
Stuttgart. Merian spells it thus in a famous quotation: "Im Fall dass man die Weintrauben ringsweiss umb Stuckgart nicht abläse, die Statt

im Wein ersaufen würde."


BARONESS BELLASIS OF OSGODBY, LINCOLNSHIRE, 1674 (6th S. xi. 188; 7th S. iii. 418, 477). CUTHBERT BEDE will find a portrait of Susan Armine, Lady Bellasis, at Hampton Court, where it is mistakenly called Lady Byron. The almost entire absence of beauty confirms this assumption, which

is the opinion of both Virtue and Walpole. She obtained a promise of marriage from James II. when Duke of York, after the death of Anne Hyde; she is said to have been his mistress. He procured for her the title of Baroness Bellasis of Osgodby

for life, she having been the heiress of the

of that place. He also persuaded her to become a Roman Catholic. She was the second wife of Sir Henry Bellasis, son of John, Lord Bellasis, and nephew of the Earl of Fauconberg, Cromwell's sonin-law. She died in 1713, having in middle life married one Fortrey, a "gentleman of fortune." WILLIAM DEANE.

Hintlesham Rectory, Ipswich,

If your correspondents had taken the trouble to consult 'The Complete Peerage,' now being edited by G. E. C., and published in the Genealogist, they would have found the date of death and place of burial of the above lady.


TO RALLY (7th S. iii. 126). -It may not be too late to give a quotation of this word older than Mr. Goschen's address, but used in the address



"Lord John Russell proposed a series of resolutions by which it was hoped the breaches which had arisen between Upper and Lower Canada would be healed. These propositions were fiercely attacked, but Mr. Gladstone, amongst others, rallied to the support of the Government." - 'Life of the Right Hon. E. Gladstone, by G. Barnett Smith (1879), vol. i. p. 85.


"NOM DE PLUME" (7th S. iii. 348). - As after a lapse of several weeks no reply has been sent to MR. BOUCHIER'S interesting inqui I will make a reference to a statement which appeared in the Atheneum of April 19, 1884, p. 505, on the subject, in which it is positively stated that the expression is an entirely English invention. As this is only signed by an anonymous "French Journalist," it does not seem absolutely satisfactory. On the other hand, during a lapse of nearly three years it appears to have remained uncontradicted. Nevertheless it seems to me to be too good to be true that an English person should have hit on so serviceable an expression in a foreign language, and one that has certainly been found serviceable by the French. I have not had the opportunity since the query

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instances, "leatherette" and "leaderette," are

unknown to me. No doubt there are many instances of misuse of French words and phrases by English writers, though hardly so many, nor such

absurd ones, as are to be found in the attempted adoption of English words by French people ('N. & Q.,' 7th S. i. 451; ii. 430); but I cannot think nom de plume can be set down as one of these; on the contrary, it must be reckoned one of those happy hits which only a foreigner sometimes has the luck to light upon ('N. & Q.,' 6th S. vi. 297), and the writer quite misappreciates it in treating it as a misnomer for nom de guerre, as there is a pronounced nuance of difference between the two designations. R. H. BUSK.

ARABELLA CHURCHILL (7th S. iii. 508). - Is it not written in the book of the chronicles of 'N. & Q.' (5th S. iv. 488; v. 14) that the name of Arabella Churchill's youngest child was also Arabella, and that she died at Pontoise, Nov. 7, 1704, aged thirty? C. F. S. WARREN, M.A. The Cottage, Fulbourn, Cambridge,

ARMS OF SIR FRANCIS DRAKE PRIOR TO 1581 (7th S. iii. 495). -Is it likely that Sir Francis Drake was entitled to bear arms prior to 1581 ? In Prince's Worthies of Devon' it is stated that "his father was a minister," and in a note at the

end of the article it is stated that "in a recent Baronetage the father of Sir Francis Drake is said, but without any authority being cited for it, to have been sailor, by name Edmond Drake." In Prince's 'Life' of Sir Bernard Drake is the following account of the bestowal of arms on Sir Francis:


"About this time it was, that there fell out a contrast between Sir Bernard, and the immortal Sir Francis Drake; chiefly occasioned by Sir Francis, his assuming Sir Bernard's coat of arms, not being able to make out his descent from his family, a matter in those days, when the court of honor was in more honor, not so easily digested. The feud hereupon encreased to that degree, that Sir Bernard, being a person of a high spirit, gave Sir Francis a box on the ear; and that within the verge of the court. For which offence he incurr'd her Majesty's displeasure; and most probably, it prov'd the occasion of the Queen's bestowing upon Sir Francis Drake, a new coat of everlasting honor, to himself and posterity for ever; which hath relation to that glorious action of his, the circumnavigating the world: which is thus em

blazon'd by Guillim, Diamond a fess wavy between the but always metamorphic. In this way Gaulish

two pole-stars Artick and Antartick pearl; as before. And what is more his crest is, A ship on a globe under ruff, held by a cable rope, with a hand out of the clouds; in the rigging whereof, is hung up by the heels, a Wivern gul. Sir Bernard's arms; but in no great honour, we may think, to that knight, though so design'd to Sir Francis. Unto all which, Sir Bernard boldly reply'd, That though her Majesty could give him a nobler, yet

she could not give an antienter coat than his.'"

Prince then states how Sir Bernard met his death by taking the gaol fever at Exeter, and adds:

"Sir Bernard it seems, had strength enough to recover home to his house at Ash, but not enough to overcome the disease; for he died thereof soon after, and was buried in his church of Musbury, an. 1585, in an isle of which, are several monuments, but, I think, no epitaphs; his effigy is there in statue."

This in an error which I have seen repeated in other accounts of Sir Bernard, the fact being that he died and was buried at Crediton (about seven miles from Exeter), but his monument is at Musbury, as stated by Prince. HENRY DRAKE.

THE FIRST PRINCIPLES OF PHILOLOGY (7th S. ii. 445; iii. 161, 277, 315, 411). -Personally, I must thank CANON TAYLOR for his courteous and temperate reply, though I think his whole case weak.

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1. Why resort to Germanisms like ursprache and urvolk? (a) Ur="original" is an inseparable particle, prefixed and taken directly from the Lat. orior; so Anglice "primitive speech," we might say "uptongue but that it would increase Dr. Murray's labours. (b) As to urvolk, it is our "aborigines," and such people never can be identified till you define the country intended. The first process is an ethnological inquiry for the man, "Adam," who first spoke; the second process is to analyze his speech, when found.

2. The term Aryan is delusive, because it presupposes the qualities predicated of an unknown result. The Canon suggests two localities for inquiry: (a) the aborigines of the Baltic; this is exclusively ethnological, and we know that if so-called Aryan they must have been Sclavonic, representing a western extension of the Sarmatii. (b) The Baikals of Siberia, on the contrary, were UralAltaics, i. e., the Scythians of Herodotus, the Turanians of Dr. Hyde Clarke, all migratory nomads. So, when we have thus found our aboriginal Aryan, and duly scratched him, we shall meet with an agglutinative or monosyllabic form of speech, not now recognized as Indo-European. What, then, becomes of our Aryan ursprache, which presupposes an incorporating, a synthetic or inflectional form of speech?

3. As to roots. I prefer a geological rather than a biological illustration, holding that languages underlie and overlie each other, cropping up here, disappearing there, in regular lines of stratification-nothing permanent or continuous,

became Romance; but the Canon's illustration is most unhappy. That hereditary pennist refers French rouler to an imaginary "roul." This is the very pity of it, for the transition is clear and needs no intermediate root, thus: Lat. rota, late rotulare; Provençal rotlar, rolar; French roler, rouler. See Scheler. Why confuse matters with a needless hypothesis when the disappearance of the t explains it all? Then, as to the equation given, viz., "ro, ra, re, rhy, ari=ar!" one cannot help thinking of the Misses Scales, who are always practising "next door." This imaginary Aryan root ar is only the common Indic verb ar rinâmi, which has given us the Latin orior; while the allied form ar ri arami gives us the Latin rota.

4. Before parting with this subject, which I fear may prove tedious to many and too diffuse for the editorial limits of space, I would call attention to the spread of language by lateral extension. We know it has gone on in Alsace-Lorraine, where French supplanted German; and it is easily paralleled elsewhere-as, for instance, by the decay of Welsh in that province, and of Irish and Gaelic in the sister isle and Scottish Highlands; so that the ethnic is always in conflict with the philologic aspect of the question in our search for the great Aryan ursprache. A. HALL.

A PAIR OF KIDDERMINSTER SWANNS (7th S. iii. 405). -Eliza Swann's charm to stop the bleeding from a wound is given in Mr. W. Henderson's 'Folk-lore of the Northern Counties' (p. 169, ed. 1879), but in somewhat different words :

To Stop Bleeding.

Our Saviour Christ was born in Bethlehem,
And was baptized in the river of Jordan;
The waters were mild of mood,
The Child was meek, gentle, and good,
He struck it with a rod and still it stood,

And so shall thy blood stand,

In the name, &c.

Say these words thrice, and the Lord's Prayer once. The charm is said to be used in the neighbourhood of Dartmoor. Cf. also Mr. W. G. Black's

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HISTORICAL DATA RESPECTING THE EDDYSTONE (7th S. iii. 428).-W. S. B. H. may without much trouble see a contemporary account of the storm of 1703, if he will refer to a collection of Defoe's works, for Defoe published in the following year 'The Storm; or, a Collection of the most Remarkable Casualties which happened in the Tempest (November 26, 1703)' (London, 1704), which was reprinted in a second edition, s.a., also, in 1769, London. ED. MARSHALL.

In Randolph's 'Archipelago,' 1687, there is an account of a storm in 1683 in which two ships from New England found themselves. One went ashore in Mount's Bay; the other, although in great distress, reached Plymouth Sound in safety (pp. 98-108).

W. C. B.

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he gives us in the beginning of his work an epitome of the geography of the world, as men then understood it, which, though almost entirely a compilation from other books which have come down to us, gives an interesting picture of what men in the fourteenth century thought our world was like. In the second, Higden has had the good fortune to be translated into English by two different persons. John Trevisa, the Cornishman, who became chaplain to Thomas, Lord Berkeley, who died in 1416, and another unknown author. Both these English writers have made some additions to the text that was before them, but the value of their labours mainly now

consists in the good prose style which they wrote. It was believed that eight volumes would be sufficient to contain the whole of the three texts of the 'Polychronicon,' but John Malverne's Latin continuation has been discovered. This hitherto unknown document, with the glossary and indices, compose the volume before us. Malverne's chronicle does not add any facts of first-class importance to the knowledge which we

already possess, but it is full of minute touches which those who endeavour to write history accurately will know how to value. Some of his statements must have been made, we think, on insufficient information. Wat Tyler is called John, not Walter, and Ball, the fanatical preacher, figures as Balne. This latter may possibly be

correct form. Surnames were in a fluent condition

in those days. Men who had the luxury of possessing one were careless as to spelling so long as the sound was nearly right; but the Christian name was a sacred thing, in which no error was likely to occur. In the war with Scotland, in 1384, we are told that the Duke of Lancaster saved the Abbey of Melrose and the city of Edinburgh from destruction. If this be true, it casts a favourable light on the character of one of whom modern historians have been but too ready to think evil. There are many horrible details as to the cruelties practised upon a Carmelite friar, who had brought charges, which we do not doubt were without foundation, against the duke. The varied tortures the wretch underwent are too horrible to think of. If the duke was really privy to what was being done, his worst enemies could not give him too bad a character. We believe, however, that he was not aware of these horrors until it was too late to intervene. We are told that the duke was displeased when he heard of what had taken place, but not until the unhappy Carmelite "ab hac instabili luce migravit et in pace quievit." Nearly one-half of this volume is occupied by the glossary to the whole of the nine volumes and the indices. These latter we have not tested, but we have carefully examined the glossary. It seems to

be as nearly perfect as such a work can be. Readers

who have the advantage of possessing the book on their own shelves will do well to consult it whenever the modern dictionaries are at fault as to a mediæval English word. Unless we are much mistaken, there are not a few words to be met with here which have not hitherto found their way into any dictionary whatsoever. We wonder how many of our readers are aware that there were base and spurious coins called "rosaries." The Latin of Higden's text is "rosarios," which Du Fresne explains as "monetæ adulterinæ." We wish some one would be more explicit, and tell us exactly what these deceitful coins were like. Had they a rose or a string of prayer beads on them?

The Family of Brocas of Beaurepaire and Roche Court. With some Account of the English Rule in Aquitaine. By Montague Burrows, Capt. R.N., M.A., F.S.A. (Longmans & Co.)

THIS is one of the most interesting family histories ever published, and it was indeed fortunate that the chest containing these deeds came into the hands of one so fitted to bring them before the public in the manner they deserve. The beginning of the preface is more like the opening of a novel than the introduction to a work of antiquarian value. We are told that a chest of English oak, made some time in the fifteenth century, was discovered, containing "some six hundred deeds and papers, commencing with the De Roches' property in 1271, taking up that of the De Brocas in 1320, proceeding continuously through the ages till the Gardiners succeeded to the Brocas estates, and ending abruptly enough in 1782." It is impossible to estimate too highly the value of a find of this kind, nor can we, in such a limited space, do justice to the way in which the work of arranging and putting in order these deeds has been done.

Prof. Burrows has been unwearied in his endeavours to trace out the whole history of each member of the family of De Brocas, and Boswell himself never took more pains to record every fact in the life of his hero

than have been taken to verify and make out the smallest details about the most obscure member of this great

house. Castles, tombs, monumental brasses, churches, houses, plans, and seals are all engraved, so that we may, in so far as it be possible, see what manner of men the De Brocases were. There are no fewer than twenty

four seals engraved, some of them most curious specimens of early art. One, the seal of Elys de Ruede, a wonderfully beautiful thing, and looks as if it might have been impressed on the wax but yesterday. It is almost needless to state that every authority that is quoted has the reference given, so that all may verify the facts for themselves. There is, however, one statement that we should much like to be able to gain more information about. Prof. Burrows is speaking of Sir Pexil Brocas (p. 222), who died in 1630, and he says of him: "He exhibited his love of a jest as much as his vanity in retaining a professional jester, said to be the last case of the sort in any English private family." What is the authority for this? We do not doubt the statement, but we should like to be able to prove it. The portrait of this jester is still preserved, and some one of a later generation has inscribed it with the words, "Hodge, Jester to Sir Pexil Brocas, of Beaurepaire." We wish very much that it had been engraved for this book. Prof. Burrows says: "It is the face of a rough, humorous fellow, something like an old-fashioned innkeeper." To turn from the merely family history to the part of the book that gives an account of the English rule in Aquitaine. Here we get a stirring picture of the events that make the reign of Edward III. one of the most glorious on record. It was a great and terrible loss for this country that the Black Prince did not live to carry on the work so grandly begun. Prof. Burrows says that his death and that of Henry V. caused the most bitter feelings of disappointment and distress that England has ever felt. With the exception of that of Cromwell, whose death brought absolute chaos, no other deaths have ever had such evil effects on the country, so far as we can judge. Those persons who delight in working out the answers to questions such as, What would have been the effect on the kingdom had Edward VI. lived?-may, perhaps, be able to tell us which of the two caused the greatest unhappiness to the country. We are not able to give an opinion on such a complex matter. We can only add that we are sure that all of us who have any feeling of reverence for the past will delight in this account of the Brocas family.

The Dictionary of Religion. Edited by the Rev. William Benham, B.D., F.S.A. (Cassell & Co.)

THIS work was begun by the late Rev. J. H. Blunt, and completed by the present editor. It serves admirably

a special purpose. There is, of course, no finality; and a book such as this is capable of almost indefinite extension. The standpoint from which the various articles are written is, as was to be supposed, that of the Church of England. Very judicious steering is, of course, necessary. Reference, however, to such lives as Pusey, Stanley, Colenso, Wesley, and to such even more dangerous headings as "Eternal Punishment," shows that the whole is written with tact and right feeling. Some questions sent to 'N. & Q.' might be avoided by a reference to these pages.

London Life seen with German Eyes. By Wilhelm F. Brand. (Field & Tuer.)

It is always edifying to read what foreigners say of us. Mr. Brand writes goodnaturedly, and displays some acuteness of vision. For English readers, however, his book is too charged with statistics. When, however, à propos to dinner parties, we read that the special English soups are ox-tail, mulligatawny, and cayenne, and that the heavy sherry which accompanies them is "chiefly manufactured in Liverpool," marvel if some

of the information is not, to say the least, out of date.

MR. BURKE, Somerset Herald, is compiling for Dr. Howard's Miscellanea Genealogica et Heraldica an elaborate pedigree of the Darwin family. Many valuable documents have been lent by members of the family, which will enable the compiler to make this important genealogy most complete. It will be illustrated with woodcuts of signatures, including those of Sir Francis Darwin, Dr. Erasmus Darwin, Charles Darwin, Josiah Wedgwood, and many others. A few copies will be struck off on quarto paper for private circulation.

Notices to Correspondents.

We must call special attention to the following notices : On all communications must be written the name and address of the sender, not necessarily for publication, but as a guarantee of good faith.

We cannot undertake to answer queries privately.

To secure insertion of communications correspondents must observe the following rule. Let each note, query, signature of the writer and such address as he wishes to or reply be written on a separate slip of paper, with the appear. Correspondents who repeat queries are requested to head the second communication "Duplicate."

MANIGETZ.- The World Displayed' is a collection of voyages and travels selected from writers of all nations. It was published in 20 vols., Lond., 1759 et seq., with a preface by Dr. Samuel Johnson. A third edition, also in 20 vols., appeared in 1767, and a fourth in 1774.

LELAND NOEL ("Origin of the Name of Waverley "). -As to Scott's choice of this word, and its association

with Waverley Abbey, near Farnham, see 3rd S. v. 176. J. M. DONOVAN. -The heir apparent in such a case would be the eldest son of the Prince of Wales.

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Edinburgh Review, October, 1880.

Now ready, price 10s. 6d. each, cloth boards, with very Copious Indexes,




Volumes I. to XII. of the Sixth Series of NOTES AND QUERIES contain, in addition to a great variety of similar Notes and Replies, Articles of Interest on the following Subjects:

English, Irish, and Scottish History.

The Plagues of 1605 and 1625-Wolves in EnglandPrices in the Middle Ages-Executions of 1745-The "Meal Tub Plot"-Episcopacy in Scotland - English Roman Catholic Martyrs-Hereward le Wake-HidingPlaces of Charles II. - Where did Edward II. die?Battle between Armies of Suetonius and Boadicea

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Luis de Camoens - Thomas Bell-Cromwell-William Penn-Nell Gwynne-Coleridge-Curll the BooksellerSir John Cheke-Gibson, Bishop of London-Thorpe the Architect-Sir Richard Whittington-Charles Wolfe.

Bibliography and Literary History.

Shakspeariana-Chap-Book Notes-" Adeste Fideles ""The Land of the Leal"-John Gilpin-" Reynard the Fox"-"Lead, kindly Light"-Rabelais-London Publishers of 18th Century-The Welsh Testament- The Libraries of Balliol, All Souls', Brasenose, and Queen's Colleges, Oxford-Key to "Endymion"-Early Roman Catholic Magazines-Stuart Literature-The Libraries of Eton, and Trinity College, Cambridge-" Dame Europa" Bibliography - Unpublished Letters of Dr. Johnson"Rock of Ages"-" Eikon Basilike Deutera"-William of Tyre-Bibliography of Skating-"The Book"-Notes on the "Religio Medici "-Authorship of the "Imitatio" -Tristram Shandy-Critical Notes of Charles Lamb.

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Popular and Proverbial Sayings.

"To rule the roast"-"Licked into shape"-" Bosh " -Joining the majority-Up to snuff-"To the bitter end"-Conspicuous by his absence - Play old Gooseberry-"The grey mare is the better horse" - Bred and born - Drunk as David's sow - Cut off with a shilling-Tin-money-Getting into a scrape.


Tennis-Puzzle-Rickets-American Spelling-Snob-
Jolly-Boycotting-Argosy-Jennet-Bedford - Maiden
in Place-names-Deck of Cards-Masher-Belfry-Brag
-Bulrush - Tram - Hearse - Whittling - Beef-eater-
Boom-At bay.

Genealogy and Heraldry.

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Christian Names-Election Colours-Buried Alive-O.K. -Ladies' Clubs-Zoedone-Berkeley Square MysteryWife Selling-The Telephone-Scrutin de Liste-Crocodile's Tears-Jingo-The Gipsies-Hell-Fire Club-Tarots -Tobacco in England-Sea Sickness unknown to the Ancients-Names of American States-Carucate-Female Soldiers and Sailors-Mistletoe-Giants-Jewesses and Wigs-Memories of Trafalgar-Green Eyes-Beaumontague-Secret Chambers in Ancient Houses-The Bonaparte-Patterson Marriage-Ace of Spades-Wig Curler Female Churchwardens-The Opal-House of KeyChurch Registers - Arm-in-arm-E. O. - Napoleon's Legacy to Cantillon.

Published by JOHN C. FRANCIS, 22, Took's-court, Cursitor-street, Chancery-lane, E.C.

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