| Savary (M., Claude Etienne) - 1787 - 544 pagina’s
... .. 0 N EGYPT, CONTAINING, A Parallel between the Manners...Commerce, Agriculture, Government and Religion; WITH The Defcent of Louis IX. at DAMIETTA. EXTRACTED FROM JGIN7ILLE., AND ARABIAN AUTHORS, TRANSLATED i ;."f(<'... | |
 | Savary (M., Claude Etienne) - 1787 - 518 pagina’s
...VO L. II. LONDON; D FOR G. fi. J. AND J. ROBINSON, t ATER - N- OSTER T'RO Vf. MDCCLXXXVII, 0 N GYPT, CONTAINING, A Parallel between the Manners of its...Commerce, Agriculture, Government and Religion ; WITH The Defcent of Louis IX. at DAMIETTA. EXTRACTED FROM JO txriL LE, A x D 4R JB IAN AUTHORS. TRANSLATED From... | |
 | Savary (M., Claude Etienne) - 1787 - 500 pagina’s
...**:>•'.> .-^ ' -.7' <l«ivi"-#: *4t^--!'-;' '•? •«'>." i •J>.. r » • ETTERS ON P . T. O If EGYPT, CONTAINING, A Parallel between the Manners...its Commerce, Agriculture, Government and Religion ; WIT H> The Defccnt of Louis IX. at DAMIETTA. EXTRACTED FROM JOINVILLE, AND ARABIAN AUTHORS. • TRANSLATED... | |
 | 1787 - 666 pagina’s
...Hiftorian, the Antiquary, and the Critic. <J_ ART. VI. Letters on Egypt ; containing a Parallel between its ancient and modern Inhabitants, its Commerce, Agriculture, Government and Religion : with the Defcent of Louis IX. at Damietta. Extrafted from Joinviile, and Arabian Authors. Translated from the... | |
 | 1787 - 674 pagina’s
...Hiftorian, the Antiquary, and the Critic. ART. VI. Letters on Egypt ; containing a Parallel between its ancient and modern Inhabitants, its Commerce, Agriculture, Government and Religion : with the Defcent of Louis IX. at Damietta. Extracted from Joinville, and Arabian Authors. Tranflated from the... | |
 | Johann Samuel Ersch - 1793 - 572 pagina’s
...AdB. ib. Gth. 88- 1-413. * N. 8S. S. S8o- » ' 1950 c. Letters on Egypt, cont. a Parallel between the ancient and modern Inhabitants , its Commerce , Agriculture, Government and Religion, with the Defcerffr of Louis IX at D.imiettj, extracted from Joinville, and Arabian Authors trans!, from the... | |
 | Library company of Philadelphia - 1835 - 458 pagina’s
...Translated from the French. London, 1792. Savary, 1445, & 7775, O. Letters on Egypt; containing a parallell between the manners of its ancient and modern inhabitants,...government, and religion, with the descent of Louis XI. at Damietta. Extracted from Joinville, and Arabian authors. Translated from the French of M. Savary.... | |
 | Library Company of Philadelphia - 1835 - 458 pagina’s
...Translated from the French. London, 1792. Savary, 1445, & 7775, O. Letters on Egypt; containing a parallell between the manners of its ancient and modern inhabitants,...government, and religion, with the descent of Louis XI. at Damietta. Extracted from Joinville, and Arabian authors. Translated from the French of M. Savary.... | |
 | Library Company of Philadelphia - 1835 - 1106 pagina’s
...their shipwreck and subsequent slavery. Translated from the French. London, 1792Savary, 1445, &7775/O. Letters on Egypt; containing a parallel! between the...manners of its ancient and modern inhabitants, its comment agriculture, government, and religion, with the descent of Louis XI at Damietta. Extracted... | |
 | 1914 - 668 pagina’s
...Memoirs ' (p. 107), but I have seen no other attribution. In the British Museum Catalogue is : — " Letters on Egypt, containing, A Parallel between the...Government, and Religion ; with The Descent of Louis IX. at Damictta, extracted from Joinville, and Arabian authors. In two volumes. Second edition. Vol. I. London... | |
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