[blocks in formation]

Alum crystallization, experiments in, 300
America, extension of Science in, 296
Amber, whence derived, 324
Ampère, M., death of, 169

Antwerp, geology of, 68

Arago, M., Questions by for solution, 381

to 397, 469 to 479.

Asteroids, trains of, 393

Aurora Borealis, 394
Barometer, diurnal variations of, 358


Arago, M., Questions for solution by (cont.)
Barometer, mean height of the, 383
Influence of winds on the, 383

Biot, M., on the phenomena of the

sea, 469

Currents, cause of, 471

the most remarkable, 471

Atlantic and the Pacific, com-

munication between, 474

Falling stars, hundreds of thousands

in America, 392


Falling stars, 391

Halos, cause of, 396
Lightning, 390

Luminous Meteors, 390

Intensity, Magnetic, observations on,

Magnetic Needle, diurnal variations

of its declination, 387

Magnetic Needle, inclination or dip
of, 388


Magnetism, 387
Magnetism, problem in, 388
Marine currents, 471 to 478
Meteorological observations, 387
Rain in a clear sky, 386
Rain, observations on, 385
Rainbow, phenomenon of the, 395
Sea, phenomena of the, 469
Sea-water from great depths, 469
Sea of weeds, or Sargasso, 478
Thermal Springs: Aix, in Provence,

Trade winds, 396
Winds 396

Zodiacal light, 393

Arago, M., on the Solar Rays, 490
M., on the Spectrum, 485
Areas, instantaneous calculation of, 489
Asia, Central, new map of, 322
Astronomy, popular Course of 98 to 110,
311 to 319, 349 to 361, 456 to 464
Astronomical clocks, 361
Celestial meridian, 104
Chronometers, uses of, 108
Day and night, the seasons, 349 to 355
Day and night, alternation and varia-

tion of, 356

Declination circles defined, 103

Distance of the sun from the earth,

to find, 461

Divisions of time true time-mean

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

Light, aberration of, 319

Light and darkness, explanation of,

Light, phenomena of, and the earth's
motion, 318

Longitudes, mode of determining,
107, 108, 109, 110.

Meridian, revolution of the, 313

Moon, course and rapid motion of
the, 312

Noon, true, a mean of, 358, 359, 360,
Pole of the heavens and polar and
circum-polar star, 105




Poles, north and south, the sun at,

Problem of the heavens, 311
Rays of light and heat, 353
Seasons of the year, changes of, 350,

Seasons, phenomena of the, 456
Sidereal day, 361

Sidereal and mean solar time, 108,

Solar day, the, 356-358

Solar and mean time, to find, 361
Solar and sidereal day, 313-356
Solar time-sidereal time, 355, 356

Solar time, mean, 358

Solar year, the, 313-316
Solstices, the, 359

Star, declination of, 104

Stars, apparent motion of the, 98
Stars, right ascension of, 103

Stars, fixed, distances and magni-
tudes of the, 101

Summer and winter illustrated, 354
Sun, the apparent daily motion of
eastward, 313


Sun, apparent motion of the, 312
Sun's course in the heavens, 313
Sun's declination, to determine, 314
Sun's declination-circle, to find,

Astronomy, popular Course of (cont.)
Sun, distance and bulk of the, 316
Sun, light and heat of the, 349
Sun and Moon, their apparent mo-

tion round the earth, 314

Sun, Moon, and Planets, position

and motion of the, 312


Sun, transit of the, 109, 110
Terrestrial meridians, 107

Time, three methods of measuring,

Tycho Brahe's hypothesis on the
revolution of the sun, 316

Zenith and Nadir, the, 104
Zodiac, the, 312

Atmosphere, high electrical state of the, 78
how water is raised in, 129
Aurora Borealis, apparent connexion of
with rain, wind, &c., 404
hypothesis respecting, 247
Baily, Mr. Francis, honour to, 483
Barbel killed by cold, 329
Beetle Stones, origin of, 328
Belgium benefited by the culture of
science, 67

geology and mineralogy of, 63, 64
mines of, 67

progress and state of science

in, 58

scientific congress at, 328
Bell, the Kremlin, lifting of the, 406
Bernice, M. de, his chemical researches, 62
Benoit and Nyst, MM., on the geology of
Belgium, 67
Berchtsgaden, salt-mines of, 16
Berlin University, the, 169
Bible, first section of the, philosophically

surveyed, 467

Biot and Newton, 404

Birds, North American, migration of, 246
Boiling, or ebullition, example of, 127
Boiling-point of a liquid, 128
Books, the best English, reprinted in
America, 296

Book-trade of England and Germany, sta-
tistics of, 320

Botanical rambles near Dovor, 69, 111
Botanical Society, new, 321, 409
Bottles sunk in the sea, 322

Boubée, M., on a gratuitous institution for

practical naturalists, 170
Bournand, M. H., on the Hour-glass, 346
Bowdich, Dr., his translation of Laplace,

[blocks in formation]

British Association (cont.)


Atmosphere, substances in the, by
Mr. W. West, 150


Aurora Borealis, by Mr. Herapath,
Blasting rocks, Dr. Hare on, 149
Brain, Dr. Prichard on diseases of

the, 158

Bristol, choice and advantages of, 132
Bristol, popular education in, by Mr.

Tripp, 163

Caoutchoue, Professor Boyle on, 160
Chemical Constants, by Professor

Johnston, 150

Chemistry and mineralogy, papers
read in, 140

Conversazione suggested, 183
Corn and population, Baron Dupin
on, 161

Course of the proceedings, 178
Cow-fish, River-cow, Dr. J. Han-
cock on, 160

Crystals, artificial, by Mr. Crosse,
155, 182

Devonshire, geology of, by Messrs.
Sedgwick and Murchison, 152

Earth, interior temperature of, by

Professor Phillips, 147

France, prices of corn in, 162
Gases, certain, Dr. C. Henry on, 150
General Committee, 133

Gluten, Mr. W. C. Jones on, 151
General officers, list of, 133, 254
Geology and Geography, papers read
in, 141

Herschel, Sir John, his discoveries
at the Cape of Good Hope, 164

India, Colonel Sykes on the pro-
ducts of, 162

Investigation recommended by, 354
Lithic acid, Mr. Herapath on, 151
Mathematics, new theorem in, by

Mr. Jerrard, 145

Hamilton, Sir W., on Mr. Jerrard's
new theorem, 145

Peacock, Mr., on Mr. Jerrard's new
theorem, 146

Mathematics and physics, papers
read in, 139

[blocks in formation]

British Association (cont.)


Railroads, Professor Moseley and Dr.

Lardner on the theory of, 148

Reception of, at Bristol, 165

Refractive Indices, Professor Powell

on, 149

Reports of the proceedings, 179

Reports of the sections, 180, 182

Scheme of the, 134

Sections, officers of, 133

Section A. papers read in, 139
Section B. papers read in, 140

Section C. papers read in, 141

Section D. papers read in, 141
Section E. papers read in, 142
Section F. papers read in, 143
Section G. papers read in, 143
Seventh meeting announced, 165
Sittings terminated, 165

Statistics, papers read in, 143
Steam-communication with America

and India, Dr. Lardner on, 156

Sugar from flowers, by Professor
Henslow, 152

Sessional Journal suggested, 323
Sulphuric acid and water, combined,
by Dr. Thomson, 151

Tides, Messrs. Lubbock and Whe-
well on, 144

[blocks in formation]

Agencies of changes, 340
Bridgewater Treatises, object of the,

Chain of organized beings, connexion
of, 343

Crustacea, extinct, new facts re-
specting their eyes, 342

Discoveries of pre-existing organized
beings, 340

Dodo, extinction of the, 344
Fossil plants, numerical proportion

[blocks in formation]

Buckland's, Dr., Bridgewater Treatise.

Phillips, Professor, on legitimate
geology, 339

Reliquiæ Diluvianæ, publication of
the, 337

Saurian reptiles and fishes, ichthyo-

saurians, and pterodactyli, 343

Species, successive creation and ex-

tinction of, 344
Bug-destroying made easy, 329
Buddle, Mr., his present to the Newcastle
Natural History Society, 325
Caldcleugh, Mr. A., his description of the
great earthquake at Chilé, 279 to 284
Caldcleugh, Mr., A. his description of the

eruption of Cosegüina, 284
Calomel, on the danger of, 410

Carbonic acid, easy solidification of, 493
Caspian Sea, level of the, 413
Cast-iron, proportion of carbon in, 321
Cerealia, new method of cultivating, 242
Chasteler, the Marquis du, and the Abbé
Mann, on the political economy of Bel-
gium, 82

Charter of the London University, 479 to

[blocks in formation]

Chemicals, former prices of, 41

Chloride of gold, 292

Chloride of lime, 293

Chlorides of manganese and sodium,

Chlorides, production of, 291

Chlorine, bleaching properties of, 293
Chlorine, its nature, 288

Chlorine and antimony, experiments

[blocks in formation]


ials, 294



Hydrogen to collect, 363
Hydrogen to evolve, 362

Hydrogen, inflammability of, 363
Hydrogen, light from, 363

Gases, prices of the, 184

Gas, to transfer, 187
Gases-chlorine, 288 to 295
Fumigation with chlorine, 294
Gold and mercury, experiment with,

Green flames in theatres, 59
Hydrogen balloons, 365

Hydrogen experiments, explosion in,

Hydrogen, levity of, 364, 366, 367
Hydrogen, musical sounds from, 367

Hydrogen, preparatory manipula-

lations for obtaining, 362

Hydrogen, weight of, 367

Ink, soda-water, and glass, examples

of chemical attraction, 46

Iron converted into copper, 50
Laboratory, to keep in order, 290
Lead and tin, experiment with, 43
Lightning, artificial, 46
Mechanical aggregation against che-

mical affinity, 291


Metal-work tarnished by chlorine,

Milbank Penitentiary, fumigation of

the, 295

Oxygen, alkalies, and metallic oxides,
Nitrate of iron, 50

Nitrates of silver and copper, 49
Nitre, formation of, 51

Nitric acid, formation of, 52


Oxygen and combustion, 190, 295

Oxygen, discovery of, 191

Oxygen gas, apparatus for pro-

ducing, 184

Oxygen and charcoal, 190

Oxygen and chlorine, compared, 288

Oxygen and manganese, combina-

with, 291

Chlorine, aqueous solution of, 292

Chlorine in calico-printing. 47

Chlorine and cold water, 291

Chlorine, to collect, 288

Chlorine, combustion in, 290

tions of, 191

[blocks in formation]

and oxygen, 368


Water produced from a candle-flame,

Water-gilding, 44
Water-lute, 187

Writing'ink destroyed by chlorine, 294
Zinc, to granulate, 362

Chlorine, advantage of, in the conversion
of iron, 405

Clock, atmospherical (note,) 407
Clouds, beautiful structure of, 131

Classification of, 132
Electricity of, 491
Formation of, 131

Coals, wanton destruction of, 333
Coke, a nucleus for alum-crystals, 299
Cold, artificial, extraordinary, 493
Colours of crystals, to preserve, 301
Combe, application of the term, 322
Comets, nomenclature of, 483

Congress, French, scientific, 412


Scientific in Belgium, 328

Cornwall Royal Polytechnic Society, an-
niversary of, 181

Cosegüina, recent eruption of, 284
Cotta, Dr., on the granite of Saxony, 450
Crayons and pencil-points, improved com-
positions for, 169

[blocks in formation]
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