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(Address delivered by A. P. Barton before the New Thought Convention in Chicago on Friday evening, Nov. 20, 1903)

EW THOUGHT means a new mode of think-
ing, thought founded in a new conception
of life and with a new and higher and bet-

ter end and purpose in view.

The old thought was both tacit and active admission of disease, poverty, hardships and death as inevitable fatalities in human experience. This admission and active assertion of wrong and bad conditions brought to pass the things expected and formulated by the spoken word.

The new mode of thinking discourages sickness and calamity, if it does not actually render the thinkers immune from them.

Therapeutics relates to the practice of methods and experiments for the curing of disease. I purposely avoid the use of the word Science here, for the reason that medical practice and experiment have never yet been reduced to a science. Nor is there even system about it. The practice constantly

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