

Topical Inder.

NOTE. In looking up any topic, the reader should scan the whole page referred
to by the index, because one topic is often alluded to several times on the same
page, but the index gives the number only once. More than three thousand topics
are indexed, which, with the number of pages assigned to each topic and the num-
ber of times which that topic occurs on the page, makes a total of about one hun-
dred thousand gems of thought thus made available in this one volume.

[blocks in formation]

Ache: 179, 324.

Achieve: 203.

Acquire: 229.

Acrostic: 77, 377, 468.

Action, Acts: 101, 184, 207, 212, 226,

228, 229, 231, 250, 253, 283, 323, 344,
353, 369, 402, 425, 430, 431, 433, 468,

533, 535, 536, 537, 552.

Activity: 113, 342, 419, 552.
Actor: 178, 254, 533.

Adam: 207, 326.

Addison's "Spectator ": 194.

Address: 533.

Admiration, Admirable: 227, 228, 250,

285, 286, 343, 525, 531, 534, 544, 552.
Adoption: 227.

Adore: 326, 352, 356.

Adrenalin: 308.

Advantage: 205, 337, 338, 343, 542, 543.
Adverb: 213.

Adversary: 209, 384.

Adversity: 113, 162, 177, 179, 183, 212,

533. 553, 554.

Advice: 533.

Aelfred, King: 64, 67, 471.

Aethelstan, King: 66.

Affairs: 179, 225, 431, 546.

Affectation: 534, 545, 560.

Affections: 176, 183, 275, 343, 354, 432,

524, 534, 548.

Afflicting, early meaning of: 49.
Affliction: 209, 354, 534, 542, 543.
Agassiz: 427.

Agate: 211.

Age: 142, 166, 179, 184, 210, 247, 248,

249, 276, 283, 284, 288, 323, 327, 328,
339, 369, 425, 430, 431, 523, 534, 536,

537. 543. 576.

Age of Specialization: 133.

Agent: 179, 540.

Agitation: 533.

Agonistes, Samson: 286.

Agricultural Schools: 139.
Agriculture: 534-
Aim: 210, 276, 533, 536.

[blocks in formation]

Anchor, 191, 344.

Andronicus, Titus: 211.

Anecdote, early meaning of: 49.
Anecdotes: 535, 582.

Angel: 179, 183, 207, 210, 228, 243, 250,
252, 254, 284, 286, 287, 322, 323,
324, 325, 328, 329, 344, 356, 384, 416,
429, 430, 448, 524, 525, 535. 537, 541,
562, 589.

Anger: 179, 192, 326, 394, 468, 535,

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

Ape: 179.

Apollo: 287.

Apology: 535.
Apostles: 161.

Apostles' Creed: 360, 371, 406.
Apostrophe: 9.

Apostrophe to Freedom: 75.
Apostrophe to Nature: 28.
Apothecary: 231.
Apothegm: 535, 582.
Apparel: 180, 227.

Apparition: 325,

Appeal to Man: 28.

Appetite: 203, 205, 536, 548, 582.
Applause: 215, 226, 536.

Apple: 182, 185, 191, 214, 382.
Appreciation: 536.

Apprehension: 179, 205, 228, 344.

April: 161, 177, 185, 589.

Arabian Nights: 360.

Arbitrary: 339, 340, 546, 552.

Arcadia: 193.

Archaeologist: 236.

Architecture: 536.


103, 313.

Arcturus: 290.

Areopagitica: 47, 289.

Argelander: 291.

Argument: 128, 181, 285, 343, 426, 536,


Arise: 285.

Aristocracy: 536.

Arizona: 300.

Arkansas, meaning of: 80.

Arkwright: 426.

Arms, Armor: 92, 180, 184, 204, 208,

209, 228, 231, 243, 248, 250, 253, 283,
285, 327, 341, 355, 536.

Army: 128, 352, 383, 468, 536, 541, 576.
Arnold, Matthew: 408.

Arrogance: 394-

Arrow: 228, 485, 534, 539.
ART: 526.

Art, Artist: 14-17, 100, 101, 132, 181,
193, 249, 289, 325, 340, 342, 526, 531,
534, 536, 559.

Artificial Diamonds: 307.

Ascent: 339, 356, 532.
Ashamed: 377, 542.

Ashes: 230.

Ashton: 254.

Aspect: 210, 538.

Aspire: 210, 340, 344, 536.

Assertion: 536.

Assurance: 113, 179, 226, 230.
Asteroids: 295.


Astonished, early meaning of: 50.
Astor Library: 189.
Astral: 421.

Astronomy: 25, 277, 538.
Astruc: 365, 366.
Asunder: 324.

As You Like It: 183.

Atheism: 247, 385, 427, 535, 536.

Athenaeum Library: 189:

Atonement: 198.

Attainment: 355.

Attempt: 178, 253.

Attention: 205, 536, 546, 550.

Attraction: 212.

Auerbach: 195.

Authenticity: 361.

Author: 114, 128, 181, 191, 324, 533,

[blocks in formation]

Armorican: 60.

[merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small]


Barren: 205, 395.
Baseness: 537.
Bashfulness: 537.

Bath: 226.

Battalion: 230.

Battle: 231, 232.

attle of Finnesburg: 65.

Lole of the Baltic: 66.

Battle Song of Brunanburh: 65.

Bauer, Bruno: 350.

Bayonet: 276.

Baxter, Richard 188.

Beams: 183, 524.

Beard: 164, 184, 537.

Beast: 225, 232, 430, 435, 436.

Beatitudes: 405.

Beaumont: 283.

Beau Nash: 329.

Beauregard: 316.

Beautiful: 112, 208, 337, 394, 418, 419,

420, 524, 531, 534, 536, 540, 559, 593-

Beautiful Thoughts: 23.
Beauty: 8, 10, 128, 144, 145, 146, 181,
182, 183, 185, 203, 208, 211, 243, 244,
249, 286, 322, 341, 385, 395, 523, 525,
536, 537, 542, 544, 548, 551, 561.
Becquerel, Prof: 260, 316.
Bed: 204, 328, 404.
Bede, Adam: 202.
Bedfellows: 177.

Beecher, H. W: 168.

Bees: 146, 177, 248.

Beetle: 179.

Beget. Begot: 211, 229, 537, 543.
Beggar: 214, 233, 254, 538, 544, 558.
Beguile: 232, 355.

Behavior: 327, 525, 537, 542.

Belief: 142, 249, 342, 352, 353, 369, 370,
383, 384, 385, 394, 421, 431, 437, 544,

Believer: 113, 369, 384.

Bell: 207, 252, 420.

Belles Lettres: 149.

Benedict: 179.

Benediction: 165.

Beneficence: 537-

Benefit: 394, 425, 430, 533.

Benevolence: 93, 340, 343, 355, 468,

[blocks in formation]

Bible: 233, 242, 337, 345, 384, 409, 421,
436, 538, 560.


Bibliotheque Nationale: 188.
Bichromate Cell: 318.

Bigot: 385, 538.
Billows: 328, 430.
Biography: 142, 538,

Birds: 211, 227, 254, 383, 435.
Birth: 166, 212, 227, 250, 538.
Bit, early meaning of: 54.
Bitter: 185, 285, 354, 402, 484, 577.
Blackberries: 206.

Blackguard, early meaning of: 50.
Black Sea: 59.
Bladder, 210.

Blair, Montgomery: 457.
Blake: 145.

Blame: 396, 485.

Blaspheme: 287.

Blast: 207.

Blazon: 228.

Blessed: 182, 205, 210, 212, 231, 326,
384, 405, 538.

Blessings: 165, 252, 324, 328, 337, 339,

340, 353, 532, 562, 563.

Blind: 181, 182, 326, 468, 523, 566.
Bliss: 164, 208, 522, 551.
Blockhead: 538.

Blood: 184, 190, 206, 207, 228, 485, 523,


Blossom: 210, 253.

Blow: 326, 458.


Blue-stocking, early meaning of: 55.
Blunder: 192.

Blush: 147, 210, 254, 538, 567.
Blustering: 538.

Boast: 402, 538.

Bodkin, 229.

Bodleian library: 188.

Body: 113, 147, 166, 205, 344, 352, 377,
426, 471, 481, 537, 538, 540, 541, 543,

[blocks in formation]

Bombast, early meaning of: 30.
Bond, 226, 355.

Bondage: 327.

Bones: 205, 288, 384, 432.
"Book by Book": 360.

Book of Common Prayer: 360.

Books: 94, 161, 162, 177, 181, 184, 190,

191, 192, 247, 286, 289, 323, 325, 342,
382, 384, 416, 426, 468, 536, 554, 582.
Boor, early meaning of: 52.
Bootes: 290.

Born: 142, 203, 210, 227, 248, 251, 285,
223, 326, 339, 369, 417, 522, 537, 557.
Borrow: 251, 538.

Bosom: 209, 226, 396, 522, 543, 556,

suet: 369.

Bourbon: 326.

Bourgeoisie: 194.

Bourne: 229.

Bowels: 206.

Boys: 210, 214, 216, 244.

Bradford, Gov: 465.

Brahmo Somaj:


Brain: 180, 191, 206, 211, 226, 230, 232,

249, 353, 422, 423, 424, 426, 468, 537,

557, 566, 577.

Brandy: 92.

Brass: 210.

[blocks in formation]

Cage: 254.

Cake: 185.

Calamity: 229, 250, 539, 590.
California, meaning of: 80.
Call: 205.

Calm: 342, 396, 538.

Calumny: 229, 433, 539, 543.

Cambyses: 147.

Camel: 205.

Camera: 315.
Campbell, Prof.: 300.

Canals of Schiaparelli: 299.
Canard, origin of: 56.

Candle: 183, 212, 534, 557.
Candor: 539.
Cannibal: 232.
Cannon: 184, 563.

Cannon Ball, Song of: 19.
Canon: 227.
Canopy: 228.
Cant: 539.

Canterbury Tales: 77, 161.
Canvas: 244.

Capable: 229, 230.

Caper: 209.

Captain: 205, 233.

Captive, Capture: 286.

Carbon Sticks: 312.

Carcanet: 233.

Cardinal: 344.

Care, Careful: 167, 203, 226, 248, 287,

288, 340, 342, 434, 436, 484, 523, 539,
540, 546.

Carlyle, Thos.: 408.

Carteret, Sir Geo.: 81.

Casein: 312.

Cassius: 225.

Castelar, 407.

Castle: 165, 205.

Cat: 230, 342, 404.

Catarrh, 308.
Cathedral: 341.

Catholic: 378, 397, 439.


Caucasus: 205.

Cause, Causation: 208, 231, 377, 425,

540, 574.

Cautious, Caution: 370, 539.

Cavil: 206.

Celestial: 343.

Celts: 60.

Censure: 227, 327, 539.

Century: 253, 416.

Ceremony: 178, 539.

Certainty: 354-

Certificate: 342.

Cervantes: 194.

Chain: 250, 288, 542, 557, 582. L
Chamber: 209.

Chance: 178, 232, 385, 540.
Chandler: 290.

Change: 113, 415, 418.

Character: 201, 338, 343, 355, 385, 404,
426, 427, 428, 429, 430, 431, 432, 433,
434, 472, 532, 537, 538, 540, 541, 546,
550, 551, 552, 556, 561.

Charge of the Light Brigade: 66.
Charity: 147, 342, 344, 384, 417, 419,
431, 540, 567.
Charlemagne, 424.

Charles I,: 80, 132.

Charles II.: 81, 384.

"Charles O'Malley": 202.

Charm: 227, 243, 287, 323, 328, 533,

[blocks in formation]


[blocks in formation]

Comedy of Errors: 179.

Command: 230, 254, 327, 343, 355, 446,
535, 536, 541, 551, 589.
Commandment: 208.
Commendation: 112, 539.
Commerce: 288, 427, 541, 567.
Commodity: 205.

Common Sense: 128, 541.
Commonwealth: 132, 248, 338.
Communicate: 285.
Communism: 541.

Companion: 431, 537.

Comparison: 4, 249, 383.

Comparison Stars: 294.

Company: 192, 206, 433, 542.

Compassion: 325, 425, 446, 542, 593.

Compensation; 542.

Competency: 132.

Competition: 344.
Complaisance: 542.

Compliment: 114, 142, 216, 542.
Comprehend: 369, 394.
Compromise: 542.
Compulsion: 206.
Comus: 286.

Concealment: 203, 544.
Conceit: 142, 542.

Conception: 166, 538.
Concord: 183.

Conde: 369.

Condemn: 178, 209, 404.

Conduct: 339, 431, 446, 525, 538, 542,




Confession: 542.

Confidence: 344, 396, 419, 543.

Confine: 227.

Confucius: 440.

Confusion: 377.

Congregation: 228, 326.

Congregationalist: 387.

Conjugations: 221.

Connecticut, meaning of: 80.

"Connecticut Yankee ": 200.

Conquer: 142, 283, 430, 532, 544.

Conquerors: 91, 113, 204.

Consanguinity: 355.

Conscience: 113, 208, 209, 229, 327, 338,

342, 370, 394, 404, 434, 438, 448, 534.
537, 543, 556, 561, 566, 573.


254, 340,

Conservatism: 543.

377, 402, 524.

Consider, Consideration: 165, 207, 395.

531, 542, 559.

Consistency: 543.

Consolation: 343, 396, 543.

Conspiracy: 543.

Constancy: 543-

Consummation: 228, 541.

Contemplation: 543.

Contempt: 341, 535, 543-

Contention: 342, 543.

Contentment: 166, 210, 233, 543, 544.

Continence: 540.

Conundrum: 1a.

Contumely: 229.

Conversation: 276, 343, 426, 437, 535,

536, 544, 572.

Conversion: 544.

Conviction: 353, 355, 401.

Cook: 244, 245

Cooper, Fenimore: 195.

Copper: 301.

Coquet, once included males: 51.
Coquette: 544.

Coriolanus: 211.

Corn: 162, 313, 327, 356.

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