
iny youth up, which cannot easily be procured, and will probably never be reprinted.

Still, as it is almost impossible to keep rigidly in these cases to first intentions, it will be found that I have wandered here and there into the tempting fields of well-known and procurable modern poetry.

For instance, in the case of Mrs. Joanna Baillie, it seemed to me that her charming Lyrics and some of her shorter poems are concealed and made difficult of access by the weight and number of her larger works. I have, therefore, freely taken the former, as far as my allotted space allowed,

The reader will not find here much of distinctively SACRED Poetry. While I feel that there is nothing in the whole compass of our literature so cheering and comforting, as what has been given by the British Muse in 'psalms and spiritual songs,' it seemed to me every way better to let these remain distinct. Our collections of them are many and excellent, and, to our joy we may say, highly popular. I have added a specimen or two of an author's highest thought when the general strain has been secular. But I could not consent to mix up large portions of Heber's hymns, or the beautiful works of the author of the 'Christian Year,' with lighter things.

The omission in general of specimens of this best and greatest office of the lyre will not surely be thought to involve omission of much, very much, which ministers to aspiration and adoration. During a great

part of our mortal lives, it is, or should be, our business to get our affections purified, our best feelings quickened and turned into wholesome channels, our spirits tuned to charity and kindness, our views of this world brightened by the hope of a better. Also, it is surely clear that the Great Source of all goodness and beauty spreads His invitations to see Him in His glorious works, very widely abroad; and thus the elements of religious thought are ever near us, and the poetry which includes them is, in its heart and soul, religious too.

God sent His singers upon earth,

With songs of sadness and of mirth,

That they might touch the hearts of men,

And bring them back to heaven again.

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These are the three great chords of might;

And he whose ear is tuned aright

Will hear no discord in the three,

But the most perfect harmony.-Longfellow.

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