
The demise of the late Mr. Roe was feelingly referred to. The committee suggested "that the memory of one of the worthiest and ablest members of the order should be acknowledged in a manner which, while it will redound to the credit of the society, will, at the same time, be an iudncement to other members to follow an example so worthily set before them by him whose loss is so universally lamented throughout the order."

It was ultimately resolved that the sum of £50 be granted to Mrs. Roe, and Mr. that a circular be issued inviting additional contributions for this purpose. Burgess was appointed parliamentary agent in the place of the late Mr. Roe. Mr. Ratcliffe's work was very favourably noticed. A vote of £50 was passed unanimously, as a remuneration for Mr. Ratcliffe's additional labour. A long discussion took place with reference to the conduct of the directors in matters of appeal from the Manchester district. The proposition was ultimately withdrawn, and the usual vote of thanks carried. Mr. Woodcock, D.G.M., was nnanimously elected Grand Master; Mr. Burgess, South London, was elected Deputy Grand Master. He polled 104 votes, and Mr. Richmond, Manchester, 66. lowing gentlemen, together with the retiring G.M. form the Board of Directors for the ensuing year:-Messrs. Buck, Daynes, Schofield, Price (Aberdare), Street, Curtis, Jack, Geves, and Richmond. The next A.M.C. will be held at Leamington; Leamington polled 86, and Birkenhead 85. For auditor the Bootle district polled 69, and Hull 21. The following gentlemen's portraits are to appear in the magazine: Mr. Luff, P.G.M., Liverpool; Mr. Noon, Belper; Mr. Glasse, Southampton; and Mr. Waldram, Leicester. The usual vote of thanks and donations to the charities were passed. The business concluded about eleven o'clock on Saturday.

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The Grand Banquet was held on Tuesday evening in the Town Hall. About 400 sat down to dinner. Nearly all the deputies attended by invitation from the Brighton district. It passed off in the most enthusiastic manner. His Worship the Mayor presided, supported on the right by the Grand Master of Order, and on the left by the Grand Master of the district. Mr. E. Saunders, and Mr. T. D. Gates, of the Brighton district, acted as vice-cnainen, and amongst those present were observed J. White, Esq., M.P., J. G. Dodson, Esq., M.P., the Rev. J. Griffith, the Ex-Mayor (Mr. Alderman Alger), Mr. Alderman Martin, M. D. Scott, Esq., Mr. Alderman J. C. Burrows, A. Bigge, Esq., Major D'Albiac, Captain Branwell, Captain Meek, Lieutenant Loder, Lieutenant Cockburn, and Messrs. R. Rugg, D. Richards, W. Verrall, J. Hilditch, J. C. Craven, W. Smithers, Dixon, W. Curtis, Chittenden, Challen, Booty, H. Beard, &c. “The Queen and Royal Family" having been disposed of, Mr. Saunders, P.P.G.M., gave the "Army, Navy, and Volunteers," and Major D'Albiac (Commandant 1st Sussex Volunteer Artillery) responded. Mr. J. Curtis, Prov. C.S., proposed "The Bishop and Clergy of Diocese, and Ministers of all denominations." In the absence of Dr. Hook, the Dean of Chichester, the Rev. J. Griffith acknowledged the compliment, remarking that the principles of the order were those which every minister is, or should be teaching. "The Members of Parliament for the County of Sussex, and Borough of Brighton," was given by Mr. Buck, P.G.M., of Birmingham, and suitably acknowledged by J. G. Dodson, Esq., M.P., and J. White, Esq,, M.P., and in the absence of W. Coningham, Esq., M.P., through illness, Mr. Alderman Alger returned thanks on his behalf. Mr. Gates, Prov. D.G.M., gave the "Lord Lieutenant and Magistrates for the County of Sussex," to which Brother M. D. Scott, and Mr. A. Bigge, replied. Mr. Hardwick, P.G.M., of Preston, followed with "The Mayor and Corporation of Brighton," which was acknowledged by his Worship and Mr. Alderman Martin. The Mayor, in giving the toast of the evening, "The Manchester Unity," said as a benefit society it stood pre-eminent, as it had for its object the relief of the distressed, the wiping

away of the widows' tears, comforting the orphans, and making the sick whole. With such principles as " Friendship, Love, and Truth," the highest gentleman in the land might be proud to be a member of such a society. P.G.M. Daynes, of Norwich, responded in a very eloquent speech. The toasts which followed were "The Grand Master and Board of Directors," "The Deputies to the A.M C.," "The Brighton District and A.M.C. Committee," "The Widows and Orphans Fund," "The Town and Trade of Brighton," "The London, Brighton, and South-Coast Railway, and its officers," "The Chairman," "The Press," "The Vice-Chairman," and "The Ladies." The glee singers and company then sang "God save the Queen," and the company separated.

THE SOIREE came off at the Pavilion on Thursday night, the grand suite of rooms being thrown open for the occasion. The corridor was occupied principally by works of science, kindly contributed by Mr. J. C. Craven, of the Locomotive Department, and other officials of the Railway, consisting of models of steam engines, vessel-screws, Saxby's self-acting signals, showing their mode of action, and also models of steam and other vessels. These claimed a great share of the attention of the company, the explanation of the action of them being at once interesting and instructive. In the Yellow Drawing Rooms and Saloon were contributions, by Mr. Cox, of Cavendish-street, of models in cork; Mr. Bright, Castle-square, articles of bronze and porcelain; Messrs. White, East-street, and Mr. Mason and Mr. Constable, of photograph and talbotype scraps and likenesses; M. George de Paris, water paintings; Mr. Penley, oil paintings Messrs. Capon and Savage, microscopes; and Mr. Greenin, Eaststreet, had a fancy bazaar on a small scale.


The entertainment commenced at half-past eight, with a concert in the Music Room, at whieh Miss Strong, M. E. de Paris, Masters Juniper and Tanner, Mr. Jordan, Mr. Affleck, and Mr. Broadbridge rendered efficient services.

The address, a copy of which we append, written especially for this occasion by Miss Eliza Cook, was delivered by Prov. C.S. James Curtis, and was very warmly received. P.G.M. Hardwick's delivery of "Odd Line for Odi Fellows," was encored. Mr. Hardwick substituted "The Heart's Charity," both of which pieces were written by Miss Cook.


Fair greeting must we give to these choice hours,
That mark our human path with perfumed flowers.
Warm is our welcome, though it may be brief,
Crowning each other with the olive leaf;
Glad in our spirits, earnest in our will;
Staunch workers in the past, and working still;
Joining with merry hearts and glad intent
To give good record of the moments spent.
Our purpose pleasure, but of that pure kind

Which will not tarnish man's great God-link,-Mind;
For we have met with broad and open hands,
To weave yet longer firm and Christian bands;
To serve our brothers, and to aid the cause

Of human good by teaching human laws;
To spread this motto,-blest as it is just,-
"Truth, Independence, Labour, and Self-trust,"
We seek to raise the worthy sons of toil
Above the reach of poverty's fell coil;
We meet with glowing hope, to plead and prove
The strength of wisdom, unity, and love.

Long may we gather as we do to-night;
Long may we flourish, blending Might and Right;
Bound in one faith, and doing all faith can

To serve God's beauty in its image,-Man.

At ten o'clock dancing commenced in the Banqueting Room to the Town Band, and on the conclusion of the concert dancing also took place in the Music Room.

The amusementss did not terminate till two o'clock, when the company separated, highly delighted with the entertainment provided for them.

The whole of the deputies were invited to the soirée by the members of the Brighton district. The courtesy of the local committee, and many of the resident gentry, is spoken of in the highest terms. The Brighton A.M.C. will ong be remembered with feelings of pleasure by the deputies in attendance.

Friendly Society Intelligence, Statistics, Etc.

BIRTHS AND MARRIAGES.-From a table presented to Parliament, we learn that there were in England 163,745 marriages, 695,624 births, and 435,293 deaths during the year 1861. There were born 355,751 males and 332,873 females; and there died 222,516 males and 212,777 females. The greatest number of marriages took place in the December quarter, the greatest number of births in the June quarter, and the greatest number of deaths in the March quarter.

FRIENDLY SOCIETIES' INVESTMENTS.-A Parliamentary return shows that the stock sold on account of friendly societies during 1861 amounted to £61,000; the sums received from trustees during the year ending December 31st, 1861, were £7,418; dividends on stock received December 31st, 1861, £40,509; making of sums received, £113,731 12s. 3d. Sums paid on account of friendly societies in the year ending December 31st, 1861:-Drafts paid during the year ending December 31st, 1861, £104,051 6s. 6d.; balance in the Bank of England, December 31st, 1861, £9,740 5s. 9d.; making a total of £113,791 12s. 3d.

IMPORTANT APPEAL CASE.-County Court, Tamworth, April 7th, 1862.-S. Barraclough v. J. Phillips, one of the Trustees of the Lord Townsend Lodge, Manchester Unity-Before Deputy Judge Harris.-This was a suit instituted by the plaintiff to be reinstated in the Lord Townsend Lodge, and also a claim of five pounds for damages. Mr. Thomas Argyle, of Tamworth, appeared for the plaintiff; Mr. Mottram, barrister, of Birmingham, appeared on behalf of the Society. Mr. Argyle said his client was a Member of the Lord Townsend Lodge, from which he had been unjustly expelled, the Meeting being improperly held, the time at which the expulsion took place being after club hours. He stated the Lodge had a branch Society, called the Widows and Orphans' Fund, the Members paying optionally. The Society had been in existence some years. At a meeting of the Members of the same, 37 out of 40 agreed to divide the funds, and if any wished they could then start the Society again. The plaintiff received £3 9s. for his share; for this, the plaintiff, and others, had been summoned before the Lodge, and expelled. They had appealed to the District Meeting, which, confirming the decision of the Lodge, he appealed to

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