
aid to be a fish of the shark kind; but in neither of these latter authorities is tintorera o be met with. ROBERT CRAWFORD.

GEORGE BUCHANAN (10th S. iv. 147, 234).There were, as MR. PIERPOINT surmises, two George Buchanans. The one was the poet nd historian, who instilled scholarship into ames I., and the other was the monarch's ester. Owing to the influence of chap-books, egends of the latter continue to float among he Scottish peasantry, and he is the only eorge Buchanan of whom they have any nowledge. Even scholars, imperfectly inormed, sometimes confound the activities of The two men. The following riddle on a ottle of ale perpetuates the jester's perBonality among the schoolboys of to-day :

As I cam' ower Stirlin' brig

I met in wi' George Buwhannan;
I took aff his head and drank his blude,
An' left his body stannin'.

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THE ORIGIN OF SHE STOOPS TO CONQUER' Oth S. iv. 261).-Excepting the substitution "Fetherston" for "Featherston" as the ame of Mr. Hardcastle's prototype, there nothing new in MR. EDWARD MANSON'S mmunication. Goldsmith's juvenile blunder ad the trick played upon him by Lord lare's daughter are mentioned by most iographers. As regards the former, howver, MR. MANSON will be able to correct me of his details by a reference to Forster's mirable Life and Times of Oliver Goldmith,' bk. i. ch. i. E. RIMBAULT DIBDIN.


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DUDLEY ARMS (10th S. iv. 230).-The efforts hich Sir Robert Dudley made to prove his gitimacy as son of Robert Dudley, Earl Leicester, would certainly not afford any round for supposing that he repudiated, or ven modified, the arms of his father, although he latter used to speak of him as his "base The son's arms were probably therere identical with those of his father, who, a his appointment by Elizabeth to the overnorship of the Low Countries, gave a gnificant indication of his ambitious chaActer by relinquishing his own crest of the reen lion with two tails, and signing all struments with the more ancient one of

the bear and staff, to which he was entitled through deriving his pedigree from the illustrious Earls of Warwick, Now when Sir Robert Dudley was outlawed and went to Florence, he there assumed the title of Earl of Warwick, and it is highly probable that he also adopted the bear and staff of his ancestors as arms, badge, or crest. The green lion with two tails, quartered with the bear and staff, may be seen carved in the very interesting and artistically executed device of John Dudley, the grandfather of Sir Robert, on the right of the fireplace in the Beauchamp Tower of the Tower of London.



History,' by P. Heylyn, D.D., London, 1680: The following is from 'A Help to English A.D. 1551. John Dudley, Earl of Warwick, and Lord Admiral, Duke of Northumberland, beheaded by Queen Mary. O. a Lyon Rampant, az., double quivee, vert."


'THE FIRST EARRING' (10th S. iv. 228).This painting by Sir David Wilkie, which now hangs in the Tate Gallery, Westminster, represents, I believe, certain members of the Bedford family in the reign of William IV. It is, I should say, a study in expression, that on the child's face being divided between a natural fear of the operation which she is about to undergo, and a pleased anticipation of wearing the jewels which are seen in the elder lady's lap. But in my opinion, although the phrase "il faut souffrir pour être belle" boring, it is even more applicable to the may justly be applied to the pain of earsuffering endured by those who strive to acquire a slim waist or small feet by artificial

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ROBERT HARLEY, EARL OF OXFORD (10th S. iv. 206).-'D.N.B., vol. xxxvi. p. 410, says: Robert Harley, first Earl of Oxford, and "The actual relationship, however, between Abigail Hill has never been discovered." The Duchess of Marlborough asserted that her aunt, Mrs. Hill, told her that "her husband was in the same relation to Mr. Harley as Nathaniel (1665–1720), third she was to me.' son of Sir Edward Harley, and younger brother of Oxford, was a merchant. A. R. BAYLEY. "PICCANINNY" (10th S. iv. 27, 128, 255).—At the last reference it is suggested that we

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Some of these bygone comic songs appear very strange to-day; so many of them are tales of tragedy-e.g., Vilikens and his Dinah'; 'Alonzo the Brave and the Fair "The Ratcatcher's Daughter'; Imogene'; Billy Vite and Nelly Green; or, the Ghost of a Sheep's Head'; 'Oh my Love 's Dead.' I have before me four books of comic songs; not one has a publisher's date.

A version of the song (seven stanzas) have the same first element in piccaninny and appears in Kyle's Comic Vocalist, conpicayune. This is not the case. Picayune is an Anglicized phonetic version of the French taining the Songs as edited and sung by picaillon. In Paris this word is only em- Sam Cowell. Glasgow:-Morison Kyle." In "both in ployed in the plural (les picaillons) as a some- this version the name is "Villikins what slangy expression for money generally, the title and in the song. There are other are no "spoken" something like our term "the pieces"; but variations, and there in Florida and Louisiana it is applied speci-interpolations. The old edition which I have fically to the half-real, or five cents. Picayune quoted has been here for some fifty years. is unfortunately a bad spelling. It should have been picayoon, and would then more easily be seen to fall under the general rule that French final -on becomes -oon in English, as in macaroon, pantaloon, &c. Compare the Anglo-Irish boggoon, bosthoon, gossoon, for old French bacon, baston, garçon. JAS. PLATT, Jun. 'VILLIKINS AND HIS DINAH' (10th S. iv. 188, 277). An old edition of this song, with the music for the voice and the piano, is "Davidson's Musical Treasury, No. 691, Price Threepence. London: Davidson, Peter's Hill, Doctors' Commons." The title on the "Villikins"] front page is Vilikens [not and his Dinah.' Under it is a picture of a dirty fellow in patched clothes, and a broken white hat with a black band, with a sodden, unshaven face, carrying a clarionet under one arm. The name of the draughtsman is given as Bonner. corner is printed in grotesque writing, "this is the ginooine Song and no mistake Jem Baggs + his marc." At the foot, "The Publisher reserves to himself the right to translate this beautiful Poem into the French Language according to International Treaty."

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Across one

The title on the second page, where the song and music begin, is :

"The Celebrated Antediluvian and Dolefully Pathetic Lyrical Legend of Willikind and his Dinah, with the Melancholy and Uncomfortable Fate of Ye Dismal Parients,' sung by Mr. F. Robson at the Royal Olympic Theatre, And by Mr. J. L. Toole (Comedian), at the Theatres Royal Cork, Dublin, and Edinburgh, with immense Success; also at the various Literary Institutions in London, in his popular Entertainment of 'Sayings and Doings.'


The instruction at the beginning is "Con gusto, and rather ritoorallando." There are six stanzas, and a Mori-al" as a seventh; then three "Extra Verses, only recently recovered from the original Chaldean MSS. in the British Museum," the last of which is "Another Mori-al-Number Two." Altogether ten stanzas.

The "spoken" interpolations are the same as those which appear in '120 Comic Songs sung by Sam Cowell,' where similarly the "hero" is called "Vilikens" in the title, but "Willikind" in the song.


St. Austin's, Warrington. 'Villikins and his Dinah' was sung by Robson, the great actor, nightly for months P. G. W. at the Adelphi.

JANE WENHAM, THE WITCH OF WALKERN (10th S. iv. 149, 197).-To the bibliography of Jane Wenham given in N. & Q.,' 2nd S. iv. 131, may be added "The Defense of the Proceedings against Jane Wenham......By Francis Bragge," published the same year as the other pamphlets by E. Curll. I can find no trace of any portrait of the unfortunate woman. H. C. ANDREWS.

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"BOBBY DAZZLER (10th S. iv. 208).-A policeman who was used to a uniformity of clothing, as worn by the poor, might fairly be thought to be dazzled by any break in their general costume which exhibited "new or fine articles of clothing." A similar slang expression in Barrère and Leland's 'Dic tionary' is bobby-twister "-i.e., a burglar who would hesitate at nothing, not even at shooting any policeman who might be endeavouring to capture him.

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The History of England from the Accession of George III. to the Close of Pitt's First Administra tion, 1760-1801. By William Hunt, M.A. (Longmans & Co.)

THIS admirable work, by the President of the Royal Historical Society, is the first volume of new series undertaken by Messrs. Longman, the importance and value of which it is difficult to exaggerate. In conception the series in question runs on lines similar to those of 'The Cambridge

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Modern History.' Both are to be in twelve volumes, and are the results of co-operative labour; both employ in their production the best historical talent of the day; and the two constitute a curious and significant innovation upon modern practice. Points of difference are at least as noteworthy as those of resemblance. Instead of extending over various countries and continents, as does the series earlier in its appearance, the present collection of histories is confined to Britain, and indeed, in a sense, to England. Devoting as it does one of its twelve volumes to history antecedent to 1066, the later series cannot call itself modern, and though many writers participate in the entire work, each one has a volume to himself, and the work is less a compilation by various hands than a series of separate works attached to each other by no chain stronger than that of sequence. The earlier is, as its name signifies, an outcome of Cambridge; the present belongs mainly to of Oxford. University College and King's College, London, Edinburgh University, the Victoria University of Manchester, and Yale University, New Haven, are all represented, but two-thirds of the contributors boast Oxford degrees. For particulars concerning a scheme promising in conception and propitious in commencement our readers must turn to the published announcements. We have but to commend the general plan, and welcome the opening and, it may be supposed, typical specimen set before us. Three volumes are to be expected during the remaining quarter of the year, and the subsequent portions of the work will, it is hoped, appear in bi-monthly instalments. fe Each volume will, however, like the present, have an appendix describing the chief authorities, with resome indication of their respective trustworthiness, together with a separate index and two or more maps.



Vol. x. is the first to appear. It is by Dr. William Hunt, joint editor with Dr. Reginald Lane Poole of the entire series, and gives, it may be supposed, a full idea of the system to be adopted throughout. On the period now dealt with Dr. Hunt is an acknowledged authority; witness his lives of George III., by Pitt, and others contributed to the 'D.N.B.' It may be supposed also to have been accepted by him on account of its difficulties and its unattractiveness, since it comprises a period of extreme political corruption, and deals with the grievous mismanagement of our colonies, the loss of America, the surrender of English armies to those who were regarded as rebels, continual outbreaks in Ireland, and, at the same time, terrible poverty and suffering at home. We had, of course, a self-proclaimed Englishman on the throne in place of aliens such were his two predecessors. George III. was, ndeed, so far as his lights extended, a loyal, patriotic gentleman, distinguished for far more than that

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Household virtue most uncommon Of constancy to a bad ugly woman, with which alone Byron would credit him. The description of George III. is the first of the brilliant pen-and-ink portraits with which Dr. Hunt's volume is charged. By the side of this must needs be studied the characters of his mother, by whom he was so strongly influenced, and of Bute, who shared her unpopularity, and was credited with being her paramour. It is satisfactory, though not unexpected, to find Dr. Hunt rejecting this accusation as malicious scandal, and declaring that there is no

evidence for it. Bute, at any rate, contributed to harden George III. in that dogged resolution to rule which was to be responsible for so many calamities, individual and national. The king of Fanny Burney we do not see, but we hear of him, at least at the outset, as 66 a pure-minded and wellbred young man," whose political system was, it is said, largely based on Bolingbroke's essay 'On the Idea of a Patriot King' As an instance of the corruption that prevailed, Dr. Hunt says that in 1761 "the new-rich bought seats as openly as they bought their horses," and states that the borough of Sudbury advertised itself as for sale. Of George III.'s queen it is succinctly said that 'she did not meddle in affairs of State, she bore fifteen children, and had many domestic virtues." Her influence seems, none the less, to have been considerable and beneficial. Severe things are said about the circumstances attendant on Pitt's first resignation. A fair amount of information is given anent Sir Francis Dashwood in the "childish mummery, the debauchery, and blasphemy of the 'Franciscans"" at Medmenham. Of Burke it is said that he had "little tact, an impatient temper, and often spoke with execrable taste."


It is

Many admirable thumbnail sketches strike us during perusal. Here is one of Grafton: "A man of pleasure and of culture, in some points a true descendant of Charles II., he was out of his proper element in political life. He grudged leaving his kennels at Wakefield Lodge or the heath at Newmarket to transact public business in London, and preferred reading a play of Euripides at Euston to being bored by a debate at Westminster." staggering to hear of the corruption at the election of 1768, and to find the city of Oxford offering to return its two sitting members if they would pay the city's debts, 5,6707. A severe judgment is passed upon Junius, who is accepted as Francis, possibly helped by Temple. Very interesting chapters are those devoted to Wilkes and Beckford. With the colonial rebellion we reach, naturally, the most important and stimulating portion of the book. Our author traces back to 1690 the influences which underlay the American rebellion, and regards it as, sooner or later, inevitable. It is needless to say that in this, as in all parts of the work, he writes with complete temperance and impartiality. His book, which we cannot further follow, is in almost all respects ideal. There are partisans who will charge portions of it with Jingoism, and much of it is strongly influenced by what has been recently written on the command of the sea. In these matters we are with Dr. Hunt, and we regard the entire work with admiration. If continued with equal brilliancy the series will be invaluable, and we unhesitatingly pronounce the present. volume statesmanlike, scholarly, and erudite.

Registers of Burials at the Temple Church, 1628-1853. With an Introduction by the Rev. H. G. Woods, D.D. (Sotheran & Co.)

By order of the Library Committee of the Inner Temple, and with the consent and support of the Society of the Middle Temple, the register of burials at the Temple Church, a portion of which has already appeared in the shape of appendixes to Inderwick's 'Calendar of the Inner Temple Records,' has now been published separately and in its entirety, with an introduction by the Master of the Temple, many of whose predecessors have officiated at one or other of the interments recorded



Apart from the great names supplied of judges and
other legal luminaries belonging to one or other of
the two inns, the burials include those of many
men eminent in letters. First in rank comes, of
course, Oliver Goldsmith, and next, perhaps, sed
longo intervallo, John Selden, James Howell of the
Epistolæ Ho-elianæ,' Daines Barrington, and James
Boswell the younger, the Shakespeare editor, with
others of less reputation, and a few men more or
less distinguished in science. More interesting, in
some senses, are the records of obscurities who by
accident are there sepultured," for the list is far
from being confined to benchers and legal lumi-
naries or to those now scarcely more obscure
individuals who exercised humbler professions, as
clerks, servants, pannyermen, gardeners, butlers,
or even laundresses. Now and then we wonder
how Mr. Anthony Lewis, sea captain, comes to
depart this life in 1634 at Baron Trever's chambers
in the Inner Temple; or read how "One Longe, a
stranger," that died in Middle Temple Walkes of
the plague in 1636, is buried in the churchyard;
or how on 5 September, 1832, there was "Buried
in the churchyard a man found drowned at the
Temple Stairs. Name unknown." In the year 1665
appears frequently at the end of a record, "Of the
plague." This dismal entry is generally affixed to
the name of a servant, the master having, pre-
sumably, departed to live or die in the country.
In 1652 Mrs. Katheryne Shuter is announced as the
"wife of John Shuter, esquire, antientest barrester
of the honourable societie of the Inner Temple."
"Antient" is often used, but "antientest" is un-
Richard Aburey is simply described as
an ancient gent. In 1773-4 (p. 69) are recorded
the deaths of Joseph, Valentina, Jane, Sophia,
Charles, Martha, Sarah, Catherine, Charles, Lucy,
Humphrey, Joseph (2), Ann, Robert, and John
Temple. Why the name should occur so freely
will be better understood when it is stated that the
patronymicin question is that constantly bestowed on
foundlings, who appear to have been very numerous.
Another striking thing in the entries is the attempt
to define strictly the place of the tomb. Amphelia
Lisle is thus said to lie in the round walke of the
Temple church under the north window at the end
of the iron grate or monements of the Knight
Tempelers"; and Lady Elizabeth Younge is buried
"in the Temple church neere the highe alter,
betwixt the doore and Mr. Clement Coke's monu-
ment, close by the doore and wall att the upper
end of the quire in the syde isle on the inner Temple
side." Like some others, this gentlewoman was
buried at night. Two succeeding entries, equally
grim, record the murder in Tanfield Court of Eliza-
beth Harrison, Ann Price, and Lidia Duncomb.
These were slain by Sarah Malcolm, whose portrait
in the condemned cell was painted by Hogarth.
There is, it is seen, much that is interesting in
the volume, the publication of which is, in all
respects, judicious and commendable. For Sarah
Malcolm see 6th S. xii. 205, &c., and Mr. Seccombe's
article in the 'D.N.B.'



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Quaint Sayings from the Works of Sir Thomas Browne. By Martin Hood Wilkin. (Stock.) THIS very elegant and attractive little volume, consisting of pregnant passages from 'Religio Medici,' 'Christian Morals,' Hydriotaphia,' 'The Garden of Cyrus,' &c., has a portrait of Sir Thomas, and is in a charming binding. Without in any way exhausting the Norwich knight, whose fame stands

higher than ever, it contains a marvellous amount of wit and wisdom, of wise reflection and quaint utterance.

Goethe's Faust. Translated by Anna Swanwick (Bell & Sons.)

To "The York Library" has been added Miss Swanwick's vigorous and acceptable translation of 'Faust.' In another useful and commendable form the work has long been accessible. Both parts of Faust' are included in the volume, as is all the translator's very useful prefatory matter. To bring it up to date an introduction and a bibliography are added by Dr. Karl Breul, one of the bestinformed and most accurate of modern scholars. The volume thus constituted is, accordingly, one of the best and most serviceable of a fine series. We welcome with delight each succeeding volume of "The York Library," and rarely fail to reread a portion, if not the whole, in this new and alluring guise. This volume is specially welcome, since, apart from the fact that it supplies us with the best results of modern criticism of Goethe, it inspires us with the hope that the autobiography, the "Wilhelm Meister,' the 'Conversations with Ecker mann,' and other works may follow in the same exquisitely readable shape. Is not a reprint conceivable of Lewes's 'Life of Goethe'?

The Newspaper Reader's Companion, a serviceable little book by Mr. Albert M. Hyamson, has been added to Routledge's "Miniature Reference Series

THE last number of The Photominiature is of helpfully practical nature. Some pictures by Mr. Curtis of Red Indians are specially excellent.

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ON all communications must be written the name and address of the sender, not necessarily for pub lication, but as a guarantee of good faith.

WE cannot undertake to answer queries privately. To secure insertion of communications corre spondents must observe the following rules. Let each note, query, or reply be written on a separate slip of paper, with the signature of the writer and such address as he wishes to appear. When answer ing queries, or making notes with regard to previou entries in the paper, contributors are requested put in parentheses, immediately after the exact heading, the series, volume, and page or pages to which they refer. Correspondents who repest queries are requested to head the second com munication "Duplicate."

J. A. R. ("Apolaustic ").-Self-indulgent. See quotations in 'N.E.D.'

T. BULLOCK ("Detached Belfries").-Anticipated ante, p. 290.

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