[blocks in formation]

"Quoth she, I've heard old cunning stagers
Say, Fools for arguments use wagers.'

PAGE 230. Your Stage Coach, ante, p. 181.

PAGE 231. Sizable Circumference, ante, No. 127.
Motto. Cicero, De Natura Deorum, II. lxvi. 166.

Such is the entertainment. Cf. vol. i. p. 327, and ii. p. 376.
The Theory of the Earth, ante, p. 374. The quotation towards
the close is from III. xii. pp. 110-1, ed. 1684.


PAGE 232.
PAGE 235.

Cicero tells us. Tusc. Disput. i.

No. 145.

No. 146.

Motto. From the pseudo-Ciceronian treatise Rhetoric. ad No. 147.
C. Herennium I. ii


- St. James's Garlick-Hill (Garlick hithe), rebuilt in 1676-82,
was near Thames Street in Vintry-Ward. The Reader referred to
is the Rev. Philip Stubbs, afterwards Archdeacon of St. Albans.
PAGE 236. Sion College, London Wall.

Pindarick readers. Cf. vol. i. p. 353, and vol. ii. p. 284.
PAGE 237. Cant. Steele is out in his etymology. See the New
Eng. Dict.

[ocr errors]

Dr. Se. Probably Dr. George Smalridge, afterwards
Bishop of Bristol, the 'Favonius' of the 114th Tatler. See Mr.
Dobson's Selections from Steele, p. 456.

PAGE 238. Do you read, etc. Si cantas, male cantas; si legis, cantas,—
a saying of Cæsar's, quoted by Quintilian, De Inst. Orat. I. viii.
Motto. Horace, Epist. II. ii. 212.
French and Country Dances. See vol. i. p. 356.
For Women, etc. Waller, Of Love, ll. 13-16.
Motto. Cicero, Tusc. Disput. IV. xxxii. 68.

PAGE 241.
PAGE 242.

PAGE 245. Motto. Juvenal, Sat. iii. 152-3.

Plagues. Budgell probably refers to some pamphlets, now
difficult to trace. The B. M. Catalogue describes an 1800 edition
of the Fifteen plagues of a Footman, Coachman, &c., and also the
Pleasures of a Single Life (1701). Cf. the Fifteen Comforts, etc.,
in note to p. 343 of the first volume.
PAGE 246. Juvenal, Sat. iii. 147-151.

Dryden's translation, ll.

paper, included a
See vol. i. p. 329.
his sobriquet for

248-55. Scott & Saintsbury's ed. reads 'patches' for 'patch is.'
Want is the scorn, etc. ib. ll. 256-7.
PAGE 247. Sloven. Budgell, the writer of this
translation of The Sloven in his Theophrastus.
Atticus. Did this suggest to Pope
Addison ?
PAGE 248. Mr. Osbourn. Advice to a Son, I. xxiii.

[ocr errors]

PAGE 249.

PAGE 253.


Cicero, De Finibus, II. xxxv. 117.
Motto. Homer, Iliad, vi. 146.

No. 148.

No. 149.
No. 150.

No. 151.

No. 152,

PAGE 254. A gay Frenchman, etc. The anecdote is of the Chevalier
de Flourilles, killed at Senelf in 1674. It is told in the Memoirs

[blocks in formation]

No. 154.

No. 155.

PAGE 261.

Simon Honeycomb's visits to the Watering-Places are in an ascending scale of modishness from Astrop Wells near Oxford to Tunbridge and Bath. St. Edmunds-bury is the scene of Shadwell's Bury-Fair; and Epsom-Wells gives the title to another comedy by the same hand. PAGE 263. Great with Tully of late. Cf. vol. i. p. 327; also ii. P. 275.

In 'A' this paper is numbered 156,' and subsequent papers are incorrectly numbered. The error is rectified from 166' onwards. Motto. Horace, Ars Poet. 451.

[blocks in formation]

PAGE 270. Affection. Either in the obsolete sense of affectation, as used by Maria in The School for Scandal (I. i.), or a misprint for that word, which is given in its usual form in vol. i. p. 26.

No. 157,

PAGE 271.

No. 158,

No. 159.

No. 160.

No. 161.

No. 162.

PAGE 273.
PAGE 274.

Motto. Horace, Epist. II. ii. 187-9.

Seneca says. Epist. 95 (about the middle).

That Infamy. Steele is at issue with public opinion, which found its most straightforward expression in the later utterances of Dr. Johnson (see Birkbeck Hill's Boswell's Johnson, i. 46, ii. 407, v. 99). Steele returns to the "licensed Tyrants, the Schoolmasters" in No. 168.

PAGE 275. Motto. Martial, Epigr. XIII. ii. 8.

The Present State of Wit (1711) points out that Steele, instead of falling in with the customs of the day, like the other papers of the time, took the new course of attacking them.

[ocr errors][ocr errors][merged small]

Waller, 'On a Girdle,' ll. 11-12.

PAGE 278. Give me but what, etc.
Motto. Virgil, Æn. ii. 604-6.
-Grand Cairo. See note, vol. i. p. 323.

-The Visions of Mirzah. Cf. Steele's Conscious Lovers, I. ii. 1. "These Moral Writers practise Virtue after Death: This charming Vision of Mirza! Such an Author consulted in a

Morning sets the Spirit for the Vicissitudes of the Day, better than the Glass does a Man's Person."

PAGE 283. Motto. Horace, Sat. I. iv. 43-4.

PAGE 284. Bienséance. Cf. Boileau, L'Art Poétique, III. 122-3.
-Pindaricks. See vol. i. p. 353, and vol. ii. p. 236.
PAGE 285. Terence, Eunuchus, Î. i. 16-18.

-Camisars. The name given to the Calvinists of the Cevennes during the religious troubles following the revocation of the Edict of Nantes. They are represented in the Waxwork of English Religions in the 257th Tatler. They were known as the French Prophets (vol. i. p. 320). See also Tatler, No. 11.

PAGE 286. Motto. Virgil, Georgics, ii. 527-534.

PAGE 287. Like Calia. As You Like It, I. ii. 190.
PAGE 290. Dr. Kennet. Parochial Antiquities (1695), p. 610, etc.
Horace, Ars Poet. 126-7.


Character in Horace. Satires, I. iii. 3-19.

No. 162.

-Character.. by Mr. Dryden. The well-known description of
George, Duke of Buckingham, in Absalom and Achitophel (Pt. i.

PAGE 292.

11. 544-554).

PAGE 293. Motto. Cicero, De Senectute, i.

PAGE 295. Leonora. Ante, p. 42, note.

Saint-Evremond. Ante, i. p. 341.

PAGE 297. Motto. Virgil, Georgics, iv. 494, 497-8.

PAGE 303. They were lovely, etc., 2 Samuel i. 23.

-Langhorne has a short poem entitled Theodosius to Constantia (1760), and two volumes of the Correspondence of Theodosius and Constantia (1764-5), which were suggested by this paper.

No. 163,

No. 164.

Motto. Horace, Ars Poet, 48, 50-I. The motto in A was No. 165.
Semivirumque bovem, semibovemque virum (misquoted from Ovid,
Ars Amat. ii. 24).

-Cf the attack on French Fopperies, ante, i. 197, etc.; also
Dennis's Essay upon Public Spirit (1711), p. 13.

This paper
occasioned a pamphlet, The Spectator Inspected, or a Letter to the
Spectator from an Officer in Flanders.

PAGE 304. Virgil, Georgics, iii. 25.


Addison printed Atque inter

texti tollant," etc. Dryden's translation, ll. 39-40.

-Great Modern Critick, Bentley. See Jebb's Bentley, p. 174.

[ocr errors]

PAGE 306. Motto. Ovid, Metam. xv. 871-2.
PAGE 308. This anecdote of the Freethinker is cousin-german to
that of "the Atheist" in the Tatler, No. III. Steele's further
attacks on the Minute Philosophers' in the Tatler, and in
No. 234 of the Spectator, have been supposed to be directed
against John (Janus Junius') Toland (1669-1722), author of the
Pantheisticon (1705), whom Pope satirized in the Dunciad (ii.
399, iii. 212).

IPAGE 310. Motto. Horace, Epist. II. ii. 128-140.

Unable to contain himself. See No. 136.

PAGE 311. Almanzor-like. As that character in Dryden's Almanzor and Almahide, or, The Conquest of Granada. See Drawcansir, vol. i. p. 62 and note.

PAGE 312. Vitruvius. The original of this nom-de-guerre is referred

to on pp. 307 and 369.

PAGE 313. Motto. Horace, Epist. II. i. 128.

[ocr errors]

Licensed Tyrants the Schoolmasters, ante, No. 157.
Quintilian. De Inst. Orat. I. iii.

The very great School is Eton. The master was Dr. Charles
Roderick, afterwards Provost of King's College, Cambridge.
PAGE 314. The School at Richmond was under the charge of Dr.
Nicholas Brady, who, with Tate, versified the Psalms.
PAGE 315. The Water-Works. This is "the famous Water Theatre
of the ingenious Mr. Winstanly," which is frequently advertised by
his widow in the original issue. It stood at the lower end of
Piccadilly, and was known "by the Wind-mill on the Top of it."

PAGE 316. Motto. Terence, Andria, I. i. 35-39.
PAGE 317. Xenophon. Cyropaedia VIII. vii. 25.
PAGE 318. Sallust, Bellum Catilinarium, lvii.

No. 166.

No. 167.


No. 169.

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