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Tête' portraits with contemporary prints, I
have come to the conclusion that in many
cases the likeness is more true than I
imagined, often being copied from an exist-
ing picture. Still, the resemblance to the
original is more useful in confirming than in
suggesting the identification. There are
two plates which I am anxious to name,
viz., The Complying Colonel and the Wanton
Widow' (vol. ix. p. 513) and 'The Nautical
Scribe' (vol. xiii. p. 289). The lady is de-
scribed as being "descended from a
noble family, the widow of Lord A. H.,
and was painted by Sir Joshua Rey-
nolds"; while The Complying Colonel' is
said to be very fond of the game of
billiards, was a particular friend of Lady
Harrington, Miss Ash, and the elder Miss
Gunning, a great favourite with the ladies,
and had a famous quarrel with a certain Mr.
L-k-p at Bath." As he is spoken of as
Col. C-, I suspect his name to be Crawford.
Many clues are given in the case of 'The
Nautical Scribe,' for it is stated that
"when very young he went abroad as second
secretary to a certain lord [Lord Sandwich ?] who
was afterwards head of a great board [Admiralty],
and in which line he advanced to his present
where our hero was introduced under his auspices,
elevated station......He succeeded the late Mr. C
in his present department......a member of parlia
ment......a friend of the late Beau Nash......Lady
Harrington had her eye on him for Miss Ash......
Signora Frasi never thought her parties complete
without him......he is fond of music......
One of the secretaries of the Admiralty
One of the secretaries of the Admiralty
(1781) seems to be indicated.*

Perhaps Mr. Stephens, who has written so eloquently of the value of satirical prints in throwing a light upon the history of those times, may be induced to turn once more to if he has the leisure, he can fill up all the The Town and Country Magazine. No doubt, blank spaces I have left.

Since my list was sent to the Editor of
'N. & Q.' I have consulted that admirable
work, compiled by Mr. Frederick George
Stephens, the Catalogue to the Prints and
Drawings in the British Museum,' where, in
vol. iv., I find a key to the Tête-à Tête
Portraits' during the years 1769 and 1770.
To this I am indebted for the discovery of the
identity of Mrs. Goreham (?) and Madame
Meyer (vol. ii. pp. 233, 513), which I inserted
on the proof. With regard to the former, it is
interesting to observe how Mr. Stephens,
with his usual acuteness, followed the only
clue, i e., "Mrs. G...h...m is said to have been
the widow of an officer killed at the siege
of Havannah." In like manner I turned to
The Gentleman's Magazine for 1762; but mine
was a desultory search. The title suggested
by Mr. Stephens for the portrait of Ame-
ricanus" (vol. i. p. 57) is, I believe, a wrong
one. Although the letterpress is applicable
either to the first Lord Amherst or to George,
third Earl of Albemarle, a reference to the
print by Spooner after Reynolds will show that
the picture is intended to represent the latter.
With some misgivings, I have adopted Mr.
Stephens's solution of the portrait of the
"Countess of L--a" (vol. i. p. 394), on the
ground that the editor of the Tête-à-Têtes'...
always uses each initial letter in a dual name.
Although "the history" in this case seems to
point undoubtedly to the celebrated La Rena,
it should be remembered that in January,
1767, Lord March, writing to George Selwyn,
mentions a certain " cara Luisina," who may
have been one of his numerous mistresses.


After comparing some of these 'Tête-à


Fox Oak, Walton-on-Thames.

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BURTON'S ANATOMY OF MELANCHOLY.' (See 9th S. xi. 181, 222, 263, 322, 441; xii. 2, 62, 162, 301, 362, 442; 10th S. i. 42, 163, 203, 282; ii. 124, 223, 442; iii. 203; iv. 25.)

Vol. I. (Shilleto), p. 11, 1. 20; 1, 21 (ed. 6), tenent [misprinted "tetent," ed. 6], or parasome ridiculous treatise......some prodigious dox of the earths motion." Cf. Burton's comedy of 'Philosophaster,' IV. ii. 48 (p. 71, ed. W. E. Buckley for the Roxburghe Club,

"The Nautical Scribe" I have found to be Sir Philip Stephens (1725-1809), who was Secretary to the Admiralty 1763-95.

1862), "Polupragmaticus. Nostin' paradoxum absurdum aliquod? | Explosum renovabis, aut finges aliud de novo, | Moveri terram, stellas et lunam incoli, et hujusmodi. | Simon Acutus. Ridiculum."

P. 12, n. 12; 2, n. p, "Volucrum voces & linguas intelligere se dicit Abderitans Ep. Hip." A. R. S. prints Abderitanus. At 9th S. xii. 363 Abderitanis was suggested. But ed. 1 has Abderitani, which is obviously right. The word does not belong to the preceding sentence, but is part of the reference (ep. 10, professing to be from the senate and people of Abdera to Hippocr.).

P. 13, 2; 2, 27, "put out his eys." Cf. iii. 357, 19; 632, 2, III. iii. iv. ii. ad fin; and see the reff. given by Mullach, 'Fr. Philos. Græc.,' vol. i. (1860), 331, col. 1, n. 39.

P. 18, n. 13; 5 n. b, “Jovius Præf. Hist." His words are :

"Hac opinione [see above-"nihil beatius esse potest, quam nominis famam immortalibus inuicti animi monumentis ad non incertam spem sempiternæ laudis extendisse "] ab ipsa statim adolescentia imbutus, & post aliquot annos magis ac magis non ignobili ratione confirmatus, impellente Genio, conscribendæ historiæ negotium suscepi."

P. 19, 6; 6, 6, "Cardan professeth he writ his book De consolatione after his son's death, to comfort himself. The 'De Cons.' was written earlier. At the time of his son's execution C. was engaged on the 'De Utilitate ex adversis capienda,' and found the occupation to some extent a solace. See lib. iv. cap. 'De luctu'; § 57 of the whole work :—

"Nunc nihil tam profuit quam hæc scribere, emendare, lectitare......Existimo ex superis aliquem P. 13, n. 9; 2, n. y, "Non sum dignus præ-berem...... Ubi ergo primus allatus est nuncius tam induxisse me ad scribendum hoc ne dolori succumstare matella[m] Mart." (x. 11, 3). Cf. Philo- sævi interitus, expectabam enim hæc scribens, soph.,' IV. ii. 56, p. 71, "Et licet ei dignus, quandoquidem nihil haberem potius ad levanduni quod aiunt, præstare matellam | Non sis." dolorem." P. 13, 27; 3, 3, "Jovius." His exact words See also pp. 17 and 42 of 'De Libris Proluce domicilii totius orbis, Vaticano-priis' (Pt. II. of 'Somn. Synes.,' &c., 1562). que aulæ, ubi per trigintaseptem annos multa opportunaque didicerim."





P. 14, 1; 3, 7, "to be an unprofitable or unworthy a Member." S. retains the a, which has crept into the text by an error.

P. 14, 18; 3, 22, "which Gesner did in modesty." Burton gives the ref. "Præfat. bibliothec.," but see fol. 180 rect. of the Biblioth." (Pt. I., 1545) under Conradus Gesnerus Tigurinus, where G., describing his life when a student at Paris, says (less than one-sixth through the article) :—

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'Uarios authores sine certo fine peruolitabam, multa interim transiliens paucos libros integre perlegebam......quod plurimis hodie impedimentum accidit quo minus proficiant."

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P. 19, n. 14; 6, n. o, Magis impium...... furari." The translation is that of Dionysius Petavius ("Magis autem impium esse arbitror mortuorum lucubrationes, quam vestes furari," Synes., Op. Gr. ac Lat.,' p. 280c, Paris, 1612). The ep. is 142 (not 143) in Petavius, followed by Migne (Patr. Græc.,' tom. lxvi. col. 1538B), epp. 79 and 80 being both numbered 79.


P. 20, 1; 6, 28, "habes confitentem reum.' It should have been stated at 9th S. xii. 364 that the ultimate source is Cic. 'Pro Ligario,' 1, 2, in a passage referred to, though not quoted in full, by Quintil.,' IV. i. 67. Cf. the Latin comedy of 'Pedantius,' 1. 2702 (ed. by Prof. G. C. Moore Smith, vol. viii. of Prof. Bang’s Materialien zur Kunde des älteren Englischen Dramas," Louvain, 1905).

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P. 17, n. 9; 5, n. u. To the list may be added Bishop John Woolton's A Newe P. 20, 2; 6, 29, "Tis most the Anatomy of the whole Man' (Lond., 1576), Wise-man found of old." This is possibly The Anathomie of Sinne' (Lond., 1603), suggested by Gesner, Biblioth.,' Pt. I., William Cowper's 'The Anatomie of a Chris-Epistol. Nuncupat.,' sign. *3 verso, 1. 37 tian Man' (Lond., 1611), and Sala's 'Anatomia Vitrioli.'

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P. 18, 15; 5, 37, "Scire tuum nihil est, nisi te scire hoc sciat alter" (Persius, i. 27, where the line ends with a note of interrogation). These words had become proverbial. John Owen adopts them in his first volume (lib. ii. 43):


Scire tuum nihil est, nisi te scire hoc sciat alter.

Si sciat hoc alter, scire tuum nihil est.
Burton often cites Persius. He has also
several unacknowledged quotations from

(1545), "Verè Satyricus, Tenet insanabile multos scribendi cacoëthes; &, ut Salomon inquit, componendi libros nullus est finis." Then follows "Omnes sibi famam," &c., quoted by Burton below.


P. 20, 1. 5 and n. 4; 6, 31, and n. r., “the number of books is without number,...... be oppressed,......D. King præfat. lect. Ionas." See King's 'Lectures upon Ionas,' the Epistle Dedicatorie, sign. T3 recto (ed. 1611), the number of books written in these daies without number," (and T3 verso) vnhonest treatises, fitter for the fire than the bookes of Protagoras presses are daily oppressed with."

66 whose

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"scribimus indocti docti, doctique poemata passim," a line or two lower.

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P. 20, 1. 7; 6, 33, doctique is quoted by King in the margin of 13 verso, while on T recto "Eccles vlt." is given as a marginal note to "much reading is but a wearinesse to the flesh, and there is no ende of making or perusing many bookes." Cf. Burton's marginal reference "Eccl. ult." (n. p, p. 6) to "there is no end," &c. The precise degree of Burton's indebtedness, conscious or unconscious, for suggestions to the various writers whom he tumbled over is in many instances extremely hard to determine, and probably of more absorbing interest to the minute student of 'The Anatomy' than to the general reader. Shilleto has disguised the ref. "Eccl. ult." King was Dean of Ch. Ch. 1605-11, and his third son, Robert (admitted student 1612), played Desiderius Dux in Burton's Philosophaster' in 1617. See the Actorum Nomina, p. xxxiii of Buckley's ed. with the editor's notes.


P. 20, 9 and n. 7; 6, 35 and n. t, witched with this desire of fame, etiam mediis in morbis,......Effa[s]cinati etiam laudis amore, &c., Justus Baronius." See his 'Vindicia against John Rainolds (ante, p. 26), cap. i. p. 2, 1. 26, "Sed ita miser prophanæ hæreseos amore effascinatus es, vt vel in medio morborum æstu a pestilentibus libris conferruminandis non cesses." Justus Baronius (formerly Justus Calvin), who is ignored by the new and very full index" of Shilleto's edition, gives marginal references to various works of Rainolds for his statement.

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P. 21, 3; 7, 10, "lard their lean books." Cf. 'K. Hen. I.,' Pt. I., Act II. sc. ii. ad fin. P. 21, n. 14; 7 n. 1, "Lib. 5. de sap." See pp. 266-7 (about three-fourths through lib. 5) of the 1544 (Nürnberg) ed. of the De Sap., &c. : " Stomachum mouent eruditis multi, qui uix prima elementa rerum percipientes quo genere Germani Gallique peccant,......non uitupero gloriæ stimulos, non deterreo ab ædendo, modo aliquid nouum inueniant." Cardan quotes 66 Scribimus in


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P. 22, n. 1; 7, n. n, "Cardan præf. ad consol." Fol. 2 recto of the 1542, Venice, ed., qua propter diuites opes suas, reges potentiam, milites robur ostentant: eruditi nugas suas, etiam audire nolentibus effutiunt." P. 22, 12; 7, 47, our Frankfurt Marts...... Twice a year." Cf. Philosophaster,' IV. ii. 31, "bis anno quolibet, | Et ad Francofurtanas plerumque nundinas," and IV. ii. 83, "Prostabunt Francofurti, proximis nundinis." P. 22, 15 and n. 6; 8, 2 and n. b, "Gesner." See 'Bibl.' (1545), ep. nunc., sign. *3 verso, 1. 39, "Sed quomodo fieri possit ut......arguantur authorum furta, ac millies repetita, tollantur: denique in posterum temere scribendi libido coerceatur, aliter in infinitum progressura: doctioribus deliberandum, regibus deinde et principibus perficiendum relinquo."

P. 22, n. 8; 8, n. c, "Onerabuntur ingenia, De Ratione Operis Præf., *2 verso, 1. 20 nemo legendis sufficit." See Gesner, 'Pandectæ," (1548), "Ne quis igitur per querimoniam multos magnosque indies libros edi, quibus nemo legendis sufficiat, onerari ingenia, sumptus augeri, hoc etiam Volumen accuset, sic habeto.' "Wecker

P. 23, 15 and n. 7; 8, 29 and n. g, ......Præf. ad Syntax. med.," ie., Medicine Utriusque Syntaxes,' Præf. (dated 1 Jan., 1576), sign. a 3, 1. 26 (ed. 1582), "Etsi uero nihil dici potest, ut quidam ait, quod non sit dictum prius......tamen dicendi forma atque modus sermones de iisdem rebus eosdem, diuersos uideri facit." The reference to Terence was given at 9th S. xii. 443.

P. 23, 27 and n. 10; 8, 40 and n. h, "Didacus Stella...In Luc. 10. Tom. 2." See the second vol. of Didacus Stella's 'In Sanctum Jesu Christi Evangelium secundum Lucam Commentaria' (Lyons, 1583), p. 24, col. 1, 1. 40, "Absit ut ego velim condemnare quod tot tantique sapientes simul & docti affirmarunt: bene tamen scimus, Pygmeos gigantum humeris impositos, plusquam ipsos gigantes videre." The notes on chap. x. occupy 113 folio columns of smallish print! Stella is here commenting on confiteor (ἐξομολογοῦμαι) in verse 21.

P. 24, 16; 9, 11, "presidents for it, which Isocrates cals perfugium iis qui peccant." See Busiris,' cap. 45, 230A, "O yàp áπоλúεis αὐτὸν τῶν αἰτιῶν, ἀλλ' ἀποφαίνεις ὡς καὶ τῶν ἄλλων τινὲς ταὐτὰ πεποιήκασι, ῥᾳθυμοτάτην τοῖς ἁμαρτάνουσιν εὑρίσκων καταφυγήν.” The reference which Shilleto gives (Ad Demonicum,' § 34) has nothing to do with the case.

P. 24, 18; 9, 12, "Nonnulli alii idem fecerunt." See the passage of Isocrates.

P. 24, n. 8; 9, n. c, "Non dubito multos discover any stone or inscription to the widow lectores hic fore stultos." The first of 36 leonine of the last named. W. B. H. hexameters headed 'S.A.I. ad Emptorem,' p. 8 of 'Sententiæ Proverbiales de Moribus' (Basel, 8.a.).

F. 24, 30, 9, 24," Laudare se vani; vituperare, stulti" (reference given 10th S. ii. 442). Burton appears again to be indebted to King, op. cit., sign. 4 recto, 1. 30, "I have taken the counsaile of the wise, neyther to prayse nor dispraise nine owne dooings: The one, hee sayth, is vanitie, the other follie," with marginal note, "Laudare se vani, vituperare stulti. Aristot. apud Valer. Max. lib. 7, cap. 2." P. 24, 32; 9, 25, "Primus vestrúm non sum, nec imus." This is 1. 4 of 'Solon' in Ausonius's Ludus Septem Sapientum,' as emended by J. J. Scaliger. See his Auson., Lect. Lib. ii. cap. 1. The note at 9th S. xii. 443 was incomplete. EDWARD BENSLY.

(To be continued.)


THE four following epitaphs have been recently copied from stones in the churchyard of Bredon-on-the-Hill, Leicestershire :C. R., "who was unfortunately killed by a fall from his horse, August 11, 1781."

Upon the Road I met pale Death,
Which soon deprived me of my breath;
All in a moment, awful thought,
My Soul eternal Mansions sought.
From Accidents no man is free,
The next, O Reader, may be thee;
Then when you view my grave, my dust,
Prepare, be ready, die you must.

Mary, wife of W. M. (and relict of the above C. R.), died 22 Feb., 1793.

Stop, gentle Stranger, and with plaintive Eyes
View the sad spot where Worth and Virtue lies;
Summond by Death to meet her mortal End,
And to the Chambers of the Grave descend.
Oh! mayst thou still in yonder bright abode
In Bliss eternal meet thy Saviour God.
The wife of J. B., died 2 March, 1790.
Calm was her Death, well order'd was her Life,
A quiet Neighbour and a loving Wife;
Of Children tender, to her Husband kind,
All certain Symptoms of a Virtuous Mind.
John K., died 26 May, 1823, aged thirty.

My friend most dear! forbear your tear,
And cease for me to mourn.

What love from you to me was due,

To my dear Wife return.

To God most just, and you, I trust

My Wife while here she be.

God be her friend, her pathway tend,

Till she shall follow me.

Perhaps the following verse, which is to be seen in the old parish churchyard of Brighton Thomas Law, who died 19 April, 1800, is (St. Nicholas's) on the tombstone of one sufficiently quaint to be worthy of record in 'N. & Q.':

Stop! Reader, and reflect with awe,
For Sin and Death have conquered Law,
Who in full hope resign'd his breath,
That Grace had conquered Sin and Death.

DR. EDMOND HALLEY. (See 9th S. x. 361; xi. 85, 205, 366, 463, 496; xii. 125, 185, 266, 464; 10th S. ii. 224.)—


McPike, Eugene Fairfield. Remarks on Dr. Edmond Halley.-Popular Astronomy, xii. 453-5, Northfield, Minnesota, August-September, 1904.

A Bibliography of Halley's Comet; 1910 Return. Ibid., 455. See last paragraph below.

Halley's Comet.-1bid., 685. A note pertaining to Dr. Halley's discovery of the identity of the comet of 1682, which bears his name.

Halley's Comet: its Past History and 1910 Return: a Short Bibliography with Notes. 6 pp.Smithsonian Miscl. Coll., vol. xlviii. pt. i., No. 1580, Washington, 1905.

Same; also issued separately. Noticed in Library Journal, xxx. 439, July, 1905.

Halley's Comet and its Discoverer.-The Observatory, xxviii. 256-7, June, 1905.

Rigaud, Stephen Peter (1774-1839). Some Account of Halley's Astronomia Cometicæ Synopsis. 1835. -Mentioned in 'D.N.B.,' xlviii. 299. Probably published separately. Not examined.

Greenwich Observatory Instruments in Halley's Time.-In Memoirs Royal Astronomical Society, 1836.

On Newton, Whiston, Halley, and Flamsteed. In Philos. Mag., 1836.

Rudolph, Alexander J. Material for a Bibliography of Dr. Edmond Halley......with some Notes and Addenda by Eugene Fairfield McPike.-Bulletin of Bibliography, Boston, iv. 53-7, July, 1905. Same; also issued separately. Column a

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page form.


Scottish Notes and Queries, Second Series, vi. 93, 112, Aberdeen.

The "Old Northwest" Genealogical Quarterly, vii. 267-70, Columbus, Ohio, October, 1904. IV. MISCELLANEOUS.


Brontë, Rev. Patrick. On Halley's Comet, in 1835. [A poem.]-The Bradfordian, No. (1 August, 1861), 176, Bradford. Reprinted in Popular Astronomy, xii. 571-2.

Eugenio (pseud.). An Elogy on Sir Isaac Newton; translated from the Latin of Dr. Halley. -The General Magazine of Arts and Sciences, i. 4 (January, 1755), London. Reprinted in Popular Astronomy, xii. 504, 571, 631; and in Historic Magazine and Notes and Queries, xxiii. No. 3 (March,

I may add that a careful search failed to 1905), 76-8, Manchester, New Hampshire.

I find no internal evidence in the 'D.N.B.,' and have to wear ordinary Court dress in vol. lxvii., 'Errata,' that that portion thereof black velvet. There are in this statement which modifies vol. xxiv. of the principal almost as many mistakes as words. Black work was prepared before the publication of velvet has lately come into common wear as 'N. & Q.' for 9 May, 1903 (9th S. xi. 366), yet a Court dress, but it is not one of the three no correction has been made in the date of most approved forms, according to the decease of Dr. Halley, 25 January, 1742, N.S., official circulars, and was only till recently as shown at the reference just given. a little-used alternative. The being in or out of office makes no difference whatever to the dress worn. Privy Councillors all wear the same costume, and the fall of a Cabinet can make no difference. Windsor uniform has changed, but has always been of a comparatively simple nature. W. U. L.

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"In the Earl of Macclesfield's library at Shirburne Castle, Oxon., are several MSS. by Halley; among them a commonplace book (cf. Aubrey's Brief Lives,' Clark, i. 283, Oxford, 1898).

The Astronomische Gesellschaft has recently offered a prize of one thousand marks "for the best determination of the position of Halley's comet in the year of its return" (cf. Vierteljahrsschrift, 39 Jahrgang, Drittes Heft, pp. 149, 152, Leipsic, 1904).

Member of the Bibliographical Society
of America.
Chicago, U.S.

Day is recent, the following, copied from The
Scottish Standard-Bearer, will not be inap-
propriate :-

"At Harvington, in Worcestershire, it is the custom on St. Thomas's Day (December 21st) for persons (chiefly children) to go round the village, begging for apples, and singing the following rhymes:

Wissal, wassail, through the town;

If you've got any apples, through (?) them down;
Up with the stocking and down with the shoe;
If you've got no apples, money will do.
The jug is white and the ale is brown;
This is the best house in the town.

Castle Pollard, Westmeath.

"GOING A-GOODING." (See 1st Series, and so down.)-I understand that this custom of widows going round on St. Thomas's Day for gifts is still kept up at Dimchurch, Hythe, Kent. R. J. FYNMore. Sandgate.

WINDSOR UNIFORM. (See 9th S. ix. 292; x. 36.)-Le Temps, which is the most accurate of French newspapers, has followed a common English error in its account of the King's present to Mr. Balfour. It begins rightly by saying that a Windsor uniform is a "special costume worn at Windsor when the Court is there." But it then goes on to describe as the Windsor uniform the ordinary ministerial or "first-class diplomatic" uniform in its "ball" form, and further mistakenly explains that members of the Cabinet going out of office can no longer wear this costume,

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"HERERO": PRONUNCIATION. ITS proper way to pronounce this African name is with the stress on its first syllable-Hérero, and not Heréro. This seems worth noting here, as it is just the contrary of what one would expect from the analogy of the Spanish termination -ero. Pinero, for instance, should be Pinéro, though the man in the street may sometimes turn it into Pínero; and bolero should be boléro, though the woman in the street too often calls it bólero. Hence it is not surprising that even the accurate 'Cyclopædia of Names,' 1895, marks Heréro, with the accent on the wrong syllable.


AMERICAN CIVIL WAR.-Major B. R. Ward, in the September number of the Journal of the Royal United Service Institution (vol. xlix. pp. 1073-5), draws attention to "probably the finest military record in existence," namely, 'The Official Records of the Union and Confederate Armies.'

Commenced on 19 May, 1864, the one hundred and thirtieth (and last) volume was completed on 22 August, 1901, under the editorship of Major R. N. Scott, 3rd U.S. Artillery, who had been in charge of the work since December, 1877. In addition to

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