conduct of Bonaparte, they declare their acceptance of the armed mediation he had determined upon with refpect to that country. A few days after, the Diet of Schwitz, and all the other revolutionary authorities, in confequence of the entrance of the French troops into Switzerland, abandoned all intentions of further refistance, and diffolved itfelf, having on the preceding day given the neceflary orders for difbanding the whole of the infurgent army. Thus terminated the Helvetic infur


Several fhips of the line and frigates were about this time ordered by the British government to be commiffioned, and got ready for fea, in purfuance of a refolution entered into by them refpecting the particular extent of the peace establishment. The house of commons foon after voted 50,000 feamen and marines for the fervice of the enfuing year.

On the 6th of November, general Andreoffi, the ambaffador from the French republic, arrived in London, accompanied by his fecretaries and fuite. Two


days after, lord Whitworth, the British ambassador to the French republic, fet out for Paris, accompanied by his fpoufe, the duchefs of Dorfet, and a numerous


On the 16th, colonel Defpard, and between thirty and forty perfons of the loweft order, fome of them foldiers of the foot guards, were taken into cuftody, oh a charge of high treafon. After various exami nations, the colonel and fifteen others were fully committed for trial, and the remainder difcharged on their own recognizances.

On the 3d of December, M. Schimmelpenninck, the Dutch plenipotentiary to the British court, arrived in London.

On the 18th, intelligence was received of the Rajah of Bullana having been defeated by a detachment of the Britifh fouthern army, affifted by the Myfore troops, and fentenced to perpetual imprisonment.

Towards the end of the month, the Hamburgh mail brought an account of the troops of the Egyptian Beys having defeated in feveral actions thofe of the Grand Seignior, and poffeffed themfelves of the whole of Upper Egypt.

In 1803, on the 11th of January, the Hindoftan Eaft Indiaman, outward bound for Madras and China, was wrecked off Reculver, near Margate. One gentleman, whose name was Clarke, a cadet for Madras, with fixteen of the crew, unfortunately perifhed. The captain, and the remainder of the officers and crew, were faved. The female paflengers were fortunately all on fhore at Deal, waiting for the arrival of the thip.

About the fame time, the misfortunes fuftained in St. Domingo made a great impreffion on the French cabinet. The army, at whofe head Bonaparte had fo frequently fought, and reaped the iron harvest of the field, both in Europe and Afia, now fuffered very much by the deadly attack of a peftilential climate, conjoined with the inceffant incurfions of hordes of

undifciplined barbarians, whofe complexion and powers they had been inured to defpife; while, to finish the catastrophe, general Leclerc, the commander in chief, and his own brother-in-law, fell a victim to the former fcourge. After having languifhed ten days under the common fever of the country, he expired, and was fucceeded by Rochambeau, an officer of fuperior talents.

On the 7th of February, by fpecial commiffion, in the New Seffions Houfe, Borough, before the Right Honourable Lord Ellenborough, Baron Thompson, Sir Simon Le Blanc, and Sir A. Chambre, Colonel Defpard and his affociates were indicted for high treafon, and found guilty. The Colonel and fix others were executed on the 21ft. After hanging about half an hour till they were quite dead, they were cut down, when their heads were fevered from their bodies, and exhibited to the populace. There was not the least tendency to riot or difturbance. A fky-rocket, however, was sent to the keeper of the prifon, to be iet off, as a fignal to the military, in the cafe of any difturbance.

Another object of public attention, on the very day that the confpirators fuffered, was the trial of M. Peltier, for a libel upon the Chief Conful of France, and an attempt to excite the people of that country to affaffinate him, as Romulus and Julius Cæfar were affaffinated at Rome; of which charges the defendant was found guilty. As Bonaparte cannot be fuppofed to poffefs much popularity in Great Britain, his obtaining a verdict muft imprefs upon the world at large a deep reverence and veneration for the mode of trial by jury, and the impartial manner in which justice is adminiffered in this country.

About the fame time, a fingular phænomenon was obferved in the parish of Noa Kopperbarger, in the province of Dalecarlia, in Sweden. At two in the morning the moon, at its full, was feen furrounded by a black circle, inclofed in a circle of blood red.-From the east and weft fides of the moon feveral rays escaped,

which were prolonged to the circles, where two funs appeared diftinctly, the one in the east, and the other in the weft, having the colours of the rainbow, and emitting perpendicularly towards the horizon rays of light. In the heavens was seen a rainbow, which touched the circle round the moon, and on the fides of which were alfo two funs of the faine form as the other, but of a paler colour.

This phænomenon embraced nearly the whole hori zon, and continued for fome time.




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