The Holy Bible, from the Authorized Tr. , with a Comm. and Critical Notes by A. ClarkeGeneral Books, 2013 - 552 pagina's This historic book may have numerous typos and missing text. Purchasers can usually download a free scanned copy of the original book (without typos) from the publisher. Not indexed. Not illustrated. 1817 edition. Excerpt: ... and all those, who in those primitive times were endued ith miraculous powers, for the confirmation of the doctrines they preached. In my name That is, by the authority and influence of the Almighty Jesus. Cast out devils Whose kingdom Jesus Christ was manifested to destroy. Speak with new tongues Til is was most literally fulfilled on the day of Pentecost, Acts ii. 4--12. Verse 18. Take up serpents Several MSS. add Iit( x1?3."" in their hands--shall be enabled to give, when such a proof may be serviceable to the cause of truth, this evidence of their being continually under the power and protection of God, and that all nature is subject to him. This also was literally fulfilled in the case of Paul, Acts xxviii. 5. If they dri)tk any deadly thing )avriy, ($anaxo) bcinnunderstood--if they should through mistake, or accident, drink never credit any thing till they had the fullest evidence of it Iruth. The unbelief of the disciples is a strong proof of the 'j any poisonous matter, their constant preserver will take care truth of the gospel of God. See the addition at the end. I' that it shall not injure them. See a similar promise, Isai. Verse 15. Go ye into all the world See on Matt, xxviii. 19.-xliii. 2. And preach the gospel to every creature. Proclaim the gladtidings--of Christ crucified, and raised from the dead--to all the creation, s-aa-ii To Xtio-ji--to I he Gentile world; for in this sense nma berioth, is often understood among tin-Rabbins; because He, through the grace of God, hath tasted death for Every man, Hcb. ii. 9. And on the rejection of tlie gospel by the Jews, it was sent to the whole Gentile world. They shall lay hands on the sick And I will convey a healing power by their hands, so... |
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The holy Bible, from the authorized tr., with a comm. and critical ..., Volume 5 Adam Clarke Volledige weergave - 1817 |