595 Topical Inder. NOTE. In looking up any topic, the reader should scan the whole page referred Ache: 179, 324. Achieve: 203. Acquire: 229. Acrostic: 77, 377, 468. Action, Acts: 101, 184, 207, 212, 226, 228, 229, 231, 250, 253, 283, 323, 344, 533, 535, 536, 537, 552. Activity: 113, 342, 419, 552. Adam: 207, 326. Addison's "Spectator ": 194. Address: 533. Admiration, Admirable: 227, 228, 250, 285, 286, 343, 525, 531, 534, 544, 552. Adore: 326, 352, 356. Adrenalin: 308. Advantage: 205, 337, 338, 343, 542, 543. Adversary: 209, 384. Adversity: 113, 162, 177, 179, 183, 212, 533. 553, 554. Advice: 533. Aelfred, King: 64, 67, 471. Aethelstan, King: 66. Affairs: 179, 225, 431, 546. Affectation: 534, 545, 560. Affections: 176, 183, 275, 343, 354, 432, 524, 534, 548. Afflicting, early meaning of: 49. Agate: 211. Age: 142, 166, 179, 184, 210, 247, 248, 249, 276, 283, 284, 288, 323, 327, 328, 537. 543. 576. Age of Specialization: 133. Agent: 179, 540. Agitation: 533. Agonistes, Samson: 286. Agricultural Schools: 139. Anchor, 191, 344. Andronicus, Titus: 211. Anecdote, early meaning of: 49. A NEW AND COSTLY DRUG: 308. Anger: 179, 192, 326, 394, 468, 535, Ape: 179. Apollo: 287. Apology: 535. Apostles' Creed: 360, 371, 406. Apostrophe to Freedom: 75. Apparition: 325, Appeal to Man: 28. Appetite: 203, 205, 536, 548, 582. Apple: 182, 185, 191, 214, 382. Apprehension: 179, 205, 228, 344. April: 161, 177, 185, 589. Arabian Nights: 360. Arbitrary: 339, 340, 546, 552. Arcadia: 193. Archaeologist: 236. Architecture: 536. ARCHITECTURE OF EXPRESSION: 103, 313. Arcturus: 290. Areopagitica: 47, 289. Argelander: 291. Argument: 128, 181, 285, 343, 426, 536, 555. Arise: 285. Aristocracy: 536. Arizona: 300. Arkansas, meaning of: 80. Arkwright: 426. Arms, Armor: 92, 180, 184, 204, 208, 209, 228, 231, 243, 248, 250, 253, 283, Army: 128, 352, 383, 468, 536, 541, 576. Arrogance: 394- Arrow: 228, 485, 534, 539. Art, Artist: 14-17, 100, 101, 132, 181, Artificial Diamonds: 307. Ascent: 339, 356, 532. Ashes: 230. Ashton: 254. Aspect: 210, 538. Aspire: 210, 340, 344, 536. Assertion: 536. Assurance: 113, 179, 226, 230. AS TO NEWSPAPERS: 489. Astonished, early meaning of: 50. Astronomy: 25, 277, 538. As You Like It: 183. Atheism: 247, 385, 427, 535, 536. Athenaeum Library: 189: Atonement: 198. Attainment: 355. Attempt: 178, 253. Attention: 205, 536, 546, 550. Attraction: 212. Auerbach: 195. Authenticity: 361. Author: 114, 128, 181, 191, 324, 533, Armorican: 60. B Barren: 205, 395. Bath: 226. Battalion: 230. Battle: 231, 232. attle of Finnesburg: 65. Lole of the Baltic: 66. Battle Song of Brunanburh: 65. Bauer, Bruno: 350. Bayonet: 276. Baxter, Richard 188. Beams: 183, 524. Beard: 164, 184, 537. Beast: 225, 232, 430, 435, 436. Beatitudes: 405. Beaumont: 283. Beau Nash: 329. Beauregard: 316. Beautiful: 112, 208, 337, 394, 418, 419, 420, 524, 531, 534, 536, 540, 559, 593- Beautiful Thoughts: 23. Beecher, H. W: 168. Bees: 146, 177, 248. Beetle: 179. Beget. Begot: 211, 229, 537, 543. Behavior: 327, 525, 537, 542. Belief: 142, 249, 342, 352, 353, 369, 370, Believer: 113, 369, 384. Bell: 207, 252, 420. Belles Lettres: 149. Benedict: 179. Benediction: 165. Beneficence: 537- Benefit: 394, 425, 430, 533. Benevolence: 93, 340, 343, 355, 468, Bible: 233, 242, 337, 345, 384, 409, 421, BIBLICAL CRITICISM: 345, 357. Bibliotheque Nationale: 188. Bigot: 385, 538. Birds: 211, 227, 254, 383, 435. Blackguard, early meaning of: 50. Blair, Montgomery: 457. Blame: 396, 485. Blaspheme: 287. Blast: 207. Blazon: 228. Blessed: 182, 205, 210, 212, 231, 326, Blessings: 165, 252, 324, 328, 337, 339, 340, 353, 532, 562, 563. Blind: 181, 182, 326, 468, 523, 566. Blood: 184, 190, 206, 207, 228, 485, 523, 561. Blossom: 210, 253. Blow: 326, 458. BLUE LAWS: 466. Blue-stocking, early meaning of: 55. Blush: 147, 210, 254, 538, 567. Boast: 402, 538. Bodkin, 229. Bodleian library: 188. Body: 113, 147, 166, 205, 344, 352, 377, Bombast, early meaning of: 30. Bondage: 327. Bones: 205, 288, 384, 432. Book of Common Prayer: 360. Books: 94, 161, 162, 177, 181, 184, 190, 191, 192, 247, 286, 289, 323, 325, 342, Born: 142, 203, 210, 227, 248, 251, 285, Bosom: 209, 226, 396, 522, 543, 556, suet: 369. Bourbon: 326. Bourgeoisie: 194. Bourne: 229. Bowels: 206. Boys: 210, 214, 216, 244. Bradford, Gov: 465. Brahmo Somaj: 408. Brain: 180, 191, 206, 211, 226, 230, 232, 249, 353, 422, 423, 424, 426, 468, 537, 557, 566, 577. Brandy: 92. Brass: 210. Cage: 254. Cake: 185. Calamity: 229, 250, 539, 590. Calm: 342, 396, 538. Calumny: 229, 433, 539, 543. Cambyses: 147. Camel: 205. Camera: 315. Canals of Schiaparelli: 299. Candle: 183, 212, 534, 557. Cannon Ball, Song of: 19. Canterbury Tales: 77, 161. Capable: 229, 230. Caper: 209. Captain: 205, 233. Captive, Capture: 286. Carbon Sticks: 312. Carcanet: 233. Cardinal: 344. Care, Careful: 167, 203, 226, 248, 287, 288, 340, 342, 434, 436, 484, 523, 539, Carlyle, Thos.: 408. Carteret, Sir Geo.: 81. Casein: 312. Cassius: 225. Castelar, 407. Castle: 165, 205. Cat: 230, 342, 404. Catarrh, 308. Catholic: 378, 397, 439. C Caucasus: 205. Cause, Causation: 208, 231, 377, 425, 540, 574. Cautious, Caution: 370, 539. Cavil: 206. Celestial: 343. Celts: 60. Censure: 227, 327, 539. Century: 253, 416. Ceremony: 178, 539. Certainty: 354- Certificate: 342. Cervantes: 194. Chain: 250, 288, 542, 557, 582. L Chance: 178, 232, 385, 540. Change: 113, 415, 418. Character: 201, 338, 343, 355, 385, 404, Charge of the Light Brigade: 66. Charles I,: 80, 132. Charles II.: 81, 384. "Charles O'Malley": 202. Charm: 227, 243, 287, 323, 328, 533, 599 Comedy of Errors: 179. Command: 230, 254, 327, 343, 355, 446, Common Sense: 128, 541. Companion: 431, 537. Comparison: 4, 249, 383. Comparison Stars: 294. Company: 192, 206, 433, 542. Compassion: 325, 425, 446, 542, 593. Compensation; 542. Competency: 132. Competition: 344. Compliment: 114, 142, 216, 542. Concealment: 203, 544. Conception: 166, 538. Conde: 369. Condemn: 178, 209, 404. Conduct: 339, 431, 446, 525, 538, 542, 543, Conference: 247. Confession: 542. Confidence: 344, 396, 419, 543. Confine: 227. Confucius: 440. Confusion: 377. Congregation: 228, 326. Congregationalist: 387. Conjugations: 221. Connecticut, meaning of: 80. "Connecticut Yankee ": 200. Conquer: 142, 283, 430, 532, 544. Conquerors: 91, 113, 204. Consanguinity: 355. Conscience: 113, 208, 209, 229, 327, 338, 342, 370, 394, 404, 434, 438, 448, 534. Conscious: 254, 340, Conservatism: 543. 377, 402, 524. Consider, Consideration: 165, 207, 395. 531, 542, 559. Consistency: 543. Consolation: 343, 396, 543. Conspiracy: 543. Constancy: 543- Consummation: 228, 541. Contemplation: 543. Contempt: 341, 535, 543- Contention: 342, 543. Contentment: 166, 210, 233, 543, 544. Continence: 540. Conundrum: 1a. Contumely: 229. Conversation: 276, 343, 426, 437, 535, 536, 544, 572. Conversion: 544. Conviction: 353, 355, 401. Cook: 244, 245 Cooper, Fenimore: 195. Copper: 301. Coquet, once included males: 51. Coriolanus: 211. Corn: 162, 313, 327, 356. |