
can have our bosoms warmed with the real flame of every thing high and holy, which ought to burn without ceasing in the heart of man. When we feel the tie which binds us, feeble children of the dust, amidst all our weakness, and all our unworthiness to Him who is the Lord of angels, and archangels; feel it in all its multiplied bearings, as we are His by Nature, and still more as we are His through Him who died for our Redemption; it is then, only, that, while in the depth of humiliation, we say, "What is man that thou art mindful of him?” A voice replies in our hearts," thou hast made him but a little lower than the angels, and hast crowned him with glory and honour." Yes! it is here alone that the foundation of human excellence is to be laid, of that character which can alone constitute us the friends of Him whom we have again acknowledged as our Saviour, and who cannot look upon those as his genuine friends who are insensible to the goodness and to the majesty of his Father!

In what manner, my brethren, we are to attain this character, where need we go for instruction but to the words and the example of that Saviour? Or, was there ever any pic

ture of Piety displayed to the eye of man, so pure, so simple, so affectionate, and yet so humble as His? It was not exhibited in any singularity of demeanour, in any aversion to the common occupations or relaxations of life, in any refinements of superior knowledge, or any raptures and fervours of devotion; no,-it was seated much deeper-fostered in the privacy of meditation and prayer-reflected from every aspect of creation, and felt in every throb of the heart; fed from these secret springs, it appeared in the simplicity of his Godly sincerity-in his unaffected obedience to his Father's willin that single eye with which He looked only at what he was summoned to perform-and that spirit of deep thankfulness, not merely resignation, with which He received every dispensation alike of that Father's hand! This is the example which He has shown us; and why have we encircled his altar, and partaken of those holy symbols which mark His Filial obedience, no less than his Brotherly love, if we strive not that that mind of humble devotion may be in us, which was also in Him?-if we make it not our first care to purify the springs of our hearts, and to "present them a living sacrifice, holy,

acceptable unto God, which is our reasonable service ?"

II. This, then, is the first and great commandment; and the second is like unto it, that we should love our neighbour as ourselves. As the former presents us with the great ruling principle of conduct-so this points out to us the course in which our actions ought to move. As no motive ought to be so dear to us, as the simple desire to do the will of our Creator; so no plan of action ought so much to excite our enterprize as the desire of rendering ourselves useful to our fellow-creatures. There is a sphere of usefulness in which every one naturally moves, and which ought especially to occupy every one's thoughts and application. It begins in the circle of domestic connections, in the commonest relations of life; it then extends to our various stations in society, and the employments which we in these exercise; and, finally, to all that wider usefulness to which we may be called by the feelings of Humanity, or by the unlimited Charity of the Gospel. How to conduct ourselves in all these circumstances and relations, so as to produce the greatest happi

ness and good to all upon whom our conduct can have any influence, ought to be the consideration constantly before us. In what way we may best procure our own private happiness, although, alas! the narrow and partial view which we are too apt to take, need not, in truth, be on many occasions a subject of our contemplation. By the benevolence of Heaven, our own happiness follows best and most naturally from that line of conduct which is directed to the good of others, and is never so fatally injured, as by that selfishness which seeks for independent enjoyment, or that vehemence of passion which looks for private gratification, even amid the ruin and wretchedness which it spreads around it. In all situations, then, my brethren, even those which seem most immediately to have private interests in view-let our first question ever be, in what way will my conduct in this situation be most conducive to the good of my fellow-creatures? How can I promote by it the interests of my family, of my relations, of my friends? How shall I best promote the honour and advantage of the Community to which I belong? Or, in a wider view, how shall I direct my exertions, so as to be an effi

cient and productive member of the still more extensive Community of mankind, to which I am bound by the ties of nature, and of the Gospel?

If such are not the views which chiefly influence us; if we are rather the slaves of personal gratification or vanity, than the generous lovers and benefactors of human kind-can we, at least, be the friends of Him, who " went about doing good," who in every situation in which He was placed, seemed to look to one object alone, the labours of love, which he could perform ; and who felt that living flame of Piety to God which ever burned within Him animating His love to mankind, and prompting His exertions in the unwearied service of those weak and fallen creatures, whose nature He had so condescendingly assumed? Yes, it is only by such affections and acts of love, that we can, in any degree, be honoured with his holy friendship; because it is only thus that we can in any degree, resemble Him!-It is only thus that we can start forth from the dross and defilement of our nature-that we can soar above our own littleness, and expand and purify our hearts by unlocking all their sympathies, by opening them to every affection and interest of our brethren,

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