15 A CORDIAL for Low Spirits, being a Collection of Curious Tracts, by T. Gordon, Esq. of blessed memory, 3 vols. 12mo. calf, 7s. 6d. 1753 16 ACTOR (the) or, a Treatise on the Art of Playing, 12mo. hf. bd. uncut, 2s. 6d. 1755 17 ADAGIA id est Proverbiorum Paroemiarum et Parabolarum Omnium, Quæ Apud Græcos, Latinos, Hebræos, Arabas, &c. in usu fuerunt, Collectio Absolutissima, in locus communes, digesta, thick folio, vellum, 8s. 6d. 1619 18 ADAMS' (Rev. W.) Sacred Allegories (the Shadow of the Cross, the Distant Hills, the Old Man's Home, the King's Messengers,) portrait, 8vo. calf gilt, marbled leaves, 7s. 6d. 1849 19 ADAMSON'S Histoire Naturelle des Coquillages du Sénégal avec la Relation abrégée d'un Voyage fait en ce pays pendant les années 1749-50-51-52 et 53, 19 plates, 4to. LARGE PAPER, old french green morocco extra, gilt edges, £1. 8s. Paris, 1757 20 A DAY in Stowe Gardens, a Collection of Original Tales, post 8vo. bds. 2s. 1825 21 ADDISON'S (L. D. D.) History of the present State of the Jews, with an Account of their Customs, Secular and Religious, and a Summary of the Nisna, Talmud, and Gemera, frontispiece, 12mo. calf, 4s. 1676 22 ADDISON'S Works, edited by Tickell, with copious index, portrait, 6 vols. 8vo. calf neat, marbled edges, GOOD LIBRARY SET, £1. 1s. 1804 23 ADDISON'S Poetical Works, Gay's Fables, and Somerville's Chase, with Memoirs and Critical Dissertations, by George Gilfillan, 8vo. cloth, 3s. 1859 24 A DEFENCE of the "Eclipse of Faith," by its Author, being a Rejoinder to Professor Newman's "Reply," post 8vo. cloth, 3s. 1854 25 A DIALOGUE betwixt Two Protestants, in answer to a Popish Catechism, called a Short Catechism against all Sectaries, 8vo. calf neat, 3s. 6d. 1685 26 A DISCOURSE of Monarchy, more particularly of the Imperial Crowns of England, Scotland, and Ireland, according to the Ancient, Common, and Statute Laws of the same, sm. 8vo. calf, 4s. 1684 27 A DISCOURSE upon the Theory of Legitimate Government, 12mo. bds. 4s. Privately printed, Florence, 1817 28 ADVENTURES (The) of a Dramatist, 2 vols. 12mo. bds. 4s. 6d. (pub. 16s.) 1832 29 ADVENTURES of Neoptolemus, Son of Achilles, written in imitation of Telemachus, translated from the French, frontispiece, 12mo. old binding, 2s. 6d. 1742 30 ADVERTISEMENTS from Parnassus, in Two Centuries, with the Politick Touchstone, translated from the Italian, by Henry Earl of Monmouth, fine portrait by Faithorne, folio, old calf gilt, 8s. 6d. 1656 31 ADVENTURES of Herman of Unna, showing the Proceedings of the Secret Tribunal during the 15th Century, 2 vols. 12mo. neat, 2s. 6d. 1794 32 ADVENTURES of Captain John Patterson, with Notices of the Officers of the 50th, or Queen's Own Regiment, from 1807 to 1821, post 8vo. bds. 2s. 6d. (pub. 10s. 6d.) 1837 33 ADVENTURES of a Cat, and a Fine Cat Too! by Alfred Elwes, illustrated by Harrison Weir, sq. 8vo. cloth, 2s. 1857 34 ESCHYLI Tragoedia recensuit Godofredus Hermannus, portrait, 2 vols. 8vo. calf gilt, 12s. 6d. Lipsia, 1852 35 ESOPI Fabulæ, Græce et Latine, cum vita, aliis opusculis, 8vo. calf, 7s, 6d. RARE. Basila, apud Joannis Frobenii, MDXXIV. 36 ESOP'S FABLES, translated into Human Nature, containing 22 highly finished coloured woodcuts, by C. Bennett, 4to. fancy bds. 5s. 6d. 1858 37 ESOP Naturalised, in a Collection of Fables and Stories from sop, Locman, Pilpay, and others, 12mo. calf, 3s. 1743 38 AGASSIZ (L.) and GOULD'S (A. A.) Comparative Physiology, touching the structure, development, distribution, and natural arrangement of the Races of Animals living and extinct, numerous illustrations, post 8vo. (part all published) cloth, 3s. 6d. Boston, 1848 39 AGREEABLE Variety (The) being a Miscellaneous Collection in Prose and Verse, from the Works of the most cele brated Authors, containing Characters of the most illustrious Personages of both Sexes, of our own and other Nations, 8vo. bd. 3s. 6d. 1724 40 AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY-Journal of the Royal Agricultural Society of England, complete set from the commencement in 1839 to the end of 1859, numerous engravings, 20 vols. 8vo. newly hf. bd. green calf gilt, £7. 7s. 1839-59 41 AGRIPPA de Vanitate omnium Scientiarum, frontispiece, 12mo. calf, 3s. 6d. Lugd. Bat. 1644 42 AGUILAR (Grace) Woman's Friend- 55 AITON'S (Dr.) Life and Times of ship, a Story of Domestic Life, plates, 12mo. cloth, 2s. 6d. 1856 43 AIKIN (Dr. John) Letters from a Father to his Son, on various topics, relative to Literature and the Conduct of Life, 2 vols. small 8vo. hf. calf neat, 2s. 1794 44 AIKIN'S (J.) Essays on Song Writing, with a Collection of such English Songs as are most eminent for Poetical Merit, with Supplement by R. H. Evans, 8vo. bds. 2s. 6d. 1810 45 AIKIN'S (J.) Poetical Works, 1791Barbauld's (Mrs.) Poems, 1792, post 8vo. old calf gilt, 2s. 1791-92 46 AIKIN'S (J.) Annals of the Reign of George III. from its Commencement in the year 1760 to the general Peace in 1815, 2 vols. 8vo. hf. calf neat, 3s. 1816 47_AIKIN'S (J. & A. L.) Miscellaneous Pieces in Prose, on Romances, Comedy, on the Pleasures derived from Objects of Terror, sm. 8vo. old calf gilt, 2s. 6d. 1773 48 AIKIN'S (Lucy) Memoirs of the Court of Queen Elizabeth 2 vols. -James I. 2 vols. Charles I. 2 vols. together 6 vols. 8vo. portraits, new hf. calf gilt, uniform, £1. 11s. 6d. 1822, &c. 49 AIKMAN'S (J.) History of Scotland from the earliest period to the Union with England 1707, with Notes critical and explanatory, portraits, 4 vols. 8vo. bds. 7s. 6d. 1826 50 AINSWORTH'S (Henry) Annotations of the Pentateuch, Psalms, and the Song of Songs, or Canticles, folio, hf. calf neat, 16s. 1627 51 AINSWORTH'S (H.) the Communion of Saincts, a Treatise of the Fellowship that the Faithful have with God and his Angels, small 8vo. morocco, carmine edges, old style, 7s. 6d. SCARCE. Amsterdam, 1628 52 AINSWORTH'S (W. F.) Researches in Assyria, Babylonia, and Chaldea, forming part of the Labours of the Euphrates Expedition, map and plates, 8vo. cloth, 4s. 6d. (pub. 12s. 6d.) 1838 53 AINSWORTH'S (W. F.) 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RARE AND unEDITED ROMAN COINS, Descriptive Catalogue of, from the earliest period of the Roman Coinage, 22 fine plates from the originals, 2 vols. 8vo. cloth, £1. 4s. (pub. £2. 2s.) scarce. 59 1840 1834 60 AKERMAN'S (J. Y.) NUMISMATIC MANUAL, 17 plates of Coins, Svo. cloth, 12s. 6d. (pub. £1. 1s.) 61 ALEXIS of Piemont, the Secretes of, containyng excellente remedies against diverse Diseases, Woundes, and other Accidentes, translated out of Frenche by Willyam Warde, the Four Parts complete, Black Letter, sm. 4to. newly bd. calf gilt, carmine edges, old style, 18s. 6d. Imprinted at London by Jhon Kyngston, 1580 62 ALEMAN'S Spanish Rogue, or the Life of Guzman d'Alfarache, translated into English, folio, calf gilt, 10s. 6d. 1830 Oxford, 1630 63 ALEXANDER (Alexander) The Life of, written by himself, and edited by John Howell, portrait, 2 vols. in 1, hf. calf neat, 3s. 64 ALEXANDER'S (Sir J. E.) Sketches in Portugal during the Civil War of 1834, coloured frontispiece, 8vo. cloth, 2s. 6d. 1835 65 ALEXANDER'S (Lieut.-Col. Sir Jas.) Passages in the Life of a Soldier, or Military Service in the East and West, coloured frontispiece, 2 vols. post 8vo. cloth, 4s. 6d. (pub. £1. 1s.) 1857 54 AINSWORTH'S (W. H.) Windsor 66 Castle, an Historical Romance, illustrated by GEORGE CRUIKSHANK, 8vo. cloth, 4s. 6d. 1853 ALEXANDER'S (Col. Sir J. E.) Salmon Fishing in Canada, numerous very spirited woodcuts, post 8vo. cloth, 5s. 6d. Longmans, 1860 67 ALFIERI'S Tragedies, translated by Lloyd, 3 vols. 12mo. hf. calf neat, 12s. 6d. "In his own way, Alfieri, we think, is excel- lent. His fables are all admirably contrived and completely developed; his dialogue is copious and progressive, and his characters all deliver natural sentiments with great beauty, and often with great force of expression."-Edinburgh Review. 68 ALFIERI and GOLDONI, their Lives and Adventures, by Copping, post 8vo. ALGE BRITANNICE, containing 25 beautifully arranged Specimens of selections from the most celebrated Orien- tal Poets, frontispiece, post 8vo. cloth, 71 ALISON'S (A.) Sermons on particular occasions, 2 vols. 8vo. hf. russia neat, 72 ALISON'S HISTORY OF EUROPE, from the commencement of the French Revo- lution 1774 to 1815, with continuation to 1852, numerous portraits, THE BEAU- TIFULLY PRINTED LARGE TYPE LIBRARY EDITION, 23 vols. 8vo. cloth, £11. 11s. 73 ALISON'S History of Europe, from the commencement of the French Revolu- tion 1774 to 1815, 10 vols. 8vo. hf. calf 74 ALISON'S History of Europe, THE ATLAS TO, constructed and arranged by Alex. 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It has been assumed 92 AMBOYNA Insignia Bataviæ, or the Dutch Trophies Displayed, being exact : Relations of the Barbarous Proceedings 1688 93 AMES (Dr. William)-The Workes of that Reverend and Faithfull Minister of Christ, translated out of Latine for publike use, fine portrait by Marshall, sm. 4to. calf very neat, 15s. SCARCE. 1643 94 ANABAPTISTS RUSSEN'S (David) True Picture of the Anabaptists, in their Rise, Progress, and Practice, written for the Use of such as take em for Saints, 95 ANACHARSIS' Travels in Greece, during the middle of the 4th Century before the Christian Era, 7 vols. 8vo. and 4to. Atlas of maps and engravings, fine copy in bright old calf gilt, yellow 96 ANA-Huetiana ou Pensées diverses de M. Huet, Evesque d'Avranches, 12mo. 97 ANA.-Naudæna et Patiniana ou Singu- laritez remarquables presès des Conversa- tions de Messieurs Naudí et Fatin, por- traits, 12mo. cf.gilt, 3s. Amsterdam, 1703 Second edition, with additions to the Naudæ- ana, which are not in the Paris edition. 98 ANA-Poggiana, ou la Vie, Caractère, Sentences, Bons Mots de Pogge Floren- tin, portrait, 2 vols. 12mo. calf, 4s. 6d. 99 ANA-Verulamiana, or Opinions on Men, Manners, Literature, Politics, and Theology, by Lord Bacon, portrait, 12mo. 100 AN ACCOUNT of the Rise, Progress, and Present State of the Magdalen Hos- or His- tory of Literature, Domestic and Foreign, 104 AN APOLOGY or Apologiticall An- swere, made by Father Paule, a Venetian of the order Servi, unto the Exceptions and Objections of Cardinall Bellarmine, against certain Treatises and Resolutions of John Gerson, concerning the Force and Validitie of Excommunication, trans- 105 AN APOLOGY for the Conduct of Mrs. Teresie Constantia Phillips, more particularly that Part of it which relates to her Marriage with an eminent Dutch 106 AN ARGUMENT proving_that the design of Employing and Ennobling Foreigners, is a Treasonable Conspiracy against the Constitution, Dangerous to the Kingdom, an Affront to the Nobility of Scotland in particular, and Dishonour able to the Peerage of Britain in general, sm. 8vo. hf. calf neat, 4s. 6d. North of Scotland, 25 large and beauti- fully tinted plates by M. Bouquet, impl. folio, hf. morocco, £1. 8s. (pub. £3. 3s.) 108 A NARRATIVE of the late Troubles in England, first written in Latin by an Anonymous, for the Information of For- reners, and now don into English for the behoof and pleasure of our Countreymen, 109 A NARRATIVE of the Distressing Accident which occurred at Rochester Bridge, 13th Sept. 1816, with Biographi- cal Sketches of some of the Persons who suffered by that Event, by W. S. Palmer, 110 ANCIENT BRITISH DRAMA, a col- lection of Old Plays by Heywood Sack- ville, Lyly, Marlow, Shirley, Marston, Middleton, Cartwright, Webster, &c. edited by Sir W. Scott, 3 vols. royal 8vo. very clean copy, bds. £2. 5s. SCARCE. 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Another Copy, LARGE PAPER, INDIA PROOFS, 5 vols. in 2, calf gilt, gilt edges, 117 ANCIENT RELIQUES, or Delinea- tions of Monastic, Castellated, and Do- mestic Architecture, and other interesting Subjects, with historical and descriptive Sketches, numerous very fine plates, early impressions, 2 vols. 12mo. boards, 5s. 6d. 118 ANCIENT (THE) Poem of Guillaume de Guileville, entitled Le Pélérinage de l'Homme, compared with the Pilgrim's Progress of John Bunyan, edited with Notes collected by the late Mr. Nathaniel Hill, of the Roy. Soc. of Lit. with Illus trations and an Appendix, portrait of Bunyan and numerous curious plates, 119 ANCIENT Scottish Poems, the Gaber- lunzie-Man, and Christ's Kirk on the Green, with Notes and Observations by J. Callendar, 8vo. calf, very neat, 7s. 6d. 120 ANCIENT Scottish Melodies, from a MS. of the Reign of King James VI. with an Inquiry illustrative of the History of the Music of Scotland, by W. 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