


(From the original manuscript in the New York Public Library.)

BOSTON, Dec. 5. 1841.

I address you rather than your brother editor, because I judge that the poetical department of Arcturus is more especially under your charge. I have to thank you for your sympathizing notice of my verses last spring. I thought then that you might like to have a contribution occasionally from me, but other engagements which it were tedious to specify hindered me from doing what my sympathy with the aims of your magazine dictated. I subscribed for your Arcturus before I had seen a number of it (though I can ill afford many such indulgences of taste) because I liked the spirit of your prospectus. For the same reason I sent you my volume of which I sent but a bare halfdozen to "the press "--because I despise our system of literary puffing. Your notice of Keats, in the number for this month, a poet whom I especially love & whom I consider to be one of the true old Titan brood-made me wish to see two of my own sonnets enshrined in the same volume. One of them you will see is addressed to the same marvellous day.' I cannot help thinking that you will like both of them.

In your "News Gong" I see that you suggest a reprint of Tennyson. I wish you would say in your next that he is about to reprint a new & correct edition of his poems with many new ones which will appear in a few months. I think it would be a pity to reprint his poems at all-for he is poor & that would deprive him of what little profit he might make by their sale in this country-especially would it be wrong to reprint an incorrect edition. (Moxon will be his publisher)

I do not wish you to state your authority for this-but you may depend on it, for my authority is the poet himself. I have the great satisfaction of thinking that the publication is in some measure owing to myself, for it was by my means that he was written to about it, & he says that "his American friends" are the chief cause of his reprinting.

Wishing you all success in the cause of true & good literature

I remain your friend




Great soul, thou sittest with me in my room
Uplifting me with thy vast, quiet eyes,

On whose full orbs with kindly lustre lies.

The twilight warmth of ruddy ember-gloom;

Thy clear, strong tones will oft bring sudden bloom

Of hope secure to him who lonely cries

Wrestling with the young poet's agonies-
Neglect & scorn which seem a certain doom:

Yes the few words which, like huge thunderdrops,
Thy large heart down to earth shook doubtfully,
Thrilled by the inward lightning of its might,-
Serene & pure, like gushing joy of light,
Shall track the eternal chords of Destiny
After the moonled pulse of ocean stops.


The sunset hath a glory for the Soul,
Uplifting it from all earth's things apart
And building it a palace of pure Art
Where it doth sit alone in crown'd controul
And o'er all space its eyes unscaled roll;
But the dear moonshine looks in on the heart,
Giving each kindly blood-drop warmer start,
And knits me with humanity's great whole;
It doth not bear me, as the sunset doth,
Forth of the city, but on dull brick walls,
Silvery smileth, as 'twere nothing loath
To sanctify all that whereon it falls,

And with it my full heart grows forth & broods
In love o'er all life's sleeping multitudes.

[Postscript:] I said that you would like them.




New York City-
N. Y.-


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Jackson Architectural Iron Works. [Designs.] New York, n. d. obl. 12°.

Jahrbuch für den Berg- und Hüttenmann. v. 26-46 (1852-72). 21 v. Freiberg, 1852-72. 8°. C Continuation of: Kalender für den sächsischen Bergund Hüttenmann, v. 1-25.

Continued as: Jahrbuch für das Berg- und Hüttenwesen im Königreiche Sachsen.

Jahrbuch für das Berg- und Hüttenwesen im Königreiche Sachsen. v. 47-71 (1873-97). 25 v. Freiberg, 1873-97. 8°. C Current. Continuation of: Jahrbuch für den Berg- und Hüttenmann, v. 24-46.

Jahrbuch der Elektrochemie, im wissenschaftlichen Theile bearbeitet von W. Nernst, im technischen Theile von W. Borchers. v. 1-3 (1894-97).

Halle a/S., 1895-98. 8°.

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2 V. C

Jahrbuch der Erfindungen und Fortschritte auf den Gebieten der Physik und Chemie, der Technologie und Mechanik, der Astronomie und Meteorologie, hrsg. von H. Hirzel und H. Gretschel. V. I-32. Leipzig, 1865-96. 12°.

— v. 1−33 (1865-97).



With v. 11, H. Hirzel dropped, and G. Wunder became editor till v. 19. G. Bornemann, editor from v. 19-32.

Jahrbuch über die Leistungen und Fortschritte auf den Gebieten der Theorie und Praxis der Baugewerbe. See Deutsches Jahrbuch über die Leistungen, etc.

Jahrbuch für Photographie und Reproductionstechnik, 1887-98. 12 v. Halle, 1887-98. 12°. Current. NC

Jahresbericht über die Beobachtungen. auf dem Gebiethe des berg- und hüttenmännischen Maschinen- und Bauwesens. 1851-53. 3 v. and Atlas. [Berlin, 1851-53.] f°.



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Journal of the American silk society and rural economist. See American Silk Society. Journal of the American society of naval engineers. See American Society of Naval Engineers.

Journal für Architekten und Bauhandwerker zur Veröffentlichung aller im Gebiete der Baukunst, der Baugewerbe und der Industrie vorkommenden Neuheiten, Erfindungen und Verbesserungen; mit besonderer Rücksicht auf Constructionen in Stein, Cement, Holz und Eisen. Hrsg. und red. von G. Töbelmann und H. Kaemmerling, Jahrg. 1-2 N (1860-61). Berlin, 1860–61. fo.

W. A. Becker editor of Jahrg. 2. Discontinued. Journal des armes spéciales, avec cartes, planches, dessins, etc. v. 1-6 (1834-39), 2. sér. v. 1-17 (1840-46), 3. sér. v. I−14 (1847–53), 4. sér. v. 1-14 (1854-60), 5. sér. v. 1–24 (1861-67), 6. sér. v. 1-4 (1868). 69 v. Paris, 1834-68. nar. 8°. N From 1837 edited by J. Corréard. From 1848, v. 3 of the 3. sér. the title was: Journal des armes spéciales et de l'étatmajor. From 1863, v. 5 of the 5. ser., the following sub-title was added: Recueil scientifique du génie, de l'artillerie, de la topographie militaire, etc.

Journal of the Association of engineering societies. See Association of Engineering Societies.

Journal für die Baukunst. In zwanglosen Heften. Hrsg. von A. L. Crelle. v. 1-30. Berlin, N 1829-51. 4°. Discontinued.

Journal of the British society of mining students. See British Society of Mining Students. 6 v. Journal of Design and Manufactures. London, 1849-52. 8°.



Journal de la distillerie française. Directeur: E. Durin. 1897-98. Paris, 1897-98. 4°. Current. Monthly.

Journal de l'École polytechnique. See École polytechnique.

Journal of the Federated Canadian Mining Institute. See Federated Canadian Mining Institute.

Journal of Gas Lighting, Water Supply and Sanitary Improvement. Ed. by Th. G. Barlow. v. 1-66, 70 (1849-95, 1897). 67 v. London, 1849N 97. f°. C

v. 2, 17-26, 28-71 (1851-98).

V. 1-4 with the title: Journal of Gas Lighting. After v. 5 no editor given.


Journal für Gasbeleuchtung. See Schilling's Journal für Gasbeleuchtung.

Jeweller's Weekly. Published by the Trades Weekly Co. v. 4-12, 14-15, 18-271-3 (1887-98). New York, 1887-98. £°. Current.

Jeypore Portfolio of Architectural Details; by S. S. Jacob. 6 v. London, 1890. f°.

Journal du gaz et de l'éléctricité. v. 17-181-17 (1897-98). Paris, 1897-98. 4°.

Current. Semi-monthly.


Journal du génie civil, des sciences et des arts à l'usage des ingénieurs, constructeurs de vaisseaux, des ponts-et-chaussées, des mines et mécaniciens; des architectes, des sculpteurs, des peintres. des entrepreneurs de maçonnerie, de charpenterie, de serrurerie, de peinture et de tous les artistes qui contribuent par leurs connaissances aux constructions civiles. Collaborateurs: C. Dupin, Girard, Cordier [et al.] v. 1-16. Paris, 1828-48. 8°. N Slight modification in subtitle from v. 2-10 and another from V. II. Edited by A. Corréard from v. II.

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Journal of Industrial Progress. See Monthly Journal of Progress.

Journal of the Institution of electrical engineers. See Institution of Electrical Engineers. Journal of the Iron and steel institute. See Iron and Steel Institute.

Journal für Malerei und bildende Kunst, oder Mittheilungen der neuesten Erfahrungen und Verbesserungen in allen Zweigen der Malerei, der Bildhauerei, Daguerreotypie (Photographie), der Farbenkunde und Farbenchemie und die in diese Fächer einschlagende Bibliographie. Hrsg. v. A. W. Hertel. v. 55-6. 2 nos. Weimar, 1855-56. 4°.


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C. Sauvageot, editor, 1870-72; none mentioned later. No volume issued in 1871.

Journal für Metallarbeiter jeder Gattung namentlich für Schlosser, Zeug-, Grob-, Messerund Klingenschmiede, Gürtler, Nadler und Broncearbeiter, für den Statuen-, Glocken-, und Stückgusz, für Eisengieszerei, sowie für Messing-, Zinn- und Schriftgieszer. Hrsg. v. C. Hartmann. v. 6. nos. I-2. Weimar, 1855-56. 4°.

N Journal of the Military service institution of the United States. See Military Service Institution of the United States.

Journal des mines, publié par l'agence des mines de la république. v. 1-38. Tables 1-28, 29-38. 40 v. Paris, an. 3 [1795]-1815. nar. 8°.


Continued as: Annales des mines. The title of v. 11-38 is: Journal des mines, ou recueil de mémoires sur l'exploitation des mines et sur les sciences et les arts qui s'y rapportent. The editors are: Hauy, Vauquelin, Baillet, Brochant, Tremery et Collet-Decostils.

Journal of the Mining Society of Nova Scotia. See Mining Society of Nova Scotia.

Journal für moderne Stickerei, Mode und weibliche Handarbeiten. Ein Monatsblatt. Red. von N. von Herder. Jahrg. 8-12. 5 v. Weimar, 1851-55. f°.


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Journal œconomique; ou, Mémoires, notes et avis sur les arts, l'agriculture, le commerce. Jan. 1751-Dec. 1756. 24 v. Paris, 1751-56. 12°. C Journal für Papier- und Pappenfabrikation. v. 16; v. 22-6; v. 31-5. II nos. Weimar, 1848-54. 4.


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Journal of Railway Appliances and Railway Price Current. v. 16. New York, 1896. fo. Monthly. Continuation of: American Journal of Railway Appliances.

Journal of the Royal United Service Institution. See Royal United Service Institution, Whitehall Yard.

Journal of Science and Annals of Biology, Astronomy, Geology, Industrial Arts, Manufactures and Technology. 7 v. London, 1879-85. 8°. NC Monthly. Continuation of Quarterly Journal of Science, being v. 16-22 of the complete set (3. ser. v. 1–7).

Journal des sciences militaires des armées de terre et de mer, publié avec l'approbation des ministres de la guerre et de la marine. Sous la direction de G. de Vaudoncourt. Collaborateurs: Daru, Dupin, de Ségur, etc. V. 1-29 (1825-32), 2. sér. v. 1-28 (1833-39), 3. sér. v. 1-28 (1840-46), 4. sér. v. 1-28 (1847-53), 5. sér. v. 1-28 (1854-60), 6. sér. v. 1-28 (1861-67), 7. sér. v. 1-8 (1868-69), 8. sér. v. 1-27 (1872-80), 9. sér. v. 1-68 (1881-97). 272 v. Paris, 1825-97. nar. 8°. N

Current. 1829-69 by J. Corréard. Innumerable small changes in the subtitle. From 1886-97 the title is: Journal des sciences militaires. Revue militaire française.

Journal de serrurerie; revue mensuelle. V. I. Paris, 1874. f°. C

Journal of the Society of architects. See Society of Architects.

Journal of the Society of chemical industry. See Society of Chemical Industry.

Journal of the Society of telegraph engineers. See Institution of Electrical Engineers.

Journal suisse d'horlogerie. Publié sous les auspices de la classe d'industrie et de commerce. (Société des arts de Genève). V. 1-21 (1876-97). Genève, Bale, Lyon, 1877-97. 8°.


From v. 7 with the sub-title: "Revue horlogère universelle." Journal für Tapezierer und Decorateure; Original-Zeichnungen moderner Zimmer-Decorationen, Polstermöbel, etc. hrsg. von C. Hettwig. V. 1-8. Berlin, [1870-74]. £°.

Journal of the Telegraph. V. 17-31. York, 1884-98. fo.

V. 30-311-9 (1897–98).


Current. Monthly.





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From v. 8 published by Bayerisches Gewerbe Museum in Nürnberg. v. 1-14 have title: Kunst und Gewerbe; Wochenschrift &c. Continued as: Bayerische Gewerbe-Zeitung.

Kunst und Gewerbe-Blatt des polytechnischen Vereins für das Königreich Bayern. See Polytechnischer Verein für das Königreich Bayern.

Kunstgewerbeblatt. Monatsschrift für Geschichte und Litteratur der Kleinkunst. Organ für die Bestrebungen der Kunstgewerbe- Vereine. Hrsg. von A. Pabst. V. 1-5 (1855-89); N. F. v. 1-8 (1890-97). 13 v. Leipzig, 1885-97. fo. Supplement to Zeitschrift für bildende-Kunst. No. subtitle to N. F. N. F. v. 6-8 ed. by K. Hoffacker.


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