Alum crystallization, experiments in, 300 Antwerp, geology of, 68 Arago, M., Questions by for solution, 381 to 397, 469 to 479. Asteroids, trains of, 393 Aurora Borealis, 394 VOL. II. Arago, M., Questions for solution by (cont.) Biot, M., on the phenomena of the sea, 469 Currents, cause of, 471 the most remarkable, 471 Atlantic and the Pacific, com- munication between, 474 Falling stars, hundreds of thousands in America, 392 389 Falling stars, 391 Halos, cause of, 396 Luminous Meteors, 390 Intensity, Magnetic, observations on, Magnetic Needle, diurnal variations of its declination, 387 Magnetic Needle, inclination or dip 381 Magnetism, 387 Trade winds, 396 Zodiacal light, 393 Arago, M., on the Solar Rays, 490 tion of, 356 Declination circles defined, 103 Distance of the sun from the earth, to find, 461 Divisions of time true time-mean Light, aberration of, 319 Light and darkness, explanation of, Light, phenomena of, and the earth's Longitudes, mode of determining, Meridian, revolution of the, 313 Moon, course and rapid motion of Noon, true, a mean of, 358, 359, 360, 354 351 109 Poles, north and south, the sun at, Problem of the heavens, 311 Seasons, phenomena of the, 456 Sidereal and mean solar time, 108, Solar day, the, 356-358 Solar and mean time, to find, 361 Solar time, mean, 358 Solar year, the, 313-316 Star, declination of, 104 Stars, apparent motion of the, 98 Stars, fixed, distances and magni- Summer and winter illustrated, 354 314 Sun, apparent motion of the, 312 Astronomy, popular Course of (cont.) tion round the earth, 314 Sun, Moon, and Planets, position and motion of the, 312 360 Sun, transit of the, 109, 110 Time, three methods of measuring, Tycho Brahe's hypothesis on the Zenith and Nadir, the, 104 Atmosphere, high electrical state of the, 78 geology and mineralogy of, 63, 64 progress and state of science in, 58 scientific congress at, 328 surveyed, 467 Biot and Newton, 404 Birds, North American, migration of, 246 Book-trade of England and Germany, sta- Botanical rambles near Dovor, 69, 111 Boubée, M., on a gratuitous institution for practical naturalists, 170 British Association (cont.) - Atmosphere, substances in the, by 152 Aurora Borealis, by Mr. Herapath, the, 158 Bristol, choice and advantages of, 132 Tripp, 163 Caoutchoue, Professor Boyle on, 160 Johnston, 150 Chemistry and mineralogy, papers Conversazione suggested, 183 Course of the proceedings, 178 Crystals, artificial, by Mr. Crosse, Devonshire, geology of, by Messrs. Earth, interior temperature of, by Professor Phillips, 147 France, prices of corn in, 162 Gluten, Mr. W. C. Jones on, 151 Herschel, Sir John, his discoveries India, Colonel Sykes on the pro- Investigation recommended by, 354 Mr. Jerrard, 145 Hamilton, Sir W., on Mr. Jerrard's Peacock, Mr., on Mr. Jerrard's new Mathematics and physics, papers British Association (cont.) - Railroads, Professor Moseley and Dr. Lardner on the theory of, 148 Reception of, at Bristol, 165 Refractive Indices, Professor Powell on, 149 Reports of the proceedings, 179 Reports of the sections, 180, 182 Scheme of the, 134 Sections, officers of, 133 Section A. papers read in, 139 Section C. papers read in, 141 Section D. papers read in, 141 Statistics, papers read in, 143 and India, Dr. Lardner on, 156 Sugar from flowers, by Professor Sessional Journal suggested, 323 Tides, Messrs. Lubbock and Whe- Agencies of changes, 340 Chain of organized beings, connexion Crustacea, extinct, new facts re- Discoveries of pre-existing organized Dodo, extinction of the, 344 Buckland's, Dr., Bridgewater Treatise. Phillips, Professor, on legitimate Reliquiæ Diluvianæ, publication of Saurian reptiles and fishes, ichthyo- saurians, and pterodactyli, 343 Species, successive creation and ex- tinction of, 344 eruption of Cosegüina, 284 Carbonic acid, easy solidification of, 493 Charter of the London University, 479 to Chemicals, former prices of, 41 Chloride of gold, 292 Chloride of lime, 293 Chlorides of manganese and sodium, Chlorides, production of, 291 Chlorine, bleaching properties of, 293 Chlorine and antimony, experiments phials, ials, 294 44 364 Hydrogen to collect, 363 Hydrogen, inflammability of, 363 Gases, prices of the, 184 Gas, to transfer, 187 Green flames in theatres, 59 Hydrogen experiments, explosion in, Hydrogen, levity of, 364, 366, 367 Hydrogen, preparatory manipula- lations for obtaining, 362 Hydrogen, weight of, 367 Ink, soda-water, and glass, examples of chemical attraction, 46 Iron converted into copper, 50 mical affinity, 291 294 Metal-work tarnished by chlorine, Milbank Penitentiary, fumigation of the, 295 Oxygen, alkalies, and metallic oxides, Nitrates of silver and copper, 49 Nitric acid, formation of, 52 [189 Oxygen and combustion, 190, 295 Oxygen, discovery of, 191 Oxygen gas, apparatus for pro- ducing, 184 Oxygen and charcoal, 190 Oxygen and chlorine, compared, 288 Oxygen and manganese, combina- with, 291 Chlorine, aqueous solution of, 292 Chlorine in calico-printing. 47 Chlorine and cold water, 291 Chlorine, to collect, 288 Chlorine, combustion in, 290 tions of, 191 and oxygen, 368 369 Water produced from a candle-flame, Water-gilding, 44 Writing'ink destroyed by chlorine, 294 Chlorine, advantage of, in the conversion Clock, atmospherical (note,) 407 Classification of, 132 Coals, wanton destruction of, 333 Congress, French, scientific, 412 - Scientific in Belgium, 328 Cornwall Royal Polytechnic Society, an- Cosegüina, recent eruption of, 284 |